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thanks for the suggestions; i decided to go with the lambda symbol still, using a really bad 3-minute hand-drawn thing in paint3d lmao
what's all this about compressed strings
Damned daylight savings time. I just got bombarded with alerts because my email system didn't receive its weekly test email at 6pm when it was expecting it, because it's only 5pm in UTC
@hyper-neutrino that is horrendous and I love it
especially since it uses characters that are 2/3 bytes each
@StackMeter codepage
and does that make it count as one byte
it makes em 1 byte
I wish I could access TIO here :/
Can you access ato.pxeger.com? ;)
> We don't advertise or use any tracking technologies
Uh, not true.
Do you object to Clouflare's cookies?
No, but I object to Google's.
Google Fonts' CDNs? Or is there something else I don't know about
Yeah. Directly using Google Fonts from your site before asking for consent is against GDPR.
also I have 9 badges now
@Adám Really? Do you think every one of the millions of sites using it are breaking the law?
@pxeger Yes, I do think so.
Side note: according to fonts.google.com/analytics, 40% of requests come from Linux. Must be a lot of caching servers
if you download the font from google fonts (assuming that's allowed) and host it locally that should be fine right? (not sure if this is even possible)
@hyper-neutrino It's possible, I do it
@hyper-neutrino Yes, that is indeed the recommended method, e.g. here.
ah, okay. i might download the fonts i'm using on my personal site then; i don't really think being GDPR-compliant is particularly necessary/important for my personal site but i should keep these things in mind more
It is extremely unlikely that you'll get slammed for it, but if someone was out to hurt you, they could technically report you.
Never mind the myriad of GDPR informational sites that are non-compliant…
I beat perl in a kolmo challenge (with JS) by implementing huffman coding
@RedwolfPrograms link?
I bet you that gdpr-info.eu isn't GDPR compliant lol
isn't GDPR specific to the EU? that is, is it legally necessary for my site to be GDPR-compliant
@pxeger I mean they are sending a php session for... some reason
If you have European users, then yes, it must be GDPR-compliant
@hyper-neutrino if you want to have european users, then yes
so would i have to block people with european IPs / whatever if i want to not be gdpr compliant? (when i have time i'll just fix up my site to be gdpr compliant, but just wondering)
If I forget how to check my log files I guess that makes it GDPR compliant :p
@pxeger Does appear to be, actually.
@RedwolfPrograms cool answer
@RedwolfPrograms That's 513 bytes long, not 572
Wait really?
I guess my dotcomma interpreter isn't very good at counting
That's what it says on both the gradscript and when I post it into a UTF-based TIO
Either that or some special characters got lost in translation
@hyper-neutrino Not sure. You may need to ask every visitor if they are from the EU.
I use things in the 0x01 to 0x1f range, and 0x7f and 0x80, so those are probably going to disappear
ah, okay. i'll self-host the fonts i guess and other than that i'm not sure there's anything else that could be gdpr-incompliant? my site is static
When I get home in a few hours I'll use TIO to count the bytes properly
Are chat messages licensed in cc-by-sa-4?
@user Any thoughts on standardizing the .anguish file format?
@Wasif it seems to be phrased like they are in the TOS
@Wezl what is TOS
Terms of Service
I changed my pfp btw ::::D
Different eye colour?
Wow there is record 20 users in chat now!
@pxeger not exactly
as in, no
This is fucking SURREAL. It's like the universe conspired to make mathematics turn out just right so that regex could emulate working on larger numbers using the number base floor(sqrt(N))+1 with a VERY short division algorithm. It saved 141 friggin' bytes on Shift right by half a bit!
The 30 byte division algorithm now fully explained in Division and remainder
Internet experience in Windows phone+MS edge is very poor
@Wezl what have you changed
how does output work in regex? Is it like prolog, where it matches an input followed by its output?
@Wezl The string matched is the output.
Output can also be done in capture groups
but in this particular regex it's the main match (sometimes referred to as capture group 0)
So it's impossible to output a larger number than the input?
@RedwolfPrograms Indeed. The only way would be by outputting it in a number base.
With multiple capture groups. And then the number of digits could only be a constant
it couldn't grow to an arbitrary number of digits
Some day I'm going to have to learn how these mathematical regexes work
I don't know even basic regex properly, but these inspire me to learn regex :-)
@Wasif it's impossible to see at its native 16x16 resolution
10 rep to who(m???)ever guesses it first
@someone-who-has-learned-proper-English-grammar ^?
@RedwolfPrograms I guess the file could contain a number that corresponds to the amount of poison you drink to understand the pain of whoever made the file :P
(for legal reasons, don't do this)
"who" is a subject, "whom" is an object. you would say "10 rep to him" not "10 rep to he", so it would be "10 rep to whomever"
Or maybe you mess with glutamate receptors, I think those cause pain
@hyper-neutrino Oh, is that English? I need to learn that language right after I'm done learning APL
Mar 11 at 0:24, by Redwolf Programs
So you mean XML?
not sure, never learned english, i was just reading the documentation, since as we all know, english is consistent and well-documented and has rules that can be understood by a normal human
I hate people who complain about bad english. I speak it natively and still don't understand it.
Since humans made it, it totally makes sense that they would make it as natural and easy to use as possible /s
.anguish should be a specific dialect(?) of XML for portability, difficulty, turing-completeness(?), and the other benefits
@RedwolfPrograms How are you compiling it? Try an interpreter maybe
CMQ: What spoken languages do you know with just listening
@Wasif none
@Wasif english and mandarin; i can kind of understand extremely limited french
@Wasif English, Hindi, Marathi, and I used to kinda understand French
@Wezl ?
or do you mean only listening, as in i can't speak it
@Wasif English, and a bit of spanish if you talk slowly and use simple words
well, maybe postscript
@rak1507 Weasels don't understand spoken English, duh.
@Wezl you very slightly recolored the weasel's body to have a bit of texture instead of just being solid #a98855
@user with babelfish, it's pretty easy though
@Wezl Babelfish allows you to translate to Weasel-speak?!
@hyper-neutrino I would never use all 6 digits! Before it was #a85. You still get 5 rep though
@Wasif English, German and a decent amount of French
wait I don't understand regexs
well my color picker says it was a98855 :P so idk
how do you plan to give me 5 rep
Persuade you to downvote 5 answers
@user crazy misled humans, assuming weasels use spoken language
@hyper-neutrino Rounded down to 0
rounded up to 10
@Wezl Sorry :-|
I figured out a way to give someone 5 rep
Downvote 5 of their posts
Then accept one of their answers to your question
or round it up to 50 :)
Wait no
That'd be -3 and +5
Yeah, that works
No, there's a +2 for accepting
Yeah, but you get that
Post a bad answer that they'll see and downvote
The person whose answer it was gets +15
I know, but I'm trying to get it to be exactly giving 5
i think redwolf is trying to figure out a way to go -5 while the recipient goes +5
make a main challenge "how to award an amount of rep most efficiently" please
basically, the net change in reputation is 0, and you are actually giving it to them
actually wait I get dibs
@Wezl I was working on one already but it was boring
Months ago
also yeah since you ran in the RO election, and your election post has your old PFP linked (because i just copied the link for each user from their profile), i just went to that thread and found your old pfp and compared them :P
@Wezl Already exists, lemme find it
Wait, is it possible to give any arbitrary amount of rep without affecting any other users, with the net change being +0?
@cairdcoinheringaahing repost with a looser tighter IO format
@RedwolfPrograms Yes, as you can downvote questions without losing rep
penalty for questions is -1 on the recipient right?
Meaning that you can award any amount of rep you like, then downvote and upvote until the scores are equal
But only multiples of two
let's say A is giving to B
who wants an upvote
@StackMeter you of course
A and B downvote each other's answers so now they are both at -3 (i think this is the only way to make the rep change odd)
You'd benefit from it more than any of us :P
B upvotes something (A +7) and then downvotes 4 questions (-1)
A upvotes something (B +7) and then downvotes 3 questions (+1)
@hyper-neutrino They can then downvote any combination of each other's questions and answers to reach any negative score, thus offsetting the initial rep given from A to B
thus the net change is -1 for A, +1 for B
and you can repeat this however many times you need
Okay I figured it out
@RedwolfPrograms that's the perfect solution
another way to make the rep change odd is if the user currently has an even amount of reputation and then gets suspended
G: DVA  -1 -2
G: UV   -1 +8
G: DVQ  -1 +6
G: DVQ  -1 +4
G: DVQ  -1 +2
R: DVA  -3 +1
R: UV   +7 +1
R: DVQ  +5 +1
R: DVQ  +3 +1
R: DVQ  +1 +1
R: DVQ  -1 +1
G: Giver, R: Receiver
@hyper-neutrino Um, we may be going a little too far here
DVA: DV answer, DVQ: Downvote question, UV: Upvote
@hyper-neutrino bruh v2
It annoys me that the required and some of the mod-only meta tags have tag wikis, but show blank, e.g. find in this list, but it has a tag wiki
@hyper-neutrino No, because they don't actually lose the rep, it's just not shown
Huh, bug has a bug
@cairdcoinheringaahing Appearance is very important
CWC: average ascii code of print("")
@user It's the same with discussion and feature-request, same with all the status-whatever tags as well
@StackMeter Jelly, 4 bytes
gotta go post an anser
There's already multiple Python answers to that challenge
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

l4m2Given a string s, find a string t, containing only printable ASCII characters (32-126), such that PPCG53675(t)=s. You can assume such string exist.

just asked to join Jelly Hypertraining
I need rep
and Python just ain't delivering
also no-one upvotes it
In a month or two Ash will be ready and you can learn it :p
@StackMeter may I ask what for?
IMO rep is for bounties
@StackMeter Feel free to ping me in JHT if you've got any when you have questions about Jelly :)
but I'llstill do Python since it's ingrained in the very ashes of my soul
@StackMeter get as good at golf as xnor then you'll get upvotes ;)
Also, Python's one of the most upvoted languages on the site, but rep typically comes from FGITW answers, not answers in specific languages
what's FGITW
fastest gun in the west
Posting an answer first, even if it isn't the best
it's when you answer quickly so you get all the upvotes
like now I'll upvote caird's comment because it explained FGITW well first
Nah, the better example would be that people would upvote your explanation, cause it was first, even if mine was a "better" explanation :P
hm, I can't find the upvote. I only see a downvote button :)
I did that once
became my most upvoted answer
Posting an answer you worked hard on on an old question and nobody seeing it is the worst :/
got three upvotes
@RedwolfPrograms That's why you show it off relentlessly at the Best Ofs :P
@RedwolfPrograms yeah :(
Totally didn't manage to push my Enigma machine from +2 to +13 with a +500 bounty :P
Well I'm not waiting a year, everybody look at this!!!
greatest moment of my life
getting > two
> two
@cairdcoinheringaahing the problem is if you do something good but not best-of good
@StackMeter In fairness, the question wasn't that great, so answers aren't likely to get a lot of upvotes
Yep, top 75% answers are in the worst category
@rak1507 Ah, that's why you spin it, so that it is best-of good :P
Not good enough for best of, not easy enough for a FGITW
like, imo this answer codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/2645/… was pretty good, but not good enough for a best of
Or just be sad about how underappreciated your answer is and ask for people to look at it :/
@RedwolfPrograms usually I'm impressed by but I refrain from voting for things people post in chat
(but sometimes I just have to give into my natural desire :)
@cairdcoinheringaahing lol
Maybe I should make a userscript that gives you a random answer posted recently on an old question, with a nice obvious upvote button :p
@cairdcoinheringaahing hey everyone look at this codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/220227/95516 isn't ⌊.+⍨⍛⌊⍨⍣≡ the coolest thing you've ever seen?!??!
@cairdcoinheringaahing I ain't mad, greatest number I've had
I know how "ivory tower" it can sound coming from someone with a lot of rep, but ignoring rep is one of the best things you can do to make the site more enjoyable
yeah I pretty much ignore rep
@cairdcoinheringaahing i think i should just make you an RO for JHT; anyone else you think should be an RO too?
@StackMeter Just wait til you get 4, it's even better! :P
I'll ignore it when I get 25k :p
I mostly don't care I just like the green thing
@hyper-neutrino @UnrelatedString's in there a lot, and definitely knows their Jelly
I don't really care I'm more interested in trying to do the best solution that I can
@rak1507 here have an upvote
since it's golfed
Most of the activity in JHT is me and Unrelated talking about weird stuff in Jelly :P
oh, i see :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing As in you're talking in Jelly? :p
If it's okay to shamelessly promote myself, look at codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/216987/95792 and codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/...
If only I could open TIO to know what you said :p
Also, it's stupid that “Yes” is shorter uncompressed :?
@user already upvoted both of them
@cairdcoinheringaahing Yes is probably not commonly used, and it's short already
the second one is incredible
I get aaBA when I use the offline interpreter, I must have done something wrong
@cairdcoinheringaahing i think you can omit the closing quote if you use a normal string
@rak1507 Ported someone else's approach, but I'm proud of it :P
@user I'm only upvoting this because I forgot to before >:/
@hyper-neutrino Which makes it even worse :P
@user … vs ... gives it away.
@Adám Thanks, I'll fix that
Aww, it's too late now
I made an alias on my laptop so that jellifer is jelly eu hehe
we need stealth-ping for the single use of punishing rickrollers
I will wipe their hard-drives
Because jenny is short for jennifer, so jelly is short for jellifer
@Wezl It would be abused too easily and used for evil.
@RedwolfPrograms Does this go back to the whole lucy <-> lucifer thing?
@RedwolfPrograms Well, if I have have kids, I know what to call them :P
Feb 1 at 21:05, by Redwolf Programs
I would love to live in a universe where the name Tony was short for Tonifer

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