By community consensus, we will be having more room owners for The Nineteenth Byte. We will be selecting new room owners via the following process:
For one week (lasting until UTC midnight on Tuesday, April 13th), nominations will be accepted as answers on this meta post. Votes here don't matter...
@OriginalOriginalOriginalVI i mean, it's cuz >= is tokenized into greater-than-or-equal, but >>= is just the standard (binop)= modifying operator with bitshift
CMC: What does a "dead fish" (>++>) do in a language of your choice? Try to be creative (rather than say, brainfuck). You can insert it into any (reasonable) piece of code to demonstrate it but you can't "break" the fish
the first > always results in 0 because a number can't be greater than itself, so the two plusses end up making it (0 + a) + a or 2a, so the return value is 2a > a which is just whether or not a is positive
i'd say the chaining rules are what make jelly hard and also what make it so efficient because clever manipulation of link order and golfy usage of quicks lets you cut out a lot of stuff other languages need bytes to do with the implicit rules
that, or you have a built-in or three that just solve the challenge
(doesn't apply to you, but it reminded me to bring this up)
One potential con for you is that you have <10k total network rep, meaning that you are unable to handle any flags raised in the room — ChartZ Belatedly10 mins ago
if i forget, someone remind me to leave a section on the voting post for room owners reminding people to make sure their votes went through
i'll be copying all of the nominations over to the actual voting post so if you upvote/downvote too many of the candidates you might get your votes deleted for serial voting for me xD
Ah yes, I just opened a chat room to copy-paste something, forgot I wanted to copy-paste that thing, closed the chat room and realised I needed it open.
classic :P it's the whole walking into a room and immediately forgetting what you need but for the internet
CMQ how many of you have ever opened your phone to check the time, closed your phone, and immediately realized you don't know what the time is because you saw it and didn't actually register it
@hyper-neutrino Oops, I started out writing "not being as experienced" and then decided I wanted to say "more inexperienced than" but didn't remove the "not being as"
@Lyxal e.g. an automod message telling me that the account was suspended for "bot-like" behaviour, stuff like that
It's more of a "just in case" kinda thing
Or, if for whatever reason, I'm not responding to pings about any problems with the bot, you lot can ping OSP and it'll get through to me. Last ditch kind of stuff
it's probably best that we don't make it even similar to NSP, but i mean, they post in significantly different formats, lol, so it's not like they'd be confused with each other too easily
@ChartZBelatedly thanks, i spent like 30 seconds in paint3d with the pixel pen
that's probably cuz i shrunk it from 128x128 to 16x16 and cleaned up the background to be solid white and then expanded it to 256x256 without any blurring or anything just to make it visible in chat :P
Aside from constructing the rational number as the composition of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of rational numbers you already know the quote-notation form of
@Lyxal Aside from what I already said, I'm not aware of one
I did some deep research into these, I couldn't find any papers on a solid algorithm for the reverse, aside from taking a and b, converting them to quote notation (0'a and 0'b) and dividing them, per the long division algorithm stated in the Wiki article
Oh that's fun. I just found a mistake in the quote notation wiki
Here, it says "To negate, complement each digit, and then add 1.". What it should say is "To negate, complement each digit, and then add 1 to the final digit"
For example, 6'7.2 = 8/15. By their method, -8/15 = 3'3.7. However, 3'3.7 = 11/30. Instead, 3'2.8 = -8/15
(wait that sounds really stupid out of context) i forgot the day already rolled over cuz UTC, so i was confused how you could be careful not to repcap if you already had today lol
also, if you repcap, doesn't that keep you at a multiple of 10, since 10 | 200?
Overwrite a string on a tape
code-golf string
Take the string abcdfghjk. To overwrite it, starting from f, with the string efgh, you would continue along the original, replacing each character with the one from the replacement string. The result would be abcdefghk.
Now, consider a string which w...
Related: Cleaning up decimal numbers
A continued fraction is a way to represent a real number as a sequence of integers in the following sense:
x = a_0 + \frac{1}{a_1 + \frac{1}{a_2 + \frac{1}{\ddots + \frac{1}{a_n}}}} = [a_0; a_1,a_2,\cdots,a_n]
Finite continued fractions repres...
Can't really think of a more elegant way than adding the Boole[n>0&&x!={0}] term to correctly handle numbers with nonnegative nonrepeating decimal expansions
Golf your finger-strokes in Flow Free: Warps code-golf grid
Flow Free is a series of puzzle games whose objective is to connect all the same-colored pairs of dots on the grid. Flow Free: Warps introduces the "warping" mechanic: a line connecting two dots can go through the border of th...
(Also, if you like similar kinds of puzzles, you should definitely try it. It has one of the most creative level designs and its line control is very smooth)
Determine Circles
Giving n(any amount) of points (x,y). What's the minimum amount of circles required to cross every point given?
For example: (Improving)
1,2,3 points will always need 1 circle only to cross them out.
but 4 points may need 2 circles, or 1 (Determined by wher...
This coding challenge is to figure out how many rounds the cat can live.
In a \$4\times4\$ matrix, there are a number of mice and exactly 1 cat.
🐭 & 🐭 & 🐭 & ⬜ \\
⬜ & 🐭 & ⬜ & ⬜ \\
⬜ & ⬜ & 🐱⬜ & 🐭 \\
🐭 & 🐭 & 🐭 & 🐭 \\
on my main email account I have 122 unread in my inbox and then 605 unread in a separate subfolder which is a mailing list I'm on that I never bother reading
Computer Tree
Consider an infinite amount of same computers building a tree, running same program. Each computer has infinite memory and infinite pins 0 to Infinity, where pin 0 connect to its parent, or the IO we see for the root; and pin 1..Inf connect to its childs.
Each connection is bidirect...
When does the bounty cap increase beyond 500? I expected it to happen when I reached 5000 rep, but I've reached 5001 and I'm still maxed out at 500-rep bounties.