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whats a good name for a 2d programming language that doesn't have a memory model separate from the grid that it is on and relies heavily on source code manipulation and shifting rows and columns (think labyrinth's commands that do that)
@MistahFiggins YetAnother2dLanguage? :P
5 hours ago, by Mego
Alright 14 hours is a ridiculous amount of time for a flag to go unhandled
19 and counting...
@MDXF :P yeah, I like 2d langs. almost all of my answers are in Befunge 93/98
@MistahFiggins That's pretty impressive. I've got one quine in Befunge-98, it was only partially my work
I usually stick to C, ASM and BASIC
The old mainstream languages are the best
I know some TI-84+ BASIC, whatever it's called
I typically stick with GW-BASIC and BASICA (from MS-DOS 1.01) but calculators are fun
Also Applesoft BASIC and Apple ][
If you couldn't tell, I like antique computers :P
although on a calculator, you're really trying to optimize vs golf
drawing things takes so long if you do it the wrong way
That's what emulators are for
pcjs.com is a lifesaver for all things DOS/BASIC
* pcjs.org
It even has an emulator for my first computer, the OSI Challenger 1P
A lot has changed since those days....
Anyone know what a "retina" version of a font means? Like in Android Studio I see options for Fira Code Light/Medium/Retina. I guess the retina is crisper on some displays?
@Mego 14 is actually pretty close to average.
@Dennis That seems really high
I swear the hardest part of writing quines is forgetting to update the code in the string literal
@HelkaHomba Retina displays are a marketing term by Apple for displays with more than 300 DPI
They use it to mean that the average person wouldn't be able to discern the individual pixels from a normal viewing distance
@Mego Is it? Flags on meta are almost never urgent, so I don't check for them that often.
The average on main is a lot lower.
While they might not be urgent, it seems like a team of effectively 3 mods should be able to check and handle meta flags more than once a day.
Long flag times only seem a real issue for truly horrendous stuff (link links to viruses). A few obsolete comments is fine imo
Dennis, Doorknob, Alex, Martin... why 3?
@HyperNeutrino Alex isn't very active (at least, he doesn't appear active from the public viewpoint).
ah ok
Also Doorknob is the only one who doesn't have an English name username
He may be more active behind-the-scenes in moderation duties, but that doesn't seem likely to me
@Mego How many customer support lines have you emailed that get back to you the same day? (and they are paid to do it)
May 5 at 15:54, by Mego
Spoiler alert: us adults have to work most days
@Mego Moderation is more than just handling flags. The small amount of time I was able to dedicate to it today was better spent doing other things than deleting a non-answer on meta.
@HelkaHomba Usually all of them but Dell :P
s/deleting a non-answer on meta/being on PPCG/ to describe my life
@Dennis I suppose that's fair. Sorry for overreacting.
still need a name ;) I would pick labyrinth a la shifting walls, but that's taken
@Mego No worries. But if there's something that requires our immediate attention, don't hesitate to ping in chat. There are no notifications for flags unless you're already on the site. (They don't even show up in the mobile UI, so I was forced to "request desktop".)
@Dennis So really :P
That too, yes.
I really wish the flag counter/page for main and meta was combined though.
the review pages should probably be combined too
although I guess some people might feel confident reviewing on main but not meta, or vice versa
@Dennis That's kinda... Whatever the opposite of preaching to the choir is :P
Stack Exchange gives very little guidance for regular users on how moderation works
there are explanations but I strongly suspect they're wrong/misleading, especially on PPCG
@MistahFiggins Sourcerer's Lab[yrinth] (the u is intended)
I like the pun, but it's a bit long. what do you think about lab rat(s) or something
I like yours better actually
or something like "amnesia" because it has no separate memory model
maybe "labnesia"
Is that a thing? if so, what does it mean?
Sounds more similar to amnesia in my head. Also lamb puns.
(Just forget I said anything. :P)
i was thinking lab puns
not sure how people here feel about lambs (i.e. downgoat)
yeah, imma go with labnesia
@MistahFiggins 2D SMBF
or damnesia, but that's slightly sweary
@ASCII-only eh, it's not really like SMBF
@HelkaHomba Sauce labs? :P
I don't know if it helps, its kind of just a big mess
I agree with Stephan on the visual thing, the boxes you have there are cool
@WheatWizard ty!
oh wow, I thought PPCG rules allowed output to stderr, but the answer is at +44/-25, thus less than ⅔ upvoted
Still allowed though.
There's a weird conflict there. Displaying on the screen is a valid output method, and STDERR is displayed on the screen.
I think that there was some confusion that if it was allowed StdErr output would have to be counted, judging by the comment at the bottom about PHP.
CMC: Given a ;# program, determine if it is optimally golfed.
@Phoenix not by the rules of the post itself, although I'm not sure I agree with them
that's not twice as many upvotes as downvotes
that said, despite that, I would assume stderr output to be valid
(the context is that someone new to PPCG was talking to me about the stderr rules, and was confused as to how it worked; it's no wonder why)
Like, if you did a poll, I don't think you'd find really anyone to disagree nowadays.
also I agree that some people are likely to have downvoted the post because they thought it'd mean stderr output invalidates stdout output
I just had the greatest idea ever
We could require all submissions to be programs
And have a strictly defined I/O format.
Never mind, I realized that's a bad idea since meta debates are the greatest part of hte site.
Did the fact that it's inherently a godawful idea occur.
So it's actually a good idea, unless people agree on it.
It goes against everything we've ever decided.
Indeed, we have always decided in favor of more epicycles.
Poor, poor Java
Why must you murder it so.
one model I think might work would be to approve languages, and give them each an approved wrapper which does input and output from a standard format (probably JSON), also have a fair byte counter for each which takes the language design into account
BTW, is reading from ARGF valid? I don't remember.
'cause if so I can golf a byte off my ruby answer.
I always spend forever writing a super detailed explanation, only to realize there is a much better approach to the question, causing me to delete my explanation right when I've finished it.
Golfed your Klein answer, have you?
Yeah :p
@Dennis I've been thinking about that comment and ais523's comment. Would you and/or the other PPCG mods be willing to talk about your experiences moderating PPCG? I think it would be really interesting for us non-mods who don't know much about what goes on behind the diamond curtain. Obviously you couldn't go into specific details because of the moderator agreement, but "A Day in the Life of a PPCG Mod" would be neat.
At least you figured out how it works.
Yeah knowing how it works was what allowed me to golf it.
Its a paradox of sorts.
If I know how my code works I haven't golfed it enough.
I think Mego is subtly trying to become a mod.
@Phoenix Not really. I mean, it's no secret that being a moderator for PPCG is something I'd be interested in (hell, I ran in the election). But I'm not trying to push to get another election so I can be elected, if that's what you're thinking.
I think "A Day in the Life of a PPCG Mod" would be beneficial and educational for us non-mods.
You keep asking Dennis if the mod team needs more help, etc.
It's kinda funny.
@Phoenix I asked that once, during a discussion about Alex not really being around anymore and flags taking a long time to be handled. I wasn't the only one with concerns.
I'm not Frank Underwood. I'm much more direct and not as manipulative.
I'm not accusing you of doing anything wrong.
Oh, I know. I'm just making sure that there's no misunderstandings going on.
Besides, penguins can do no wrong :P
I think if there was a PPCG election, I'm almost positive that either mego or I would win
@DJMcMayhem Did you want to talk topology? I'm looking for an excuse not to sleep.
No taco?
@DJMcMayhem I would like to believe that, but I'm not a betting man penguin.
@WheatWizard Ehhh, sure why not. It's late, I'm tired, and I have an early morning tomorrow, not topology sounds fun
Ok I thought of a better way to imagine fundamental polygons.
Do we need new mods? Alex isn't around but I haven't heard the other mods complain
Imagine you have a bunch of paper cutouts of your fundamental polygon, Make a grid by taping them together so that paired edges have the same color and direction. If you tile this infinitely you will get a representation of the surface.
@WheatWizard So moving from general topology to klein, what would the ASCII grid for 100 look like?
Thats a key I made earlier
|      |
^      v
|      v
|      |
Thats the ASCII grid for 100
Has anyone else been having issues with the SE JS not loading (causing bugs like jumping to the top of the page when trying to expand comments, and not being able to vote)?
What's the circled plus operator on fractions called again?
@Qwerp-Derp Huh? Circled plus operator is usually XOR, but I have no idea why or how it would be used with fractions. Could you give an example?
1/3 (circled plus) 2/5 = (1+3)/(2+5) = 4/7
I forgot what it was called, it's got a name
@DJMcMayhem I underestimated how tired I was. I'm going to take a break to sleep. Feel free to ping me in a couple hours.
Same here lol
@Qwerp-Derp This is the first time I have ever heard of such an operator
Oh, I remember what it's called, it's Farey addition
Farey addition is a/b + c/d = (a+c)/(b+d)
Oh whoops
I'm guessing Farey didn't fare so well in grade school.
I accidentally messed something up, whoops
So, onto my question:
Is it possible for two fractions, $a$ and $b$, to have an equal average ($\frac{a+b}{2}$) and Farey sum ($a \oplus b$)?
I'm going to use caps to refer to the fractions
A := a/b, B := c/d
The numerators and denominators of both $a$ and $b$ are integers
So you want to know if it's possible for (A+B)/2 = A ⊕ B (where is the Farey addition operator)
@Mego Yup
In fact, would any list of fractions $a_1, a_2, a_3... a_n$ have the same average and Farey sum?
The arithmetic mean would be (ad+bc)/(2bd), and the Farey sum would be (a+c)/(b+d)
Is this operation multivalued? Can we choose any multiple of a,b we want?
Also, $a \ne b$
Is this homework?
@feersum Nope
So the question boils down to: Is there a set of 4 integers a, b, c, d > 0 where ad+bc = a+c and 2bd = b+d
What is it then
I've had two tests, and I was wondering if the average score of the tests is equal to the amount of total right answers divided by the number of right questions...
The positive restriction is important - it's trivial with b = d = 0, but then you get division by 0
So I've decided to extend the question a bit
The second equation is satisfied by b = d = 1
Which also satisfies the first equation
So the only way this works is if b and d are both equal to 1?
I believe so, yes
Well that's disappointing
Welcome to math :)
Whoa there, why is this challenge marked as a duplicate of a newer challenge?
That is allowed
@JanDvorak Quoting from the text in the duplicate description, "This question has been asked before and already has an answer"
FR to change the description then
Sorry, what does FR mean?
Feature Request
@Okx The first clue that the description isn't helpful is that it says "question"
There's precedent for dupe-closing older challenges in favor of new ones:
A: Should "Code the Huffman!" remain closed as a duplicate of a very old question?

Martin EnderTL;DR: They are duplicates. Close the old one. First, I'd like to clarify that I do think the questions are duplicates. I agree with Peter that a difference in the output format counts as a "minor modification" to existing answers, unless the output formatting is the core of the challenge (which...

Also other SE sites do it all the time
Gotta say, it's a bit weird
Not really. If the new question/challenge is better than the old one, why not close the old one?
Our goal is to have the best version of each challenge. If we have an old challenge that's not great, there are two options: edit the old challenge, or post a new, better version. Major edits that change large parts of the challenge are frowned upon, so often it's better to just start from scratch and rewrite it entirely.
This meta answer of mine sums up my approach to dupe-voting pretty well, I think.
Daily PPCG ad (Day 3):
yesterday, by Alex K Chen
16 hours ago, by Hyper Neutrino
Looking for something better to do with the time that you're meant to be spending on homework? Check out this Maths.SE chat room for recreational Maths games!
That's approaching excessive promotion.
Okay, sure deleting it (can't delete), you can move it. Won't do again soon (within a week).
@Dennis I see. It's an unfortunate side effect that the answers get deleted along with the challenge. But I understand it had to be done
Might need help at "la salle de français" again :P
("Hello" in Hindi)
@Arjun नमस्ते दुनिया!
@Adám :D
("turkey" in Turkish)
@betseg Wow. Never knew that. It explains a lot.
@Adám Also AFAIK turkey is "peru" in Hindi (at least that's how it's pronounced)
There is a polandball comic about that IIRC
@betseg In Hebrew a turkey is called "Hodu", which means India/Hindi.
@TuxCopter everyone was eating Peru :D
@TuxCopter found it: i.imgur.com/LIRanZh.png
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Notts90My [sub] strings are hiding! Introduction A while ago a lost SO user posted a question here and its now been deleted but I think it would make a good challenge so here it goes... Challenge Write a full program or function to check if a string contains a given sub-string. Sounds easy? Here's t...

Odd how it feels like no time at all has passed between falling asleep and waking up
I just now have vague memories of a dream
monring btw
Monring :)
'Lo :)
My most voted answer has been proven invalid
woo! 2CollIDE is done
G' noon!
only in 14 minutes
@totallyhuman That sucks :(
@Mayube pls link
and yes the html/css is a straight rip of Beta-Decay's FourIDE for Fourier
at some point I'll write up some documentation for the language, but for now only I know how to use it
@Mayube :| output looks half as long to me
@Mayube looks at source code I know how to use it now
0/10 for hello world builtin
@Mayube Error while open the interpreter.js : SyntaxError: class is a reserved identifier interpreter.js:5:0
@Rod wat
running on Firefox 38
hmm, I only tested on chrome but it should work, 1 sec
@Mayube pls don't use class for production code
ugh ffs javascript stop being retarded
@Mayube that's kinda its job though
@ASCII-only @Rod give it like 2 mins then Ctrl+F5 and it should work
@Mayube I'm using a chromium browser so it runs fine :P
looks like classes weren't supported in firefox until 45
@ASCII-only also, it's 17 bytes of input and 17 bytes of output
length of 2Col code is always 3n-1 where n is the number of lines. There are 6 lines, so 17 bytes. Output is a 1 followed by 16 zeroes (10^2^2^2^2)
there's a much shorter answer for that challenge that I'd already posted and forgot about though, which is simply =0
outputs 0 followed by a newline, 2 bytes
@Mayube There are three lines
@ASCII-only oh I linked completely the wrong code :P
That one returns true if the input is a triangle number, and false otherwise
Any ideas for killing a few hours while I wait for a friend to wake up?
write a brainfuck interpreter in brainfuck if haven't done so already
Learn Braingolf :D
wait nvm friend just woke up
@LegionMammal978 :P
@LegionMammal978 Try to make Mathematica's syntax as similar to another language's as possible :P
How do you say "spare bedroom" in French?
le spare bedroom
that's how french works, right?
@Mayube Comedy gold(!)
Dammit I'm on PPCG too much
@Mayube I haven't played CrossCode in a while, I've been caught up on schoolwork
@Qwerp-Derp bedroom le spare, apparently!
@Shaggy 0/10 linking to closed challenges
i still don't have that privilege, do i
hi everyone!
@Ilikemydog please settle on a name...
why are some answers to the challenges deleted although they are shorter than the other answer in the same language?
What about a challenge where the cops have to design a Turing-complete language, and the robbers have to make a quine out of that?
@GáborFekete Do you have a specific example?
@ConorO'Brien is the Stacked interpreter finished?
@Qwerp-Derp I've been busy with work and FFXIV, haven't touched it in months :/
@HyperNeutrino yeah, codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/122602/55605 this one is deleted but it's shorter than the other solutions
@GáborFekete Well hm. That's odd. It's valid for sure... I've voted to undelete it which may draw more attention to it as well.
@HyperNeutrino I also don't see some comments on posts, just response comments are there. It's very strange...
@GáborFekete What do you mean you don't see some comments on posts?
@GáborFekete They're either deleted or hidden (click show more)
@ASCII-only Yeah I clicked on show more but I can only see that responses are there but the comments responded to are not (sorry, english isn't my main language, I hope you can understand it)
@GáborFekete Hmm then they're probably deleted
@ASCII-only yeah but why? there is no reason for them to delete them as they are about the rules of the challenges
I'm pretty sure they're usually deleted because the problem has been solved (e.g. maybe the post/rules have been corrected)
@ASCII-only I still don't get it why that's a reasonable thing to do
keeps the comments clean and uncluttered
When your esolang needs a parser upgrade :|
@ASCII-only so always?
@Mayube As in upgrade to different type of parser
Which requires porting your grammar and whatnot
braingolf's needed a significant parser overhaul since it was first made
it's the reason why it doesn't support nested loops and conditionals
@Mayube 0/10 not significant overhaul
If it doesn't have a significant parser how can it get a significant overhaul :P
woow I see how it is :(
also btw you could use UGL's parser </shamelessselfpromotion>
Q: Print invisible text

MayubeGiven a string as input, output a number of whitespace characters (0x0A and 0x20) equal to the length of the string. For example, given the string Hello, World! your code would need to output exactly 13 whitespace characters and nothing else. These can be any mix of spaces and newlines. Your co...

A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Arnauld21 = (1 + 3 + 5 + 7 + 9) - (1 + 3) Is this different enough from the original challenge? Background This is a sequel to my previous challenge, but this time with a slightly more interesting practical application (the factorization of the input). It is based on 1) the fact that any odd integ...

@HyperNeutrino I think so, it has 2 spam answers by 2 low-rep users
@programmer5000 Okay. Thanks for the confirmation.
man people love these trivial challenges
@Mayube They're great when you only have a minute or 2 to spare.
@Shaggy exactly, it also allows less complex languages like Braingolf, Brainf**k and 2Col to participate
@Riker nope
does every golfing language have an online intepreter
@Mayube Not so great if you've that little time that you miss something vital in the requirements/spec and make a balls of it!
@KuanHulio Not necessarily, but a lot are to be found here.
You think only allowing languages in tio.run to be allowed to compete in fastest code challenge
@KuanHulio I see the point that it would make it easier to compare timings, but isn't it a bit unfair to exclude a language just because it doesn't have a Linux interpreter or penalize it because it has to run in an emulator?
but at the same time, running them on different things gets to be quite a hassle
Q: Count the videos in a Youtube Playlist

Hyper NeutrinoChallenge Given a Youtube playlist, output the number of videos in it. I/O The playlist will be given as an URL; for example, https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_3jnZNPYn7qUatgDYBS5NShkfXoehSRC (this is a playlist a friend sent me to try to get me to listen to K-Pop because she's obsessed...

Have feed bots check if someone's linked a challenge already before linking it into TNB to avoid double-posting and to avoid feed bots being ninja'd.
@HyperNeutrino That would require them to actually be bots. Right now they are just dumb feeds.
Oh. True.
@HyperNeutrino An actually, I think we don't allow real bots on SE chat.
I believe that is the rule.
@EriktheOutgolfer If I could settle on a name, I would. But I've got an idea. I'll let you guys choose my new name! Please...
John Wick
Only in America do you have a race that you run 2.5kM get a dozen doughnuts from Krispy Kreme and run back to the start.
@Ilikemydog "I am very indecisive"
sorry adam no idea what happened there
@HyperNeutrino maybe
Ooo how about ElectronNeutrino
@TauNeutrino already exists
So does @HyperNeutrino
Then we need a MuonNeutrino
and a respective antineutrino for each type
Wait since when did I have 6000 network score
@HyperNeutrino btw you just got an upvote on an answer of yours somewhere in the Stack Exchange network
@PhiNotPi do you mean the "transpile ;# into your language" challenge?
in reference to what?
ther bounty?
@Ilikemydog yeah... it was a joke though since ;# can't solve the challenge
Just about to tell you that ;)
@EriktheOutgolfer I did?
didn't show up for me
@HyperNeutrino don't argue!
yeah don't argue about potentially good stuff
@EriktheOutgolfer Stop arguing about me. XD
Wait. I just kind insulted myself...
lol this is great
@Mego but you said that you aren't really a penguin
SO is like rises a bit and then goes relatively flat and PPCG is like time to be exponential
@quartata any general advice then? :/
well is anyone going to answer this? it's not that hard
and it has 1 view per minute on average :I
I don't think so especially after the 05AB1E answer
I got ninja'd rip
actually no
I was 15 secs earlier :D
but rip when the first answer is probably the shortest
@HyperNeutrino Tried. Got booted by the Google API after 3 attempts. Gave up!
I'm not a fan of API challenges imo
I'm not a fan of challenges using APIs that have quotas
It just occurred to me that every time I've though "Ruby would be good for this" was because of gsub.
Other than that I know very little Ruby
I don't even know how to define a function, but puts and gets are very short so it works out anyway.
I'm not sure using the Google API is the shortest method but yeah API quotas are annoying.
All syntactically valid objects/identifiers in JS: $.$ $_$ O.o O_o o.O o_O o.o o_o
I tried to use the Google API 0 times and it kicked me out
o_O would be valid in most conventional languages
I think $ is allowed in Java.
They should make it an operator.
Yeah I just checked and it is. Weird
It's not a valid identifier in Python
idk what it does though
o_o would also be valid in most languages
Q: Interpret +p code

Socratic PhoenixInspired by the recent craze over another two character language, ;# Intro According to community consensus, acceptable answers on this site must use programming languages that, at minimum: Can determine if a natural number is prime Can add two natural numbers together Can represent a list/tu...

@NewMainPosts the challenge has been terminated
@ATaco userscript command. /strawpoll What it is about, option A, option b, option c.
@EriktheOutgolfer what do you mean it's been terminated?
I don't think that there will be any shorter answer than 5 bytes
Yeah. It is silly
treat each language as it's own competition
IMO it's stupid to not want to post a python answer just because somebody's already posted a 2 byte Jelly answer
Right. "If I can't be the best I won't put any effort in at all" is not a very good attitude
Anyone interested in a bookmarklet to pull up a random challenge you haven't attempted yet? codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/122400/58974
@BusinessCat citation-needed
@HyperNeutrino want a bounty?
@Qwerp-Derp it's just about done. Finished school yesterday
@Shaggy hey, this should be added to the PPCG design script
for teh QOTD widget that's perennially borked
@Riker Not really, it's horribly inefficient, seeing as its golfed. But, if there's interest, I'll work up a full version. Also, what's the PPCG design script?!
@Shaggy sorry I only use bookmarklets that are verified to work
Q: XKCD Password Generator

KuanHulioIntroduction Apparently, this question has been asked here and it unfortunately closed. I thought it was a good idea to try again with it, but done right. XKCD looks at the how we are trained to use "hard to remember passwords", thinking it's secure, but instead, would take a computer 3 days t...

@EriktheOutgolfer It works.
you verified it?
@EriktheOutgolfer Yup, I'm using it now, pulling up questions, trying to find one that takes my interest.
V has 42 github stars right now. This is a monumental occasion.
It calls for much celebration
@Riker I put one up, thanks for the offer.
@DJMcMayhem oh no charcoal needs to catch up
@ASCII-only It's ok
Since charcoal beats V at ASCII art challenges, it's just fair that V gets more stars
It's my consolation
ok i like ported a parser framework to python just for charcoal
but my grammar has ambiguities >_> why
Why did you port a parser framework to python
What was it for originally.
@HyperNeutrino you have 3 answers already

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