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so chat did stay up
Oh right maintainance
There are reviews and we are in read only mode. How?
Maybe they were put in the queue before read-only mode activated?
Nah I was in the queue when it activated
Its killing me, I can see the reviews but I can't do them
@RohanJhunjhunwala sorry but I don't have the time, I've been really busy lately
@Downgoat its ok. You got a lot of AP's?
Only the AP CS A on Tuesday but there is still finals, school issues, and other projects >_>
I had APES on Monday, and stats next Thursday
Oh and CS also.
@Downgoat yeah, rip this time. Well if u do get some time after school please do let me know
@Downgoat Heh, I took that also. Woo, writing code by hand...
@ConorO'Brien Is there an online interpreter for INTJ? I remember there being one
@WheatWizard INTJ?
Er... NTFJ
my bad
@WheatWizard Just curious, what do you need NTFJ for?
Q: Add a language to a polyglot

ais523This is an answer-chaining challenge in which each answer builds on the previous answer. I recommend sorting the thread by "oldest" in order to be sure about the order in which the posts are made. Note: This has become quite a long-lasting challenge, and posting new answers is fairly difficul...

well then I sure hope it ignores unrecognized tokens
It seems not to. but it doesn't look like it errors
make sure to "run it all at once"
Is there any way to get numbers larger than 255?
do you need numbers larger than 255?
the method is a tad convoluted
I would like to jump past the end of the program as quickly as possible so that extra stuff doesn't get in the way
Are there any errors at all in NTFJ?
check the console
you could try a zero skip
hm? Sounds intriguing
skips to the next )
Oh yeah
thats my current strategy
Its just a little hard to do
I remember I was able to make larger numbers, hold on a sec
the code is 90% golfed, I should rewrite it
I was hoping to find a place to put NTFJ make sure it gets there safely and then jump out of the program asap
^ when popping from an empty stack might work
@Dennis How do I type a null byte (or other unprintable) into TIO?
in the console
@ConorO'Brien where?
press f12
@ConorO'Brien Popping from an empty stack seems to be just fine, I have yet to actually encounter an error
@WheatWizard you can use $ a few times to clear all items off the stack, then ^ to jump to the (non-existent) TOS
it doesn't error, it should silently terminate
Nice !
thanks so much
would saying "f(x) has at least O(g(x)) time complexity" be understandably equivalent to saying "f(x) has BigTheta(g(x)) time complexity"?
np :) link me to the answer when it's done?
Will do!
Does #* or ~* actually output anything?
@HyperNeutrino good evening
@LeakyNun Good evening; I won't have much time tonight by the way because I need to be up early tomorrow morning.
@WheatWizard Seems not I checked the console and there is no extra output
Alright @HyperNeutrino
@Yodle Interesting. I observed that you seem to be last seen very recently but last talked over a hundred days ago. Also, I believe you can just visit the tab and press <esc> in the chatbox to clear notifications. :P
@HyperNeutrino ah you're right, thanks for the tip :P
Haha No problem :P
I'll be right back; I need to go finish something up quickly.
Is there a more specific name for O(2^N) than "exponential" to distinguish it from e.g. O(3^N)
power-of-2 time?
@HelkaHomba O(2^n) = O(3^n)
@LeakyNun I don't think so. By what constant do they differ? (math.stackexchange.com/q/512772/162582)
@WheatWizard it does, just outputs \0 and \1
*\1 and \0
@HelkaHomba you're right, mathematically they are different.
@ConorO'Brien They don't actually show up in the console though?
but in programming we just refer to them as exponential time
@WheatWizard they aren't outputted to the console, they're outputtedbelow the HR
or else, every function of the form 2^poly(x) would need to have a new name
Question: If I want to make a chat bot, where should I start?
but O(2^n) != O(3^n), and there could be more granular names for common ones
like O(N^2) is squared time
@WheatWizard horizontal rule
why don't you just call it O(2^n)?
the line
I don't know what that is.
Q: 2^n complexity algorithm

rubixibucI need to implement and test an algorithm with a 2^n complexity. I have been trying to find one for a while. If there is any way I can acheive this by implementation -- with a exact complexity of 2^n that would be optimal. If anyone knows of a location I can find an example, or could help me im...

"2^n complexity"
@WheatWizard Try typing this into your browser's omnibox: data:text/html,Hello<hr />World
Challenge impossible for Jelly: given an array of positive integers, add 1 to each integer, with O(n) time complexity and O(1) space complexity, where n is the number of the elements of the array.
Does anyone here have experience with making chat bot(s)?
Aww, not possible for Jelly? :(
Jelly just creates a new array
Oh, I see.
Jelly doesn't have in-place commands, except head and pop
I see.
Could I try to use those?
It's still impossible.
That wouldn't work.
Oh well.
Python, too many bytes: def f(x):for i in range(len(x)):x[i]+=1
Java, even more too many bytes: void f(x){for(int i=0;i<x.length;i++)x[i]++;}
void f(x){for(int i=0;i<x.length;x[i++]++);}
Oh, nice.
however, such is possible in Pyth, which has for loops in addition to maps
Ah. I see.
Does anyone here know what the KeyEvent.VK_SOMETHING is for the character '[' in Java?
Pyth seems really good for golfing as well.
@HyperNeutrino VK_OPEN_BRACKET
@HyperNeutrino well, the usual solution would be hM...
Oh, I was looking for Left. Thanks :)
@HyperNeutrino you should try looking for "[" next time
@LeakyNun The complexity restrictions mess up a lot of potential solutions :P
@LeakyNun I was looking using Ctrl-Space in Eclipse using VK_ as the starter. :P Probably should use docs instead.
What about for a backtick? I can't find one on the page for the search "`"
Hm. Alright, thanks.
Oh, it doesn't describe itself.
And what is |?
@HyperNeutrino I think they mean the decimal point
@JanDvorak but then what is VK_DECIMAL?
@HyperNeutrino separator is comma
Oh, okay. Thanks.
Then what is VK_COMMA?
@HyperNeutrino the alphanumeric one?
@ConorO'Brien Would you be interested in joining this room?
@JanDvorak Are there two different types of commas?
depends on how you type them
@HyperNeutrino VK_BACK_SLASH
@LeakyNun So do I have to make the program press SHIFT and then BACKSLASH?
@LeakyNun Impossible is such an ugly word. tio.run/nexus/jelly#@/…
@Dennis I believe it can be golfed, but you win
@Dennis the last line of your python code reminds me of reflection...
>_> Really Dennis, always coming up with a way to do everything. It is an ugly word; if I may say so without offending you, almost as ugly as that code? :P
I'm going to bed now (please don't 11 me Dennis D:). Goodnight all! :D
Good night!
@Dennis I just updated this answer after seeing your comment. I hope it's correct now.
Looks good.
I would also fulfill "guy who makes music"
not cool though probably :P
@Dennis I still remember the times when language's couldn't have arbitrary eval, haha. That's the first thing that popped into my head when I saw that code
@quartata The not so useful answer is someone thinks its unclear. However they don't seem to have left a comment so why they think it is unclear will remain a mystery
@ConorO'Brien Yeah, I pretty much wrote Jelly with TIO in mind. One of the first things I did after retiring v1 was to make Jelly unsafe for it. :P
@ConorO'Brien what does it do?
it implements a language
@ConorO'Brien did I recall a language wherein there is no addition?
I have a couple without obvious methods of addition, why?
@ConorO'Brien without addition, but with multiplication, exponentiation, and logarithm
ah, that would be yup.
no quick-ref?
@ConorO'Brien kinda easy in a language where whitespace doesn't matter very much
@DestructibleLemon I didn't claim it was hard
@LeakyNun there is on the wiki
cmc: make an ascii art interpreter in a lang where whitespace is significant (and the actual non-whitespace characters are significant (looking at you, wsf and whitespace))
@DestructibleLemon what does "ascii art interpreter" even mean?
look, this isn't an objective cmc
actually, I should edit that
@ConorO'Brien I guess you don't have much precision then?
@LeakyNun It's arbitrary precision, why?
@ConorO'Brien but you have exp...
yeah the decimal places go out arbitrarily long
@ConorO'Brien how do you input‌​?
I think I should work on a lang soon
ok maybe the m stands for "maybe kinda big" in my cmc
@LeakyNun Like this!
@DestructibleLemon as in, an interpreter written using ascii art forms?
@ConorO'Brien I'm amazed by your precision.
@ConorO'Brien yes
like ntfjc thing you linked
@LeakyNun how so?
@ConorO'Brien I clearly saw src += "stack.top=math.exp(stack.top);";
It generates a javascript program
I mean, how does exp work?
I mean, it pops x and pushes e^x
I mean its implementation in mathjs
um idk the mathjs source
@Phoenix but most things in python are not dicts... wat
Jelly: What if everything was short?
Yup: What if everything was complex?
is it unlucky that my 2 challenges both have exactly 13 votes?
isn't that a decent score?
@MistahFiggins their number of answers also add up to 13
@DestructibleLemon 13 is unlucky
Brain-flak: what if every statement had a value?
@LeakyNun suposedly
13's my lucky number
Retina: What if everything was a regex?
I think woefully goes with malbolge or something
@Phoenix the last one though
Woefully: what if we didn't know incredibly hard langs weren't that fun?
FWIW the last one is funny bc it's throwback to the name's origin (8th circle of hell)
Brainfuck: What if every program is executable in Brain-flak?
and it is duly named
@LeakyNun Brainfuck: what if we made the topic of esolangs pg-13?
Vim: What if we decided to use a text editor as a programming language?
Befunge 93: What if everything was 2D?
@MistahFiggins Funge-98: what if everything was 2.5D?
Python 3: what if print was a fucntion?
Hexagony: What if storing everything in data was an absolute pain?
can I say make it happen?
PHP: What if we wanted to make SQL injection easier? ~~ the image
hey! you stole that from the image!
@DestructibleLemon attributed
LUA: What if everything was a table?
PHP: what if we hated devs?
PHP: what if we made intercal but pretended it was serious?
Haskell: What if all you could do was to ask the runtime nicely to run your program?
CMC: create a language based on biological reproduction
LOLCODE: HaHa, what if everything was a meme!
F#: What if Haskell ran on the .NET runtime?
@MistahFiggins lolcode: what if we pretended different operator names makes something esoteric?
CMC: guess the minute NMP will post latest challenge
Ruby: What if we turned Perl into a real language?
@HelkaHomba 56
Cubix: What if 2d languages were not a torus for once
@MistahFiggins Cubix: what if we said cubes were 2d?
well, the surfaces of cubes are
Crystal: What if we made Ruby fast again?
Q: Powerprogramming: O(1^N), O(N^1), O(2^N), O(N^2) all in one

Helka HombaWrite a program (or function) that exhibits four common big O time complexities depending on how it is run. In any form it takes in a positive integer N which you may assume is less than 231. When the program is run in its original form it should have constant complexity. That is, the complexit...

@MistahFiggins we call them 2-spheres
how long until someone calls this noise?
You just did
It's only noise if it's distracting from a more important signal
the only other thing going on rn is guessing when NMP will post
and it already has
I guess my CMC got lost in the non-noise :-D
@HelkaHomba I swear I have two programs satisfying the two double criterion
but I have no idea how to chain them together
MPS: What if we let the user write the language for us?
@LeakyNun Note that comments and multiline programs are allowed
I know
but when they are doubled, things mess up
e.g. we have a # b where # denotes comment
and you already know how that would end up
e.g. we have a " b, so b is not evaluated
however, double that gives a " b a " b...
I also tried "a" eval "b"
but eval isn't symmetrical
is n^2+n = n^2?
@DestructibleLemon yes
@HelkaHomba what do you think about what I just said?
that would make it easily possible
@DestructibleLemon how do you get around the problem I mentioned?
let's try " a " b " so b is evaluated
ok, let me have a go
double that gives " a " b "" a " b "
so we evaluated the wrong expression
is the digit-only esolang challenge still active?
ok so, if I replace the complexity operations with n, 1, n^2 etc
Seems fun, should be easy enough to get all 4 with a 2d language
@DestructibleLemon above, a is a code with O(1^n) complexity and aa is O(2^n)
b is O(n^1) and bb is O(n^2)
so somehow if I can chain a and b together, then I'm done
I already have a and b
@Helka you reverse all the bytes, right? So if there was an enter, you would reverse "A\nBCD" to "DCB\nA" right?
reddit.com/r/Ooer (Make sure subreddit style is enabled)
@MistahFiggins right (except the note about \r\n staying as \r\n)
1; if x {2^n} x=True# eurT=x }n^2{ x fi backwards n
Like A\r\nBCD -> DCB\r\nA
ok so, somewhat confusing, but anyway
also with a trailing newline
replace n^2 with a backwards n^2 operation, and so on for others
and you are good
@LeakyNun well, maybe find a language where eval is just e? (tbh I rarely try to solve these source-layouts myself and wait to see what amazing stuff you guys cook up :P)
@HelkaHomba in Pyth, the eval is .v
is there a way to prevent a website from downloading things automatically?
in Jelly, a string reversed don't give you back a string
I did it I win?
@HelkaHomba feedback on the pseudo code I did, excepting feedback about bad layout and ungolfiness prolly
looks promising
I think I could even do this in Turtlèd
NodeJS: What if everything was Javascript?
even though it has no comments, I could get similar effect with )<>%(%<>), % being characters the pointer will never be on, and <> being code
@ATaco TeamSpirit borked
Oh, I see.
Let me unbork that.
is it borked because red is winning at the moment?
I could see how such an issue would be unforeseen
Update pushed, should not break in future.
@Phoenix fixed it for you
And I know names are still borked.
@ATaco ^_^
It should also run slightly faster.
Wait, what's wrong with names?
Some names don't display with the script on; See ETH.
I liked it better when stickies still counted
So, really odd experience: I had an issue with IntelliJ the other day, and found the issue on their tracking system. It had 2 comments from 2012 and 2013. I commented on it, giving it a +1, and 2 days later, its fixed
@ATaco Feature request for chat formatting: <C-b> and the rest insert **|** where | is your cursor. Pressing <C-b> while ** is directly to the right of the cursor skips over the two instead of insering anything.
I'm not sure whether its the fact that I'm a paying customer, or simply that it was a super easy fix, but I'm certainly happy
@NathanMerrill Cool, what was the issue?
@Phoenix I didn't expect anyone to even download chatformatting.
What's Guice?
google's dependency injection library
@ATaco ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@Phoenix So you want it to skip over formatting characters when nothing is selected? That is, |** + <c-b> = **|?
Q: Insist on an answer

AdámAt runtime, keep prompting for a line of input until the user inputs something (other than an empty newline), i.e. does not just press Enter or OK. Output or result is neither required nor prohibited. Pseudo-code 1 myform = new form("GUI") myform.mytxt = new editfield("") myform.ok = new button...

@ATaco Yeah. So [<C-b> stuff <C-b>] makes it bold and doesn't insert garbage, but [<C-b> stuff] at the end of a message also makes it bold without a closing <C-b>
I still don't follow.
Basically, yes.
The point is, I should be able to press <C-b> once and everything from there to the end of the line is bold. If there's just a floating ** then it quietly does nothing.
That's a bold suggestion
I don't know if you guys have seen this answer but its really cool and clever
A: Surprise Party for Brain-Flak

LaikoniHaskell, (10119 7767 7626 7540 bytes), score 15 14 10 (<>)(<><>)(<>)(<<>>)()=(((<>)((<>)((<>)((<>)((<>)((<>)((<>)((<>)((<>)((<>)((<>)((<>)((<>)((<>)((<>)((<>)((<>)((<>)((<>)((<>)((<>)((<>)((<>)((<>)((<>)((<>)((<>)((<>)((<>)((<>)((<>)((<>)((<>)((<>)((<>)((<>)((<>)((<>)(<><>)))))))))))))))))))))...

@Helka I'm working on your challenge now, and it will be a pain to explain
A: Powerprogramming: O(1^N), O(N^1), O(2^N), O(N^2) all in one

Leaky NunPython 3, 102 bytes try:l=eval(input());k=1#)]0[*k**l(tnirp except:k=2#2=k:tpecxe print(k**l*[0])#1=k;))(tupni(lave=l:yrt Try it online! Reversed: try:l=eval(input());k=1#)]0[*l**k(tnirp except:k=2#2=k:tpecxe print(l**k*[0])#1=k;))(tupni(lave=l:yrt Try it online! Doubled: try:l=e...

Is it a problem with SE that the comment on the third line of my entry is not in grey?
@Dennis ^ (pinging you in case you know who to refer to)
What does SE use for syntax highlighting?
how would I know
meta.stackexchange.com/a/184109/336401 it uses Google's highlighter
oh, never mind then
Maybe a bug in Google Code Prettifier?
> Therefore, any bugs and feature requests regarding syntax highlighting cannot be handled by Stack Exchange and should be directed to the team behind Google Code Prettify.
an issue is already submitted before
@Dennis please ignore my previous ping, thank you.
@Phoenix Done, but you'll need to manually update.
I live near Seattle.
@ATaco Oh? Why's that?
Also TY
Because I didn't include an update URL.

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