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5:00 AM
gluten nacht .o/
> gluten
German, Now gluten free.
Gluten morgen \o.
Btw I have a German class today :D
5:08 AM
Jawohl, sehr gut!
Is German a golf lang?
No just the opposite
@Downgoat wait, you know git right?
binary is a golf lang
How do I completely wipe a repo so I can push a fresh copy?
@wat I have a, wait for it, Windows Phone
5:11 AM
@Pavel oh yeah microsoft
But German is a Tacit Language, Words can be combined to hold the same meaning.
@Pavel wow
01101001 01100110 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01110010 01100101 01100001 01100100 00100000 01110100 01101000 01101001 01110011 00100000 01110100 01111001 01110000 01100101 00100000 01100111 01101111 01100001 01110100
@Pavel what's broke
@Downgoat The entire project is on fire
My friend has an old backup that's the only thing we could get to run
5:12 AM
git rekt
This is why you rebase
please tell me you branched
I don't know what that means
ok dont touch anything
Rebasing, not branching
No, we weren't branching
5:13 AM
and carefully type git reflog
We were using git as a file hosting service
git rebase
@Downgoat Ok, what does that do?
Do you see a list?
@Downgoat Error: cannot find command "rekt"
5:15 AM
@MatthewRoh I saw it the first time
How are goats not in the Many Memes of PPCG yet?
Eh ik
@Downgoat See, I'm not the one who's doing this, I'm getting my friend through it. We're in a skype call.
@ATaco The post is locked
But editing glitched a bit
"Not considered a good, On topic Question"
5:16 AM
Wait @Pavel does github also have a broken version?
oh really
@Downgoat Yes
As I mentioned, everything is on fire
Ok do git reflog
5:17 AM
git extinguish fire
Post outPut here? @Pavel
Gave a list of things
Wait, Try JQuery, It is good and does all things.
@ATaco ok that's being disruptive now
(I'll stop then)
5:18 AM
@ATaco The laughed Fat You and The wrong Controller laughed. "You are Fat laughed You Controller laughed wrong."
d4444f8 HEAD@{0}: commit: ...
f8d2668 HEAD@{1}: commit: Revert "Edited .gitignore"
3a67a19 HEAD@{2}: rebase finished: returning to refs/heads/master
3a67a19 HEAD@{3}: pull --progress --rebase --prune origin master: checkout 3a67a19c839e15d673063d4198ed47b407f3cf62
a7e00ed HEAD@{4}: rebase finished: returning to refs/heads/master
a7e00ed HEAD@{5}: pull --progress --rebase --prune origin master: checkout a7e00ed962e623c4f737c0dfe7caac6870012850
bec2724 HEAD@{6}: revert: Revert "welp fixing things"
Oh god
I can't tell how bad that is
I don't have any kind of reference frame for this
Ok see the 7 base64 digits at beginning of each line?
5:22 AM
open a new tab one by one from top line down and do git checkout <digits>
then the first one that works, do git branch -D master then git checkout -b master
Note: this will destroy all existing commits
though kinda your fault since you burned up so much
That's fine
@Pavel if don't fix I can investigate tomorrow if you really like
GTG now tho
Eh he didnt rm -rf tho
5:24 AM
Oh, cya
@Downgoat wait, what do you mean be "first one that works"
Does "doesn't print a ton of red crap" count as working?
@Pavel what is happening pls share error O_o
@Downgoat No there's no error, I'm just not sure what the message should be for a success
one sec getting output
It should look normal
it might say detached head somewhere
5:27 AM
You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental
changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this
state without impacting any branches by performing another checkout.

If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may
do so (now or later) by using -b with the checkout command again. Example:

  git checkout -b <new-branch-name>
Yup that's right
gtg for real now
5:41 AM
RProgN has 17 Unassigned bytes.
I'll find a use for them.
They form an "I KNOW" lol
Oh, and all of 128-255
I'm not wasteful.
So control characters are assigned?
You know how on windows if everything is borked you can press CtrlAltDelPanic and start killing things from task manager?
Is there an Ubuntu version of that?
'cause my entire computer locked up except for the mouse.
Then log in and start htop
5:46 AM
Thanks everyone for the congratulations and well-wishes. I really appreciate the support. :)
Then CtrlAltF7 to go back to GUI
Crap, still broken
This is Minecraft's fault
I added an HD texture pack and everything is broken now
@Pavel it doesn't go to terminal emulators if you press CtrlAltF[1-6]?
5:48 AM
I can move the mouse for some reason, but I can't even toggle the light on the airplane mode and mute buttons
Java probably stores all loaded blocks' textures on RAM
@Pavel Reboot the computer?
I'm worried I'll kill my minecraft install
I've had to reinstall it twice today
I was hoping there's a way out of these situations that I could try before restarting
If you can't use your computer, your minecraft install is the least of your worries
5:50 AM
Welp, restarted, is there anywhere I can see a log?
I tried to launch minecraft again
Bricked my laptop instantly
journalctl --boot=-1 may wo...why u du dis ;_;
@Pavel I'm really not sure what you expected
@Pavel ssh in
I needed to find out
You guys know about radix sort?
5:53 AM
@Pavel log in, go to .minecraft, edit options.txt
It's cool
@wat Don't have anywhere to SSH from, and I have no clue how to do that.
@MistahFiggins yeah
@Pavel phone
I can do that?
Yeah, there are tons of SSH apps for any phone type
5:53 AM
you go to terminal, sudo systemctl enable sshd && sudo systemctl start sshd and then make an ssh connection to your ip
@Mego black berry?
@wat That requires being able to open the terminal
Anyway, looks like no HD texture pack for me.
@wat If it has an internet connection, it can SSH, theoretically, though it might take some more work to do it on blackberries
@Pavel just use faithful
@Mego ok, I have a black berry with wi-fi
5:56 AM
@wat Faithful?
@Pavel 32x version of default
Maybe, I'll see how it goes.
Or here [WARNING: Direct zip link, size is about 7 MB]
I think I'll try it tomorrow
Why tomorrow?
Faithful adds almost no performance impact
5:59 AM
My poor computer has had enough
Ok, minecraft boots normally with Realistico removed.
Now go to options->resource packs, click open resource pack folder, and just drop the faithful zip into there
How do I see CPU usage etc of my computer?
or there is a program
sudo apt-get install gnome-system-monitor
then run gnome-system-monitor
6:02 AM
you're welcome
BTW can you please send a screenshot of system settings?
Which setting?
the home page
here is what mine looks like:
@Pavel theme seems to be broken? :P
6:05 AM
What did the Ubuntu people do to their fork?
@betseg What, why?
I highly suggest changing your font to Cantarell size 11 with no hinting
Uhh, what's hinting?
Option of the font renderer that you can set in the tweak tool
@Pavel horizontal lines and headers on settings seem a little out of the place
6:06 AM
@betseg Huh, didn't notice anything like that.
@wat I do not have that font.
@Pavel sudo apt-get install fonts-cantarell
Cantarell is GNOME's default font btw
@betseg yeah I like GNOME
^ that's my desktop
I like GNOME too, but I love Ubuntu font.
6:10 AM
@betseg Strange, I really dislike Ubuntu font.
I use Roboto on my desktop btw
It's fine, I changed to cantarell, can't really say if it's better or worse.
I tried setting my monospace font to fira code, it made = fail to appear in terminal, at all.
@Pavel OK. Did you turn off the hinting setting, and are you using size 11?
@betseg I used that for a while. I didn't really like it because I had to adjust my font scale to for it to work well, and that messed with the bitmap font I have in my terminal, causing it to blur
@Pavel Cool. I'm interested in a screenshot
@betseg It also made websites look like I was on Android
6:14 AM
Terminal completely borks with ligatures
I like Android. I'm even using a custom ROM.
Class, bai
@betseg I also like android, I'm getting a OnePlus 3 soon
@Pavel That... is not what it is supposed to look like.
Try restarting Tweak Tool or something else.
Also, you can set fonts in the terminal separately.
It did not change
6:17 AM
Try relogging. Unity might be weirding here
also, did you know that you can collapse the extensions in Chrome by dragging the boundary between them and the address bar?
@wat that made bad things happen:
Wait, false alarm, accidentally disabled antialiasing
Everything's actually fine
@wat I use Roboto Mono on my terminal
@betseg I use Terminus. It's my favorite font
for terminals
Do you have a preferred colour scheme?
I use consolas, because im a windows fanboy
@betseg Solarized dark
6:44 AM
And black/white for the same reason
@wat saem :O
Even my website has solarized dark colours: betseg.github.io
@betseg I like the "easter egg lol"
@ATaco Powershell masterrace
@wat lol
Once i used powers he'll, created 100 users on my computer, then proceeded to stop using powershell
I meant to say powershell there, my phone doesn't believe in windows though.
6:48 AM
> powers he'll
100 users?
I think the fact that it visually seperates StdErr as red is pretty nifty.
I'm still not sure how to delete the users, but I don't own the computer anymore, so it's not my problem
@betseg @Pavel @ATaco
click the image and expand it for better viewing
@wat That looks cool, what is that?
6:50 AM
Well that's appealing
@Pavel My terminal
Powerlevel9k or agnoster?
Yeah, how'd you set it up that way?
I mean, I don't like the font, but the setup with the colors looks pretty cool
I use oh-my-zsh with agnoster theme, zsh-syntax-highlighting, terminus font, and solarized dark.
Powerlevel9k is better imo
6:52 AM
BTW It actualyl does syntax highlighting as you type
I need to cross load fedora on my computer already
I don't use highlighting tbh, it's a little disturbing on a shell
yeah I would prefer to use powerlevel9k but I want consistency and I can't just copy/paste configs with it
I need to actually install stuff on all my machines
Only config you should copy
6:54 AM
Is there a way to make StdErr distinct from StdOut without needing to manually pipe everything into a colorizer?
Class, bai
Can I get a colorised for sublime text I wonder
@Pavel Not easily. You'd have to modify your terminal (meaning source code modifications, probably) to differentiate STDERR from STDOUT.
@ATaco does it not have a built in syntax highlighter?
6:56 AM
There's probably a terminal somewhere that does it, but I don't know of any
also recordmydesktop is taking a while to encode the video I just took
If you find one, let me know - I'm also interested in this
Powershell does
But then you have two problems
It's got a syntax highlighter, it's the seperation of STDERR and STDOUT I want
6:57 AM
For sublime text
I'm not a fan of talking in circles
@ATaco wait, so you want sublime text to highlight circles?
Here's some to test with ○○○○○

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