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@wat I think El'endia explained it very clearly.
Q: Write a /(meta-)*Quine/

BlacksilverSo what is a Meta-Quine? Quine: program which outputs its own source code. Meta-Quine: Program which takes no input and outputs a quine. Meta-meta-quine: Program which takes no input and outputs a Meta-Quine. Meta-meta-meta-quine: Program which takes no input and outputs a Meta-meta-quine. etc.....

@TrojanByAccident, in what way is this question different from this question? Besides a subtle scoring difference
The final result doesn't reconstruct the original
It's close enough that I'd still mark as dupe.
It doesn't in either of them though does it?
The first one just words it differently A program which matches the criteria for multiple levels counts as the lowest one.
SQL-specific challenge that was asked on the wrong site.
Oh, I missread the original.
Yep, exactly the same.
@redstarcoder @Pavel No, the original is asking for a program that will output a second program that then outputs the first program. This new one is asking for a program that will output a program that will then output itself, not the original program
It's still trivial, but not a dupe
Ah you're right I see it
The original constantly outputs different sources, the new one devolves into a regular quine
I was right the first time, reread the question, and became wrong.
Yeah sorry about that
It's close enough though.
Yeah I think it might be, either way it needed more sandbox time
(or any)
lol, if my current pgs interpreter accepted the commands needed, I could have submitted a 2-byte 2-level answer
I think
I'm not completely sure of what my o command does, but iirc, it forces the previous item/command to be output
although that might need to be changed
for this challenge, I would need O, which would probably be one of the only commands in the language that went before the thing it was affecting
and so I could write Oq, 'output next item without calling it, quine(doesn't get called)'
It would output an improper quine.
Quine commands are illegal
so is pirating
it still happens
publicly, even
I'm not sure if we have a rule against piracy, but it's probably offtopic.
@redstarcoder I mean illegal irl, not on the site, lol
You won't be arrested, but you would be flagged as NAA and downvoted.
are you sure you're an accidental trojan?
@ConorO'Brien The first trojan I ever made was accidental, yes
>_> remind me never to tick you off
How did you do that?
@Downgoat ^ Request: Add space between challenge posing buttons and the links to the left of them, center it better.
It looks ugly right now.
@Pavel magically :P
Hey, do you have tampermonkey installed?
I use it for hacking, scripting, and botting online games
easier than bookmarklets ^-^
Already have it
I am having no such issue.
Gahd dammit
are you using IE? ಠ_ಠ
From 2007?
Considering I built this computer late last year, no.
You might need to update the script, dude. :P
I just installed it yesterday tho
I don't know what you guys have, but mine isn't even green
it's a dark theme
Also, the porpoise text isn't working. It always shows propose, and I can't change it.
Not that I would want to.
Where is this goat? He's never there when you ping him.
@Pavel You just edit a word in the script
I'm fine with the text as it is.
It's the CSS that's triggering me.
dude it's you
mine is currently on propoise iirc and it has no spacing problems
We've determined that
But I don't JS, so I can't fix it.
So I pinged Downgoat
how would he fix it
@Pavel Can you copy and paste your version of the script to pastebin for us?
that's a really old version >_<
> 3.6.4
@Pavel current is 3.9.11
Where do I get new version?
@Pavel ntbr, but are you sure you don't need your eyes checked? ;P
@Pavel fixed now?
I didn't know what the current version was
@Downgoat ping retracted, he had old version
@Pavel it's not really hard, its' there on the main repo page
I clicked the link in the repo to install the script
check your history
what link
Which was updated really recently
So I'm confused
hey I made that broken commit
in february 2016
I was the dropdown-maker
and it was broken for 2 commits because I typoed
@Pavel are you sure you installed it yesterday?
Question: should it be Console.stdin or IO.stdin?
Try both and see what compiles
This is for cheddar, so I need to descide which one sounds better
IO.stdin sounds better to me
I personally like Console.stdin, but IO.stdin is shorter
I like IO.stdin because I don't necessarily think of a console when I think of stdin
@Downgoat IO.stdin makes more sense when considering a non-console environment.
It's called stdio, right?
not stdconsole
@VoteToClose I agree
@Downgoat how does 'Auto-TryItOnline execution' work?
@Pavel I don't know
No, I mean it appears to not do anything.
oh, yeah, it only works with legacy TIO
I have stuffs for new TIO but I don't tihnk anyone even used it
I used it that one time you linked me to it.
Auto-tio execution seems nice though.
Problem is, new TIO is very slow at around ~5 seconds to execute a single code. On a large question it'll take like a minute to load all TIO stuff
It'll also be a huge strain on TIO server
Maybe a button below the TIO link to execute it?
@Dennis Is TIO server currently being strained a lot in terms of resources and all?
Just so you don't have to open a new tab
That's just because the arena is on a separate server
@Pavel yeah, it used to automatically display Try-it-online output:\n`outputhere` below all TIO links
but as the goat said, it died :/
it was partially borken anyway
what's new tio, and what's legacy tio? how are they different?
TIO is undergoing a massive update
right now the TIO "nexus" is the intermediate step, while dennis works on TIO v2
Legacy TIO doesn't exist anymore
TIO 1 is redirects to nexus
All it does is redirect
and it's not quite the same, so it doesn't work with the userscript execute-then-fetch-results code
tio.run vs tio.run/nexus
Personally, I think Dennis should just kill V2 and work on Nexus.
I think it's better in every way
the whole point of nexus is that's it's an intermediate
@Pavel ... you know he's barely started on v2 right
of course nexus is better atm
Also, it displays on my phone properly.
Why not just continue extending Nexus?
...yeah you're not supposed to be using tio v2 yet the whole point is it doesn't work yet
@Pavel check transcript/search, he's explained before
It's buried somewhere really deep then.
oh noes groudon...
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Easterly IrkMatch coordinates with their values Given 3 input items, a list of coordinate pairs, a 2D string, and a single-character string, output whether the character at each coordinate of the 2D string is equal to the single character. Example: (0,0), "#_\n__", "#" -> True The string is #_ __ The ...

man, i want more TASbot at gdq
this chat is literally cancer
I don't know what I expected
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ The gdq one? yeah
@Downgoat If you mean the arena, it depends. On average it's not very busy, but from time to time there are a few concurrent requests.
I'll see if I can implement cached output this week. That should take a lot of load off the arena.
@TrojanByAccident The arena is the server that runs the user-supplied code.
@Dennis but solutions utilising Random()?
That's what I was wondering ... ^
@Downgoat checkbox for nocache?
I'll add a no-cache checkbox somewhere.
I will 100% of the time forget to tick that box and wonder why my code isn't working.
Considering that randomness is used in maybe 1% of all fiddles, I can live with that.
@Dennis maybe have nocache if from same instance?
I use TIO just for whenever I need to write a short python script
It's easier than opening up IDLE, which also requires me to save the file to my computer.
I just type "python" into a console
or vim
@Maltysen That sounds doable.
@Dennis oh btw idk what you did but tio nexus works on IE :D
It works on everything
What version?
Including my windows phone
maybe also do a if (code.contains("rand")) nocache = true?
Which is astounding
@Dennis 8 I think
O_O wow
@Downgoat but that depends on the language
@Downgoat what about [every esolang]
@Pavel I never said it was exauhstive solution
but cuts most non-esolangs
@ConorO'Brien That can't be true. IE 8 doesn't have typed arrays.
Except v2 doesn't work on my phone
@Dennis weird. I can try again, but it seemed to work fine
I'm relying on Dennis not to kill nexus in the near future
@Pavel Solution: vihan.org/p/tio </selfadvertising> :P
It should support IE 9+ (not sure about 8)
@Downgoat your website died on my comp
D: what happened
It's not that V2 just doesn't output. It's that the Welcome to Try It Online version 2! message takes up the entire screen, and 'Dissmis mesage' doesn't work.
Your version has similarly broken formatting
Though it is useable.
@Pavel D: that is not right, screenshot?
I think a bell which opens notification dropdown would be better
It works, it's just ugly and cumbersome.
ugh, stupid IE think 33+66=103
You thought CSS for IE was hard? Try CSS for WP.
Firefox did the same stupid
@Pavel AFAIK WP uses IE internals too because Micrsoft
@Pavel v2 doesn't work properly on anything yet. It's in early alpha.
It does
But everything displays worse because of the resolution
@Downgoat Sorry, but that's a horrible band-aid solution with a lot of false positives and negatives. Maltysen's idea is a lot better.
@Pavel Don't worry. Nexus will remain operative until v2 is actually better than Nexus. And it will.
Why not continue extending Nexus, instead of replacing it?
I realize but false positive will happen around 0.01% of time and those few not caching doesn't seem like very critical problem. Will be big convinience on other hand
Maybe just have nexus redirect to v2 so everything will still work
@Pavel That's just semantics. Nexus is called Nexus because it's a bridge between v1 and v2. The final result, wherever it comes from, will scrap the Nexus from the name and simply be known as Try It Online.
@Pavel can you clear cache and try on your windows phone now
WP doesn't have a clear cache thing. It's just 'Wipe everything since the beginning of time' with a tickbox to store passwords.
So I'm glad your site wasn't cached
@Pavel It worked? :O
I am surprised that fixed it
It's good now!
HTML is only language where removing comment fixes bug
@Downgoat 0.01% of the time? Randomness can come from process IDs, system time, memory addresses, race conditions, the output of C's rand isn't actually random, the 106 esolangs hosted on TIO most likely won't use rand anywhere, etc., etc., etc.
TIO is the lazy solution. Real mean port languages to JavaScript, then cry about it afterwords.
^ This is good idea
Then cry in TNB because you don't know how to port to C++
Good luck.
Huh. When I turn my phone horizontally, the code field is a custom field with line numbers, but vertically it's the default text entry box.
Of course client-side interpreters have their benefits, but TIO wouldn't host anywhere close to 166 languages if they all had to be ported to the same language first.
a lot of those are esolangs and easier to implement--others would take months
Slowly start porting everything to C, and increase TIO speed.
You do realize TIO isn't my full-time job, aye?
I'm sure some people can help out
class CentreText {
  float[] coords;
  String text;
  float font_size;

  float text_width;

  CentreText(String txt, int size, float x, float y) {
    coords = new float[] {x, y};
    text = txt;
    font_size = size;

    text_width = textWidth(text);

  void changeFontSize(float size) {
    font_size = size;
    text_width = textWidth(text);

  void displayText() {
    text(text, coords[0] - (text_width / 2), coords[1] - (font_size / 2));
I have a basic button class in Processing yey
That's just a complete and utter waste of human resources. Plus, C isn't a speed guarantee.
Also, the thought just occurred to me that there isn't a BF implementation with a 3-bit character encoding. Or at least I can't find one.
This could totally make BF the best golfing language.
Okay I added a "Copy SE Post" button
@Pavel they are quite a few, I think @LegionMammal978 made one too
There are others. Sesos goes a bit further than that.
Ok, so I just can't find them because they're called weird things.
@Dennis it is?
@Pavel Well, I certainly wasn't going to create a language with fuck in its name.
@ConorO'Brien I wish.
Argh Processing is pretty borked
> real mean
that does seem mean to the languages yes
@Downgoat it's borked, All I got is # Java (OpenJDK), 16 bytes without the rest of it.
oh oops
@Pavel The prompt might now show entire data, can you copy and paste somehwere to verify?
@Downgoat Comment-opening in your userscript is borked
Doesn't open the comments at all, and moves to the top of screen
Happy News: I got 97% (A+) on CS final!!! :D
I had that issue too just now @Qwerp-Derp
@Qwerp-Derp yay, another thing I made is broken
Reload the page
@Downgoat Congrats!
It's always hard to judge your own work objectively, so I'd like to request some input. I'm considering self-nominating my answers to Coprimes up to N, Compute the Carmichael function, and Absolute Sums of Sidi Polynomial Coefficients for Best mathematical insight and/or Best Explanation. Thoughts?
@Downgoat nope, might be caching though.
@Maltysen still with the AGDQ?
I have 99% in my CS class. I do not have a difficult CS class.
What just happened
@Dennis You're a math genius, I'm sure all three would be received with equal appreciation
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Qwerp-DerpConvert between balanced bases! code-golf math base-conversion Balanced bases: Balanced bases are essentially the same as normal bases, except that digits can be positive or negative, while in normal bases digits can only be positive. From here on, balanced bases of base b may be represented a...

Also I might need some reviews on this
but I like Sidi the best
@Dennis For the coprimes one, I got stuck on the word "ring" for your explanation
But it looks really detailed
@Dennis I do not speak math, but as Conor also said all three, are I think excellent candidates for the it. Lemme do a check on which has more greek letters :P
@Downgoat according to your status page, staging.vihan.org is up, but when I visit it, it 404s.
@Dennis definitly the coprimes one
oh, "up" just means the server is working. The bottom "client tests" says whether or not it is actually doing the right thing
I see.
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ srry, I got called to dinner after he beat the first elite 4
@Dennis I don't think this is the effect you want on people with your nomination reasons, but I think the reason these three should be nominations is because it's really detailed and contains loads of complicated stuff that I don't understand
You should just take some time off of creating new stuff, and spend a week or two deborking the existing stuff.
^^ Which works
@Qwerp-Derp Well, that would make them pretty awful candidates for Best Explanation then. :P
@Dennis What are rings?
I understand Z but not rings
Sets for numbers with addition and multiplication. Z is a ring.
I'm too confuse
Z, Q, R, and C are all rings. So are the integers modulo n I describe in that answer. The word ring is a hyperlink btw.
This is the rigorous definition.
@Dennis IK, but Wikipedia made me more confused
also, all nxn matrixes over a ring make another ring
so a ring could be (Z, +, *) where a * b = 1 and a + b = 0
So a ring is essentially an infinite list of all numbers which satisfy certain properties?
It's essentially a construct where addition and multiplication have similar properties to their counterparts in Z. You got a sum which has the same properties as + in Z, and a multiplication with a 1 (something you multiply with an element to get the same element) and which distributes over sums.
I think you guys are going too technical and/or too loose. A set of numbers where adding or multiplying any two of them yields another number that's in the same set is a ring. (There are a couple other conditions that have to be fulfilled, but that's the gist of it.)
@Qwerp-Derp It doesn't have to be infinite.
So it's a list of numbers which satisfy certain properties?
@Qwerp-Derp That's true of basically every structure on numbers. :P
@Qwerp-Derp along with a defined addition and multiplication operator. they set and the operators together have to satisfy these properties
So {0, 1} equipped with and (*) and or (+) is a ring, right?
@ConorO'Brien Assuming you mean that's for all a and b, no. According to your definition, you'd get 1 + 0 = 0.
and as dennis said, its just your usual properties
@Qwerp-Derp Pretty much. There are all the basics you'd expect from the integers. For example, a + b = b + a.
You should link this discussion in a comment on your answer
I fixed meme
@Dennis oh, right. there are so many problems with my first statement haha
@Downgoat That's one surprised goat.
So in a ring (Z, +), where a + b = 0, {-5, 5} belongs in the ring right?
Or does a ring need to have more arguments or smth
@Pavel rings wasn't really an important part of his answer
he was just talking about the integers mod n
Also does + have to have a + b = 0?
Yeah, the answer should be just as understandable if you don't know what a ring is.
@Qwerp-Derp There has to be one b such that a + b = 0. That's simply -a in the integers.
Are Jelly and M two versions of the same language?
(For purposes)
Strictly speaking, no. If you're asking for sharing is caring, polyglots aren't allowed though.
Hey, Dennis, what is 'With great power comes great eleven.' about on your profile?
Apr 12 '16 at 6:31, by Dennis
@Sherlock9 mod abuse -> mod abuse!!! -> mod abuse !!11!1!! -> mod abuse !!eleven!1!! -> mod abuse eleven -> eleven
mod abuse eleven
Apr 6 '16 at 23:03, by Dennis
♫ I have eleven problems, but mod abuse ain't one. ♫
@Dennis I personally enjoyed the game show analogy in the third answer, while the others were mostly over my head.
@ETHproductions Yeah, I really like that one. That weird analogy was the only thing that allowed me to crack the problem, and I think it makes it a good candidate for both categories.
@Dennis It’s kind of a silly rule. I can write *.5^0 and *.^0 I guess
How do you guys all have permalinks to that able to be brought up so quickly?
And I’ve wrapped isqrt (Maple builtin answer) in parentheses to distinguish it from Common Lisp
@Lynn Oh, I assumed no polyglots meant it can't work in two languages.
@Pavel We're just quick searchers.
That would be interesting
Jan 5 at 20:57, by devRicher
A little bit of magic is required.
The challenge doesn’t say that, though, no
(unrelated quote, but :P)
@Lynn I think that would actually make a nice general distinguisher for rosetta-stone challenges.

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