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@quartata go for figurine of garter snake or wand costing 266 zorkmids?
The figurine is uncursed
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Why are you actually buying things? :P
(also, what's the point of having a figurine of a garter snake?)
Because the pet won't step over the cursed thing near the door
And to get a pet one
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ So pick it up and move it
Not sure if it's any good of a pet through
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ And what exactly would you do with a pet garter snake
@Doorknob ... I'm dumb
@Doorknob make it kill stuff, but good point
@Doorknob I'm sure the writers of hentai could give you plenty of ideas.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )
@Doorknob since you're in chat, does spinach actually increase your strength?
.oO(I get the feeling we're not talking about spinach.)
@Dennis Nethack, I presume.
Virtual spinach
But also, do you know about Popeye?
@quartata got any further? ^^
The message when you eat it is " this makes you feel like Popeye "
@El'endiaStarman That is indeed the reference (in fact, the message you get when you eat a tin of spinach is This makes you feel like Popeye!)
Ninjaed but yours is better
@Doorknob Yeah, thought so. I wasn't sure if Dennis knew of it.
I have no idea what nethack is, but I've heard about it.
It's like D&D meets vim.
Fun fact: the function in eat.c that handles curing status effects when you eat tins of things like lizard meat is called Popeye(
@ais523 I hope you change that sometime it still confuses me whenever Iit it
@DrMcMoylex Is D&D that role playing thingie they play in TBBT?
It doesn't even do the strength boost from spinach
@Dennis What's TBBT?
The Big Bang Theory
@orlp Took a break to try and build UE4
a disgrace is what it is
Oh. I haven't watched it, so I wouldn't know. Probably though
OK, now I'm shocked.
Interesting... TBBT has more notoriety than D&D and nethack?
Nethack is no surprise, dnd maybe.
@HWalters Definitely not. Nethack is played universally
Among nerds. TBBT is mainstream
In some cultures babies are born clutching Linux netbooks with Nethack
@DrMcMoylex D&D is kinda mainstream
@quartata do you know if wands of cancellation or teleportation are more common?
Found a 200g wand that vanishes engravings.
... doesn't that defeat the purpose of an <ol>?
@Doorknob I think its the using the ol in a semantic way, they do that for carousels with ul's
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Don't remember. Check the source.
@Doorknob I... I'm trying to think of some reason why it could possibly be useful but I just can't
Not sure about other parts of the world, but I bet if I ask 100 people on the street if they know about Nethack, TBBT, and D&D, they're all going to answer no, yes, and no/yes, from TBBT.
Or just try it on a monster
@Dennis I'm positive that's true here in the US also
@Maltysen Hmm. Not a very semantic class name, then :P
I've seen The Big Bang Theory described as a show for stupid people about smart people, and from what little I've seen of it, I'm inclined to agree.
Well, gee, thanks.
tutant meenage neetle teetles
@Dennis I would've thought that D&D was more famous than TBBT, but idk
Really? I don't know a single person irl who has played it.
(Including myself.)
@Dennis so US shows are common in Paraguay?
@Dennis o_O
I know a lot of people IRL who play it. Almost a dozen maybe
Speaking of DND anyone read OOTS?
some data: most people in my 10th grade class (15 to 16) know about TBBT, few know about D&D (only a few smarter people), and no one knows what nethack is. east coast america
@Dennis I know 8, but tbf I know more than 8 people
I know 2 people outside of my brother who play D&D or variants thereof
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ It's either that or Latin American soap operas.
We get those here also, don't worry. :P
@Dennis you've got to get some culture into whichever south american country you live in (I forgot) start a local D&D group or something. That is an appalling situation
@ConorO'Brien Wow. That's surprising
Board games aren't exactly popular here.
@quartata *IRL
It's not a board game
@ConorO'Brien Still surprising
Yeah, my university is small and that's the only place I've met people who were even interested in D&D
The group never really got off the ground
Oh wait. My dad played in college
How big is the uni?
How many people
@quartata OK, tabletop role-playing game. Not sure I know the difference.
1200 people
That's pretty small
@Dennis 1 is played with little statues, the other....uhhhh little statues.
Thanks, that clears it up.
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ but its way more freeform
you can use whatever markers you want
My brother's smaller but he goes to a more specialized college for animation, design, sound, that sort of thing
and the thing is just a grid
and half the time you either don't use it / use it in a large scale its there for reference way
Was an oversimplification as a joke
The rule book for board games is thin enough to be used as a coaster, if that. The rule books for RPG's are hard bound volumes.
I have a paperback one on my shelf, thank you very much.
@Dennis You can use a grid and markers to map out where your characters and the bad guys, but a large portion of the game is playing a role (barbarian, thief, etc) in a game where the story is directed by the Game Master, but is largely up to the players' imaginations
Tl;Dr: fantasia with more lotr
Think Telltale Games with multiple decision makers
its good because the players make up the entire thing as they go (or as the dm prepared it) but there are structured rules that ensure that the entire thing remain balanced and fun
Assuming that your group isn't full of chuckleheads
@Maltysen old man Henderson ftw
Or potheads
My group never really got the hang of playing the roles. The battles took so long that the role playing was squeezed out of our sessions, and we were too new to figure out to squeeze role playing into the battles
Another difference: With RPG's, you play with masters. With board games, it's just bankers at best.
I think Dennis is somewhat sick of hearing about DND by now.... ;P
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ omg this is hillarious
I feel bad for the GM
@quartata uses for an amulet of poison resistance, when I'm naturally resistant?
fire ants
And it was a new record for actual run also :/
@quartata is there anything I can do while being chased by 4 soldier ants?
Nvm, dead
In general questions of the form
> being chased by xyz
Have a fairly predictable answer:
> elbereth
For extra variety though I could have also suggested digging
Q: Answers written in "joke" languages

Daniel M.As an answer to this question, I wrote an answer in the "programming language" 2014 (screenshot). The answer was deleted, accompanied with this note: I'm temporarily removing this post in compliance with our policy about answers not meeting the challenge specification. Please feel free to edi...

@feersum The OP said he'd give another 500 rep for one. I'm interested, because I read stuff about cracking the Mersenne Twister. I also looked at the source of the Python random module. I'm still not exactly sure how it works with an unbounded integer as the seed.
I was writing some Python code for reversing the MT, but idk that it'd help when you don't know all or almost all 624 random values in a row.
I know probably a dozen people who've played D&D, myself included.
Someone mentioned on SO or Cryptography.SE (can't remember which) to try using the fact that the MT is periodic to find the first occurrence of the necessary sequential bytes and figure out the seed from there.
@PhiNotPi I've played D&D (Pathfinder 3.5, actually)
and I'm playing D&D for real tomorrow
Sometime, I want to run a campaign of the RPG called Paranoia.
@PhiNotPi ehh. Big Bang Theory has lots of "smart jokes"
@PhiNotPi Ah, yes, that's what I saw a while ago.
One of the things I find quite off-putting about comedy shows like The Big Bang Theory are the laugh tracks. I dislike being told to laugh, so to speak. If a joke is funny, you don't need to tell me. Adding a laugh track does not make a joke funny and actually ruins the experience for me.
Couldn't agree more.
That's why I really like the office and parks and rec
Are there actually modern shows that use laugh tracks?
yes, unfortunately
@PhiNotPi I love how futurama is in the middle.
Wow. That actually comes as a surprise to me. I can't name anything I've watched in the past 5-10 years that used one
unless ironically
*made in the past 5-10 years, that is
I'm so used to laugh tracks, I couldn't say which of the shows I watch have them and which do not...
Probably worth noting that I didn't watch TV at all for seven years, give or take, and now I live in a house where people do watch TV. It's weird.
What is something small that I can do for 1 month?
and has applications.
Shell scripting?
Learn web programming. That will serve you for a long time to come.
@El'endiaStarman what if I never need to make or modify a website?
Forgot to mention that I do have programming experience
@JesterTran I personally try to accumulate skills from a wide variety of fields. Very often, there will be lessons or principles you learn that you can then apply elsewhere. I was able to solve a problem that one interviewer (many months ago) didn't know was solvable because I had taken Multivariable Calculus. My knowledge and expertise with making websites helped me get the job that I'm starting on Monday because it allowed me to respond to a test in a unique manner that really showed my skills.
I probably won't be doing all that much website work at my new job, but those skills still came in handy.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Daniel M.Wordsearch programming cops-and-robbersgrid (Todo: example submission + format) Your task Write a full program that takes no input and prints a message of finite length to STDOUT. Arrange your program into a wordsearch puzzle. Post the wordsearch and language, along with the desired output. ...

Right, @El'endiaStarman. Do you recommend what language I should learn for web dev? Assume I know the basics of C, Shell and Perl.
@JesterTran Those will be your backend languages. Find a web development framework for Perl (I think that's your best choice). Then learn HTML, CSS, and Javascript. Finally, make something small to show to other people.
Ok, thanks @El'endiaStarman
Oftentimes, a JS library like jQuery is used along with vanilla Javascript because it makes writing code easier by handling the differences in how browsers implement functions and capabilities.
What sort of programming experience?
@HWalters Data structures and algorithms in C, small shell and Perl scripting involving regex
Q: bouncey-edged XY box with a marker at Z

Jake Harrylong time lurker first time poster here. Write a program which takes 3 inputs: X, Y and Z. X = Rows Y = Columns Z = Location Marker (not bigger than X * Y) The program should then print a visual grid (any character except "+" to represent this is fine) X across and Y down. Each 'location' ...

The clouds are in a nice pink, but my camera sees them as orange ;_;
So tempted to answer How does one pronounce "fng"? with Just start to say fnord but stop at the g.
@betseg correct it in post-processing?
(And always take raw images)
Too late ._.
Saw Kelvin-Helmholtz instability thing cloud but it collapsed while I was trying to get my phone ;_;
But hey, you saw it, that's more important than the photo
I don't think I've ever seen one
@betseg Wow, that's cool.
Is there a meteorology/climatology SE?
Hey does anyone here know Clojure?
@El'endiaStarman where does x-1/2=-x come from?
(ns test.core

(defn power [m n]
  (if (= n 1) m (* m (power m (- n 1)))))

(defn -main []
  (println (power 10 3)))
@Qwerp-Derp no
Whenever I code in Jelly I use 6 tabs at once: 1 for PPCG, 1 for TIO, and 4 for the Jelly wiki :P
@Qwerp-Derp FAQ
So no one here knows Clojure? :(
I, for one, do not
1 hour later…
who wants to feel old?
2006 was 10 years ago
Q: Compute the height of a radix tree

ZgarbIntroduction A radix tree, also known as compressed trie or compressed prefix tree, is a tree-like data structure for storing a set of strings. The edges of the tree are labeles by nonempty strings, and each node is either terminal or nonterminal. The strings that the tree contains are exactly t...

So Meta isn't loading for me...
Oh, it's because someone broke the design userscript again
@El'endiaStarman that's a great graph
@orlp 2017 is 10 years 11 months old
@betseg 2017?
O shit
We're still in 2016 for another month yet... Doesn't that make 2007 9 years 11 months old?
Q: How to create a C++ leastDifference function that finds least difference between any two elements of an array

Sanam KhanWrite a C++ least Difference function that finds least difference between any two elements of an array. For Example : Array : 40 30 45 32 19 Least Difference:2 (between 30 and 32)

@NewMainPosts sigh
10 hours ago, by Mego
@NewMainPosts Ugh. I wish we had a site policy that homework questions can be nuked on sight
@Mego I arrived here, saw that on the starboard, and went to main to look. And found a homework question posted 4 minutes ago...
I should make a bookmark for "we're not going to do your homework for you"
@trichoplax The one I said that in response to thankfully got nuked pretty quickly. It was an even more blatant "gimme codez" post
We do have a pretty efficient community...
That was the one I was referring to
@trichoplax :/
That's not my homework . I know you can't do this. :P — Sanam Khan 4 mins ago
Any one here Please Help ! — Sanam Khan 1 min ago
@Mego That is indeed worse... At least this morning's one could potentially be made into a challenge if they wanted
I guess you just need to create a tag and then get a gold badge in it...
Or make a tag and a bot that automatically closes and deletes questions with the tag, as well as shaming people who post questions that get tagged with it :P
It seems like there should be some sort of grace period between when a tag is applied and when users with gold badges in the tag can close-hammer it. I don't know if there is one, but if there isn't, there's a lot of room for abuse by slapping the tag on a question just to unilaterally close it (though hopefully people who invest enough time to get a gold badge would be smart enough not to do that).
Interesting loophole. I guess they would be found out pretty quickly though
I'm not sure shaming will help, as people coming here for homework help aren't looking for prestige, and it's new people each time so I guess it's mostly genuine misunderstanding (combined with a disinclination to read what's on topic).
@trichoplax I meant just pinging them in chat with that Game of Thrones gif :P
It might be interesting to know what proportion of our new posts are off topic homework, compared to other sites in the network
Less than SO, more than Anime
...which also describes pretty much all of our statistics (traffic, posts/day, users, etc.)
@Mego If they don't bother reading what's on topic, telling them chat exists is probably going to make more trouble for us than for them :P
You see, your first mistake was assuming I was making serious suggestions :P
Hopefully anyone reading this will be able to tell from the proliferation of :P faces that neither of our suggestions are to be taken too seriously...
@trichoplax SO has an amazing attitude to homework questions
that is amazingly bad
I try to be reasonably friendly about them here, as each new person is only asking an off topic question for the first time. It's tricky though, and I'm not surprised SO shows less patience with their volumes.
It's like working in a shop, which has a big sign in the window saying "We're out of lightbulbs". It's hard not to become annoyed with the steady stream of people coming in and asking if you have any lightbulbs, even though you know each one has only made a single mistake.
I don't have much patience for those people, TBH. They're on the wrong site, anyway - it shouldn't be too hard to distinguish.
Also, if they're going to make a question, they should read the guidelines. It's not long, and it outlines that general programming questions should be asked over on SO. They're wrong on that front, at least.
It doesn't help that we're getting more popular. A search online for "code programming stack exchange" gives us as the first result for me, above Code Review.
We're never going to overshadow SO though, so that should cancel that out a bit. Most of the traffic is redirected to SO anyway.
Of course, site growth is a good thing, I just mean it comes with that cost. We're also getting more people to work the review queues though...
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

ZgarbUniquely removable subsequences code-golf array-manipulation subsequence decision-problem Introduction Consider a sequence of integers and one of its subsequences, say A = [4 2 2 4 4 6 5] and B = [2 4 5]. We want to remove the elements of B from A in order, and there are several ways of doin...

I might need further reviews of this:
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Qwerp-DerpThe Mondrian Metagolf code-challenge tiling optimization For more information, watch this video. The Mondrian Puzzle (for an integer n) is the following: Fit non-congruent rectangles into a n*n square grid. What is the smallest difference possible between the largest and the smallest rectangle...

@trichoplax But what about battletoads?
@Mego Computer game reference? I'm lost...
@Dennis Can we get Java (specifically 8) on TIO?
There's not enough Clojure answers :(
@Mego Oh. I see. Thankfully I never had anything that bad...
(defn display [str delay]
  (println str)
  (Thread/sleep delay)
  (if (= (count str) 0) nil
    (display (subs str 0 (- (count str) 1)) delay)))
Made a small display function thing in Clojure
Q: Dump core on Linux

spraffWrite the shortest program which, when run with no arguments, stdin, or user input, triggers a core dump. Your code must behave this way when run on some common out-of-the-box Linux distribution. Other than installing support for your target language, you may not reconfigure the system to make i...

LOL FANCY CODE M8 8/8 KTHXBYE — mojimonster Nov 2 '15 at 15:52
Well, it's a comment on a LOLCODE answer
@Qwerp-Derp do you even recur
Q: Make big rocks into small rocks

jacksonecacWelcome to the grinder. Your task is to make big rocks into small rocks by grinding them. Take an input of a big rock of size n > 2 and grind it. Continue to grind the rocks by dumping them into the grinder until the size of all the rocks are 2. rocks are always grinded into equal even halv...

A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

venIn space You are an astronaut, trying to communicate with earth a message. However, there's an issue! The message you received didn't contain any space (or other forms of punctuations). Your task will be to decipher it. You will try to find the longest matching word repeatedly (using an english...

^ would like to know if there's something akin to that already. didn't manage to find one
Hi all. Quick question: are these (1, 2)valid answers to a PG challenge?
They're not actually programming, they're calling normal, large external executables that simply happen to have a short name.
However, they're upvoted so I was wondering if I've misunderstood your scope.
@terdon I would assume 2 is valid. I would also assume that 1 is valid too.
bash is usually accepted.
But that isn't bash
Given that we normally accept bash
the size of the executable is totally and utterly irrelevant.
@ven sure, when writing a script, you ignore the size of the interpreter. But this isn't a script at all. It is a compiled binary that just happens to have a short name.
Does this mean that I could write a 20M program to solve a challenge, name it f and claim it is a one byte solution?
@terdon sure it might be boring but that doesn't make it invalid
$$ isn't
@terdon yes as long as it existed before the challenge
@ven $$ makes sense. I'm talking about the w and ps answers which have nothing to do with the shell.
Or at least that's my interpretation
@BlueEyedBeast Then how do you count the bytes?
grep, sed, etc, also aren't actually related to the shell, still allowed AFAIK
@ven Sure, but you count the bytes in your solution, don't you?
@terdon I don't normally poste shell answers
you could ask on meta and get your question closed as a dupe by someone who knows what's going on
Nah, just found this on the HNQ and those two answers just seemed way off to me.
it's the golflangs vs regular langs argument
@terdon If you don't like them, downvote them
@terdon you count the bytes it takes to call them
maybe ask again in this chat in ~4-5 hours when more people are around
But none of these are actually languages. The solutions are external programs somebody else wrote. I guess the argument is that you can write a script that calls those. . .
@terdon that's what I think the agument is
@BlueEyedBeast Yes, thank you, I am aware of how SE works :) I am just trying to understand how PPG works.
Anyone have a clue why a Python turtle would decide to only draw in red?
@BlueEyedBeast OK, I guess I can see how that might make sense.
well, is uniq a language? but still, foo | grep | uniq is allowed in PPCG
@terdon the voting culture here is different from how HNQ questions get votes
so once a question hits HNQ, all semblance of a good answer normally goes away
and all the boring builtins get loads of upvotes
and if it makes you feel better, those answers won't win
there were other 1 byte answers posted before them
@BlueEyedBeast That's always the case. In pretty much every single SE site.
unless there's a 0 byte one
@BlueEyedBeast I'm not bothered. As I said, my objective was to understand how PPG works.
@ven OK, fair enough. So shell-based solutions are allowed even if no actual coding is involved.
again, you need to define "actual coding".
Q: What are programming languages?

Ingo BürkOften, answers to questions asking for "programs" or talking about "programming languages" utilize things like sed, awk, … in order to get around having to write an actual shell script. Therefore, a question comes to my mind: What qualifies as a programming language? Sure, ultimately the OP ca...

is probably relevent
@ven Heh, true enough. And not as simple as it might appear at first glance.
@terdon there are many a meta question about it
I see. Reading now, thanks.
Q: How can we help users who are put off by the use of golfing languages?

Martin EnderEvery other month someone expresses their (negative) feelings about golfing languages. Here is how this usually goes: they complain that they don't enjoy golfing in the languages they know because some language specifically built for golfing (which looks like gibberish and which they can't read)...

Q: Answers written in "joke" languages

Daniel M.As an answer to this question, I wrote an answer in the "programming language" 2014 (screenshot). The answer was deleted, accompanied with this note: I'm temporarily removing this post in compliance with our policy about answers not meeting the challenge specification. Please feel free to edi...

A: How can we help users who are put off by the use of golfing languages?

xnorStop upvoting trivial solutions It's easy to imagine why a new user would be frustrated when the highest-voted answer is a 3-byte solution in a golfing language with a built-in that nearly solves the problem. It feels like no matter hard they golf in a conventional language, their solution will ...

Is there an easy way to generate a range of hues that "blend" nicely, i.e. follow the color cylinder? HSV color space is somewhat confusing to me
@Kade Does changing the pen colour have any effect? Are there other things on screen that are not red?
@trichoplax The bug was a fault of mine, not the turtle. Figured it out :)
Are you looking to convert from HSV to RGB?
HSL and HSV are the two most common cylindrical-coordinate representations of points in an RGB color model. The two representations rearrange the geometry of RGB in an attempt to be more intuitive and perceptually relevant than the cartesian (cube) representation. Developed in the 1970s for computer graphics applications, HSL and HSV are used today in color pickers, in image editing software, and less commonly in image analysis and computer vision. HSL stands for hue, saturation, and lightness (or luminosity), and is also often called HLS. HSV stands for hue, saturation, and value, and is also...
These two are subtly different - not sure which suits your purpose better
If i am understanding that graphic correctly (which I may not be)
In HSV, if I were to hold V and S constant at 1, cycling through the "degrees" 0-360 should give me all of the colors on that very top row (essentially)?
@terdon What's the difference between code in sh calling an executable written by someone else (and included in the install) versus code in Mathematica calling a built-in written by someone else (and included in the install)?
Yes, and there will be no visible join - you could cycle through from 0 to 720 without seeing a seam
@TimmyD Not much, I guess.
If I uses Python's colorsys module to loop through this they all end up being the same color: RGB (229, 22, 22)
The section on Converting to RGB should help
Are you using colorsys.hsv_to_rgb()?
Python 2 or 3?
Ah wait a minute
I may have solved my own problem
Looks like python might be treating H as in the range [0,1] instead of [0,360]
It seems to be, I had been reading a SO answer where the person was using [0,360]
Unfortunately the help for the colorsys module is minimal...
Ah - actually help(colorsys) is much more useful than help(hsv_to_rgb) - try that
tio.run/#JdAkh why r[0] won't fill with 45s halp
There is only 1 45
Well the color range generation is working well, however the turtle has decided he won't draw anything if his color is changed..
Sorted it out!
@betseg Subtract the terms in each column, and you get 0-1+2-3+4-..., which is -x.
the problem with some esolangs is that there's no "how to" anywhere
I have to invent entire techniques for this language
I can finally stop working on this :P
Looking good :)
Is that one continuous line?
Dividing an even number by 2 in COW is extremely simple, but determining whether or not a number is even in COW is... very difficult. The only condition I can check against is "is the current memory block equal to 0" and the only consequence of it not being zero I can do is "start a loop"
maybe this is an actual use-case for mOO
you could have a memory position keep track of odd or even and count it out
Q: Aircraft Marshalling School

ArtOfCodeGiven a string representing a series of aircraft marshalling hand signals, write a function or program to calculate the final position of an aircraft following these signals. N.B.: Co-ordinates in this challenge are represented as a pair of Cartesian co-ordinates, plus a compass direction headin...

i can't format
I'm receiving my integer from input, so let's say I get the number 5. How do I determine its parity?
decrement it to 0 while increasing another memory location to preserve the input and have a flipflopping odd/even memory location
But the question is, how do I flipflop?
similar to brainfuck i think you need to use the ability to loop as your conditional
Do you have a power function? You can't just do (-1)^N?
I'm using COW which is basically a Brainfuck derivative
How does Brainfuck do it?
I assume with maximum effort
well since there's no if statement you use a loop that iterates once
@GabrielBenamy Maybe like this?
@Kade That's remarkably unhelpful because I'm not familiar with brainfuck, but I'm sure I can figure out how it works. Thank you.
Even if you're not familiar with BF hopefully some of these answers provide insight into the logic
Maybe this too

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