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I think I did underestimate it, but it also seems that it is still a lot higher in the US
This website says that Liechtenstein's personal income tax rate stands at 24%, whereas the United States' personal income tax rate is 39.60%. (I'm not sure what is meant by "personal income tax", since that seems awfully high.) So yes, Liechtenstein's taxes are probably way lower than the United States'.
Also, looks like my perception was correct: the USA is actually closer to the low end when considering first world countries.
I don't understand it either, I think the US also has progressive taxes, doesn't it?
Yeah. You don't get taxed at the same rate on all of your income.
@El'endiaStarman On the same list it says CH is at 40%, which (at least in our examples) doesn't make any sense.
Yeah, that 39.6% is only for the top bracket, which starts at $400k+/year of taxable income.
Oh, that makes way more sense. I'll be in the 25% bracket.
Yeah, the vast majority of people are 28% or less.
Huh. I've actually been tracking my transactions for almost three years now.
> The law always ended up being used as a Band-Aid on sin instead of a deep healing of it.
^ love it.
Reading the bible is fun now.
Haha, which translation? The Message?
Someone should put it through something like the xkcd simple writer.
@El'endiaStarman yep
Though I'd be pretty shocked if nobody had done this already.
@El'endiaStarman does minkolang enforce the extension of the file?
;_; darn
Q: 8 ought to become Infinity

QwertiyLet's take a look on a typical loop, which usually performs 8 iterations: for (int x=0; x<8; ++x); You have to make it infinite! It's a popularity-contest for all languages that support such form of for loop. So solution with highest score (upvotes minus downvotes) wins. If your language h...

I leave for 2 days and you guys lock the showcase. >_>
I'm innocent.
it's okay I believe you
It was because you left for two days.
is it possible to unlock it
@ConorO'Brien Yes.
is it likely that it will be unlocked?
@Geobits, I am shame
wait wat we locked the showcase ಠ_________ಠ
this is bad idea sheep/10
Q: Should "Showcase your language one vote at a time" be unlocked and reopened?

Calvin's HobbiesThe current second highest-voted PPCG question, Showcase your language one vote at a time, was recently put on hold for being too broad and locked as historically significant for reasons explained here. Should the question be unlocked and reopened so people can continue to add and update answers...

I guess this is relevant meta post
@Dennis I don't understand. an overwhelming majority voted in favor of leaving the showcase open and yet it was closed? What happened to "community"? I was once told mods don't make decisions, they enforce them.
Jun 28 at 2:22, by Doorknob
@Downgoat We don't make the rules; we enforce them
What exactly would be the alternative to the showcase.
no showcase
either someone makes like a dedicated site or no showcase
Well it appears the general consensus wasn't to leave it open, but to have something else that fit better. What would that something else be though >.>
To be fair, mods are also expected to be leaders, so there are some situations where taking action apart from the community is appropriate. I do not, however, believe that this is one of those situations.
they are like 5 posts all highly upvoted saying "don't kill the showcase". Dennis posts a single post with a couple upvotes and boom showcase locked...
@Downgoat the key here is that the majority also agreed that it was too broad. Closing is the logical result of it being too broad
@El'endiaStarman I understand if its something like inapproriate behavior (e.g. memes) but this is more of a what we want to be on-topic case
you can't have both worlds (at least on SE)
@Downgoat But at that point, what's to stop us from just using our own site all together for all challenges? I've seen plenty of people mention in the past that SE doesn't really fit the style of the way our challenges because it's a Q&A site, so why don't we just make our own?
@Downgoat You mean "don't lock the showcase", right?
sorry whoops :P
@NathanMerrill No, they didn't.
@Downgoat Yes. In that sort of situation, I agree that mods should lend their voices, but ultimately follow the will of the community.
@Geobits Dogbits strikes again?
maybe Dennis thinks that if we closed the showcase we'll get our shiny new design :P
@ConorO'Brien Should've closed it before November 1st then.
great now we have to wait another year
though we hvae 4 years for waiting for design anyway
:( that means by the time we get our design i'll be an undergrad with no time for PPCG
No time for PPCG?
What kind of school are you going to?
@Downgoat My answer is currently at +24/-6 too.
So it isn't even "we don't have consensus" anymore
We have consensus
@feersum idk but from what ive heard as a student you are basically doing 40% of time school 60% time homework, 50% time sleeping nvm sleep is overrated
and the other 50% doing ppcg!
Are you doing a CS major?
you just do everything twice as fast
@feersum probably
I'm a CS major, I had a decent amount of free time.
Although Idunno about this last semester
If you already know how to code, CS major will not be time-consuming at all.
It helps that the first two years are mostly review.
wait review of what
I probably should've had less free time, but whatever.
@Downgoat remember, CS major is semi-intended for those with little knowledge of CS (iirc)
@Downgoat The intro courses are all fairly easy and I doubt you'll have any problems with data structures or assembly which are usually the next lower-division courses
@Downgoat When we locked the showcase, the majority was agreeing with me that it is too broad. The "rule" is that challenges that are too broad get closed, and that's what we enforced.
ok so i can become Bachelordowngoat no problem :D
@Downgoat Did I say that? I said the first two years
Upper-division is where it gets interesting :P
as long as i get to make cheese i won't be fine
i saved ssh key on phone
@Dennis The fact that the majority changed means that not enough people had seen and gotten to vote yet
and now i reset phone.... crap
Also while 40% against is technically a majority I wouldn't say it's much of one for such an action
@quartata If it's 40% for one option and less than that for other options, that's not a majority, but rather a plurality.
Just some nitpicking, don't mind me... :P
@El'endiaStarman Part of the problem on meta is that the options aren't mutually exclusive
So there's a lot of overlap with no way of knowing where the overlap lies
Yeah, that's true.
Which means that on issues like this it kind of breaks down
I assume Dennis and the other mods have some sort of plan as to what to do as an alternative, maybe we should just give them time and see rather than get all up in arms about the closing right now. Just my 2 cents.
@Downgoat Not sure what this means
@quartata I still don't think we can make Mona Lisa is too broad, but the Showcase isn't. The think was that "Looks like Mona Lisa" wasn't a validity requirement, it's the guideline on how to vote. Similarly, "Interesting" isn't a validity requirement for the Showcase, its the guideline on how to vote.
@quartata bad cheddar joke (meaning if im working on cheddar i will not pass)
> Although there are currently some wording issues that make it seem more subjective than it is, this is all that is required to meet the spec sufficiently:
Clearly, we need to somehow abuse SE's mod election process and use STV voting to decide.
Where as with the other one similarity to the Mona Lisa was explicitly a validity rule
@Downgoat Ah. Gotcha.
Speaking of which I have the Cheddar banner on one of these bill boards but I'm not sure it'll stretch right...
the other Mona Lisa, the similarity was a scoring rule
not a validity rule
@quartata :O :D
@NathanMerrill "goal of this challenge to produce output similar to the Mona Lisa"
i can send you svg of that too if you'd like
Direct quote
@Downgoat Nah, I think it'll turn out OK.
regardless, "Make an image that is 20x20" is just as valid as "make a code snippet of n characaters"
I don't have the fonts for some of the SVGs so
both have very objective requirements
just very broad
40 secs ago, by quartata
@NathanMerrill "goal of this challenge to produce output similar to the Mona Lisa"
If you took that out it wouldn't be the same challenge.
If you took out "interesting" from the showcase it would be.
right, that's the goal. that tells people how to vote
@NathanMerrill No it doesn't. That sentence was explicitly for people answering the challenge
same thing with the showcase
The showcase has no winner though.
as in it's like a catalog
@quartata so, you would say that it would be ontopic if they said "vote for the answer that looks like the mona lisa"?
you know what. why dont i make a website where people can add showcases of cool language feature
problem = solved :D
yesterday, by quartata
And there's absolutely no way such an alternative would ever attract as much attention
oh ok
It's our second most upvoted challenge ever
we can always add a # SHOWCASE MOVED TO [here](http://goats.com/showcase) at top of Q body
@quartata from the showcase: "All the snippets will be written in the same programming language and attempt to showcase its obscure or interesting features"
"attempt to showcase the interesting features" sounds like "goal" to me
@NathanMerrill As I said in my answer, that's wording. If you took out the latter part of the sentence it wouldn't change the challenge.
Question: since i am not doing much rn, should i try to make an alternative language showcase website
Instead waste time on TF2 servr
@quartata right, but interesting is still how people are voting. That's the entire point of the challenge. if it wasn't explicit, it'd be implied
I'm hoping to evolve you out of the gibus W+M1 Pyro mindset with operant conditioning
W+M1 results in positive punishment of getting rekt
@NathanMerrill You can't ever control voting.
There's no point in creating rules regarding it
I agree, but popcons are based around "vote for X"
That's a whole other can of worms though
you need to have voting criterion
even if people don't follow them
Voting criterion doesn't matter.
The reason why we wanted something objective was so we could delete bad answers
We can do that.
Nothing else matters
you can't make the voting criterion into something objective.
It doesn't need to be
All it needs is that the challenge has enough objective validity criteria to differentiate blatantly bad answers
I think Image with all colors is really the poster child for this:
Q: Images with all colors

Mark JeronimusSimilar to the images on allrgb.com, Make images where each pixel is a unique color (no color is used twice and no color is missing). Give a program that generates such an image, along with a screenshot or file of the output (upload as PNG). Create the image purely algorithmically. Image must ...

As long as you meet the objective part (it contains all colors) anything else "bad" about an answer is too subjective to matter anyways
Pattern might not be interesting to some people but interesting to others
lets say I made my snippets positively boring on Showcase. you'd allow that?
ok, lets say I made "Output the mona lisa 3.0", but the only real requirements is "1. output a 200x200 image", and tell people to vote based on its similarity to the mona lisa. Would you allow that?
why? 200x200 is absolutely objective
and its the only requirement
while "looks like mona lisa" is just as subjective as "interesting code snippet"
I suppose my answer is a little vague in this regard but basically
This still allows for answers that have very obviously made insufficient effort at the challenge but can only be deleted on subjective grounds
With the showcase if you have a selection of snippets that is sufficient effort no matter what, even if the snippets don't do much they demonstrate something by the nature of the challenge
so, if my snippet was "1+1": this adds two numbers, you'd still say that was sufficient?
Yeah. In a lot of languages that might be the best you can do.
Now voters can do whatever the hell they want, and most likely you won't get to make any more snippets
But that isn't something in our control and we should definitely not argue scope around what voters are going to do
Still, that tells me something about the language, right? :P
Decimal literals, infix operators? In an alien world where C doesn't exist that would be pretty interesting
So it demonstrates something it just doesn't seem interesting to us
I guess it really comes down to "how much effort" it takes, then?
We don't care exactly how much, just as long as it's sufficient. That's the whole point of why we got rid of underhanded and code trolling - because we couldn't even rule on that while opening a whole new can of worms
These arguments are pretty theoretical so I'd like to point you to the practical results:
A: Proposal to lock the Language Showcase as historically significant

quartataThe showcase is part of a unique category of pop-cons that should be on topic. Before I explain this, consider for a second why we banished code-trolling, underhanded and now are considering eliminating popularity-contest: site quality. During the great code trolling apocalypse, Doorknob and Mar...

I have lists of questions that demonstrate this
And lists of questions that don't
See the difference for yourself.
This category really emerged from observing this, to be honest.
right, and the difference I see is how well "voting" works for the answers
voting works really well for the Showcase
Right. In essence "voting" and "validity" are separated.
As long as these don't mix it works.
A: Write a program that makes 2 + 2 = 5

GraxJavascript Here is another fun one. This time in Javascript function Add(a,b) { return a + b; } alert(Add(2,2)); if (false) { function Add(a,b) { return ++a + b; } alert("This code is not to be executed!"); }

10/10 beautiful JS abuse
When they mix then we introduce problems
because it asks people to vote for interesting, which people naturally do. However, on the Mona Lisa, people will still vote for interesting (even if it doesn't look like the Mona Lisa)
Which is part of the problem.
Once again, voters can't be controlled. code-trolling demonstrated that people will twist themselves into pretzels to justify shitty answers, and these answers will get a lot of votes.
right, which is why I really think your "should we close it" is more or less: does it propel voters to vote for answers that complete the subjective goal
I suppose you could look at it like that, sure.
I think in some cases, there are differences between "good answers" and "answers that get a lot of votes"
@ais523 Oh, absolutely.
an answer that makes you think "what?" and stop and read it tends to get voted for
I am not proud of any of my high scoring answers.
They're shit
even if the answer actually fails to answer the question
also I'm proud of some of my high scoring answers but others got upvoted for no apparent reason
my top answer got way too many votes, wasn't on this site, and was written in like..3 minutes
I mean, it's well written so it's not terrible
And it isn't really the kind of question where you can blame HNQ
So maybe it helped people :P
this answer is at 12 and I have no idea why; I mean, it's correct and pretty short, but there's no real creativity in it, pretty much any other Perl golfer would do the same
your answer there is pretty reasonable, and actually hints at an interesting issue in language design
actually, I think I'd close Play a Song for me
in languages like C, you get at the value of a variable by stating its name; if you want to get at the variable itself (i.e. its memory address), you need to use an operator &
which is fairly magical (the language needs two different sorts of values, lvalues and rvalues, to make it work)
my highest answer doesn't even work
my second highest answer took 15 seconds
OK, I'm listening to some silly mashup song where there's a section where they keep repeating dango (団子) and I keep double-taking and hearing it as @Downgoat. Obviously working on this map has taken a toll on my sanity
@quartata Dango dango dango dango // Dango dango daikazoku...
in Algol and OCaml, stating the name of a variable gives you the variable itself; you can use one operator (typically :=) to assign it and another operator (OCaml uses !) to read it
@El'endiaStarman Yeah, that's it. haha
that ends up so much more logical, but it didn't catch on due to the extra visual noise caused by all the dereferences
@quartata could you explain to me the difference between Play a song and Mona lisa?
@Oliver Why'd you protect this question?
@NathanMerrill I was under the impression the subjective part of Play a song was what instrument you used.
@quartata thats good that means you're transforming into a goat and my world domination plot is working
@Downgoat Not especially.
@quartata It's from the closing song for CLANNAD, a great anime.
member functions (methods) have a similar issue; what you normally want to do with them is run them
so object.method to run the method is the least noisy syntax for general use
@El'endiaStarman I have watched 0 anime
@quartata nah, it simply shows what valid input is, but doesn't actually pose any restrictions on the audio
but then you need syntax like object#method or &(object.method) to get at the method itself without running it (e.g. to assign it to a variable)
@NathanMerrill Well, the audio has to be the right pitch and stuff correct
If not then I misread that challenge and I'll need to pick another one haha
@quartata I've seen very few. Maybe only CLANNAD, CLANNAD After Story, and Sword Art Online. I'm not counting Avatar: The Last Airbender or Korra as animes here, though they're pretty close. That's pretty much it.
;_; i type "Downgoat" into google translate for en->fr and then switch to fr->en and it give "Bat"
TIL "Downgoat" = "Bat"
I mean, it talks about the pitches, but doesn't actually indicate you need to have them. You could do some of the same stuff with Mona lisa, though (like "You need to be able to distiguish between the different facial features, like the nose and eyes")
@Downgoat: I guess a good translation would start with the word for "down", then be followed by the name of an animal that sounded somewhat like "vote"
@Oliver Please do not protect challenges unless there is a pressing reason to do so. See this meta post. The challenge you protected didn't need to be protected - there were (and still are) no invalid answers, especially not from new (< 10 rep) users. Moderator tools are a privilege - please use them responsibly.
but the translation algorithm Google uses could never figure that out unless people had been posting the answer on websites already
@ais523 well it translated into chevre-souris which is "goat mouse" (i think) so i have no idea where it went
many languages' words for "bat" are "mouse" with some modifier
so maybe Google Translate thought "this is a weird sort of mouse, maybe it's a bat"
@El'endiaStarman ayyyy CLANNAD :D
why is that pop-con off topic? @Mego
it has winning-criterion(most votes) and wasn't broad at all in terms of acceptable answers
:/ What should I do if I see one user making several (like 5 in under 5 minutes) trivial pointless edits that don't actually improve the post in any way shape or form?
If it's really in under five minutes, it's all in the same grace period. I don't see a problem with that.
@Maltysen The winning criterion relies too heavily on constructs that may or may not exist in some languages, and if they do exist, may not be compatible with the challenge. In essence, aside from a few concrete examples (C, C++, C#, Java), it's impossible to tell whether or not the language could be used without the OP deciding.
@Dennis No, 5 different posts
@DrMcMoylex Flag one for moderator attention?
Things like changing '.' to '!'
sigh somehow I suspected which user it was
@Mego That's what I thought, but I'm not really sure what they should/would do about it
Official moderator warning? Temporary revoke edit privileges?
Oh, I didn't know that was a thing
I don't know if edit privileges can be temporarily revoked by mods, tbh
@Oliver Please avoid making pointless edits like this one in the future, especially in large batches. They don't improve the post in any way and clutter the front page with posts without any new information.
I know the SE system (and thus CMs) can do it
But when a user is told explicitly not to do something by someone with a diamond next to their name, they tend to listen
@Mego that's a good point (though the close reason definitely does not reflect that). Maybe have him replace the for loop with something more general (and perhaps have the extension points only be before and after the clean code)
@Mego Unlike review privileges, edit privileges cannot be revoked (at least not by moderators).
I once told TEN puns in a row, hoping that at least one would get a laugh... but no pun in ten did. — Digital Chris 6 hours ago
> Digital Chris
99% sure this is Digital Traumas bro
@Maltysen, еруку шы фд — Qwertiy 1 min ago
translate: еруку шы фд
(from Russian) having eruku FD
O... K?
CMC: What's an old challenge that deserves more answers? I'm just a few answers away from code-golf gold, so I want to write some.
May I promote an own challenge?
@ais523 yesterday you were wondering if it's possible to include bytecode instruction in an OCaml code (like C's asm instruction). Just wanted to let you know that I asked some friends who are very familiar with OCaml's compiler, and it's not possible. (dunno if you found an answer to your interrogations since yesterday)
OK, good to know
now I'm really curious as to what the intended answer was to that divide-by-0 question (or if it really was to redefine division and I just did the redefinition a different way to the way the author planned)
@flawr Those are all really complicated...
@DrMcMoylex well there is a reason why they haven't got that many answers yet=)
@DrMcMoylex the "tiny square diamond algorithm" is probably relatively easy.
well, redifining operators isn't that original.. I mean it's not usual of course, but it's a (fairly) well known possibility, so maybe that was his original intentions, and he just added more letters to confuse people trying to crack it...
the questions where anyone can write an answer in ten seconds and the hard part is to write a good one
there are two main sorts of golf questions, really
and the questions where writing an answer at all is fairly difficult
Most of mine probably fall in the latter category =/
I think they can both be good questions, but the former tend to be a lot more popular
I experienced that too.
this also means that the answers tend to get more votes, even though they took less effort than the answers to the harder problems
But I still like putting effort into writing (harder) challenges.
Congrats! That's a badge I'll never get...
What is the deputy badge about?
80(?) helpful flags.
80 helpful flags
Comment flags included?
Q: Cracking in progress

DadaRemember those brute-force programs to crack password that show every combination they are trying? More precisely, at one point, the n first characters are fixed (they have been guessed successfully), and every possible character for the remaining ones is being tested. You've probably seen some i...

I mean, I flag something if I see something flaggable
but that's rare, I've only flagged one post I think
@Dennis Hahaha
tbf, on one else will ever get constable
@Mods Soo...democracy? Or do you insist on waiting for more votes? (@Den@Doo@Mar@Ale)
@DrMcMoylex I recently put a bounty on one of my old ones. I needed to edit the stack snippet code to not take up a page of space, and I felt bad about bumping it just for that. I noticed it only had one answer other than my own, so I put a bounty on it.
I've held off on editing minor typos to avoid bumping the post
there really need to be an option to edit without bumping
(on Wikipedia we have one; it gets used by trolls/spammers sometimes but it's normally fairly easy to identify abuse because you can have a bot that checks for minor edits that seem to change something substantial)
I just found this "project" that I made in sixth grade
@wat So, like two weeks ago? :P
@Geobits ...
not cool
That was 3+ years ago
3+ years in two weeks?
Not bad
OK, it was the end of sixth grade and I'm in the beginning of 9th grade
I misremembered
Was naught but a joke. I'm just saying you're young ;)
I was 12
I'm not commenting on the quality of the project at all. I'm just calling you young. There's really no offense to be taken.
It's fine.
Though the project is trash
If I said I found something I did in sixth grade, that would be different. And probably terrible lol
in other news
@DrMcMoylex I didn't protect that.
Ha! I should show you some of the code I wrote when I was 14-15
our school robotics team's robot got 14th place out of 14
I can show you some code I wrote when I was 14-15
I didn't even have access to a computer when I was 12, so I had to carve my programs into wood planks.
You had planks? We had to carve them in the walls.
You had walls? We used a bucket of pebbles.
@Dennis I had to fell the trees first and mill them.
@DrMcMoylex Yep, that was the reference
something something get off my lawn...
I don't get the reference about swiss patent offices
Oh now I get it, it is a reference to Albert Einstein
anybody without le internets?
Major outages across providers across the USA
@LuisMendo how you do that screen recording magic?
I only have it because personal hotspot
@Geobits I did a[n] (ugly) forum platform from scratch (comments, posts, votes, etc.) in a single file in IDLE (essentially notepad + syntax highlighting + run buttons)
11 more votes on this and I'll profit on my 100 point bounty.
The funny thing is, the bounty didn't particularly motivate me to compete, but suddenly thinking of a good way to write a solution did
(I adapted it from a solution to an entirely different question)
@Calvin'sHobbies ?
currently it's well in the lead, so if the bounty goes to the winner, I'm in with a good shot at profiting from the bounty too :-D
@ais523 Yay! :)
36 mins ago, by Calvin's Hobbies
@Mods Soo...democracy? Or do you insist on waiting for more votes? (@Den@Doo@Mar@Ale)
@Calvin'sHobbies voted
re: the showcase thing, I think it'd definitely be a good idea to have some place where impressive PPCG-answer-style programs can be shown off
however I don't know that PPCG is necessarily the best fit, given how badly it violates the "objective winning criterion" rule (which is well established even though I don't fully agree with it)
I think it's my most creative challenge yet - the only other (positive voted) successful one was about opening the default browser to ppcg.
Also polyglot + quine + golf + meta = über combination
@Dada Hey, that "cracking in progress" challenge is great!
@Maltysen LICEcap. It works great
@LuisMendo Thanks! :)
@ais523 pop-cons are objective, simply most votes wins. There are issues with pop-cons but that's not what the Showcase argument is about.
Syntax highlighter + polylglot = cool
@Maltysen Ray Ryeng from the Matlab chat room recommended it to me
in CHATLAB and Talktave on Stack Overflow Chat, Sep 22 at 21:32, by Luis Mendo
@rayryeng How do you create a gif directly from the screen? That's a cool tool to have
@LuisMendo cool thanks
will check it out
@LuisMendo oh not in linux D:
@Maltysen Oh, I thought there was a Linux version as well

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