Elevening feed bot messages when they were ninja'd by a chat user is done for laughs/amusement, and that's kinda pointless when you'd have to go to the transcript to see it.
King of the Tic-Tac-Toe
Since Tic-Tac-Toe is solved, the grid used here is a 10x10 grid.
Your bot should accept input as a command-line argument.
The input will be the grid, like this:
CSS can simulate rule 110 and thus is turing complete. Thus is HTML + CSS considered a programming language for our definition. However as user @TimmyD mentioned appropriately "HTML+CSS is Turing-complete so long as Turing is clicking buttons making the program go. ;-)" (used with permission). Th...
@TùxCräftîñg i wonder if you'll add a specification to neoscript repo . i want to implemente it ! (though i'm not a good programmer , just doing it as a practise to see if i can improve my skills)
@GLASSIC Jelly Impresses me with it's terseness. C# impresses me with being nice, clean, professional, and simple. Python impresses me with being easy and english-like, as well as being visually different than most languages. Vim impresses me with the fact that my hands can edit text faster than my brain can think about it. C impresses me with it's brutal simplicity and the that it inspired basically every single language in use today.
I like Java and Python but I don't find them unusual, just useful. Erlang truly wowed me when I found out about its concurrency tools. Perl will aways have a special place in my heart being not only my first language but also my introduction to functional programming. Pytek although not finished will be awesome (disclaimer elendia did not pay me to say that)
openWarning: Calling Formula.sha1 is deprecated!
Use Formula.sha256 instead.
/usr/local/Library/Taps/staticfloat/homebrew-julia/gmp4-julia.rb:9:in `<class:Gmp4Julia>'
Please report this to the staticfloat/julia tap!
Warning: Calling SoftwareSpec#sha1 is deprecated!
Use SoftwareSpec#sha256 instead.
/usr/local/Library/Taps/staticfloat/homebrew-julia/gmp4-julia.rb:9:in `<class:Gmp4Julia>'
Please report this to the staticfloat/julia tap!
Warning: Calling Resource#sha1 is deprecated!
Use Resource#sha256 instead.
@DrGreenEggsandIronMan Yeah, I figured there was a chance it was meant in a joking way, but I wasn't about to let it stand regardless. It's very hard to be sure in an online, text-only environment.
@Dennis OK, a whole bunch of changes. 1. Could you pull V? 2. could you sudo pip2 install hexdump? 3. You don't have to be in the same directory to run a file anymore. 4. Could you add the -x or --hexdump flag? (either one works)
I used to love Java but rather recently I've realized I hate it and a lot of its quirks are just getting in my way. Too bad C# will never run properly on anything other than Windows
Groovy helps a lot with cutting out some of the retarded quirks of java but it's slow as shit. I think there might be a way to compile it which would be nice
@quartata Ah. You might be better off using the camera to track people. Look for the ones that move kinda slowly, stopping briefly every so often. If you can get the angle of the head it will make it easier :P
Well, you could just hack Niantic. Steal their code (along with their signing keys) and alter the program so it pings location to your own server. Then the rest is simple.
Subtopic: Crashing a program
I think a distinction should be emphasised between programs that crash different things.
A program that crashes itself only harms the program itself, and only temporarily.
Crashing a compiler is unlikely to affect any other program unless other programs happen to b...
We have a definition of what we consider a valid programming language for answers on PPCG. (If you disagree with this definition, please do so on that other post, and not here.)
The one type of challenge where people regularly tend to ignore this is for challenges with fixed output, i.e. mostly ...
Dennis said something about this some time ago, but I can't find it anymore.
@AlexA. Community consensus is that Kolmogorov complexity challenges can be answered in non-programming languages. (link) — Dennis ♦Dec 23 '15 at 23:46
@mınxomaτ It explicitly allows low quality posts, which either get a ridiculous amount of upvotes (thus encouraging more low quality posts) or get downvoted into oblivion (unexpected for something that is explicitly allowed).
@ConorO'Brien There is probably some middle ground between requiring addition and primality testing and having no requirements at all. I'd like to come up with something that allows creative answers in non-programming languages, but puts a stop to the answers whose "source code" is just the output.
Notepad, 34 31 keystrokes
^ denotes Ctrl-<following character> keypress, ↑↓ are up and down keys, respectively.
Props to Crypto for 3 saved keystrokes.
Notepad++, ??? keystrokes
I have no idea how to score this, but I decided to give it a shot since there's an answer on Notepad.
Here's the sequence:
* * * * * CTRL (hold) A D → D D D D D D D D D
A Fractional Year
Fractional time is the year (2016) plus the value (day of year - 1) / number of days in the year.
Example calculation
Let's say we want to convert the time: 17:34 3rd March 2013 to fractional time. Firstly, you find how many minutes were in 2013: 525600 minu...