This is a very simple challenge.
The joke language InterpretMe consists of one command; *, which causes the program to take input of an InterpretMe program and execute it.
An InterpretMe program will interpret as many InterpretMe programs as there are * in input.
Your goal is to create a p...
This is a very simple challenge.
The joke language InterpretMe consists of one command; *, which causes the program to take input of an InterpretMe program and execute it.
An InterpretMe program will interpret as many InterpretMe programs as there are * in input.
Your goal is to create a p...
Challenge description
Let's define an W x H grid as a two-dimensional array of length H whose each subarray is of length W. Example: a 2x3 grid (. character used as a blank):
A unit is a single point of a grid. A block is either a single unit or a set of contiguous units (meaning eac...
This is a standard textbook example to demonstrate for loops.
This is one of the first programs I learnt when I started learning programming ~10 years ago.
You are to print this exact text:
@Sherlock9 or you can put every command on a new line
@Sherlock9 "add 1" is encoded as "5", but you would have to build the binary yourself if you're encoding; on the other hand the sasm interpreter will convert your file to binary
@StewieGriffin Right. I mean that ans = and x = shouldn't be there if the function is supposed to print something rather than return something. — Alex A. ♦Nov 2 '15 at 16:45
sudo pacman-key --lsign-key 962DDE58 gpg: key 506513BBBD2521C9 was created 15059 seconds in the future (time warp or clock problem) -> Locally signing key 962DDE58... ==> ERROR: 962DDE58 could not be locally signed. halp pacman time-travelled
It's not that it means that much to me, and it wasn't anything personal against PieCot, but there are many MATLAB submissions that can be shortened if that's accepted.
Your task is to print the Champernowne constant (A033307) indefinitely.
There must be no spaces in your output and the solution with the fewest bytes wins!
Slices of a triangular alphabet
code-golf ascii-art
Given an input number n from 1 to 26 (or 0 to 25), output the alphabet reading left-to-right up to that corresponding letter, with a=1, b=2, c=3, .... The twist is the letters must also be repeated vertically corresponding to their position in...
@PhiNotPi Oh, a few days ago in NT class I was arguing with a friend on how to pronounce "phi." I said /fi/, he said /faɪ/; so we compromised on "fo-fum."