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translation: BullGuard just blocked an infected file on your computer: README.rst

The infected file has been quarantined before it could harm you. Your computer is safe. More details

@TùxCräftîñg Try doing a README.md and see what BullGuard does with it next - burninate it, leave it or warn about it.
Others - vote on one of the three variants. :d
Just spill coke. No more warnings.
I tried and works 10/10
Not a choice. :P
halp visual studio is dumb
@TùxCräftîñg wat
@TùxCräftîñg what language
Oh that reminds me
Need to learn how to use the Unity engine
Use Unreal Engine. it haz linux support
@ReleasingHeliumNuclei So does Unity
500 rep w00t
halp what language looks most like ascii art
@LeakyNun You could use binary / for ifthenelse, and binary \ for looping, but I think the latter was borked.
@Zgarb lol, even you are using the word "borked"
1 hour ago, by Martin Ender
@LeakyNun http://jellyfish.tryitonline.net/#code=XCZOaQpw&input=MA&debug=on
@LeakyNun Group pressure. :P
@LeakyNun Ok, that is weird.
@Zgarb so it isn't borked
You know, challenges are quite difficult in Mathematica, due to 96.12% of commands containing the letter E
@Zgarb Are you aware that I opened two issues?
i am trying to do dis in Same
how to apply a substition on the netire file in vim?
@LeakyNun Yeah, I got the notifications, but didn't have a chance to react yet
Both features exist already.
Maybe we should continue in the Jellyfish room chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/43483/jellyfish
if there was an esolang/language called GitHub, what would it be like?
@ASCII-only There would be commits, branches, tags, pull requests, repositories, issues...
@zyabin101 +1 good idea
Ah, and of course forks!
@TùxCräftîñg :%s/foo/bar/g
@DrGreenEggsandIronMan thx
i have used some sed magic so my problem is solved, but it's good to know
Or in V: Ífoo/bar :P
same.py|41 col 5 warning| [invalid-name] Invalid argument name "x"
@Dennis There appears to be something wrong with TIO. It's giving me "Resource temporarily unavailable" errors.
that moment when you realise you just solved the opposite problem to what the question was asking ;_;
@Zgarb oh hey, I'm getting the same thing with V.
on an related unrelated note, to the sandbox!
[bad-builtin] Used builtin function 'map'. Using a list comprehension can be clearer.
If I take a challenge and reverse it, is that a dupe, or is it ok?
What do you mean "reverse it"?
well, the first challenge takes input, and outputs something
the second could take the output, and output the input
I'm going to post that interpret me challenge since 8 hours since last challenge, k guys
and 11 hours since a golf question
@TùxCräftîñg you should have used a dictionary
@ASCII-only Are you secretly a sock of Conor?
@DrGreenEggsandIronMan No, look at network profile
for my interpret me challenge, should it be ok to have input all at the start on multiple lines?
also the way I speak
Holy shit, it's mars ultor!
@DrGreenEggsandIronMan Congratulations for 10k!
@ಠ_ಠ ಠ_ಠ
@DrGreenEggsandIronMan no, it's somebody
i bought my pc
Now its time to spill some coke
@LeakyNun 3 upvotes on my 3 last answers... only mildly suspicious.
ahh... so satisfying!
Why do I see 117 everywhere..?
a new avocad question has appeared this night ಠ_ಠ
what, really?
@DestructibleWatermelon Probably there are 117 bronze medals
(the question is (removed))
and i cant see it :/
challenge posted
There's not much worth seeing.
Q: Golf an InterpretMe interpreter (in any language other than InterpretMe)

Destructible WatermelonThis is a very simple challenge. The joke language InterpretMe consists of one command; *, which causes the program to take input of an InterpretMe program and execute it. An InterpretMe program will interpret as many InterpretMe programs as there are * in input. Your goal is to create a p...

@DrGreenEggsandIronMan -1 not a prime
@ReleasingHeliumNuclei but then that would just make it a weird thing that i found out that there are 117 bronze medals
also can't you get medals multiple times or something? how does that work
A: Golf an InterpretMe interpreter

TùxCräftîñgPython 3, 39 bytes f=lambda:[f()for c in input()if c=="*"]

Q: Golf an InterpretMe interpreter

Destructible WatermelonThis is a very simple challenge. The joke language InterpretMe consists of one command; *, which causes the program to take input of an InterpretMe program and execute it. An InterpretMe program will interpret as many InterpretMe programs as there are * in input. Your goal is to create a p...

I don't think there are 117 bronze medals. I have like 40 "nice question" badges, so that's part of it.
@NewMainPosts @DestructibleWatermelon ninja'd you!
@zyabin101 flag as ninja?
no love for python ;_;
I like grass snakes more
Look at this cutie:
@flawr There is no ninja flag.
i have 1110 rep
@DrGreenEggsandIronMan Congratulations @DrGreenEggsandIronMan on ten thousand reputation!
@DestructibleWatermelon good trick for the iterpreter
@zyabin101 Have you ever seen a ninja? :D
Not :D
brb resetting device for apps to befriend my new SD card :D
@Dennis When you get TIO working again, could you also pull Jellyfish?
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ You're right. I am.
Restarted device, and now back in chat.
a unimplemented esolang...
Now, to move apps to the SD card...
Lenovo disallowed A328 to keep apps on the SD card. Thanks >:|
Woo, PowerShell tied for 16th place with Retina on the 10x10 asterisk challenge
I somehow got 4 upvotes for my answer in DOG.
Maybe because I wrote the interpreter...
Q: Count blocks in a 2D grid

shooqieChallenge description Let's define an W x H grid as a two-dimensional array of length H whose each subarray is of length W. Example: a 2x3 grid (. character used as a blank): .. .. .. A unit is a single point of a grid. A block is either a single unit or a set of contiguous units (meaning eac...

That looks hard to golf
@BusinessCat DOG?
wat ಠ_ಠ
Hey guys. I have a question about this Ruby golf for my queen spiral question. Why is it so slow?

Q: Print a 10 by 10 grid of asterisks

Leaky NunBackground This is a standard textbook example to demonstrate for loops. This is one of the first programs I learnt when I started learning programming ~10 years ago. Task You are to print this exact text: ********** ********** ********** ********** ********** ********** ********** *********...

I wonder why there isn't a Sesos answer to my question
If nobody here is doing it, I'll do it.
@LeakyNun you can do it
I have yet to learn that language
@LeakyNun Why don't I Q_Q___
@LeakyNun Should be pretty much a direct port of your Brainfuck one anyway
@zyabin101 go ahead
Oh, in that case, maybe I will try to post one
@Sherlock9 it is just a translation of brainfuck
@Sherlock9 ok
@zyabin101 do it in your language
Where can I test Sesos?
Also can any of you look at my Ruby code
@BusinessCat Why not put the interpreter on GitHub?
@LeakyNun I only have a variant with 99 $s and 100 Os in my head.
@zyabin101 use a loop
Seems very poor.
added a assembler to Same
@LeakyNun brb
@LeakyNun How exactly?
@ASCII-only I might later, it still has a couple bugs to fix though
@zyabin101 create 10, then use while loop, decrease it every time in the while loop
@zyabin101 add 10, add 10, add 42, print, duplicate, loop
@zyabin101 If I told you the answer you would tell me to post it...
Alright, I'm confused
Unrelated: from zip, gz, bz2, and tar, Android only has gzip. Which is kept private.
@Sherlock9 how can i help you?
the interpreter is broken, while loops don't end
In TIO, do I type "get add 1" or something like "2 5 1" or what?
@Sherlock9 Valid SASM.
wait, my bad, my code is just broken
@Sherlock9 get add 1
@Sherlock9 get, add 1
get, add 1 is valid SASM, 251 isn't.
@Sherlock9 or you can put every command on a new line
@Sherlock9 "add 1" is encoded as "5", but you would have to build the binary yourself if you're encoding; on the other hand the sasm interpreter will convert your file to binary
So add 1,add 1,add 1,add 1,add 1,add 1,add 1,add 1,add 1,add 1,add 1,add 1,add 1,add 1,add 1,add 1,add 1,add 1,add 1,add 1,add 1,add 1,add 1,add 1,add 1,add 1,add 1,add 1,add 1,add 1,add 1,add 1,add 1,add 1,add 1,add 1,put isn't working
@Sherlock9 just use add 42
you are not allowed to use add after add
because it can be simplified into one
Good grief
@Sherlock9 Alright, so I should write a better doc
Examples would be nice :D
@Sherlock9 TIO is borked afaik
it 500'd me
Me too. Magnificent
Well, I'll go in blind
@Sherlock9 post it here, I'll check for you
I'm experienced enough in SESOS
Thanks a bunch
@Downgoat Can you check how many upvotes Cheddar gets in average?
In JS if you assign a zero argument lambda to a variable, can you just say f==>{.......}? Or do you need empty brackets like f=()=>{.......}?
@LeakyNun need to go to sleep, have cuu$*u$+$$$$+$+uu%@@@lld%$O%:_^O: atm (including random debug stuff, currently really broken)
@BusinessCat no
@BusinessCat just tested in Firefox 48, needs ()
@BusinessCat _=>foo
@ASCII-only also works
@LeakyNun I answered your challenge anyways, beating all other Javascript answers in the process
I guess you could just have an argument that isn't used since that saves 1 byte
@BassdropCumberwubwubwub alright
@BusinessCat Usually _ is used for that
@BusinessCat just use underscore
@LeakyNun And now I'm back to work work work work work © Rihanna
Alright, thanks guys
@ASCII-only build 42 inside the loop
@LeakyNun later, need to seep now ;_;
@ASCII-only goodnight
ES6, 85:
`+p.replace(/^|$/gm, c)+`
How's this? add 42,fwd 2,add 10,rwd 1,add 10,jmp,sub 1,put,put,put,put,put,put,put,put,put,put,fwd 2,put,rwd 1,jne
I copied most of it from your BF answer
A: Print a 10 by 10 grid of asterisks


@Sherlock9 use another loop instead of ten put
(the bytecount is correct)
@Sherlock9 the end should be jnz instead of jne, but it can be removed altogether (implicit jnz at the end)
I feel like I can shorten the alphabet array
@Sherlock9 you moved 1 step forward per loop, it would fail
@LeakyNun can you see any way to golf the alphabet array?
@ASCII-only not really
plus, I'm not an expert on JS
add 42,fwd 1,add 10,fwd 1,add 10
jmp,sub 1,rwd 1
jmp,sub 1,rwd 1,put,fwd 1,jnz
add 10,put,fwd 1
How's this?
js had no short char<->number conversion, so idk if there's any better way
@Sherlock9 nice trick printing newlines
Thank you :D
I just hope there aren't any bugs
@Sherlock9 nice avatar
I'm sure someone better at JS will appear and find an eval method ;_;
@Sherlock9 perfect
Well, TIO is saying resource temporarily unavailable and I don't know the binary so I can't post it yet
@Sherlock9 alright, wait a moment...
@Sherlock9 sorry for having you wait, but please continue waiting...
No problem
Also, you don't need to ping me so much :D
0000000  A8 24 BE EC CB 82 06 BD-A7 EC 0E 00 00 00 00 00   .$..............
I also tested it
Thank you
Remove the hyphen
How many bytes is that? 11?
@Sherlock9 yes
Oh @LeakyNun, when you looked my Sandbox posts, why didn't recommend I post my VIC posts and my math trick post?
@Sherlock9 because I didn't understand them
Yeah, alright
Hang on
hai from my new computer :3
Hey there
@LeakyNun Alright I'm removing the trick bit from the challenge. Back soon
@Sherlock9 alright
If you telnet termcast.org you can watch me (lynn) golf this in Python live. :3
Quick question: Am I wrong here? codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/88718/31516 (See comments)?
(I'm neutral here)
Why did asterisks answer that took 30 seconds get twice as many votes as my turtles answer that took like 2 hours?
@DrGreenEggsandIronMan c'est la vie
@Lynn I can't watch it on phone, there's no normal free Telnet client for Android ;(
@Lynn watching. :D
@DrGreenEggsandIronMan life isn't fair, as is the voting system on this site
Congrats on 10k btw :)
Thanks. :) I've been anticipating it for a while.
@StewieGriffin Yes.
@Lynn you use vim?
@StewieGriffin If it doesn't print to STDOUT, then how is it printed?
When in a terminal, yeah.
@StewieGriffin Right. I mean that ans = and x = shouldn't be there if the function is supposed to print something rather than return something. — Alex A. ♦ Nov 2 '15 at 16:45
@Lynn Hah TIL: You should do this with an empty console buffer. Termcast tried to read my old buffer.
sudo pacman-key --lsign-key 962DDE58
gpg: key 506513BBBD2521C9 was created 15059 seconds in the future (time warp or clock problem)
-> Locally signing key 962DDE58...
==> ERROR: 962DDE58 could not be locally signed.
halp pacman time-travelled
@ReleasingHeliumNuclei He obviously just went off the right-hand side of the key and wrapped back around to the left.
@mınxomaτ All MATLAB submissions I've seen where something must be "printed exactly like this", have used disp.
@ReleasingHeliumNuclei Reinstall pacman, check your clock and search Unix & Linux. :P
Chat's magic links automatically fix [linux.se] to [unix.se]. I like it. :3
> $ date
> Fri Aug 5 17:18:35 EEST 2016
looks ok?
@StewieGriffin Sure. But the program doesn't print it. It returns the result, which makes it a function submission. Anyway, IMO, you are wrong.
@zyabin101 Not chat. linux.stackexchange.com is just a redir to unix.SE
@ReleasingHeliumNuclei Looks okay.
@mınxomaτ But the challenge says: "You are to print this exact text." So, the program must print it...
@StewieGriffin No. Because the challenge does not exclude functions. Per default, programs or functions are allowed.
@ReleasingHeliumNuclei Pacman version?
@zyabin101 5.0.1
It's not that it means that much to me, and it wasn't anything personal against PieCot, but there are many MATLAB submissions that can be shortened if that's accepted.
@ReleasingHeliumNuclei Seems okay.
@StewieGriffin Yes. Just like a tremendous amount of other answers in other languages that were created before rule XYZ became more lax.
ill just w8 4 hours :p
halp i ran out of constant-output ideas
i already made 3
@mınxomaτ Ok, I haven't been so active on PPCG the last 3 months... Didn't know the rules where more laxed now...
Guess I'll just leave... Bye.
@LeakyNun A variation on the triangular alphabet. Takes input n of integers 1 to 26 (or 0 to 25), and prints letters like the following:
@TimmyD VTC hammered as duplicate
Looks like it works!
@LeakyNun Maybe that means it’s time to slow down on posting them, for now. >.>;
@LeakyNun How is that a duplicate?
@TimmyD what is the pattern?
@LeakyNun the odd numbers are balanced across the middle (a, c, e, etc.) while the evens are alternating favoring the top or bottom
@TimmyD go post it
@Lynn Nope. Never. I shall become the most frequent poster in PPCG.SE.
@Lynn I downloaded PuTTY just to watch :D
@Lynn nice golf
@Sherlock9 +1 for chinese
@ReleasingHeliumNuclei 13869 sec now. still waiting :D
That's nearly 4 hours from now
What the heck?
@Sherlock9 what really is the output?
Whoops. Didn't change the test cases. Hang on
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

a25bedc5-3d09-41b8-82fb-ea6c353d75aeYour task is to print the Champernowne constant (A033307) indefinitely. There must be no spaces in your output and the solution with the fewest bytes wins!

@LeakyNun Sandbox'd
@LeakyNun Okay, I'll demonstrate with 3,5,8. Think of a number between 1 and 120
@Sherlock9 78
@TimmyD link
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

TimmyDSlices of a triangular alphabet code-golf ascii-art Given an input number n from 1 to 26 (or 0 to 25), output the alphabet reading left-to-right up to that corresponding letter, with a=1, b=2, c=3, .... The twist is the letters must also be repeated vertically corresponding to their position in...

@LeakyNun And let me figure out what it is with the following trick :D
What is your number mod 3?
@Sherlock9 eh, 0
Mod 5? Mod 8?
@Sherlock9 3, 6
@Sherlock9 my point is, what is the output
Wait a second? What? — Rohan Jhunjhunwala 3 hours ago
this have 4 upvotes
@LeakyNun Here, it's [40, 96, 105], which are the coefficients of the formula
Do you have a better title?
I edited the post again
@Sherlock9 so like this?
Since you already have an answer, should I post it?
@Sherlock9 no, that's because I've heard of it before
@Sherlock9 Can I edit your post directly? You can rollback afterwards
Where have you heard it before? And yes, you can edit my post
@Sherlock9 I have some knowledge in mathematics
My username is literally mathematics.
@PhiNotPi Oh, a few days ago in NT class I was arguing with a friend on how to pronounce "phi." I said /fi/, he said /faɪ/; so we compromised on "fo-fum."
@DrGreenEggsandIronMan I upvoted both. They're both pretty good
@Doorknob not again..
@LeakyNun It made for some very entertaining conversations. "So, you take fo-fum of x..."
@Doorknob come on
@Doorknob XD
@Fatalize Done.
@Zgarb Done.
@Dennis Thanks.
@Zgarb Heh, I had set a rather conservative process limit to prevent fork bombs, but TIO got too popular for it...
@Sherlock9 Sorry, I'm doing quite major edits, you should expect half an hour.
@Dennis What exactly happened?
Not a problem. I'm going to go back to my queen spiral Ruby golf
Hmmm. Plan: operate on the bits directly instead of making a list at all
@LeakyNun There were a few zombie processes, and on top of that, too many users tried to access TIO at once.
@Dennis what does zombie process mean?
@Dennis Thanks!
@LeakyNun Process that can't be killed.
Because it already died.
@Doorknob >_>
@LeakyNun A process that has completed operation but didn't get closed.
@Dennis I see
@Dennis There should measures to prevent zombies and user overload.

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