$ python2 vigil test.py
uncaught error from line 37
Vigil has failed to uphold supreme moral vigilance.
uncaught error from line 19
The ever vigilant watchers of your code have found malfeasance in:
def punish(line, offense):
Crime: Raised 'list index out of range' which was not caught.
Each has been dealt an appropriate punishment.
uncaught error from line 20
Vigil has failed to uphold supreme moral vigilance.
uncaught error from line 49
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "vigil", line 75, in <module>
File "vigil", line 49, in vigil_uncaught
punish(raise_line, "Raised '%s' which was not caught." % sys.exc_info()[1])
NameError: global name 'punish' is not defined
lol go fuck yourself
Ya suck your nan shit bitch piece of motherfucking shit you fucking cunts i know yall niggers to work in there but for gods sake stop fucking peoples pcs motherfucking cunts bastards.
do What The Fuck you want to Public License
Version 1.0, March 2000
Copyright (C) 2000 Banlu Kemiyatorn (]d).
136 Nives 7 Jangwattana 14 Laksi Bangkok
Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
Ok, the purpose of this license is simple
and you just
The important isn't the spec...it's the language. Who can understand CC0 or anything like that on the first glance? Almost noone. Who can understand WTFPL on the first glance? Everyone.
Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim or modified copies of this license document, and changing it is allowed as long as the name is changed.
>*Moderator's Note* > >This post is locked to prevent inappropriate edits to its content. The post looks exactly as it is supposed to look - there are no problems with its content. Please do not flag it for our attention.
> *Moderator's Note* > > This post is locked to prevent inappropriate edits to its content. The post looks exactly as it is supposed to look - there are no problems with its content. Please do not flag it for our attention.
"The only objective of this challenge is to store a number in the typical "type" that is used to store a 32-bit or 64-bit number, in your chosen language, and run a loop that iterates (printing a count and optional message for each iteration) the same number of times as the input number. BUT you must NOT attempt to initialize a separate counter object. Consider this: YOU CAN WRITE IT IN PSEUDO-CODE so byte size, optimization, and other trickery will do NOTHING for you"
n = input()
print"Original value =", n
n += 1 << 16
while (n >> 16) <= (n & 0xFFFF):
print"Current step =", n >> 16
n += 1 << 16
print"Final value =", (n >> 16)
I feel like we need some sort of guideline that says "Most on-topic challenges avoid talking about what the code should do, but rather what the code should output"
because defining what code "does" is really difficult
Xor A Rational Number
Consider a fraction 2/5:
(a) (b)
It has a "regular" or non-repeating part (a) and a repeated part (b). Let's go ahead and shift it right by one bit and xor it with the original:
x = 0.1001100110011001...
> WINNING CRITERIA: Solution that is most elegant by complementing it's chosen language. If your language is too clunky, then your entry will not be chosen.
Draw Concentric Squarephabets
code-golf kolmongrov-complexity ascii-art
Write a program or function that, given an input integer n, outputs a concentric squarephabet of size n×n.
A concentric squarephabet is an ASCII-art square of concentric rings, where the outside ring of characte...
@veganaiZe the problem is that what user A considers to be "clean code", user B may consider ugly. If I want to improve my solution, I have to keep on guessing what the scorers want