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12:26 AM
Does anyone have any feedback for this challenge before I post? It's been up for three days, with three upvotes and no comments.
1:14 AM
@undergroundmonorail did you have a TI basic answer you wanted me to test?
2:10 AM
@TheDoctor Oh, sorry
It looks like it's been modified since then though
4 hours later…
6:12 AM
For a "real" example of code trolling I've done, search google groups for "thanks for the fish motherfucker".
6:25 AM
Aw. I just thought of a new way: `int A=0,B=0,C=0,D=0,E=0,F=0;
int main() {
A = 4;
F = A-0 ? A-1 ? A-2 ? A-3 ? A-4 ? (A = 6) :
(F = 5) :
(E = 4) :
(D = 3) :
(C = 2) :
(B = 1);
printf("%d\n", F);
The order is different, but it's exactly what the dude asked for.
That's a part of real trolling we can't really emulate here: the gradual reveal of new complications OP forgot to mention at first. Maybe with spoilers it could be possible.
2 hours later…
8:07 AM
@undergroundmonorail There's no need to test it. It's easy to observe that it's completely off spec.
On a related note, I'm slightly disappointed with the answer to my comment on the question. I was thinking of implementing the icosahedron by implementing its symmetry group as a presentation of A_5.
3 hours later…
11:20 AM
@ProgrammerDan Well i have created a proof of concept for the Tweet music competition: drive.google.com/file/d/0B9i-DPAdw_3YOGMzOW44V1ladUE/…
It currently 44 bits per second. The proof of concept it a little contrived as the clustering was trained using the source file but I was really only interested in how the output would sound... i.e. whether it would be noise. So on that basis it seems to be doing ok :P
This output was produced with 11 bits per sample, i.e. 4 samples per second so the training data is just under 2 meg. not an unreasonable download size. The training was taken from 5000 0.25 second samples of the original song. I will try training it over more varied sources to see how it fairs then :)
6 hours later…
5:18 PM
Do we want by-language challenges?
Q: By-language challenges

QuincunxWhile looking through rosetta-stone, I discovered that there are two types of questions tagged with it: The type intended by the tag: answers with many different answers in different languages. Each answer shows off the answerer's programming language multilingualism. A single question is tagge...

Do we actually need them? Apart from a score board that lists all winners by language, there is not much difference.
2 hours later…
7:49 PM
@ProgramFOX Well it does incentivise people to try to solve a problem in their favourite language even if there is already a 0.5-character APL solution. For some interesting problems it can also be really nice to generate this rosetta-stone thing that you can compare how different languages approach the same problem (e.g. I really liked the Mandelbrot one).
3 hours later…
11:06 PM
I don't understand the code-length concerns expressed in the comments of codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/26317/miniature-faking
Why is writing simple 2D manipulation methods unreasonable?
11:28 PM
I implemented my esolang Manufactoria in Java 8. Is there a good location I can post the code/jar file? It is ~14000 chars long.... For example, is github good? What is the best thing to do.
Cool, this site let me post it on chat :-)
Are you removing it, or is it being auto-removed?
@grovesNL I removed it. I was experimenting.
@Quincunx I see
I don't think people want to have to scan through code that can't even be formatted.
@Quincunx you made an esolang from manufactoria? :O ... how awesome is that!?
in any case, github can't hurt. I don't know anything specific for the esolang community though.
11:36 PM
@m.buettner Making the esolang was easy. It is basically a direct translation of the game. However, implementing it was much harder.
@Quincunx Both designing and implementing a language are things I still have to do/learn at some point, so you have my full admiration ;). Let me know if you put it on github.
@m.buettner Like I said, I didn't design this language. The game was the design. I simply came up with a translation to text. Implementations are fun. You should try it. I once created a BrainF*** -> Java compiler, in Java.
*Correction: I did design a language. Just not this one.
@Quincunx I'll certainly give it a go at some point, when I've got fewer other things on my schedule.
Wait, I did write a regex interpreter with quite a few features that could have easily been extended to the full ECMAScript flavour (and probably others, too). Not Turing complete but still a language. ;)

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