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@LeakyNun The hexdumps will correspond to the score and the permalinks will still work. I think this is a reasonable compromise.
@Dennis sure
@Dennis I changed the code. Please check if the error is still present.
Will do. Just got home.
@LeakyNun Just checking: Did you see this answer?
@Dennis yes
OK. You rarely post a longer version in the same language, which is why I'm asking.
@LegionMammal978 ..
so much nothing
Is it possible to join multiple if's into a one-liner?
So like if x==1: do x/if x==2: do y in Python.
What's the md html for quotes?
like how <pre><code> is for code blocks
What should I change my avatar to?
@Dennis don't get your "with great power comes great eleven"
Oh. <blockquote>
who made tryitonline?
@uoɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC Dennis
that's what I thought, :P
pretty good and clean site
Apr 12 at 6:31, by Dennis
@Sherlock9 mod abuse -> mod abuse!!! -> mod abuse !!11!1!! -> mod abuse !!eleven!1!! -> mod abuse eleven -> eleven
Also, where did you see that?
It's your chat profile bio currently
It is?
I take that to mean another mod set it
Huh. TIL
I think it was me. I have terrible memory.
@Dennis yeah chat bio
@uoɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC :)
@Dennis I prefer this explanation:
Apr 12 at 6:31, by Mego
@Sherlock9 No, it's the dial that controls the strength of the mod abuse. It goes from 1 to 11.
it goes from one to ten, but Dennis put it to 11
No these go up to 11
Most go up to 10
That seems to be one of the few memes that didn't make it into the many memes post. I should eleven it in.
I thought it was there, no?
I wouldn't consider it to be a "quality" meme really...
although that's implying any of them are
@Dennis please don't. It's funny, but I don't think that would send a great message.
@DrGreenEggsandIronMan I'm pretty sure he's joking
@quartata whaaaaat mods are allowed to make jokes??? :P
I rarely do, and I seem to be bad at it...
Apr 6 at 23:03, by Dennis
♫ I have eleven problems, but mod abuse ain't one. ♫
@Dennis I wouldn't say it's a bad joke so much as it is that we're so desensitized to memes here at this point that we can't tell if it's a joke when used subtly
I figured you were joking
we need more fertile memes, memes that can be used often without being worn out
No such thing
There's a reason why they call them "dank" memes.
> disagreeably damp, musty, and typically cold
I've seen quite a few
@uoɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC i doubt it
we need more culture in general
yeah but we should wait for new memes rather than reuse the old ones long past their death
What's wrong with the culture of programming, math and shitty puns that we already have?
@quartata nothing. we need more
@quartata I think he's reffering to PPCG culture specifically
@Downgoat That is PPCG culture
Why do we have to throw memes into the melting pot, jeez
hey I'm not saying memes = culture ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@uoɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC Culture isn't quantifiable
It's a thing
Sesos update \o/
we need more math and shitty puns, more carets, more that
subjectively quantifiable
By disallowing add-get and sub-get sequence we get to encode the arguments of add and sub in ternary \o/
which should save some space
@LeakyNun Just had an interesting linguistics discussion with my friend, who's Thai. You might find it interesting to read about their writing system if you haven't already :)
@Dennis Maybe you could showcase this by answering the Hello World in the updated sesos?
@LeakyNun just got programmer psuedotechnobabble as a programmer
@Doorknob thanks
@Doorknob speaking of which, have you seen the cherokee language? it's alphabet has all the weird symbols - no offense, just like looks weird-cool-awesome-didn'tknowtheywereusedinalanguage
@uoɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC it isn't an alphabet
How do i destroy a shameful chatroom?
(that i made)
@DestructibleWatermelon post memes
no as in delete it
@uoɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC cherokee has a symbol for each syllable
pretty like the hiragana system in japanese
I think
@DestructibleWatermelon You could get a mod to lock it, but the transcript will stick around
ok then, thanks
Mods can delete rooms.
anyone here know brainfuck?
I am trying to do a certain question
wrong link oops
I need a simple loop while(input>96){readNewInput);
Oh lol that link does not work
hmm, is compressing a diff an interesting topic?
@NathanMerrill a diff?
@LeakyNun Currently patching the documentation. Assuming that my previous approach is still optimal, I'll probably just edit it. Saves three bytes so far, which is 12.5%.
aka, you write a program A that takes two files, compares them, and provides a diff. Then program B takes the first file and the diff and has to produce the second file
the goal of the challenge is to make the diffs as small as possible
@LeakyNun short for "difference"
@NathanMerrill how do you compress a difference?
@Dennis nice
@LeakyNun that's the challenge
Yup, all still longer.
@NathanMerrill oh, alright
@Dennis how many bytes is it now?
@Dennis or more accurately: how many triads excluding the zeroth triad?
can anyone here help me?
A: Brainfuck compare 2 numbers as greater than or less than

Dheeraj RamThis is the best way to compare two numbers.Why because, if you are intelligent enough, you can use the same code in bigger programs.It's highly portable. Assume we have two numbers a,b. we have two blocks : if( a>=b ) and else, Hope its enough. 0 1 0 a b 0 Make the array like this. And ...

just realised my pokerface bot doesn't deal with the suits ;_;
okay fixed it hooray
lol thanks xD
thats a hilarious answer, but I need a while loop :( eh, I should be able to figure it out
is there a lmdtfy.com/?
duck (duck duck go)
also, you have a browser, why not just check >_>
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ there was not :(
I always thought that duck duck go was a thing installed by a virus
@LeakyNun Uh, there seems to be a problem somewhere. fwd 1, add 1, fwd 1, add 1, fwd 1, add 1, fwd 1 is three bytes with the old scheme, but six bytes with the new one.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ test your french hearing skills xd
@Dennis hexdump please
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ I posted a song in the french.SE chatroom
0000000: b8fddf f66d1f                                     ....m.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ y u do dis ;_;
@Dennis triads please
0000000: 78dff7                                            x..
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ with spanish accent lol
@LeakyNun my french isn't that good -.-
@LeakyNun ಠ_ಠ
I describe "Spanish accent" as an internal attempt to normalize all vowels to /a/, /e/, /i/, /o/, /u/.
Not really sure how to extract those. The problem seems to be that it encoded an argument of 1 with one triad, which means that the ternary version doesn't have the offset of 1 the binary encoding uses.
@Dennis the encoding of 1 should be "nothing"
even in my new scheme
@Dennis i'll bugfix later
I wrote this and I'm still not sure if it's a political rant veiled by a question on rhetoric or vise versa :S
Q: Word for someone who propounds a point despite all basic rational evidence against it

Helka HombaYesterday Donald Trump tweeted about the upcoming fall 2016 presidential debate calendar between him and Hillary Clinton: As usual, Hillary & the Dems are trying to rig the debates so 2 are up against major NFL games. Same as last time w/ Bernie. Unacceptable! Despite the apparent fact that...

@HelkaHomba it's called a Trump
@HelkaHomba I like the word mythomaniac :)
@HelkaHomba Politically charged a bit? :)
@LeakyNun Nevermind. I'm not sure what I did wrong, but it works now. PEBKAC error.
@Dennis what is it?
problem exists between keyboard and chair
@Dennis what exactly is the error then
and what did you do wrong?
I have no clue. I went over your code, found nothing wrong and tried again. It worked. Must've assembled the wrong file or used the wrong version of the interpreter. I don't know.
@Dennis can you convert the 6-byte file to triads?
I still have some abilities to read triads and decipher
Eh, can't think of an easy way right now. Just forget that I said anything.
@Dennis vos dijiste algo
No, no lo hice.
Todo fue una ilusión.
@Leaky Nun, that can't work for me. I cant destroy a or b
@RohanJhunjhunwala then copy them before destroying them
@Leaky Nun, yeah :( its a pain really cause I will have to copy twice :( i guess they dont call it Brain**** for nothing
@RohanJhunjhunwala lol
@DerpfacePython hey
@DerpfacePython bonjour
Bonjour messieurs!
@DerpfacePython tu parles francais?
lol @Leaky Nun
J'ma pelle Rohan
Como tu ta pelles?
@RohanJhunjhunwala je m'apelle
@RohanJhunjhunwala comment tu t'appelles
Je m'appelle Rohan Jhunjhunwala
Ca va?
@RohanJhunjhunwala Viens a notre salle sur French.SE
@RohanJhunjhunwala oui merci
@RohanJhunjhunwala I have trouble pronouncing your name in english. It must be even harder in french. :P
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Oui!
It is pronounced phonetically though, nothing fancy
Ro han Jhun jhun wa la
@Connor O' Brien I have seen people just give up on pronouncing my name and just use my first name
@RohanJhunjhunwala Indian?
@RohanJhunjhunwala I get that XD
Is there a simple way to sort a list of strings by their value in a dictionary?
@DestructibleWatermelon in python?
@DestructibleWatermelon sorted(the_array,key=the_dict.get)
yes. I don't know how i forgot to write that
8^) hooray @LeakyNun
@DestructibleWatermelon help me test if .get is needed
Now I need to figure out how i actually need to use this
@DestructibleWatermelon ...
I mean, I know I need to use it, but I'm a bit confused at the moment
I'm back
How do you say "I'm back" in French?
...with a French accent? </cheap-joke>
A: Best translation for "I'm back" ?

ThihtYes, "Je suis de retour" is a correct translation. You could also use "Me revoilà" which is, I think, a bit less formal. In a very casual context (with friends or on an online chat for example), you can also simply use "Re" which is a slang for "Retour", or "Re-bonjour". I don't know the exact or...

@El'endiaStarman ಠ_ಠ (You could have done <cheap-joke> infront of the cheap joke)
@LeakyNun Wow, turns out there's a question already.
In that case, je suis de retour.
@DerpfacePython That would've spoiled the meta-joke.
@El'endiaStarman Does that mean... ALL your statements were cheap jokes until now?
Dun dun dun...
sorry to ruin the fun but an unopened html tag will just be ignored :D
shameless request for help. stackoverflow.com/questions/38680267/… anyone wann help?
Now beating Octave with Sesos. So close to vim.
@Dennis how many bytes is it?
@Dennis cc see above
Just golfed off 2 bytes of the Tabula Recta answer. It would be even shorter with the new Sesos.
One byte shorter, to be precise.
Hm, I should have learned Haskell before now. It's so beautiful :D
@Dennis I mean the Hello World
Hello World saves 3 bytes.
@Dennis so how many bytes is it?
@Dennis nice
movie soundtrack that I like: youtube.com/… (numbers 8 and 9 seem the best).
Not posted yet since I want to finish the docs before pulling on TIO.
@Dennis nice
@Dennis I just want you to know that I was not trying to be a nusiance by posting HTML as a submission.
I wont use such dubious languages in the future :)
My issue is with the post, not the poster. :) And it's not that you posted it, but that it has been a hundred times already and it's getting boring.
Yeah seems fair enough :) We really should outright ban (practically) cat (ing) out the source
Yeah, having a meta post that explicitly allows it certainly isn't helping.
In all seriousness does such an implementation of rule 110 (albeit with constant user input) make it count as a language?
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ we need to make that happen! There seems to be nothing there
as a push-driven automata iirc
@RohanJhunjhunwala commit phas
@Dennis is S.E.S.O.S essentially a trivial substitiounn of bf?
HTML+CSS is a programming language and I'm certain that there could be answers in it that would be truly astonishing. Print this fixed sequence of characters probably isn't one though.
It would be hilarious to see someone (ab)use the computational power of rule 110 to do stuff
A: Printing out 178-character string in 270 characters of brainf*ck

Cᴏɴᴏʀ O'BʀɪᴇɴIt's most probably impossible. Brainfuck isn't magic. The current record for shortest code to print the 13-char string "Hello, World!" is an entire 78 bytes.: --<-<<+[+[<+>--->->->-<<<]>]<<--.<++++++.<<-..<<.<+.>>.>>.<<<.+++.>>.>>-.<<<+. I suggest you read the post, but a TL;DR for you is that...

@RohanJhunjhunwala It's Sesos (meaning brains in Spanish), and it's an efficient encoding of brainfuck with a few extra capabilities (you can choose between 8-bit or arbitrarily large cells, numeric and byte/char input, and numeric and byte/char output). For code golf, it's an entirely different language, since the shortest brainfuck program won't translate to the shortest Sesos program and vice versa.
ok, cause I did see that certain commands don't pair back to back
@RohanJhunjhunwala certain command-sequences are disallowed
like +++---
or +,
those commands do nothing
Really just two: nop is a do-while loop, which can be emulated effortlessly with brainfuck's [ and ]. jne is a true addition though, since 8-bit brainfuck cannot distinguish between a null byte and EOF.
@Dennis I thought EOF is U+0004
U+0004 is the EOT character, which is sent, e.g., in video text terminals to emulate EOF, but that's not what brainfuck implementations (and least the ones I have seen) use.
Real EOF is just the end of a file, not a character.
@Dennis alright
A: Printing out 178-character string in 270 characters of brainf*ck

Rohan JhunjhunwalaWhile I may not be able to print your string in a very small amount of bytes. I may be able to print it in a lot of bytes! Here it is in all of its bowled glory! >+>+>+>+>+>+>+>+>+>+>+>+>+>+>+>+>+>+>+>+>+>+>+>+>+>+>+>+>+>+>+>+>+>+>+>+>+>+>+>+>+>+>+>+>+>+>+>+>+>+>+>+>+>+>+>+>+>+>+>+>+>+>+>+>+>+>+>+>

I answered his question xD @CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ
@RohanJhunjhunwala I downvoted your answer
@RohanJhunjhunwala that's... not a real answer.
should i delete?
OK, this made me chuckle.
I would ask "what have you tried" but I'm afraid you would answer :) — Tom Zych Dec 5 '15 at 2:47
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ I think your underestimate is an overestimate. You only have to initialize the tape once, no matter if 13 or 176 characters of output.
Language question... is the construction "I've [noun phrase]" a primarily British thing? For example "I've a car" or "I've two pets."
So @Dennis do you think its possible?
I agree with the conclusion though.
thats what i thought, because that amount of compression is a lot
Yeah, only 1.5 bytes per character isn't a lot. It's not like the output has any structure one could exploit.
@PhiNotPi Or "Bloody apathetic planet, I've no sympathy at all."
Is there a program to automagcially golf bf for fixed output challenges?
It would be interesting
Sure, but I'm not aware of one that comes even close to hand-made ones.
@Doorknob Seems accurate.
@PhiNotPi My BE is a tad rusty, but I think it's I've got two pets.
@Dennis how is hand-made ones superior than computer-made ones?
humans also have an algorithm
you could just program that algorithm in
OK, hand-made may not be the best word. I'm convinced primo made his record-setting HW answer with a program, but it's not public.
@Dennis I've definitely heard "I've [noun]," so if it's not a British thing it's a something else thing.
A weird thing?
@Doorknob una cuestion: se vuelve los "d"s en los terminos de las palabras a un sueno dental?
como "soledad"
@Dennis I agree... it's near-impossible to cover all of those possibilities by hand.
Theoretically brute forcing a BF program would be possible (just enumerate all valid ones) the issue being that you would need more time and power than in the known universe for anything longer than a couple characters
@LeakyNun pregunta
@Dennis alright, thanks
@LeakyNun hmm... no conozco bien todas las reglas de la pronunciación. posiblemente
(Sorry for probably butchering the Spanish Dennis :P)
@Doorknob de lo que escuchas?
Si nosotros hablamos espanol. Yo no hablo ningun de Frances!
creo que Dennis no es consciente de las reglas de la pronunciacion en espanol
el solamente los pronuncia
@LeakyNun Hm it's a pretty subtle difference, especially since sometimes the consonant at the end can go unreleased
We should bring back Discord.
@Doorknob enserio?
Pronunciation rules and how things are actually pronounced are two completely different things.
@Dennis nope
@PhiNotPi I'm now online on Discord :P
@LeakyNun The word distinción is pronounced in three different ways in Spain alone. It's not possible that they all follow the rules.
I'm pretty much always on Discord... there's usually some good voice chats on there
@Dennis then each region has their own rules
They don't. There are also no rules for the X different dialects in Germany. There's the German you learn in school and the German you speak. Big difference.
You speak as if there is a unified pronunciation rule dictating all Spanish be pronounced in one way
@Dennis then what are the rules of each dialect?
@Dennis seseo is exactly the rule that "s" and "c" merge to /s/
(barely started talking about German, already capitalizing improper nouns)
@LeakyNun Yes, but that's not a rule. Seseo is just wrong.
@Dennis who said that?
why is there even a correct pronunciation?
linguistics should be descriptive, not prescriptive
even if there is an authority (RAE), it does not mean that seseo is not a rule in that region
I may not be an authority on Spain, but trust me that there are no official rules of Germany's dialects. Living there for 17 years must have taught me something...
@Dennis there's a difference between "there are no official rules" and "there are no rules"
as if the people just speak howsoever they want to
o'course I speak how me wants ta
That's exactly what happens. This is how dialects emerge.
one day "gehen" is pronounced like "gehen" and one day like "gin" and the other day it is pronounced like "gan"
@Dennis but each region still has its own rules
the fact that different regions have different rules does not mean that there is no rules
I give up.
the fact that those rules can change over time does not mean that there is no rules
The rule is that in seseo regions, "s" and "c" are both pronounced as /s/
this is a descriptive rule
just that this is not the rule that RAE uses
@Dennis ok, done ranting
@Dennis hahaha
@Dennis I thought you live near Mexico? How come you speak German?
Because I was born and raised in Germany. And it's a looong way to Mexico.
that's a long swim
It's a long long way to mexico-o, but my heart's right here
From here, I mean. I don't live in Germany anymore.
Google says 7000 km.
@Dennis oh, alright
@Dennis I suppose you were raised a comic? </badpun>
i don't even
@Dennis Can you describe some differences between your German and "standard" German?
(Is it worrisome that the thing that thing that bothers me the most is the lack of an opening tag?)
it's a reverse self closing tag, of course. it's part of LMTH
it just has an implicit opening tag
@LeakyNun As far as pronunciation goes, I lived in a region that speaks Hochdeutsch, which is the standard variant. There were some horrible misuses of a few pronouns though, which disappeared if you drove 30 km in any direction. About 20 km west, people told the time different than we did (we were "right" about that one though).
The occupation after World War II didn't help. Some regions started incorporating words the foreign soldiers used in their vocabulary. It's all a mess.
@Dennis which pronouns in particular?
@Dennis how do they tell the time exactly?
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ LMTH?
@LeakyNun We said viertel nach fünf and viertel vor sechs meaning 5:15 and 5:45. They said viertel sechs and drei viertel sechs.
@LeakyNun Most commonly nach instead of zu.
@Dennis viertel sechs means 5:15 ??
@Dennis they aren't pronouns?
Yes. A quarter of six.
@Dennis how is a quarter of six 5:15?
Because a quarter of the sixth hour has passed. Or so I was told.
Mini-challenge: What the smallest grid of decimal digits by area that has all numbers 00, 01, 02, ..., 98, 99 in it horizontally or vertically, forwards or backwards (diagonals not counted).


has area 6 with the 10 numbers 24 42 46 47 74 70 64 60 06 07
@Dennis alright
@LeakyNun Prepositions. I definitely said prepositions.
@HelkaHomba that seems hard at first glance
@Dennis It does feel good to attribute your dialect as hoch, right? Is that why earlier you rejected the rule of seseo? After all these years of learning about linguistics, I've come to the conclusion that there is no hoch languages or platt languages. Every dialect has their own rules.
@HelkaHomba minimum bound: 30 (each digit must appear at least 3 times)
@LeakyNun I don't really care either way. Pronunciation may be different, but we still did a lot of it wrong. And don't get me started on the weird mixture of Spanish and Guaraní that is spoken here...
@Dennis my view is that there is no wrong.
What is wrong is to say that some dialects are wrong.
@Dennis please get started
Call it whatever you like. If you try to learn a language from a dictionary, textbook or tutorial, you'll still learn the one true way™, not what people speak in the wild.
you should all join the discord server and come chat with us :3
@Dennis which is exactly why I ask you instead of finding a textbook
But unless your intentions are to come here and speak Spanish, you're asking the wrong person.
@Quill is it audio :/
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ there's a voice chat yes
Any information I can give you will collide with everything else you have read or heard.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Well that's the main reason to use Discord
@Dennis no me importa
@Quill comes online
can't voice chat right now though
Voice chat means I would have to talk...
And get a mic.
@Doorknob How does one connect?
@HelkaHomba do you have a discord account?
24 hour invite, btw, for transcripters
@Downgoat >_>
maybe because the link says .../rickrollrc/master/roll.sh?
As far as executing unknown bash scripts goes, a rickroll is pretty benevolent.

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