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Observe the third stage.
Anybody here think this is ready to be made public on PPCG?: meta.codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/9009/52405
All these other esolangs out there, and here I am using Python to golf...
this looks very complicated, but pretty nice and well-spec'd
@R.Kap you should learn Pyth ^_^
Thanks. I was going for the complicated part. ;)
Actually, Pyth seems a lot simpler than I thought. Maybe you're right. It uses Python internally anyways.
@R.Kap Hey, there's nothing wrong with that! I use python to golf, and lot's of people do it really well.
cough Xnor
I'm just saying, commands are usually so long in Python that something that needs to be done in 100 bytes in Python can easily be done in 10-20 bytes in other esolangs.
But you can beat other python answers. =)
And you can have a lot of fun while you're doing it. Here's my all-time favorite answer I've ever posted (and it's in python): Reassuring parables
warning: its very not up-to-date, so after you learn the basics, you should use the docs on the interpreter for up-to-date stuff
@DrGreenEggsandHamDJ That's true, and I think I already have beaten a few. Although, I don't think I can beat Perl here: codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/60668/…
@Maltysen Thanks for that!
So, what do you think. Should I post my proposed challenge?
@DrGreenEggsandHamDJ trying to port this to python 3, but it says I have no module en
Yeah, you have to download it.
15 mb... I'll do it later >_>
@QPaysTaxes I would say a data stack for every scope, so that you can use one variable in one scope and use the same variable in another scope, without any exceptions being raised. That would make things a whole lot more convenient.
I am basically saying to have everything scoped separately.
How is it laid out then?
Interesting layout. What's the language called? Do you have a website for it?
So each individual word is scoped individually.
@QPaysTaxes MATL?
That is a fine scoping set up. I like it.
But why are the words in a block's specific scope discarded once the block is exited?
"number 2 or number 2?" They are both the same?...
@QPaysTaxes "thing: number 2" obviously
@QPaysTaxes CJam and GolfScript
As "thing" is apart of the defined output
Ah, I see. It's not calling the same function. Therefore, it's supposed to output "number 2".
And which language is this?
This is your language right?
@QPaysTaxes So how would I call that previously defined function?
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ == "When I have a child, I will name them Vitsy, and they shall appreciate their namesake."?
and V == "Vitsy"?
@Maltysen Except the V is not V, rather
So I would do something like $ puts "number 2" to output "thing: number 2".
So inside the inner block (in between the {}) I would call $ puts "number 2" to output "thing: number 2". However, if I called it outside the block, I can't.
So {} defines blocks, and put defines functions, with "put" being the name of the function in the inner block. Nice!
Yeah, that's what I meant.
Then what the the call do?
Oh, nice.
Once the block is exited, it's like it was never there. It's gone.
You can call it once, and that's it.
So you can call the block again, anytime you want with call?
So call simply calls the latest block on the stack?
And by removing it, I am guessing you mean that once its called, its gone.
Wound't it be better to simply create a stack where all the blocks are enumerated, and then you can simply call any block you want by doing, for example, call {number of block}? That way, you won't have to dup it, redefine it, or store it in a variable.
And, maybe doing, for instance, show calls can show all the defined blocks? Then there can be a separate global stack for global words.
I am thinking more along a dictionary than a plain old stack.
Each number stores the scope for each specific block. Nothing has to be stored in a variable, redefined, or duplicated. Just simply call the correct number from the dict.
I'm so close to beating M.b's versatile integer printer
@QPaysTaxes Well, like I said, enumerate them all in a hash table, for instance, so you won't have to remove the block every time it's called. Just do call {block number}
All right, Cya. It was nice talking to you.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ how close?
My score is about twice his, at 0.02696296296 (15 langs, 91 bytes)
So, any feedback? Should I post it?: meta.codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/9009/52405
@R.Kap looks fine
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ how does scoring work?
@Maltysen (bytes) / (langs ^ 3)
Yay! All right, brb.
> There can't possibly be a built-in for this, but just in case there is (looking at you Mathematica), the use of built-ins that directly solve this are prohibited.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ so you need like 4 more langs
@Maltysen yeah, something like that
1: brainbool
2: jolf
3: brainfuck
4: Element
5: reng
6: ETA
7: Python 3
8: Julia
9: foo
10: whitespace
11: Python 2
12: gol><>
13: ><>
14: fission
15: golfscript
@QPaysTaxes By the way what R is describing is how Brachylog does subpredicates (except they don't get popped)
because I'm a grumpy old sod :P
Yeah, get it right: QPaysTexas
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ no Cheddar D:
@QPaysTaxes i'm not a shit ninja how dare you
@Downgoat I cannot possible expect to put cheddar in there ._.
Oct 30 '15 at 2:36, by Vɪʜᴀɴ
Commas save friendships
panda: eats, shoots and leaves
anyone want to help me with my versatile integer printer?
In other news, I will win this sketch war with ana.
with who?
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ sure (though I;m not very good at polyglots)
yeah, she challenged me
@ArtOfCode the what?
i can draw better than she can :P
@Downgoat Any help would be appreciated ^_^
sketch == draw
@ArtOfCode how are you competing, though?
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ what do you have so far?
@Maltysen she draws something, I draw something, we find someone to judge

 Versatile Integer Printer help

people who want to help make a VIP
@ArtOfCode you should let TNB judge
Who be pingin'?
@Åna apparently you're fighting with ArtOfCode
(with drawing)
@Åna that was @ArtOfCode I believe.
@QPaysTaxes for ninjas?
and I'm going to win
@Maltysen You lot? Sure, why not.
@Åna you got something yet?
@ArtOfCode something better than yours, yeah ;)
You wish. Mkay, you lot up for some judgering?
@QPaysTaxes eeww
I don't want to know what they do...
@ArtOfCode Your drawing?
@ArtOfCode what's that thing floating in the river?
Also my avatar but hey.
Q: Which switches are on?

R. KapIntroduction Given an input of a block of string containing 1 or more of each character in !@#$^&*, output in any reasonable format the coordinates of the switch(es) that is/are "on". A switch is a $, and a switch is "on" if and only if it satisfies at least 1 of the following criteria: It ...

@Åna is your name fiona?
No, my name's Åna :P
@Maltysen the thing in the river is clearly a log
@Maltysen Big thing in the middle, or thing at the edge?
rivers sometimes have those
@ArtOfCode middle
@Maltysen rock
wait it could be a rock.
I was looking at just the thumbnail oops
Thing at the edge is a stick.
I think Art wins because I'm biased against zombies
@quartata She's not a zombie! She's just... plotting against humanity. Read my chat profile.
Oh, OK.
that makes it tougher then because I'm not a fan of humanity myself
@Åna how'd you make your background transparent? Mine kept saving with that terrible background colour.
@ArtOfCode delete the background layer in photoshop or gimp
...save it as a transparent PNG?
@quartata nah, mypaint
Although some image formats don't support transparency
Much better with graphics tablets.
@QPaysTaxes Nah, saved as a PNG.
it just likes adding a background
niwhsa9.github.io/Space-War <--- fixed the background
@AshwinGupta still errors for me
@Downgoat what does?
@AshwinGupta your link
@Downgoat Oh, where does it go?
@AshwinGupta nitpick: your scoreboard is over the spaceship
Not the link itself, the JavaScript
> SyntaxError: Unexpected token ')'
@Maltysen yeah Ill fix that
@Downgoat crap, IDK where the hell the opening bracket is for that xD. @Maltysen you having the same issue?
@AshwinGupta please transpile your code if you're going to use experimental features
Only Chrome and Firefox support arrow functions atm
It's fine for me in Chrome 52
@AshwinGupta no
apart from the fact that the bullets don't hit anything
@Downgoat don't think I'm using any expieremental features?
@Downgoat @AshwinGupta don't listen to him
@Downgoat OH! I'll change it to regular functions, sorry. I just wanted to learn h ow to use the lambda since I've never used one before
@Maltysen LOL
@Maltysen why?
oh, JS haters
@Downgoat no I like js
i'm a babel hater
it's because I preach about babel all the time, right?
cuz if people don't have chrome or firefox, they don't deserve to have things work
@Maltysen s/chrome or firefox/the latest version of chrome or firefox/
@Maltysen I've got tennis in like 10 minutes, but when I get home (maybe like 5-5:30ish) I'll fix that first
I've also got a minor problem w/ the background, it joins the light rays when it resets their positions. That will be second.
Q: Convert a Forsyth-Edwards Notation string to ASCII art

EMBLEMIn chess, Forsyth-Edwards Notation, more commonly called "FEN", is a textual way of transcribing boards. It describes each of the board's eight rows (called "ranks" in chess) from top to bottom from White's perspective. The pieces are written as K (king), Q (queen), R (rook), B (bishop), N (knigh...

Then I'll change the arrow functions to normal
@AshwinGupta using labmdas is ok. The best way is to use something like grunt or gulp, which you can use to automate the build of your code, which you can use with a CI to get normal JS code automatically!
I tried to do a brainbool program and got this error on TIO, @Dennis:
/opt/tio-transpilers/brainbool: line 3: code.c: Permission denied
/opt/tio-transpilers/brainbool: line 23: code.c: Permission denied
/opt/tio-transpilers/brainbool: line 25: code.c: Permission denied
cc: error: code.c: No such file or directory
cc: fatal error: no input files
compilation terminated.
Command exited with non-zero status 4
Elapsed time: 0.00 s
Then I'll work on the missile hit detection, enemy movement, etc...
@Downgoat Ok thanks, I'll look into it
@AshwinGupta :D
Also someone told me last night that the sprite could go half way through walls, i think that was downgoat
Ill fix that too
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ, do you think this is fair?
I'll accept it if: it has an esolang/wiki article, available interpreter and documentation, and has been used by at least two users on PPCG prior to the answer on the versatile integer printer challenge.
@QPaysTaxes I don't know offhand a short way to do it
Ref this comment.
@QPaysTaxes what are your non-list possibilities?
just numbers?
@QPaysTaxes ^^^ list() is good
@StewieGriffin Well, not really. It had to have existed before the challenge in order for the last part to be true.
@QPaysTaxes right, thats what its supposed to do?
So a language made after the challenge cannot be used. Is that what you meant?
@QPaysTaxes in Python 2, strings are greater than lists, which saves checking isinstance
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Uh, I just changed a couple of things on TIO for the Julia interpreter, and I didn't realize how much it would impact the others. That should be fixed now.
what font should Cheddar's logo be?
@Downgoat LM Roman 10
@QPaysTaxes ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ, no. It must have been used prior to using it in the challenge. I.e. if it's created today, you must wait until two users (including you) have used it on other challenges on this site.
@StewieGriffin Ohhhh, I misread that as "question" instead of "answer", haha. Thank you, that is very gracious of you.
which one of those looks the best?

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