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Mathematica may not fit the rules
@aditsu Mathematica does not fit the rules.
Eumel's LabVIEW probably doesn't, considering the price
If you try to submit a Mathematica source, the entire solution will be judged RJ.
Aww, I didn't know about this Code Jam thing.
I'll do it next year.
I mean golfing langs
Weren't you here yesterday, Solver? We would have invited you
so basically Pyth is allowed
And the message: The source file appears to be a Maple/Mathematica file.
Pyth is allowed because there is a free interpreter on the Internet
it seems that 2 people submitted Mathematica anyway
But users of esoteric languages have to also provide to Google a free interpreter.
Or at least a link to it.
@Sherlock9 What, did registration close yesterday?
@Solver Registration was open up until the end of the qualification round
Registration started on March 8 and ended at 01:00 UTC today
@Mego Which was...
Registration has been open since March
@Mego Yep, edited
@Sherlock9 :(
This is so sad.
@aditsu "for any round after the qualification round"
Sorry Solver
@Sherlock9 It's 2:00 UTC.
Ah yes. So 6 hours ago
hi all
hi @TonHospel
they say i must have 30 pts to proceed to 1st round where can i get this ?
@MartinBüttner oh ok, I missed that
@MartinBüttner Hi.. did you get a chance to report that bug ?
@Agawa001 you get points by solving problems in the qual. round
I am interested to see what they do
@Lembik not yet, sorry
@MartinBüttner no problem
how is GCJ going?
@Lembik see zyabin's table above
19 mins ago, by zyabin101
 1st  528 Sp3000           100 10:59:01
 2nd  599 MarsUltor        100 11:54:49
 3rd 1045 DennisMitchell   100 18:05:39
 4th 1148 Jakube           100 19:16:05
 5th 1182 Sherlock9        100 19:41:32
 6th 1275 aditsu           100 20:47:42
 7th 1287 TheNumberOne     100 21:00:44
 8th 1722 mbue              92 20:15:25
 9th 1932 BrainSteel        80 18:49:58
10th 2481 xsot              75 10:20:40
11th 4320 Maltysen          75 26:57:47
12th 4551 NathanMerrill     70 26:05:47
13th 6635 TheOnlyMego       55  8:05:12
Sp3000 ! :)
huh, it had no stars
can you remind me how it works... if you answer A-D do you get to the next round?
@Lembik You have to earn 30 points by solving problems.
each problem has 2 cases and each case has a number of points; total 100
oh ok.. so 30 points is not so hard to get
you just need to solve enough to get 30 points in this round
@Lembik You need 30 points in the qualification round. Each problem has a small version and a large version. Different problems/versions have different points.
where was that lovely table that listed number of answers per language?
very ninja'd :p
@Mego thanks
@aditsu thanks
C++ rocks...lol
there was one that broke it down by problem
if you click a language, you get more details
7/8/10/10/10/20/10/25 were the point values
ok thanks
@Lembik ah there's also this: go-hero.net/jam/16/round/0
so am I right that getting 30 points is not so hard
See this for details
Yeah solving all the smalls is enough for 30 points, always
And the smalls can almost always be brute-forced
I see that python people are cleverer than C++ ones :) 609/5533 got perfect
Nah the Python people didn't have to spend as much time chasing down segfaults
@Mego right!
which is a good advert for python imho
I could've gotten 90/100 had I solved D, but I didn't attempt it
Will it open again at the same time next year?
bear in mind I am the person who posed codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/26323/… :)
@Solver roughly
@Solver Roughly the same time
oh is the qualification round closed now?
In 2012 I think it was in February/March
As of 6 hours ago yeah
@MartinBüttner Good. I'll put a reminder on my calendar.
@Mego that's quick!
what happens if you had a dentist appointment that day? :)
tough luck
it was open for 27 hours
it's google or the root canal
the other rounds are only open for 2.5 or so
although there are 3 dates (with different times) for round 1
ok what happens next?
and when does it get hard :)
rounds 1A, 1B, 1C
yeah you have 3 chances for round 1; for the other ones you have to plan in advance
Round 1 is usually a pretty steep step-up in difficulty from qualifications
round 2 gets hard
@Mego yeah, at least it was last year
And you're also competing against the clock to be one of the top 1k
actually the haskell people did very well I see
dufff 27170 contestants !!
probably because they are just cleverer :)
Qualifications are easy, Round 1 is medium, Round 2 is hard, and I've never made it past 2
is there a prize at some point?
or is it just glory?
$15k is top prize, minimum prize for making it to finals is $100
top 1000 in round 2 get t-shirts
Also t-shirts, the most important prize
got you
I have a collection ^_^
so basically not much for the amount of work
Also finalists get noticed by Google and are often solicited for employment opportunities
what a glory, to wear a tshirt from google company and boost 'bout it next to ur fellows
@Mego that always seem a little funny to me to be honest. It suggest that had you just applied their system would not have been good enough to select you
the bigger prize for making it to finals is flights + accommodation :p
really seems nicer then a handful of cash
who needs money after all ;)
@Lembik Google gets mind-boggling amounts of applications daily. You have to really stand out in order to even be noticed.
@Mego I can imagine
(numbers of applications.. :) )
Even internships at Google are super-competitive
One of my classmates from university was despised by our entire Software Engineering class because they got an internship
on another note.. what is the ppcg policy on machine learning type challenges?
what is the deadline for the competition?
sort of mini kaggle challenges
@Lembik Go for it
If you can make it objective and clear, there's no reason not to
@Mego I sort of assumed people would object on the grounds that they are tough to do in lots of languages
17 mins ago, by Sherlock9
Ah yes. So 6 hours ago
Q: Build a working game of Tetris in Conway's Game of Life

Joe Z.Here is a theoretical question - one that doesn't afford an easy answer in any case, not even the trivial one. In Conway's Game of Life, there exist constructs such as the metapixel which allow the Game of Life to simulate any other Game-of-Life rule system as well. In addition, it is known that...

has there ever been a successful one?
one feature of kaggle type challenges is that some data is held back until testing
Tough challenges are allowed :)
@Mego :)
do you consider genetic algorithms machine learning? :P
We've had challenges where the test cases used for scoring were not revealed until after a winner was chosen
@MartinBüttner if they work better than stochastic hill climbing. Otherwise I call them fraud :)
( I have gone star mad this morning :) )
Nowadays the preferred method is to ban optimizing for the test cases, and reserve the right to change the test cases if necessary
@MartinBüttner I am a genetic algorithms sceptic (denier?)
@Mego that's very interesting.. thanks
@MartinBüttner Oh I saw that. It was great!
ah and I see the author.. no surprise then :)
But as long as the challenge is clear and objective, you don't have to reveal the scoring cases immediately (just as long as they're available at some point for verifying scores). Even test cases aren't required (though highly recommended).
@Lembik well, as the credits show it was a huge collaborative effort
@MartinBüttner true
@Mego thank you this is very helpful
I do have one complaint.. or query. codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/77212/9206 is completely awesome. Is it not so upvoted due to the lack of explanation?
> 84,465 specimens were harmed in the making of this challenge.
@aditsu I'm amused that there was actually a submission in HSP (Hot Soup Processor)
@aditsu oh no! wud is the next set-up
@Lembik That's the main reason why I haven't upvoted it
@Agawa001 you mean next chance to compete? next year
@Lembik and due to lack of insight into the actual problem.
I guess the lack of insight is the same as the lack of explanation?
The answer is just "here's the code", no attempt at explaining the process that led to that code, or why the code works, etc.
I mean Ton Hospel has had a lot of insight to write the code
yeah but I don't :P
@Mego Unless stated otherwise (e.g. the dictionary hash challenge)
I wonder if he can be persuaded to write any explanation. I tried to ask him but he seems reluctant
I mean even if there was an explanation for the answer, if I don't have a good grasp on the actual problem, I'm not sure how much it's going to help
which is confusing because he has explained it more here on chat!
not such a big deal, got time for training :)
@MartinBüttner I feel that a good explanation of the answer would help explain the problem too
I also have a poor grasp on the problem itself, other than knowing what the formula means
@Mego I wonder what I can do to help
@Mego do you know basic linear algebra?
Yes, I do
My minor is in mathematics
@Lembik Meh. Calculus!
I would suggest giving an overview of how the formula relates to the Riemann Theta function
@Mego actually I have some bad news about that
ok.. I think he has basically implemented page.math.tu-berlin.de/~bobenko/papers/2003_Bob_DHvHS.pdf with some optimizations of his own
@Mego ok let me add something now
a bunch of people wrongly submitted the input for B as the code
@aditsu Oh lol
And it looks like brainfuck, so... That's hilarious
Next year I'm going to submit Seriously and Brainfuck answers :P
I should really start learning a Lisp dialect soon
Or Haskell
I just want to try functional programming :D
I tried Haskell this time (started reading during the qual)
I'll probably check out Scheme later
@Mego updated the question
@MartinBüttner ^^
I am not sure how helpful my update is
any suggestions for how I can make it more helpful gratefully received
@KennyLau I may take a look at Codeforces soon. Thanks for the idea :D
@Lembik Please reserve stars for things that are actually important/interesting/amusing enough to be worthy of a spot on the starboard.
@Mego "There is no way in Java to get available operators."
@KennyLau I didn't mean calling the operators. I meant changing the mapping between the operators and the opcodes in the compiled byte code.
@Mego How would you actually do that?
I mean in Java
I'm not sure
Anyway, in the end, I'm joining Topcoder.
There's a Java answer on the 2+2=5 challenge that does something similar
Anyone here familiar with reflection?
@Mego That one changed 4 to 5
I know some reflection
@aditsu Do you know how to do that?
Yeah, I do. Just take a mirror.
which "that"? :)
@aditsu change the opcode of +
I don't think you can do it via reflection
you use reflection to access/invoke fields and methods
You might be able to get more help in another room:
the way I know is to change the integer autoboxing cache so that the cached Integer for 4 is Integer(5).
yeah that cache is an array which is a field in a class
but is there a way to change +?
@Mego That room has nobody
> Pants optional when telecommuting.
@KennyLau well, if you generate bytecode yourself, you can do that
@aditsu What do you mean?
You could do it a simple way: get source, string replace + with something else, run modified source
And use a flag that would have different values depending on whether or not + has been changed to decide whether or not to do the modification
you could take a class, either the source or already compiled, and generate/fiddle with the bytecode for it at runtime
there are some libraries for that kind of stuff
@aditsu My original idea was along those lines
I know it can be done, but I don't know the specifics on how to do it
probably using asm.ow2.org
@Mego ok.. did you get a chance to look at my update?
@aditsu So it isn't official?
what do you mean?
Does ASM use the Java libraries?
is ASM in Java ?
it probably uses some java libraries
it's written in java afaik
have we had challenges like codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/47912/… for Euler's constant?
that's my challenge :)
@aditsu From what I understand it is separate from Java?
@Lembik I looked at it, but I'm too tired to parse it
@KennyLau well, it's a 3rd party library
@Mego oh... if I can do anything to make it clearer please do let me know
or maybe you just need a rest :)
@Lembik Would it be a duplicate?
6 hours of sleep and 2 cups of coffee afterward should do the trick :)
@aditsu From what I understand, you compile a .java to a .class, and then run the ASM instead of the Java?
@KennyLau no, you run java and your program calls some methods from the ASM library to create/modify the bytecode for a class
Why not just tinker with a class's compiled byte code and (re-)load the class using reflection?
Oh that's what you're talking about
Disregard :)
@aditsu Then basically I can do it without the ASM?
wait, what? reflection = mirrors
@KennyLau if you can reimplement the bytecode manipulation stuff, then yeah I think it's possible
@aditsu wait..... a class modifying itself?
I'm not sure it can modify itself (maybe not), but it could at least modify another class
you can load a class from an array of bytes (and it doesn't involve reflection)
Your class could easily modify itself. Load its own byte code, make changes, change the name and the filename, load it as another class.
It couldn't be the class with the main method though, because it would have to be out of the call stack in order to be unloaded (I think), unless you're fine with not unloading the old version
Hello, @Sp3000
@aditsu What is reflection?
@KennyLau sorry... would what be a duplicate?
@KennyLau Looking at source code, or bytecode
@Mego :)
@KennyLau It's - mirrors
@KennyLau an API to access classes as objects, and their fields and methods (by name and type)
@Lembik just to change π to e
@KennyLau I not sure it would. The math is completely different as are the algorithms
but other people may not agree of course
@Lembik Well, related...
@KennyLau i am not sure how related it would be
except they are both constants :)
@Mego there's also a Piet submission
@Lembik Well, ok...
but as I say.. other people may disagree
@MartinBüttner what do you think?
@aditsu And how to change final objects?
the number of 100 point python contestants are only slightly less than that of C++
**Testing** Testing
@MarsUltor that is very impressive
@KennyLau you can override them using reflection
not so many in R I see
@aditsu Sorry I'm new to reflection, could you teach me?
@Lembik context?
@MartinBüttner challenges to compute e (Euler's constant) to high precision along the lines of previous Pi ones
@KennyLau take a look at this and similar questions and answers
@Mego it would be much easier to create a Brainfuck macro system, then use that
I don't know enough about the matter to know if answers would be essentially identical or completely different
@lembik: Hi
@TonHospel Hi! How things?
@MartinBüttner OK
@KennyLau in particular, you can change the modifiers of the field (at runtime) so that it's no longer final
@aditsu Could I also change private to public?
@KennyLau maybe, but you don't need to, you just force-make it accessible
@aditsu So I could basically set up a BigInteger by giving it an integer array...
Calculating e is easy. `perl -e 's!\w+!$%=($z=$&.0+$%)/($a=--$?||10);$z%$a!eg,print$%for(-1x65536)x1e3' (wait long enough for the result)
Should print 1000 digits
@KennyLau yeah, looks like it has some non-public constructors for that, you could call them via reflection; the issue is they may be jvm-implementation-specific
same with the "mag" field
@aditsu Can I hack into SecurityManager?
(uses a spigot algorithm for e which is easier than that for pi)
@TonHospel Is the 1e3 changeable to print a specified number of digits?
@KennyLau a security manager may prevent you from doing this kind of things; if not, then you also have no need to hack into it
For example, 500 instead of 1000. Or 100.
@aditsu If there's a security manager, can I hack into it?
@TonHospel awseome perl!
@KennyLau I don't think so, otherwise it would be pointless :p
@TonHospel about my challenge.. I am excited to know if you have any more plans
@zyabin101: Yes, though it uses a dirty trick with $? to limit the number of loops, so that can't be extended indefinitely. Fixing that will make the code slightly longer but a lot faster since now it does way too many loops
@TonHospel you mentioned improving the library usage already
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Feigenbaum_constants might be more fun to compute....
@zyabin101 thanks
@aditsu What kind of security issue would this lead to?
@KennyLau don't know a lot about that, but an example would probably be a web application hacking into another one running on the same server
Still this e code was a side joke I came up with when doing a series for pi. It could be fun to seriously golf it some more and generalize it
@aditsu Could you elaborate?
If a SecurityManager locks you out of doing reflection stuff, there's not really anything you can do to get around it
@lembik: I'm looking at the siegel modular transforms but I don't understand 1 of the transforms, the one with diag b. And that one is very important because until now i was able to keep z=0 and I want to keep it like that. But i find very little about the modular group for the riemann theta function on the net (hoping to find a source that derives the formulas so I understand what is going on and if I can fix it)
@KennyLau you could have a java application server / servlet container running webapps developed by different people; they are normally separated via different classloaders, but with unrestricted reflection you might be able to get past that barrier
@aditsu Which is why java disabled virtually every application online?
@KennyLau ?
@MarsUltor most java applications online are disabled...
but it broke my website where i used to run JavaScript in Rhino engine in a Java servlet container...
due to security issues
@KennyLau That's just your Java security settings then
How else am I supposed to run JavaScript on a browser?
java applet
not javascript
@KennyLau if you're talking about most shared hosting providers not supporting java, it's probably because it's difficult to get it right, and now VPS's are cheap and much better
@MarsUltor there are things called exploits common to both flash and java applets
@KennyLau applets have nothing to do with web applications
applets run in the browser, webapps run on the server
applets are a different can of worms :p
Solution: don't use Java
Java was designed to do many things, but securely run client-side code is not one of them
well, java web start is still fine
D: go-hero doesn't detect Retina
speaking of calculating e, if you find a way to compute (1+9^(-4^(7·6)))^(3^(2^85)), you get 18457734525360901453873570 accurate digits
java applets?
@aditsu Not even wolfram alpha
Q: Virtual Keyboard Text Input

MegoOn modern game consoles and other devices without traditional keyboards, trying to input text is a nightmare. Having to type with a few buttons and a joystick on a virtual keyboard is annoying, and I like to make as few movements/button presses as possible. The keyboard you will be using looks l...

@MarsUltor it will probably be fixed within the next several hours / couple of days
@aditsu How are you so sure?
@aditsu I am not so amazed. It is basically (1+1/n)^n, n->infty
@MarsUltor in previous years foxlit went through the unknown submissions and updated them (sometimes with help from other users)
@aditsu How do they have access?
@MarsUltor he made that site
@MarsUltor All submissions are publicly available
@Mego He has a crawler?
yeah you can download the data from the scoreboard, they might even have a full archive somewhere
Something similar, supposedly
Finished GCD in Hexagony and Labyrinth they're surprisingly short. \o/
Time to show off.
Challenge idea: golf Unipants' Golfing Language numbers.
That's what I really need, as I want to be able to output "Hello, World!" in the fewest bytes.
Also, a very big bullet point: make a prime checker. Else I wasted these 6-8 minutes and failed to make this golfing language.
@flawr indeed.
what unipants really needs is a suitable picture
wai upload same image again ;_;
@aditsu O_o
Unicornpants is very obvious.
Panticorn is very insert reason here.
@aditsu What the hell are these here for?
I probably do not even wanna know.
@aditsu >.<
Unicorns are stupid. At least most of the internet ones.
@Mego the other challenge requires the entire computation to be output
plus, it requires the Euclidean algorithm
@flawr just helping zyabin with the language "design" :p
@MartinBüttner Silly me, I read the "The Challenge" section and assumed that it would be descriptive and complete
@flawr v
i - input an integer into the stack
I - input a character into the stack
o - pop the top of stack and output an integer
O - pop the top of stack and output a character
So what happens if there is a character on the stack and you try to output an integer?
Characters are actually integers, just that they are kept as their ASCII ordinals.
So the letter A is actually kept in stack as 65, the ASCII ordinal for A.
Oh right, I feel dumb now.
@zyabin101 So where can we find an interpreter for your language?
@flawr Nowhere. I have to get help programming it.

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