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$ racket greeting.rkt
"Hello, Andrew!"

$ # o/

$ # \o/
@zyabin101 o/ is valid racket code?
@Downgoat Nope, this is run in the Git bash, from the Racket program folder.
And v
> o/
o/: undefined;
 cannot reference undefined identifier
what should the error for accessing an undefined property be?
> RuntimeError: Undefined is not an object evaluating ____
^ is that good?
but it's the same as JS's's errrors
are stack traces really that important does Cheddar need them?
@Downgoat Nope.
But it needs carrots pointing to the token that is failing.
it does
@Downgoat Show it.
You really named it Cheddar?
@zyabin101 okay, lemme get an example:
    Cheddar> foo+2
    Execution Stack:  [ CheddarPropertyToken {
        Index: 3,
        _Tokens: [ CheddarVariableToken { Index: 3, _Tokens: [ 'foo' ] } ],
        Type: Symbol(Property) },
      CheddarNumberToken { Index: 5, _Tokens: [ 10, 0, '2' ] },
      CheddarOperatorToken { Index: 4, _Tokens: [ '+' ] } ]

    foo + 2
    [RuntimeError: Function [object Object] not found]
Why didnt you call it goat cheese or chèvre?
@flawr -_- those are odd names and no one will remember how to spell chèvre or both to put an accent
Cheddar ain't really more clever
neither was Raspberry Pi but it caught on
or Python
Mar 26 at 22:22, by Alex A.
@Downgoat There are actually people speaking french=)
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ I demand that you answer my question that I commented you.
@flawr though most people don't
(just for the ping)
@Downgoat Most people do not speak englihs.
@Downgoat If you're going by percentages, most people also don't speak English.
no mistake in that sentence
besides the missing ?
@Fatalize that would cause a syntax error
@Downgoat I don't but I can cobble together what that means
^ Same
A majority seems to parle français.
@HelkaHomba Some people that answered "Oui" are probably in the same boat
I don't speak French, but I still think some kind of goat cheese would be better than cheddar. If you want something that easier to spell and pronounce, you could go with Feta or Caprino.
@flawr s/le/ler/
I pretty much guessed, like Helka, that the question was asking if I spoke French, and hit "non" accordingly.
@Downgoat @flawr to parler français
Well but there is a to.
well yeah
so it's infinitive
But anyway, English is the lingua franca of technology for now, and everyone in here knows English, so...
@El'endiaStarman So you responded no to do you speak French, with both question and answer in French? :P
Let's not argue about the grammar of mixed english and french=)
I ninja'd you
@Dennis When you watch several people who are learning French converse in French, you tend to get an idea of what a few basic words mean... :P
1. Nay - 3 votes (60%)
2. Yea - 2 votes (40%)
French vocabulary is fairly simple to learn for English natives, since they share so many words
But anyway, I love the idea of "Goat Cheese" in place of "Cheddar". :P (I'm totally fine with the name remaining the same.)
@El'endiaStarman j/k I ran away as fast as I could from the French class I had signed up for, but even I understood that question.
@Fatalize but there are lots of words that look/sound like english but are actually different words.
@Dennis surrendered his French classes
@Downgoat Well sure there are some false friends, but generally removing the ending of a french word and adding y makes it the equivalent english word
I'm number 1811 in Code Jam. o_O
@Fatalize Jy parley francay?
@Dennis O_o Username?
And another question: why are you from Paraguay?
@zyabin101 Downgoat
8 hours ago, by Sherlock9
@zyabin101 It's DennisMitchell
@zyabin101 Why not?
@zyabin101 He's not from there, but lives there.
@LegionMammal978 Uno choizo?! >_<
@LegionMammal978 base 7 is septaray
(I tihnk)
heptary methink
Pro tip: Jelly does base -7 natively.
> Which of 10 types of people are you?
@Dennis Base -7? O_o
Pro tip: Jelly does * natively
Pro tip: Jelly does strings natively
@Dennis why base -7?
@Downgoat Because negaheptary is cool-sounding
@Downgoat Jelly's base conversion built-ins support all integer bases.
bad typo is bad
> ass integer bases
I hope that's a typo
@Dennis Make it support base exp(pi)
Not sure how that happened. s and l are pretty far away from each other...
In cheddar should it be Pi or pi or PI?
@Fatalize that wasn't one of the options...
@Downgoat Do you have any other built-in constants?
@Downgoat It's still 2 bytes long
maybe I might asdd eulers constant
@LegionMammal978 it's difficult to type on my keyboard so I'm not going to make it that character
For that, you should probably do e, so I would suggest pi correspondingly.
do you have namespaces in Cheddar?
@Downgoat Whoa! @ 54:14? That's fast.
@zyabin101 ?
@Fatalize eeww no, JavaScript does that...
In[1]:= FromDigits@RealDigits[56, Mod[Exp[Pi], 10], 50]~N~50

Out[1]= 1212.0111210210022212002300101102120222102112020301
Pro tip: Mathematica supports non-integral bases natively
@Downgoat 16976 Downgoat 15 54:14
oh \o/
I should solve the other challenge soon...
@LegionMammal978 Pytek will too.
halp, I don't understand any of the code jam problems ._.
> Time Remaining: 8 hours 30 min
Public service announcement: Google Code Jam 2016 qualifications close in 8 hours 30 minutes.
Would you guys get a Tesla if you could? - strawpoll.me/7325320
Y'know, these PSAs are usually pretty unnecessary.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ I will keep pinging you until you answer my comment
@HelkaHomba I'd get one if it was self-driving
@aditsu They're getting pretty close to that.
@HelkaHomba 216 miles is more or less what I get from my "normal" car.
I know
Teslas can already drive on the highway and change lanes autonomously.
@Dennis But gas stations are easy to find (in the US)
I want it to find a parking spot by itself ^_^
also, I don't drive
@HelkaHomba That's not true everywhere.
@El'endiaStarman haha "pretty close"
@LegionMammal978 what does toting to zero mean? I was afk
@Dennis i bet the places where gas stations are not easy to find.. electric charging points are even rarer.
and charging with own's electricity would be ever costlier
As in, can the function take zero as an input?
Lemme get on my cpu and check
(and still give a sensible result)
@Sherlock9 I think I understand the question, but I don't know which option means no.
has anyone down the jamcoin problem on Code Jam?
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ I'm talking about the sequence
I don't have it on hand
@Dennis XD
@Optimizer Cheaper than gas? I wouldn't think so
@Optimizer That's probably true.
@Downgoat I did it but don't think I "down" it
I'm certainly confused, I can't find any sequence that is seemingly simple enough
@aditsu downed?
@Optimizer Good thing there's companies like SolarCity that are growing... :P
@aditsu do you think a generate-all-possible-strings-of-given-length and filter would work fast enough?
@Sherlock9 \o/ \o/ I guessed the right answer
2^30 strings? I doubt it
@Downgoat \o/
@aditsu do you have any suggestions for an algorithm?
Doesn't asking people for help kinda defeat the purpose?
> Charging an electric car costs the equivalent of paying about $1.14 per gallon at the pump, according to a new tool from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) called eGallon. - stateimpact.npr.org/texas/2013/06/12/…
well, I'm not sure what to say without giving away too much
@Dennis but I'm stupid and I can't math.
Leave it blank.
@LegionMammal978 It fails for zero
@HelkaHomba that's half of gas price..
@Downgoat In order of finish: TheOnlyMego, Maltysen, Sherlock9, Sp3000, MarsUltor, DennisMitchell, xsot, aditsu, kennylau, KeyboardFire, mbue.
I'll say my solution has 34 bytes ^_^
@aditsu Is it in CJam?
;_; I only understand the counting sheep problem
Well, I have 4 wrong tries on D-small, so I think I'm on the right track :D
@zyabin101 maybe
> D-small
@HelkaHomba Wow, that's better than I thought!
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I've been using Python so far, but it takes such a long time to write...
@Dennis me too. Python is the worst. I wish we could use JS...
You can.
Martin's got 7 bytes for B (yes, we tried golfing that one)
JS doesn't have STDIN
@Sp3000 what how
Downgoat, make that face at me when you solve D :D
@Sp3000 please share the source so I can verify :P
@Downgoat with spidermonkey you can haz stdin too
@Downgoat Some implementations do.
(as in, for a single input line, not counting Case #... and such)
spidermonkey sucks
so does node
and rhino
spidermonkey works fine for me, 100% command line
@Sp3000 Yeah, I was pretty tempted to do that one in a golfing language.
can someone pleeeease share an algorithm for flipping pancakes?
7 bytes? really?
@HelkaHomba How much do you pay for electricity in the US? Gasoline seems to be a lot cheaper than here.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Are you sure that a(0) is not in the sequence?
The translations for my Strawpoll: "Bisa bicara Bahasa Indonesia?" means, roughly, "Do you speak Indonesian?"; "Iya" means "yes"; "Tidak" means "no"; and "Apa?" means "What?"
@Downgoat ummm those three things are not equivalent
@El'endiaStarman But not that exorbitant for some places: "There’s a gas station in Ohio pumping gas for $1.21 a gallon." o.O (from Jan 2016)
@Optimizer They are names of JS engines,
ok lol
measuring volumes in gallons
Yeah, ಠ_ಠ.
@LegionMammal978 The output for n = 0 is wrong. I thought that's what it meant by intolerant to 0.
@Fatalize calling liquid petroleum as gas should have you understood there itself
when I hear gallon, I imagine a person carrying a bucket of something in some forsaken village in the middle ages
@Dennis I would have done C with pyth
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ If a(0) is in the sequence, but your program doesn't support it, then arguably, your program doesn't implement a sequence in the OEIS.
@LegionMammal978 Let me fix that then
@zyabin101 no choice for "I'm not doing it"
@Maltysen I should have done all of them in CJam.
@Dennis but like honestly, C would have been easier in Pyth than in Python
4 mins ago, by Downgoat
can someone pleeeease share an algorithm for flipping pancakes?
no one? :(
@LegionMammal978 fixed
@Downgoat MarsUltor had a really good one, I had a really crappy one
@Maltysen s/C/all of them/
And it's tolerant now
@Maltysen what was yours
@zyabin101 only 3 languages on that list that I'm not using
@Downgoat represent a stack as a node on a graph and a flip as an edge, dijkastra
@HelkaHomba That's a lot more expensive. Weird.
@Maltysen :/
I used Haskell for the first time ever ^_^
@Dennis tidak is no
@Optimizer idk how to do A*
6 mins ago, by Sherlock9
The translations for my Strawpoll: "Bisa bicara Bahasa Indonesia?" means, roughly, "Do you speak Indonesian?"; "Iya" means "yes"; "Tidak" means "no"; and "Apa?" means "What?"
> toHex(()toHex(toHex(toHex(x))))
@Dennis Oh, sumo'd
But thanks.
@LegionMammal978 oh dear what is that
Read it aloud
> to hex bracket start bracket start bracket end..
I read
> to hex to hex to hex to hex x
Sounds interesting
@Downgoat the general idea is you flip a stack so that you have fewer differences, until they are all the same
The x sounds similar to hex
:28890014 then thou shalt press the *
@orlp the lonely island
@orlp bahaha, those freaky lyrics finally make sense
Six people use Python. A lot, based on the other responses.
\o/ I think I might have figured out how to do fractiles

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