Some time ago, the following question was asked: GolfScript, CJam, or Pyth?
Based on the title only, I thought that it would be a very nice challenge, but unfortunately, it turned out to be a question asking for tips.
Here is the challenge I wanted to read:
Who said golfing languages were not...
No one is quite certain what the emoticon >:U is intended to represent, but many scholars believe it looks like an angry duck. Let's assume that's the case.
Given an integer n between 0 and 3 inclusive, print or return
if n = 0,
if n = 1,
> : U U
> U U
I didn't find it at first, but one workaround would be to make another fork, this time from source B, and:
clone that new fork.
add your initial local clone as a remote
fetch from your first local clone, in order to get all your current work
push your work to the second fork
At least, this ...
A Diagonal Sudoku board is a special case of Latin squares. It has the following properties:
The board is a 9-by-9 matrix
Each row contains the numbers 1-9
Each column contains the numbers 1-9
Each 3-by-3 sub-region contains the numbers 1-9
Both diagonals contains the numbers 1-9
zyabin101@<REDACTED> ~/Desktop
$ rebol3 --help
REBOL 3.0 A0 4-Mar-2014/4:53:51
Command line usage:
REBOL |options| |script| |arguments|
Standard options:
--args data Explicit arguments to script (quoted)
--do expr Evaluate expression (quoted)
--help (-?) Display this usage information
--script file Explicit script filename
--version tuple Script must be this version or greater
Special options:
--boot level Valid levels: base sys mods
@Downgoat I sync'd my fork with your master branch, again.
given integers n and s, output all arrays of length n whose values come from -s...s. The catch is that you have to output them in a particular order. First the all zero array. Then all arrays with values from -1..1 but without the all zero array. Then all arrays with values from -2..2 but without any array you have outputted before and so on...
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ sure.. n= 2 and s = 2. We want 0,0 then the following in any order -1,0 0,-1 -1,-1 1,0 0,1 1,1 then the following in any order 2,0 0,2 2,2 -2,0 0,-2 -2,-2 2,1 2,-1, 1,2, -1,2 .. assuming I didn't leave any out
tell application "System Events"
set x to 0
delay 5
repeat 130 times
keystroke "/fill ~ ~" & x & " ~ ~-128 ~" & x & " ~-128 air"
key code 36
delay 0.1
keystroke "t"
delay 0.1
set x to x - 1
end repeat
end tell