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@AlexA. Salacious Strawberry (for steam)
@Quill okay I got what you got. @Calvin'sHobbies thanks for pointing that out to me
@Liam Sounds like a NSFW version of Strawberry Shortcake
@Quill I've worked my way from Agitated Apple to Rustic Rhubarb. Salacious and Strawberry were the first things that popped into my head for 's'
@AshwinGupta ctrl+shift+f formats code in Eclipse
@Liam you picking an account name?
@phase yup. Fixed now: github.com/niwhsa9/Quick-Print/blob/master/src/t/Q.java thanks for catching that. I know about ctrl+shift+f. Why did you mention that?
@Liam I appreciate your dedication. I'm having a tough time finding you but you shall be located and invited shortly.
@phase oh yeah JSmash is sort of an abandoned mess at the moment. Me and Geobits were talking about it earlier. I'll get back to it soon and fix stuff up.
go to your profile in steam and copy the link at the top
@Liam Terrible Turnip
@Quill eww turnip.
@Liam is meatloaf a vegetable? You could do marvelous meatloaf.
@AshwinGupta Here's my implementation for a Java golf language. Has a lot of features n such. github.com/phase/o/tree/java-interpreter
> Agitated Apple
Not Agitated Avdvocad
@phase hey thats pretty cool. I'm gonna study that a bit to get the basic structure/ideas for how to build a programming language
if you don't mind that is.
no prob, open source for a reason :D
@Quill Avdvocad is a new one :P
I keep reading it as Advovocad
@phase what does this mean? Cat:

@phase You rewrote O in Java?! D:
There's no more o.c!
@AlexA. O was written in Java first ;-;
Your interpreter isn't golfed!
it's the old branch
@AlexA. I think fetching output from an external source is fine, as long as any resources created after the challenge are counted in the byte count.
`i` get input from stdin and push to stack
`o` pop stack and output to stdout
@ThomasKwa It's a standard loophole
ok gn, I'm finishing my blackjack code then calling it a night.
Good night!
@Liam Showing 161 - 180 of 6,343 ;-;
Searching for your Steam profile
@AlexA. apparently i'm not that original. Try my account name "commutatorsdonotcommute"
Commutator. Now that's a word I haven't heard in a while.
> There are no users that match your search
@Liam Your SE profile says you're in Tacoma. Is that Tacoma, Washington? :O:O:O
@AlexA. yeah it is. try relogging because i just changed my screen name
That's awesome! I'm right near Seattle! :D
omg I just had the greatest idea for a language that only used one operator
@phase omg what is your idea
@Liam just link your profile in chat
where do i find a share link for it?
@AlexA. Yeah I love it up here. I don't think i'll be around too much longer though. I'll be in DC
@Liam Oh no, the other Washington! This one is objectively superior. What's the occasion for going to DC?
Input is encoded into a number (through base decompression or whatever), and it is added to an accumulator. Then the program is read and for every + (or whatever char) the accumulator is incremented by one. Then the accumulator is converted to base 64 and turned into an image, which displays the output.
@phase so the output is always essentially a number >= to the input?
@Calvin'sHobbies yes, but it wouldn't matter because all text would be pixel art, which you could manipulate to get the right output if it needed to be smaller.
but how could the output depend on the input?
@AlexA. I'll be working there. Hah yeah misclick. I'll just find you.
@Calvin'sHobbies it would only work for very specific cases, such as having part of your program turn the input into pixel art, then the other part be your algorithm to replace certain parts of it at different locations
not sure I follow
I'll try and get an example working...
@Liam Awesome! What'll your job be?
One-liners are not necessarily faster. Don't fetishize code golf. You have to measure speed; not lines of code. — S.Lott Mar 14 '09 at 12:11
So much ಠ_ಠ
@AlexA. DoD. I'm sitting at home waiting for clearance. Big pain in the ass.
@Liam Oh, yeah I bet. Are you allowed to say what kind of work you'll be doing or will it be top secret?
will we see you on WikiLeaks in 6 months?
@AlexA. Probably shouldn't say. What with all the non-americans here. I was in a chinese music ensemble in college and I bet that added like 4 months to my backgorund check
most of us here are part of five eyes anyway
@Liam Is a Chinese music ensemble an ensemble of Chinese musicians playing any music or an ensemble of musicians playing Chinese music?
@AlexA. To be honest, mostly chinese people playing chinese music. There were a couple of use who were not Chinese though.
Anyone know how to convert a base64 string to a decimal number in Python?
@Liam So what makes it a Chinese music ensemble specifically?
@AlexA. We played traditional Chinese music.
on traditional instruments
Ohhhhh okay
Sounds cool :)
I just watched Sp3000
Are you watching Futurama, or were you watching Sp3000 brush his teeth or something through the window from the bushes?
<insert Lenny face here />
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
@AlexA. no. 1
One more before bed: Talking with Marky, vol 2
@Geobits at least he wished you goodnight
@Liam That's my profile. I'm looking for yours. :P
I think that's because you're logged in as you and I'm logged in as me
you could just send him a friend request @liam
@Geobits That was great. :P
@Quill Yeah but his name is "Alex" which is pretty hard to find. Can I just search the name of the group? or should I change my name to something obscure and unique so that it is easily found.
@Liam Found you! \o/
Small miracles!
he's the admin of the group
I'm gonna turn my kid loose in your steam group :P
@Geobits He's more than welcome to join, provided you're comfortable with having him play with a bunch of weirdos. :P And Liam
I resent that
<--- perfectly normal
@AlexA. that sounds really suss
@Liam Better? :P
@Quill I'm unfamiliar with that term
@AlexA. Well right now unless it's Terraria, he probably wouldn't be interested anyway.
@AlexA. suspicious
Yeah out of curiosity, what do you guys play anyways
I haven't played anything on Steam in ages, but I like anything that Valve makes.
And Distance. Distance is nuts.
^^ basically, except for L4D.
lol l4d2 is my most played steam game.
I have a bunch of the other valve games but haven't played them that much
Left 4 Dead I think is alright but I'm not really into it. Same goes for TF2 but I think I'm in the small minority on that. :P
dota? that's valve right?
Oh I guess they do own the rights to Dota now
Haven't played it
@Liam Hatoful Boyfriend
hah I have a friend who would probably play that
Loves him some anime
wait are those birds. Like is that a bird dating sim?
I have 6 hours in the game
@Liam that's the joke
Haha wow suddenly I have a lot more respect for it. Is it any good?
it's okay
there's a bird that really likes pudding
Isn't there a dating sim where you're a pug?
That sounds kinda gross. (pugs are ugly)
All dogs are perfect and beautiful
<-- cat person
I saw that mountain dew ad on youtube earlier
wtf are those guys smoking
pfft, indeed
Though I wonder if they succeeded. How many other commercials do you remember from the Super Bowl?
I didn't watch the superbowl
I'd imagine they're all pretty outlandish though
I think it was geared toward 10-20 year olds or something.
the kind of 10 year olds that probably are listening to a dubstep remix of it right now
I was just joking, it's sad that exists
hmm it's actually several orders of magnitude better than the commercial.
relatively relaxing electro music with the words "puppy monkey baby" every several measures.
@Quill That one was far and away the weirdest/creepiest/freakiest/etc. Only other one that came close was the Doritos baby commercial, which came off as funny, not as weird.
And that one is perhaps the most controversial in some circles.
Not that I'm a regular here or anything, but would you guys mind adding me to the steam group?
You'll need to ping Alex for that @ballesta25
@AlexA. ^ (Not sure if this does anything since he doesn't seem to be on right now.)
yeah he'll get it next time he logs
yo is there a steam group?
@ballesta25 Sent you an invitation
@undergroundmonorail Yes, give me your Steam username and I'll invite you
Never mind, you were exceedingly easy to find
you found me while i was switching to a computer with steam on it :P
ty :)
i'll give this one to you: that message would have looked a lot better if my text editor didn't auto-insert tabs
(number of messages containing "dawg")

undergroundmonorail: 14*
            Alex A.: 12
           quartata: 8
              Quill: 4
          Optimizer: 2
             TimmyD: 2
     Martin Büttner: 1**
               Mego: 1

* including this one
** Martin linked to a Stack Overflow answer written by SO user "dawg"
When a code reviewer looks so deeply into your code that he notices an easter egg. :D
@undergroundmonorail haha
yo dawg, heard you like dawgs, so I dawged your dawg with a dawg
that brings you up to five
I'm coming for yo @quartata
@undergroundmonorail ... you just put three "dawg"s in this post to pass Alex, didn't you?
> number of messages
Oh, I thought it was "dawg" count.
Q: Find maximum frequency

MikeI have been given 2D matrix of size NxM. They are filled with values in range from 1 to 10^6. I need to find out maximum frequency of elements taking any row and column at a time. Constraints 1<=NxM<=10^6 1<=Elements in Arrays<=10^6 Example 1 2 1 2 3 4 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 Answer: Maximum freque...

@VoteToClose you
i was briefly like "i should make a bot that keeps track of everyone's dawg count and you can say !dawg to see the leaderboards" but there are two problems with that. the first is that requesting the leaderboard would up your count. the second is that gamifying "dawg" would probably make people say it a lot more than they otherwise would and i t would be annoying
you could make it not trigger an update
@undergroundmonorail Whynaut, dawg? ;D
Q: Find maximum frequency

MikeI have been given 2D matrix of size NxM. They are filled with values in range from 1 to 10^6. I need to find out maximum frequency of elements taking any row and column at a time. Constraints 1<=NxM<=10^6 1<=Elements in Arrays<=10^6 Example 1 2 1 2 3 4 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 Answer: Maximum freque...

@randomra is that useful? How exactly do you define "all characters"? All Unicode code points? What about unassigned ones? Or surrogates?
@Quill I think we have different definitions of making a living.
the only valid definition is "creating life"
@MartinBüttner ;-)
10 members in the steam group and no Dota 2 player it seems? I'm disappointed, cyka
mobas aren't fun :)
Q: Substitute numbers by their respective letter

Stewie GriffinCreate a function or program that takes a number as input, and outputs a string where ASCII-code points for the lower and upper case alphabet are substituted by their character equivalents. The upper case alphabet use the code points: 65-90 The lower case alphabet use the code points: 97-122 ...

Q: clickerhero mercenaries

EumelIntroduction I have recently started playing clickerheroes again. In the recent patch they introduced a new mechanic to mercenaries namely their lifetime. Insteadof having a random chance at dieing now they have a certain lifspan given by a geometric distribution of p = 0,2. They can be sent on ...

A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

insertusernamehereSwitch that value! This will be a code-golf challenge Introduction In most languages it's very easy to switch or toggle a boolean value: var x = true; x = !x; But what if you need to toggle a non-boolean value, like ['on', 'off']? It might get longer: var x = 'on'; if ('on' == x) { x...

2 hours later…
Q: Sort these James Bond ratings

MKIIIntroduction My grandpa is a fan of James Bond, but he is always unsure on how to rank his favourite actors. As such, he is always making lists, which is a lot of work. He asked me to produce a program that will make his life easier, but I do not have time for that, I have to work! So I will cou...

A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

LegionMammal978ToUpperCase... Mathematica style For this challenge, you must write a program or function that converts every character in a string to upper case. "Wouldn't this be too broad?" you ask. Nope; you have to exactly implement Mathematica 10.1's ToUpperCase function! Note ToUpperCase works quite pe...

> Oh no, why do I hear a constant, high-pitched noise? I haven't been listening to loud music or anything! What's going o--
/me turns off the crt that's been on all night
> Much better.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Martin BüttnerWhere does the spaceship go? code-golfgridgeometry Based on an idea suggested by Zgarb. A spaceship is moving around a regular 3D grid. The cells of the grid are indexed with integers in a right-handed coordinate system, xyz. The spaceship starts at the origin, pointing along the positive x ax...

still up there
@AlexA. Awesome. I'm happy your girlfriend was able to help you. Send me an invite -- AdmBorkBork
@Doorknob so Geobits was wrong about November 21st date after all
Did I ever say the 21st? Doesn't ring a bell...
Checking in with Marky:
> Good morning
Good night !
> What time zone are you in?
> Isn't it afternoon there now?
> Then don't say good night yet.
I ' m not sure how to do that .
> Are you ready for the site to graduate?
I ' m not sure what you mean .
> PPCG might be graduating soon. Are you excited?
I ' m not sure how to do that .
> What do you want to do?
> Do you know what a llama is?
> Do you know what a dog is?
> Do you know what a cat is?
No .
> What do you know?
> I would really appreciate it if you would stop saying _UNK.
> I would really appreciate it if you would stop saying _UNK.
> Why no?
marky is a sassy one huh
He's getting that way.
I can't imagine where he learned that.
On a verbal reasoning test, choose the one that does not belong with the others: libertia, ghana, austria, Nigeria
As far as I know, it's the only one that's not a country.
I chose Ghana because it doesn't end with ia .-.
That's good verbal reasoning ;)
I choose austria because it's the only one that sounds like Australia
As in, if you had no idea what any of them where, the one with the different ending makes sense as a choice.
my friends and I are trying to find out. I'm the only one who chose Ghana :P
So it depends what they were looking for, really.
That makes sense.
libertia is the only one that begins with l
it's also the only one with a composite number of letters
austria is the only one without a relatively well-known name in it (bert, han (or ana), geri).
Nigeria has a capital in it
also what's a verbal reasoning test
It's code for pub quiz.
and now: two separate images of me using a juice pouch poorly
FWIW, my son teaches a class on how to use those things. I think he has a couple spots open later in the month.
only one of them was a real mistake
> using a juice pouch
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Seen browsing github code:
        MAX_HTTP_RETRIES = 5                # EGAD! A MAGIC NUMBER!
@undergroundmonorail this is how i always use them
@Geobits I don't think you can consider it a magic number if it has a meaningful name and appears at the top of the source file
Probably not. To be fair, this was nowhere near the top, but I still wouldn't consider it very magic. Could it be moved to some more easily configurable place? Sure, but meh :)
@AlexA. I'll join your steam group. i'm me on steam.
Well, if you weren't you, who would you be?
This is getting deep.
OMFG. Read the little blue part at the top of this page: docs.telerik.com/devtools/aspnet-ajax/controls/treeview/…
I have been taking extreme measures to save the changes made and all this time all I had to do was call "trackChanges"
@TimmyD tim minchin maybe. that'd be cool.
What kind of control makes you call a function to ensure that it works like every other control?
Yea, that seems like it would be very commonly overlooked.
4 hours wasted.
I built a tree of hidden fields to mimic my actual tree, and instead of updating the actual tree, I update the tree of hidden fields because they persist their changes to the server.
Not wasted! You got to learn more about Telerik, so your, umm... knowledge capital has gone up in value and umm... yea, you see where I'm going with this.
Haha. Telerik on my resume.
@Geobits "nowhere?"
@quintopia Yea, but I was taking the scenic route there.
Oh.. Telerik is already on my resume
But Telerik has multiple products, and the one I put on my resume is the reporting solution
Now I'm dealing with web controls
@quintopia Good choice. Comedian, reasonably popular so true fans may recognize you on the street, but not too popular so that you're mobbed by paparazzi.
How specific is your resume?
The reporting solutions are more specific than average. I consider myself an expert because I have worked with Excel reports, Telerik reports, and SSRS reports
@TimmyD how about you?
The languages section is pretty specific too
I need to change my steam name before I join the group
d2erusher is kind of outdated
@quintopia Hmm ... likely some writer. Brandon Sanderson or somesuch. In the public sphere, but not really "public."
I'm gonna go with anonymous billionaire. There are quite a few of them that aren't really public at all.
@TimmyD not terrible
@TimmyD I'd be the one math teacher who is actually paid decently to teach.
So then not a math teacher :P
@Geobits Yeah, but with that route, I'd be bored out of my mind.
@Geobits Hm, right. I'll probably be myself in ten years.
@TimmyD I don't know. I've thought about that, and I'm pretty sure I could find things to fill my days. Free from the necessity to earn a paycheck, I could pursue any number of things.
It doesn't have to be billions of course. Tens of millions would be just fine ;)
I sit at home lately and scroll through the Steam Store and the PSN store looking for games to play. I am not impressed. I could not handle being an anonymous billionaire.
With billions, you could fund development of whatever you wanted.
I think I'd be Rafael Nadal
I mean, think of guys like Musk. Dude's loaded, and I honestly think he starts companies because "damn that would be cool. why hasn't anyone done this yet?"
@Rainbolt Oh man ... I wouldn't want that pressure.
I don't think a guy who has won multiple grand slams feels a whole lot of pressure.
14 grand slams
That's a lot of Denny's breakfasts to be eating at once.
are RadTreeView nodes just TreeView nodes that are really cool
You tricked me
Must have been named in the late 80s or early 90s.
No, just professional athlete ... jeez. I'd rather be an anonymous billionaire.
@undergroundmonorail They are TreeView nodes that are fancy. They are not cool.
Before I go delving into all of these KotH, does anyone know one off-hand that has a python controller that keeps a streaming I/O with submissions?
I'm looking to steal some code for something.
Commence 10 people delving into KotH trying to find a Python controller.
Parallelization is the future >_>
You know you are SO savvy when you can crowdsource your work without actually asking for it to be crowdsourced.
@Geobits Parallelization Crowd-sourcing is the future
Same thing. That just makes people feel less like the machines they are.
You could call it a distributed search algorithm, too, but in the end, it doesn't even matter. I tried so hard...
You are on fire today. So hot that you are cold, and nobody is starring your jokes.
Well the starboard isn't gonna populate itself. Have one from me.
@Geobits Wow, way to toss in a lyric from a classic rock song.
Let N be the index of (the person who most recently talked in chat) in the user bar. As N increases, the chat is more dead. :P
@Geobits you mean more like the machines?
more like ex machinas?
@TimmyD I would star this just for the audacity of calling linkin park classic rock, but it's annoying to have starred things that referred to unstarred things, forcing you to have to read the transcript
That song came out like 15 years ago ... that's moving into "classic" territory ;-)
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ i'd suggest taking the second most recent and averaging it over time
Granted, it's not "classic rock" as a genre classification, just in terms of age
@TimmyD nothing that came out this millennium is classic yet. i'm willing to call nirvana and pearl jam classic rock by now, but a part of me still wants to say that classic rock will never leave the 1970s
@quintopia It's a rough metric :P
Just use the same metric they do for cars around here. It's a classic after 25 years ;)
@Geobits my car will be an antique next year
Is the song legally old enough to vote in the US? Congrats, it's classic.
So then not linkin park :P
Eh, handwave
@TimmyD pretty sure songs are not legally allowed to vote at any age
It's like the rule of thumb for scotch ... Is it old enough to legally purchase its own scotch? Then it's a good scotch.
here's my rule of thumb: it's a classic if it's older than that toy everyone had when you were a kid if that toy is no longer made and in retrospect it's unclear why anyone would have wanted it in the first place
in this case, it's classic if it's older than Furby
furby tamagotchi
tamagotchi weren't quite as creepy and weird as furby
FNaF is arguably Furby-based
I'm pretty sure I still see lots of furbies on the shelves though. I have no clue who's buying them, but someone is.
well...tamagotchis are still being sold too
Really? I didn't know that. I just remember seeing furbies this past christmas (now with companion iOS/Android app for some reason).
i guess we'll have to go all the way back to pogs
Pogs don't fit the "it's unclear why anyone would have wanted it in the first place" aspect to me >_>
That shit was fun to play in school while avoiding teachers.
really? i've long since started wondering what i wanted with them
(tbf, tamagotchi don't fit that category to me. i loved my digimon.)
Fair enough. I think we can all agree that furbies fit that part, but I think they're still too common for the other.
Maybe slap bracelets are a good compromise...
i feel like the world is churning out more slap bracelets than ever
I thought now they had moved on to scauses.
how about skip-it? i have nothing to say about it...
Oh yea, those things were terrible.
Milky pens.
Ugh. I can't find a controller that does what I want. Now I'll have to actually look up how to do it myself </lazy>
my friend fucking loves furbies
and tamagotchis, incidentally
i wonder if that's how you pluralize tamagotchi
I'm pretty sure it's its own plural, though.
I ' m not sure what you mean .
i read somewhere that, officially, every pokemon's name is its own plural
no one uses it that way though lmao
@undergroundmonorail The show backs this up.
@Geobits i was in the middle of typing "i bet they don't even do it in the show" but i guess i was mistaken
i haven't watched it in forever. i hear the most recent iteration is actually pretty good though
I haven't seen any of the recent ones, so I don't know.
People blindly upvoting answers just because it seems clever without actually thinking about it ... ಠ_ಠ
Can a mod clear the comments from mine to the end on this post?
Oh mod cancel that, from the beginning to mine.
@Cyoce haha
@undergroundmonorail guess I better increase my "dawg" count
@Cyoce bad dog
@Optimizer yo dawg I heard you like uncaught exceptions
dawg ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
now I'm tied with Alex
sup dawg
why am I saying dawg
opposite of dawg is gwad
aka god
gawd dawg
Jan 28 at 20:39, by Dennis
Unfortunately, people vote for all the wrong reasons. Spent a few hours on a difficult problem? Who cares... Made a joke about cat breeding? OMG +1!!!
@quartata Yeah, but ([DBS]|R|G|T|P).+([CNS]|M|L|D|B).+ is not a legitimate regex for a list of James Bond actors, no matter how many feline breeding jokes you toss at it.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Martin BüttnerMaximise the squared distance code-golfarray-manipulationpermutationsarithmetic Consider a permutation of the integer values from 1 to N. E.g. this example for N = 4: [1, 3, 4, 2] We'll consider this list to be cyclic, such that 1 and 2 are treated as adjacent. One quantity we can compute fo...

Thanks mod.
you know what's super frustrating? the chat client i use to talk to my friends spills over onto the adjacent monitor.
the blue is my background, the taskbar shows where the border between monitors, and the white is the chat client
it sucks because otherwise i really like it
@Dennis Nice idea for the numbers->letters challenge. CJam seemed to be less than ideal for it at first glance.
Certainly not as elegant as the Perl solution, but it works.

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