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do you have a good idea?
then try it
also, on a personal vent here: does anybody hate how "try/catch" generally works in programming?
what do you mean?
I've been trying to figure out a better way to do error handling, and curious if anybody has seen a language with a dramatically better way
seriously seriously has no serious errors
the entire "stop the workflow, and go up the stacktrace until somebody catches it" seems like bad design to me
not that I can come up with a better way (other than preemptive checking, or special return values, but those aren't language features)
2D pattern matching

>	turn current metro right
<	turn current metro left
^	advance the current metro forward
^{N}	advance the current metro forward N units
v	move the current metro backwards
v{N}	move the current metro backwards N units
@	station; add the character pointed at to the "passenger list"
;	execute following regex on the "passenger list"
Does @NathanMerrill know about RAII?
yeah, I do, how does that relate?
Can you give an example of a situation you don't like?
@feersum when my head ****ing hurts and I'm trying to program
I loathe that situation
@feersum the typical try{} catch{} block
I'm looking for a fundamentally different way to do error handling
I meant a more specific example than that
You could threaten the code
There's always Vigil which deletes the code :P
consider in Java. It is not uncommon for a variable to be defined before a try/catch, then it is assigned inside the try catch, then used after the try catch
I was just wondering whether Vigil has support for VCSes yet
it feels so wrong to write code like that
e.g. error occurs -> Vigil commits the deletion to git
6 mins ago, by Cᴏɴᴏʀ O'Bʀɪᴇɴ
please help me ;-;
Add support for rickrolling. Like the 'R' command in jolf.
@NathanMerrill It's hard to say how the code could do be better, if anything, if you don't have an actual example
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ what if you wanted to match a square of an arbitrary size?
@feersum I'm looking for language-design, not code-design, so I don't have a specific piece of code
sorry for extra ping :P
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ You should try drinking lots of water (not super cold) and taking some ibuprofen or similar.
@AlexA. not super cold? SHIT
thanks :)
What do you think of the new licensing issue?
@Hosch250 I want it to die in fire
^, Too much fuss.
@NathanMerrill When I use exceptions, I usually don't do this
So it could be a code design problem.
@AlexA. This can be the beginning of the Code Review and PPCG alliance.
Code Review hates it too.
@AlexA. Ow, ears and headphones... :(
@Hosch250 We don't treat code the same way.
@RikerW Embrace it.
@RikerW No, but we can fight together against it.
@NathanMerrill Use finally?
Avoiding finally's is what RAII is especially good for
@Hosch250 Our overlords seem pretty adamant about forcing this on us
^ to ^^^
@Doorknob how common are killer bees in nethack?
@Doorknob Story of my life. My sneezes startle my girlfriend literally every time.
@RikerW very
What about hives?
One or two per game usually
There's a guaranteed one in Rodney's Tower unless that's changed since 3.6
Found three...
@Hosch250 I'd be surprised if any amount of community opposition would change their mind at this point, given how they seemed to have ignored the feedback on the initial proposal.
@RikerW lucky, grab all the royal jelly
Found 3, one in the gnomish mines, 2 on normal level 5.
I wonder if we all left and started a competing site would get their attention.
👑 \o@
@Doorknob Did, but then became a wererat.
@Doorknob royal jelly
@RikerW that's nice
@Doorknob :D
Yes, but then polymorphed into a stalker.
Then got poisoned.
Then started hallucinating.
If this goes through, I'll see what I can do about starting one (probably about 5-10 years since I'm still in college).
Then almost got killed by a djinn.
@AlexA. except they can't use the votes as a way to misinterpret the communities response this time
@Hosch250 Code Review and Code Golf can break off into a site with a dual purpose: Get help writing good code and get practicing writing terrible code.
Then died by frigging goblin.
LOL, that would be interesting.
@Doorknob Wait, is that actually good?
Whats this license deal? Why are CR and PPCG special?
hey guys!
@RikerW ... no
Didn't think so.
@Calvin'sHobbies There was a post on our meta about it; just search for MIT
Summoning rats helped with the djinn though.
@Calvin'sHobbies CR, PPCG, SO and Programmers are pretty much the only code sites on the network.
Wait what?
oooh, you know what
There are, of course, Computer Science, and a couple other related ones.
Surely not
I like how javascript does the fail function
instead of errors
Woah, too many convos.
Hey @Quill.
Do you guys actually say g'day mate in australia?
I say it in america. :P
no, in code review, you must say "monking"
@RikerW I say g'day sometimes, but I tend to leave mate off. it sounds like I'm addressing someone inferior
@Calvin'sHobbies +76/-172
@Quill Okay.
@Calvin'sHobbies too many
@Hosch250 yeah but quite a few of those have code snippets, Raspberry Pi, Super User, Ask Different, Ask Ubuntu, Unix & Linux, Windows Phone, Tor even
True. I don't frequent those sites.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ lol
But only we have the same relation with code. Everybody else does it to help the community as a whole.
CR is project specific, and rarely helps other people.
PPCG is in essence competitive.
Yes, some people do it for fun, but it is a challenge really.
Disclaimer: I do it for fun.
> and rarely helps other people.
what do you mean by that?
I may be wrong, but my interpretation was that CR posts are code-specific, and sometimes don't benefit the community as a whole.
Sorry if I was wrong and/or offensive.
How doesn't that benefit the community as a whole?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

J AtkinRead the table code-golf Task Read the contents of a table given a set of coordinates. Table formatting Tables will be in this basic format: |[name]|[name]| --------------------- [name]| [val]|[val] | [name]| [val]|[val] | Column names are always unique, as are row names. Names will...

I actually think Code Review is hugely beneficial to the community as a whole.
@Quill IDK. I guess I was just wrong about that, sorry.
Its more focused on helping the OP's specific code (but that doesn't mean it's bad for the community)
It helps prevent the next generation of maintainers from becoming psychopathic.
If you mean, we don't write tools or languages like PPCG, then yes, we don't write languages
@Hosch250 lol
NVM, forget I said that pls. I was wrong.
It's not offensive, we just want people to love us <3
Granted, all users here are obligated to hate Code Review due to our ongoing rivalry.
I don't hate it. I actually have some code to post later.
Cಠde review
A learning algorithm based on my state tests.
bai now.
@AlexA. Their mods gave me free cookies last time I visited... hint
@AlexA. hell, I wrote a ppcg answer/question and I still review
My first gold badge on the Stack Exchange network was on Code Review!
@Calvin'sHobbies You probably get cookies from lots of sites. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
well technically, codereview and codegolf are subdomains of stackexchange.com, and the global site sets global cookies
but sure!
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Prಠgramming Puzzles & Cಠde Gಠlf
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ I like the eye inspecting the code.
@AlexA. Cಠɴಠʀ ಠ'Bʀɪᴇɴ
(Man, I would love to see "Programming Puzzles &" nuked from our name)
@AlexA. Me too sorta
The entire Stack Exchange network knows us as Code Golf and has no idea what "PPCG" is.
@AlexA. Super-ping Joel Spolsky.
Programming Puzzle: Solve why Java is so verbose
@LuisMendo Just so you know, MATL has been blessed by Dennis: matl.tryitonline.net
@Quill Java is verbose. Q.E.D.
Code Review graduated just about a week after a CR mod pinged him.
@Quill Answer: print("Satan")
Code Golf & Other Things That Aren't Homework
@AlexA. No no no. System.out.println("Satan");
@Hosch250 Somebody actually pinged Joel? o_O
Yeah, 200_success.
That guy is a boss.
The CEO.
What'd he ping Joel for?
One of you mods with the fancy pings should get on that.
@AlexA. Branding. Is. Everything.
A: Should we change our name?

DennisCode Golf Branding is everything. It's the name the URL uses, the name outsiders use to refer to this site and the vast majority of challenges on this site are code golf challenges. It also eliminates the need for an abbreviation. It describes the site much better than the current name, since w...

@AlexA. coffee
@AlexA. Because we weren't graduated over a year after our graduation was announced.
@Quill not sure if trolling
@Hosch250 oh
@Dennis Yep! I 200% agree.
You could ping him and ask why you can't graduate.
We know why we can't graduate. :P
How do you ping Joel?
@JoelSpolsky or whatever?
@RikerW Mods have a fancy thing called super-pings.
A moderator would have to super ping him.
It lets them ping people who have never joined this room.
@AlexA. or challenge him, say "if you outgolf dennis, we don't gradaute for another six to twelve months, but if he wins, we graduate"
@RikerW Like this
@AlexA. So we just can't?
> we don't graduate for another six to twelve months
Like @JoelSpolsky does nothing?
That wouldn't happen anyway :P
@RikerW Correct, it does nothing unless he's been in this room within some period of time.
Spoiler alert: He has not.
@RikerW normal users can only ping people in the room
@AlexA. You can reply to really really old messages, tho can't you?
@Quill *∞ to 2∞ months
Just go to the tavern on the meta?
in The 2nd Monitor, Nov 18 '15 at 18:40, by 200_success
@JoelSpolsky Could you please help answer some important long-standing questions about the graduation process, and about transparency at Stack Exchange in general?
@Quill hmm, you can
@Hosch250 lol
@Quill Yeah, you can reply, you just can't regular ping someone who hasn't been here in a while.
in The 2nd Monitor, Nov 18 '15 at 18:40, by Mat's Mug
did you just super-ping SE's CEO?
Dam Son
@ChrisJester-Young This is a reply to the first human message
@StackExchange This is a reply to the first bot message.
So it looks like JoelSpolsky has never actually spoken in chat
He's a RO of two rooms, both of which are frozen
In any room ever?
@Quill does he lurk?
he hasn't visited chat.se in 135 days
@AlexA. I don't actually think so
Specifically for the 'reply spam' reason, I'd assume
Or perhaps he has better things to do
Maybe he's writing Even More Joel on Software, third in a possibly neverending series of insightful books.
Joel Spolsky, New York, NY
101 1
PPCG account
he automatically has accounts for every site
I know.
I just wanted to find his account.
most of the staff sign up to every site for meta releases anyway
@Quill is there like a bot?
He's visited us before though
By typing his name in the Users part of the site?
or is that like hardcoded into the SE code
@Maltysen it's a SE thing so probably just a custom thing that SE does
I am an idiot.
I wouldn't say bot, and I wouldn't say hardcoded, I'd say... more like.... Internal CMS
how can he have 100 rep and not 101 on a site?
He has 101 though
One question upvote and 2 question downvotes?
@AlexA. check his network profile
and scroll down
That is the ≥200 rep bonus from other sites, yeah?
@AlexA. Um, you know:
You get 1 for signing up
and 100 for association bonus
@Quill I was talking about our site.
@Maltysen ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@AlexA. ah answer downvotes
he has critic
One does not simply downvote Joel Spolsky
@AlexA. no he downvoted
@Maltysen Oh, he downvoted. That makes more sense.
@AlexA. He's the author of like 10 of the most downvoted posts on MSE
I know, I was kidding
oh, I was thinking of Jeff
apparently you can
the voting system really sucks on Area 51 though
Why couldn't you?
@Quill YES
Area 51 needs a whole clean up
@AlexA. Or tell him how long his posts must be.
@Quill whatever happened to the "Area 52" project?
like the entire site needs shamwowing
I kept hearing about that, like, a few years ago, and nothing ever came out of it
@Dennis :D
@Doorknob What is that?
Revamp of A51. IIRC involving making it an actual SE site instead of having it languish in SE 1.0-state
Or at least closer to being an actual SE site
@Doorknob Not sure, but I know shog's super busy so IDK where on the priorities that is
@Quill you say this as if Shog is the only programmer employed by SE :P

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