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@trichoplax wait, what?
If three people downvoted, they might be in the process of writing a comment to explain their downvote.
I did not notice that...
I should delete my main post
I think people are just screwing with you. It looks fine to me.
ok...I am confused what is going on!!
Are you confused, or are you just being dramatic?
I'm confused, too.
no, seriously
What does the community want??!!
Money and Love.
BTW, here is my main post:
Q: Play the word chain

TanMathWhen I was younger, I use to play a word game. It was very simple. It is called Word chain. The first player chooses a word, the next player says another word that starts with the same letter the previous word ended with. This goes on forever until somebody gives up! Trick is, you cannot use the ...

should I delete or what?
If no one is giving you comments either in here or on the sandbox post to indicate what could be improved, then all you can do is use your own judgment.
@TanMath Do you have any reason to delete it?
Ninja'd again...
@trichoplax the fact that two people downvoted my post right after I posted on the main site
@TanMath The post on main is at +2|-0
i am talking about the sandboxed one
There's little point to deleting a main post if it was already in the Sandbox and got feedback there.
For the record, I upvoted the main post. I think it's good enough.
fine... I will keep it on the main site
But, seriously, you probably shouldn't be so demanding or pushy next time.
thanks guys! I hope this challenge is a success like my previous one
@El'endiaStarman If it's for the record, we should all star it.
@El'endiaStarman sorry... I may have crossed the line...
There's a difference between "please give me feedback" and "GIVE ME FEEDBACK".
repeatedly, and quite far
Is it just me, or is the "print 2016" question just a train wreck right now?
@Sp3000 It is.
There's been no close votes so far though
I have to believe that you saw this and are just trying to get attention, but here is what happened. You asked for feedback. You asked for feedback again and got a negative reaction to your second request. This negative attention was directed towards your challenge because anonymous voting plus humans equals immaturity.
@Sp3000 It's been reopened iirc
Oh, I wonder why...
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ If so, that'll be visible in the edit history.
> Post Reopened by wizzwizz4, FlagAsSpam, rybo111, nicael, ETHproductions - 4 hours ago
I see
looks away guiltily
@Sp3000 the guy reopened his own post!
@TanMath Not uncommon.
@ETHproductions shames
I wouldn't do that...
@Rainbolt wait, are you sure? somebody downvoted my post!
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ It looked good to me. I actually think most of the answers are pretty decent.
@TanMath +3/-1
@ETHproductions They are, but some... are not.
I know...
@TanMath I was talking about your sandboxed post.
@ETHproductions Sorry, not really my intention to shame the people in the list or anything, but I was just genuinely curious what happened while I was asleep :P
Many of them just ignore most of the numbers, which should not be allowed, but it's late to change that now.
@Sp3000 I get it, I was half-joking.
@Sp3000 It's a train wreck.
@Rainbolt i know, but the point I am trying to make is that maybe something is wrong with my challenge and somebody doesn't like it so downvoted my sandboxed post and also the main post...IDK what is happening
Just in case - sarcasm doesn't travel through the intertubes well.
@TanMath Your point is that you don't know what is happening? Point taken I guess.
Now I'm just annoyed that I spelled it out, only to find out that you apparently follow a different alphabet.
Maybe I am just exaggerating
@Rainbolt huh?
@TanMath I would phrase it "making a mountain out of a molehill". Downvotes are quite common, regardless of the quality of the question. If people perceive a major problem with your post they can vote to close.
All you need to do is ask what could be improved, which you have already done. You can relax now.
@PeterTaylor Thanks for confirming, I've added comments accordingly :)
now another 2 downvotes
@TanMath There is not a single close vote, but 4 downvotes. This supports Rainbolt's suggestion that people downvoted in response to your comments in chat, rather than any problem with the question. Further commentary about it here is not likely to improve things.
@trichoplax ok, I am just making sure nothing is wrong with my question...
@TanMath If you are genuinely concerned about getting as much feedback as possible, it's worth leaving questions in the sandbox for at least a few days, preferably a week. The comment on your sandbox post suggests at least 4 people agree that a week is a good guide.
(and 4 people is quite a lot in the sandbox)
@TanMath If something's wrong with it, you're more likely to hear about it in the comments on the post than in chat.
@trichoplax yes, but when I got two upvotes so quickly, I wanted to get it going quickly...
I guess I really need to calm down...
congrats @Zizouz212
Why does everyone keep pinging me?
@TanMath For what?
Well... I know I'm super awesome and special. Thank you :D
@TanMath Indeed.
@Zizouz212 for being in the Winter Bash blog post for wearing your hat most stylishly
ok... I realize you guys might be overwhelmed with my discussion about my challenge but I have another sandboxed post I have never posted here before. If you do not want to discuss it, I understand.
A blog post?
@TanMath Yes I think that is the main thing. The question is good, you responded to comments and clarified things well. The only problem was the rushing, which both annoys others who are trying to help you, and leaves you with a sense of doubt about things being wrong.
Wait... Are you telling me that I'm popular?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

TanMathDo-nothing Polyglot Challenge This challenge requires you to write a polyglot which contains a comment in as many languages as possible. The comment must say This is a polyglot comment. The program must do nothing at all. Besides comments, your code may contain no-ops from the language(s) you...

@TanMath Hey that's a big improvement :)
Q: Congratulations! Cryptography is graduating!

Grace NoteIt's a big day. You've been cleared for graduation by the Stack Exchange Community Team! Cryptography has already met our threshold for graduation-worthy sites, and today joins in the new design-independent graduation process! Reaching 'mature community' status is a big milestone, and you should ...

Yay! Graduation! Oh...
@trichoplax I guess... To be honest, I have been waiting to post a challenge forever. Except that some of my previous sandboxed posts have had negative feedback
@AlexA. be happy for them!
What's up with the all the flags
chill out guys
There were flags?
What is up with all these flags on the sandbox posts?
3 mins ago, by TanMath
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

TanMathDo-nothing Polyglot Challenge This challenge requires you to write a polyglot which contains a comment in as many languages as possible. The comment must say This is a polyglot comment. The program must do nothing at all. Besides comments, your code may contain no-ops from the language(s) you...

@TanMath Someone flagged your sandbox message.
^ this was flagged
There was one on the other one not long ago.
@Hosch250 ok...
Whomever: Flags are for serious issues.
@TanMath Mine have had negative feedback too - that's what the sandbox is for. Sometimes it means my idea would never work, so it saves me putting too much work into it. Other times it just means improvement is needed, which ends up with a better question on main so again it's useful.
Probably that person that used to hang out in Mathematics flagging whatever...
why are both of you guys from Code Review?
have you come here to trouble us?? ;)
They've both posted here too
@TanMath because stuff's getting flagged
and that's not a joke
@Quill no, the joke is that the two communities are enemies friends
@TanMath Chat flags incur the wrath of users everywhere, regardless of which site a chat room belongs to.
also @Hosch250 has more rep on PPCG than you @TanMath
and yes, I'm aware
also thanks for the welcoming wagon, love the neigbourly love
@Quill Lucky.
@Quill <3<3<3 smooches
If you get a KotH challenge that supports C#, I might take a crack at it.
@Hosch250 My favorite KOTH challenge here to date was Pyrrha's swordfighting one that was language agnostic. I thought it was so neat as someone who doesn't know any of the usual KOTH languages.
@Hosch250 I hope to do a language-agnostic KotH in the near future: N-Battleship.
@El'endiaStarman Send it over to CR when you get it done. We did a community challenge for that.
Oh, cool! .... I'm slightly confused now. How does one do N-Battleship on Code Review?
@El'endiaStarman Don't send it to Code Review! That's like sending a warring country your missile launch codes!
not really
We write a program and post it for review.
It's like sending Korea a box set of Friends
@Hosch250 Oh, so you're suggesting that I get all my mistakes highlighted and criticized...
I personally have nothing against Code Review. I got my first gold badge there.
@El'endiaStarman Well, sure. But I meant we could all post our reviewed code to whup the rest of you.
@AlexA. Why would anyone have anything against Code Review?
Our sites have a silly rivalry.
@flawr everyone would have everything
It started about the same time as PPCG and graduated first, is what I heard.
Makes sense for KotHs - there's no requirement for unreadable code... In fact it might help attract more contestants if the controller code is reviewed first and easy to understand
Someone should write a submission in VBA.
@flawr I'll take that into consideration for the challenge I am making :)
Cross-site challenge idea: Shortest golf which still passes code review.
@Zizouz212 god, please no
@Sp3000 That's a good idea.
That might just work...
@flawr golf your production code, I dare you
So what normal languages are there?
@Quill Job security :P
@Quill Want to see how beautiful disturbing a golfed language interpreter is?
@Zizouz212 Whitespace, LOLCODE, and BF are all on CR.
I find it better to write code so advanced nobody else but you can you maintain it
Oh hi @Zizouz212
How about Pyth or CJam?
Python, Java, C/++/#, PHP, Swift... I need to think of my 'allowed' languages list
Or Hexagony?
@Zizouz212 Perl?
Java, C#, and Python are all common.
Add that :)
@Zizouz212 Allowed for what?
Ruby too :)
I don't think I've seen Pyth, not sure about CJam.
@AlexA. My challenge :)
Hear that @AlexA.? Zizouz likes Perl.
Guys... is there anything good that can be drawn as a 3x7 black-and-white pixel art?
3x7 matrix or image?
3=width, 7=height?
@SuperJedi224 a square
@Zizouz212 Just be warned that if you arbitrarily include/exclude any languages, the community will downvote you into oblivion.
7 wide, 3 high
@AlexA. That's okay :)
@Zizouz212 You'll get my upvotes!
It is pouring buckets and buckets of rain where I am now. We even got a tornado warning (?? ok)
Fun times
@quartata They have tornadoes in California?
I always wanted to see a tornado live!
I will down vote the community into oblivion >:D
@AlexA. No, that's why it is funny.
Right attidude @Zizouz212
By the way the cells aren't squares there 2:1 rectangles
@quartata ._. please be safe
What would happen if I posted code on CR in a language no one knew? (Like Minkolang...)
@SuperJedi224 Can you please make a diagram of how that grid looks like?=)
@El'endiaStarman downvotes I suspect
So I have two challenges. One about chat, one about all these darn languages
I wonder what would happen if someone posted in Befunge on CR.
@SuperJedi224 Make the top/bottom rows black and you get a misshapen polyglot flag.
Or hexagony.
@quartata Is that the question or answer?
Although serious question would be: what is this image for?
(i.e. I can't see meta posts)
Also there are gaps between the rows half the height of the cells
@quartata Get a review?
@SuperJedi224 Diagram please=)
@Sp3000 I made a 3x7 redstone lamp display
@Zizouz212 Why can't you see the meta post?

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