Mornington Crescent, 41 bytes
Take Northern Line to Mornington Crescent
I have no idea whether mornington crescent can handle null bytes, and all input is read before the program starts, as that is the nature of the language.
Mini-challenge: Given a decimal integer with no leading zeros, draw a square root symbol around it. The line above the number must match its width. You may not use functions that get the length of a string (or the length of an integer when written as a string).
0 -> \/0
10 -> \/10
314159 -> \/314159
-119 -> \/-119
-7 -> \/-7
@VoteToClose Length of the stack you mean? Goal is to use no type of length getting. (But it's a tiny challenge and not a huge deal if rules are broken.)
PowerShell, 88 Bytes
Yeah, so ... STDIN in PowerShell is ... weird, shall we say. With the assumption that we need to accept input from all types of STDIN, this is one possible answer to this catalogue, an...
Vitsy, 11 Bytes
I'm certain there's a way to shorten these.
Print out all fibonacci (to Integer.MAX_VALUE)
01 Push 0 and 1 to the stack.
[ ] Repeat infinitely.
D Duplicate the top item of the stack.
} Rotate the stack to right.
+ Add t...
The Inspiration
The Task
You must create a program, that, in as many languages as possible, replaces every instance of ^ with a markdown formatted link (meaning that if I was to post it in an answer, it would automatically read it as an image and place the image instead of the words) of thi...
A (very) slightly shorter version of @zzzzBov's solution, that uses .join() instead of String boxing:
function a(b,c){return b.split('').sort().join()==c.split('').sort().join()}
alert(a('abc','bca')); //true
function a(b){return b.split('').sort().join()}
Perl 5.10, 139 bytes, cracked by primo
For obvious reasons, the above code is deemed unsafe in modern versions of Perl.
However, in Perl 5....
Minkolang 0.10, 10 bytes
This language was created after this challenge but not for it.
Stream (link, do not click "Run"):
A mite clever, if I do think so. The 2@ at the end is a 2-trampoline that jumps over the 01 at the beginning, allowing the sequence to rise unabated.
Nth Fib...
That's one of the biggest differences I've seen between related functionality.
Vitsy, 1 byte
Oh, hey, look, new syntax!
This is a character that prints all input to output.
Older versions:
I\ Repeat the next character for input stack's length.
i Grab an item from the input.
l\ Repeat the next character for the currently active program stack's l...
Sonic hedgehog is a protein that in humans is encoded by the SHH ("sonic hedgehog") gene. Both the gene and the protein may also be found notated alternatively as "Shh".
Sonic hedgehog is one of three proteins in the mammalian signaling pathway family called hedgehog, the others being desert hedgehog (DHH) and Indian hedgehog (IHH). SHH is the best studied ligand of the hedgehog signaling pathway. It plays a key role in regulating vertebrate organogenesis, such as in the growth of digits on limbs and organization of the brain. Sonic hedgehog is the best established example of a morphogen as defined...
@MartinBüttner In your proposal to close old questions as dupes, say there's a really old question where few posters are still around. Should we make a specific effort to port over old answers to the new question?
> The gene has already been linked to a condition known as holoprosencephaly, which can result in severe brain, skull and facial defects; motivation for some clinicians and scientists to criticize the name on grounds of it sounding too frivolous. They point to a less humorous situation where patients or parents of patients with a serious disorder are told that they or their child "have a mutation in [their] sonic hedgehog".
In i3, that's bindsym $mod+c exec xdotool type '' && xdotool key Return, a quick alt+shift+C to reload config, and you're done :P
@Doorknob Bug in El Capitan. Services from Automator aren't showing up right in the Services pane, which means I can't assign a shortcut until after it's fixed. I used an old shortcut I made.
The goal is to compress multiple ordered lists of numbers into one list. For every input list, its content has to be part of the result list (same order, no "gaps")
n ordered lists of numbers between -2^63 and 2^63-1 of unknown length
List of minimal length containing all nu...
> I recorded this incredible how-to in 5 minutes on the dankest of methods to achieving viral video success. Now you too can become an embarrassment to humanity!
The Inspiration
The Task
You must create a program, that, in as many languages as possible, replaces every instance of ^ with a markdown formatted link (meaning that if I was to post it in an answer, it would automatically read it as an image and place the image instead of the words) of thi...
Vitsy, 15 Bytes
...I'm... I'm beating CJam! (shouts over) Mom! Look, ma, I deed it!
Standard quine, but with a twist:
' Capture the source code as a string
rd3* Create the ' character in ASCII
i86*- Get the input...