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@BetaDecay But you're not Geobits!
@El'endiaStarman I upvoted - see my comment.
@VoteToClose Yeah. [shakes fist at you] :P
@Dennis That still amazes me.
Really, it won't be a terribly difficult change.
> There's a Starman waiting for upvotes. He'd like to come and meet you but he thinks he'll get downvoted
...that sounds like a reference, but to what, I don't know.
Starman - David Bowie
I'm ashamed of you
@BetaDecay I got the joke
Although I'm not sure I should have
@Dennis I find it hard to think about Paraguay without thinking about a joke I once made about its name.
What is it? ;)
Something like this?
Uruguay also lends itself to jokes of that kind.
.....huh. Ninja'd.
You ninja'd my ninja'd.
@El'endiaStarman You can just add the Vitsy code on the top line - Vitsy only reads the first line, treats everything else as a comment.
@Dennis oh please, its more like "U, R U Guay?"
@BetaDecay You probably wouldn't get it.
@VoteToClose ...I could...
At least, not unless you speak Spanish.
> Just two ninja mods complimenting each other...
Mornington Crescent is outgolfing like half of the cat programs lol
A: Simple cat program

ppperryMornington Crescent, 41 bytes Take Northern Line to Mornington Crescent I have no idea whether mornington crescent can handle null bytes, and all input is read before the program starts, as that is the nature of the language.

@Dennis No, more like this
@El'endiaStarman Your code is fricken' beautiful, holy crap. :D
> This video is private.
@Optimizer Hahaha. That's awesome.
@VoteToClose Never thought I'd hear that compliment. :D
Mini-challenge: Given a decimal integer with no leading zeros, draw a square root symbol around it. The line above the number must match its width. You may not use functions that get the length of a string (or the length of an integer when written as a string).
0 ->  \/0
10 -> \/10
314159 -> \/314159
-119 -> \/-119
-7 -> \/-7
For fish, removing the link isn't a problem. Not sure about the other languages.
@Calvin'sHobbies What if it's pushed into a stack and we get the link of the stack?
@VoteToClose Hmm, I didn't realise. Try now.
@VoteToClose For all of them, the only change needed is changing one number from 40 (58*) to, uh, 12 (34*).
......that's an easy change.
@Optimizer haha what
^-^ Glad I didn't f*** it up. :D
I am also glad that you did not foam it up
> Glad I didn't foam at the mouth like a rabid raccoon.
@VoteToClose Length of the stack you mean? Goal is to use no type of length getting. (But it's a tiny challenge and not a huge deal if rules are broken.)
...wait, wrong set of numbers. Whoops!
Okey dokey
@PeterTaylor Hahaha. That's probably why the word guay isn't used in the local dialect.
@Calvin'sHobbies Solution in J: (2 2$' \/'),.'-'|:@,.":
Probably not optimal.
Alright, I've updated it @VoteToClose. :D
@Calvin'sHobbies Another question - should we print trailing newline?
@VoteToClose optional
Vitsy: 84*DI\["_"]a"\/"rl\OI\il\O
Have a vitsy compiler link?
@PeterTaylor Is that you speaking?
@AlexA. Yes.
Use java -jar Vitsy.jar '<code>' <input>
@PeterTaylor I didn't understand a word of what you said (other than "Paraguay") but you seem to be a good public speaker. :)
Also you look very suave. ;)
@Calvin'sHobbies Golfed my solution a little: ' \',.' /',.'-',:":
@AlexA. Consider it an advert for Toastmasters ;)
I smell a new chat player. ;D Welcome, Stefnotch!
@Zgarb How is there no underscore?
@VoteToClose You can smell them from here? :O
Sounds like somebody needs a bath
@Calvin'sHobbies Shortened code: 84*DI\["_"]a"\/"rl\OZ
@Lembik I fell for your ad.
I forgot I had a builtin for printing the input stack. -.-
@AlexA. Would you call yourself a PPCG fanboy Alex?
@Calvin'sHobbies Oh, I thought it was a hyphen. In that case: ' \',.' /',.'_',:":
@Calvin'sHobbies If you look at graphs of my PPCG and chat activity, you would already know the answer to that question. :P
After seeing Peter I would certainly call myself a Peter fanboy. swoons
I'm 2 up votes away from mortarboarding. O>O
downvotes vtc into oblivion
@VoteToClose I almost mortarboarded yesterday except damn UTC days...
I would have if it was based on PST
I waterboarded yesterday. Not the same experience.
motorboarding is better
@AlexA. Was waterboarded or waterboarded someone?
. . .
80 reputation so far today. 4 hours until 00:00 UTC. Hrm.
Here's a question - why can't you upvote your own community wiki posts?
4.5 hrs
I kinda doubt I'll be getting a mortarboard today... :P
Oh yeah. 4.5.
@VoteToClose Because you can't vote on any of your stuff. Easier not to code exceptions ;)
2 mins ago, by Alex A.
@VoteToClose That is indeed a question.
You still earn badges and stuff from CW posts, just not reputation.
That would be a valid reason.
So it's not any more fair to allow people to vote on their own CW stuff.
A: Simple cat program

TimmyDPowerShell, 88 Bytes param([parameter(valuefrompipeline=$true)][string[]]$a)if($a){$a}write-host(read-host)-n Yeah, so ... STDIN in PowerShell is ... weird, shall we say. With the assumption that we need to accept input from all types of STDIN, this is one possible answer to this catalogue, an...

IMO posting it is an implicit upvote by the writer. If you don't agree with something (or think it's useful, etc), don't post it.
No need for an explicit one as well.
@El'endiaStarman Can you help me shorten this? I'm pretty sure I missed something to shorten it down.
A: Fibonacci function or sequence

VoteToCloseVitsy, 11 Bytes I'm certain there's a way to shorten these. Print out all fibonacci (to Integer.MAX_VALUE) 01[D}+DNaO] 01 Push 0 and 1 to the stack. [ ] Repeat infinitely. D Duplicate the top item of the stack. } Rotate the stack to right. + Add t...

....you're asking ME for help with YOUR language?!? :P
Yes. I'm bad at exploitations and it just feels too long.
I can't see a way to shorten it.
Do I have an answer on that question?
Hmm. Dang.
You do not.
Hi guys
I smell a Minkolang answer approaching...
Hi guy! :D
@flawr thanks!!
@VoteToClose You smell right!
My nose is so good. :D
Now I imagine El'endia and VTC sniffing each other.
>.> Plzno.
Maybe I just need some time away from chat...
Someone planted that carrot upside down.
The carrots again.
Perhaps it is an australian carrot.
@Geobits The greenery is actually facing downward, so it was likely inverted post-picking.
I figured there was an artificial light source below the ground. Maybe some glowstone or something.
Post-pick inversion sounds like something that should be in a programming language. o-o
@quart You need to build a corresponding portal on the nether side (or else it will jump to existing nearby portals)
@AlexA. ಠ_ಠ
Sorry, um, that was the dog again >_>
I think I just found a lava pool...
Step in it to make sure?
Yea, that does look more sad than angry.
Okay, I seem to be past it now.
But I'm running out of picks again.
@VoteToClose Like a kid who lost his parents at the store.
And I don't have any coal on hand.
I guess I could use stone picks for a while, but...
@VoteToClose Now he looks even more sad.
Now he's about to cry :( Seriously, it looks like a sad kid from The Oatmeal.
XD Click on it. It's magical.
I assume that was the intent?
@VoteToClose IT'S SO BIG!!!
Knew it.
That's what she...
KNEW those stars would be coming...
gets more stars than "I'm an idiot"
Just hit lava again. Waiting for the fire to go out.
And... there.
Q: Carrots. So. Many. Carrots

VoteToClose The Inspiration The Task You must create a program, that, in as many languages as possible, replaces every instance of ^ with a markdown formatted link (meaning that if I was to post it in an answer, it would automatically read it as an image and place the image instead of the words) of thi...

In case you missed it... C:
Well, sod.
C: for carrot
I guess I'm not mining any further in that direction.
Blue avatar on main?
A: Anagram Code Golf!

Blair MitchelmoreJavascript A (very) slightly shorter version of @zzzzBov's solution, that uses .join() instead of String boxing: function a(b,c){return b.split('').sort().join()==c.split('').sort().join()} alert(a('abc','bca')); //true Similarly: function a(b){return b.split('').sort().join()} alert(a('abc'...

Now to send my cobble upstairs.
v[1]: https://i.sstatic.net/mecHl.png
// ^ ,<0 < >:0g,1+v
v# ,,:*52< ^+1 ,g1:<@_^#`*85:<1
^ o<0 < > :0go1+v
oo:*52< ^+1og1: <^;?)*85:<1
And it's on its way.
@SuperJedi224 use cows?
Thanks @El'endiaStarman, for giving me the gift of being able to correct posts with ^.
@TheDoctor: I've got myself an underground cow enclosure
Replacing them with images isn't correcting them :/
But I'm using a minecart for this
@SuperJedi224 Yeah, it's the new shady thing.
@VoteToClose Oh look, Perl. /s
It's ShadyAsFuck.
@VoteToClose Huh?
I'll send you some pics of my cow enclosure when I'm done mining
Which may be awhile
A: Carrots. So. Many. Carrots

El'endia StarmanMinkolang 0.10, Befunge-93, ><>; 3 2D languages, 321 bytes v[1]: https://i.sstatic.net/mecHl.png v[![][1]][1] >\$$>~:1+!#v_:"^"-#v_1>:34*`#v_v // ^ ,<0 < >:0g,1+v v# ,,:*52< ^+1 ,g1:<@_^#`*85:<1 >!v#(od"^"=,34*&34*[i1+1qO]!O$I)lO58*[i1+0qO]. >i:0(?v:"^"-?v1>

I have too many tabs open
Does anyone know a bf interpretere that actually operates on numbers instead of 'chars'
My minecart's back, so I'm assuming it dropped off the cobble properly
@flawr now I just to find a python enthusiast :)
I still need to find myself some coal
@Lembik Too bad I am a slow worm enthusiast.
@Lembik did someone say python?
2 days ago, by Dennis
A: The Programming Language Quiz

DennisPerl 5.10, 139 bytes, cracked by primo ~!0!~('@"/(@`)~@``^"|'.(('" _]'^'|"`&').('[)).["[}(@,@@ {~/),$}@{**(!(^$&%{%{*[/,`, '^'+[@@/+{_`%@,/&[)@[@@_`[# !(!~-/,[,[#{&%@').'"!"})')) Verification For obvious reasons, the above code is deemed unsafe in modern versions of Perl. However, in Perl 5....

You know what, it might be easier to go upstairs and grab some of the coal I have back at my house
processing python would be my choice
other than processing, i suck at
A: Fibonacci function or sequence

El'endia StarmanMinkolang 0.10, 10 bytes This language was created after this challenge but not for it. Stream (link, do not click "Run"): 01d1R+dN2@ A mite clever, if I do think so. The 2@ at the end is a 2-trampoline that jumps over the 01 at the beginning, allowing the sequence to rise unabated. Nth Fib...

That's one of the biggest differences I've seen between related functionality.
Wait, I can golf the Nth Fibonacci one.
....by one byte. Humph.
@MartinBüttner I joined the fun: codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/62300/32014
@TheDoctor :( I assume pygame is the right way to go.. but what do I know
I was really hoping a perl enthusiast might dig out code to draw pixels too :)
@Dennis perl :)
Processing & Python are both great. :D
@AlienG :)
@Zgarb Aww man, I couldn't get the interpreter to run :D
that looks like exactly the solution I was going to try
It was pretty obvious what should be done.
oh, kirby answered in the meantime...
@Lembik I have no idea how to do that in Perl (or any other language).
Goodbye for now, guys.
@Dennis ok but.. you have no idea how to plot a pixel in any language?
Did I understand you correctly? :)
@TimmyD That does look suspiciously similar.
bye @SuperJedi224
ah .. javascript?
it doesn't seem to work in any case
@Lembik An animated one? Nope, no clue. So far, I have only submitted CJam-generated PPM file to challenges.
@Dennis ah ok.. I will have to bug another perl guru :)
do we have one resident?
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ My language wins in Cat. ;D
A: Simple cat program

VoteToCloseVitsy, 1 byte Z Oh, hey, look, new syntax! This is a character that prints all input to output. Older versions: I\il\O I\ Repeat the next character for input stack's length. i Grab an item from the input. l\ Repeat the next character for the currently active program stack's l...

@VoteToClose And loses to the 0 byte ones. :P
>.> Meh.
@VoteToClose ...not sure if it's a compliment or not that my code looks like Perl...
@El'endiaStarman I can tell you: it is not.
If it was a compliment you'd say your code looks like a perl.
hahaha, yeah...
What's the minimum length of a post's title, again?
15. (Not 15!)
Yeah, something like that.
Whatever you want if you use these.
... great, I guess I'll just have to add a zwsp or something to this 14-char title then
@feersum Wow, so fascinating!
@El'endiaStarman Why did I read this sarcastically?
error-free cat is surprisingly tough in Hexagony on 2x2
@VoteToClose ....because it was meant to be?
@MartinBüttner Hex agony.
If something I say really sounds like it's sarcastic, it is. If it's unclear, it's not. :P
assembly! :)
that makes me happy
@VoteToClose I called it that for a reason. ;)
He knew what he was doing.
Though maybe not to the fullest extent...
I'm adding that as a system shortcut, one sec.
oh no
Carrot spam, it don't taste gud!
Sonic hedgehog is a protein that in humans is encoded by the SHH ("sonic hedgehog") gene. Both the gene and the protein may also be found notated alternatively as "Shh". Sonic hedgehog is one of three proteins in the mammalian signaling pathway family called hedgehog, the others being desert hedgehog (DHH) and Indian hedgehog (IHH). SHH is the best studied ligand of the hedgehog signaling pathway. It plays a key role in regulating vertebrate organogenesis, such as in the growth of digits on limbs and organization of the brain. Sonic hedgehog is the best established example of a morphogen as defined...
ok so who named this protein?
err.. how do I run golfcrcl.com in dosbox? I have installed dosbox
if I run it I am in some other DOS world.. how do I run a file called golfcrcl.com in it?
@Doorknob Dr. Robert Riddle
@VoteToClose darn! So close! Maybe I should add implicit printing...
nice, got it in Hexagony...
@Doorknob I love that someone did. :D
And... I'm back.
edited the Hexagony answer
@MartinBüttner Hexagony is so neat. Props on creating it.
Thank you :)
Frankly, I personally like Labyrinth much more, but Hexagony seems to be a lot more popular :)
@MartinBüttner In your proposal to close old questions as dupes, say there's a really old question where few posters are still around. Should we make a specific effort to port over old answers to the new question?
My Minkolang online interpreter is now CONTEXT AWARE!!‌​! MUAHAHAHAAA!!!
@xnor I feel like it's going to happen anyway one way or the other, isn't it?
Darn. I just lost 23+ levels of experience to a skeleton :(
Also, my armor's much more damaged than I remember...
@MartinBüttner do you mean the posts will automatically be moved?
or that people will move them?
or, recreate them
@xnor I mean that someone will probably recreate them or post a better answer, even accidentally if we don't make a specific effort to do so
obligatory Snowman and Macaroni answers have been added to the catalog
I just remembered that I promised you guys some pics of my cow enclosure earlier.
You still interested?
@Zgarb Now all I have left is telling if two lists have the same first element :\
Keyboard shortcut now installed for carrot.png.
> The gene has already been linked to a condition known as holoprosencephaly, which can result in severe brain, skull and facial defects; motivation for some clinicians and scientists to criticize the name on grounds of it sounding too frivolous. They point to a less humorous situation where patients or parents of patients with a serious disorder are told that they or their child "have a mutation in [their] sonic hedgehog".
How dare you have fun? Children in Africa are starving.
@VoteToClose What took you so long? :P
In i3, that's bindsym $mod+c exec xdotool type 'http://i.stack.imgur.com/mecHl.png' && xdotool key Return, a quick alt+shift+C to reload config, and you're done :P
@Doorknob Bug in El Capitan. Services from Automator aren't showing up right in the Services pane, which means I can't assign a shortcut until after it's fixed. I used an old shortcut I made.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

NitekGoal The goal is to compress multiple ordered lists of numbers into one list. For every input list, its content has to be part of the result list (same order, no "gaps") Input n ordered lists of numbers between -2^63 and 2^63-1 of unknown length Ouput List of minimal length containing all nu...

@feersum They could've eaten all the carrots posted in the chat!
Replace the badge name of "Legendary" with "Jon Skeet"?
(use [meta-tag)
> I recorded this incredible how-to in 5 minutes on the dankest of methods to achieving viral video success. Now you too can become an embarrassment to humanity!
What on earth do I do with my life?
  num = int(part)
 except ValueError:
   num = float(part)
  except ValueError:
    num = complex(part)
   except ValueError:
    found = 1
   found = 1
 found = 1
> You can only edit chat posts for 5 minutes.
Q: Carrots. So. Many. Carrots

VoteToClose The Inspiration The Task You must create a program, that, in as many languages as possible, replaces every instance of ^ with a markdown formatted link (meaning that if I was to post it in an answer, it would automatically read it as an image and place the image instead of the words) of thi...

Anybody else have any submissions?
<sub>Please no one else please no one else please no one else...</sub>
Anyway, the code I posted above is how I convert a string to an int, float, or complex number. :P
Bye, Jedi!
A: Quine / Reverse Quine

VoteToCloseVitsy, 15 Bytes ...I'm... I'm beating CJam! (shouts over) Mom! Look, ma, I deed it! 'rd3*i86*-(rl\O Explanation: 'rd3*i86*-(rl\O Standard quine, but with a twist: ' Capture the source code as a string rd3* Create the ' character in ASCII i86*- Get the input...

@isaacg I decided to try out Pyth, and I immediately noticed: Is there no way to make the interpreter read from STDIN?
Neither python3 pyth.py nor python3 pyth.py - work.
(I would expect both of those to read from STDIN.)
23 hours ago, by VoteToClose
user image
Also, is there a REPL?
Could you read from a magic stdin filename?
From a wha...?
like <dev/fd/0 or whatever
Why not?
oh I'm an idiot, without the < it works (duh)
Still, no args should read from STDIN...
I wonder if I could get a .tatar domain. Then I could have quar.tatar
I don't think I could though
> TLD is meant for the global Tatar community.
grumbles about the lack of excitement from the crowd
I could do it with an Austrian domain and a /a/ folder
So like quart.at/a/
Better than quartatar I guess
@VoteToClose ....I'm sorry.... :P
Were you just waiting for me to post an answer? :P
Uh. I was really hoping it would be longer than mine. Soooo much. XD

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