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4 hours later...
Shortest way to get the product of a tuple/list in Python?
Does Python have a prod() or similar?
@AlexA. No
assuming the entries are integers
and it's Python 2
@xnor Ah thanks I knew reduce(mul,l) worked but it needs an import
not in Python 2
Anyways I'm using Python 2 for this so :P
yup, it as deprecated because Guido doesn't like higher-order functions
@mınxomaτ is C 362880?
Because my program can't seem to find any tuple that works :P
Why would C=9!?
I'm not giving a clue on that ;-)
Oh fine
Combinatorics make my brain hurt
Ow! Ow! Ow!
Oh I'm stupid
I thought for a second it was a sequence of 9 numbers
A remark: I have not seen anyone (on the whole internet) who solved this problem without writing code. This problem is about 5 years old.
I don't see how you could.
OK so wait I'm a little confused
It's a pad lock with each dial 1-49?
there are 49*48*47*46*45*44 possible lock combinations, right?
@quartata Yes
Ah OK.
Well this will take a while to run then.
OK this is really really slow....
@quartata What lang are you using?
@mınxomaτ Python
is the problem equivalent to: find six distinct integers a,b,c,d,e,f in the range 1 to 49 inclusive such that 49*48*47*46*45*44*(a+b+c+d+e+f)=a*b*c*d*e*f?
Yes I believe so
then i claim it is impossible
(they don't have to be distinct though)
the product is at most 49^6
oh, i see "with permutations allowed" was added
thanks, let me rephrase
Oh it is so slowwwwww
Give me my answer Deep Thought
Is the problem equivalent to: find six integers a,b,c,d,e,f in the range 1 to 49 inclusive such that 49^6*(a+b+c+d+e+f)=a*b*c*d*e*f?
I have a sudden feeling I'm going to get beaten to this before my program finishes
@xnor Thanks, I forgot something. C are the possible combinations that result in A, not all possible combinations.
C = The number of keys that have the sum A
But wait... that outputs multiple combinations for me
Unless numbers are repeated...
That's most likely valid - but only one of them qualifies for the multi-million criteria.
That still outputs a lot of combinations.....
Assuming multi-millions = greater than or equal to 2 million
Then I don't know what I'm doing wrong.
A hint: There are 4 "valid" combinations.
On of them is the solution
I think I've figured out a way to crack this.
It'll take a while though...
Wait a second..
OK I believe this solves it
But the only problem is that it will take so long I don't even what
@quartata I'm going to rm the question. If you hahe solved it send me your hash and I'll send you the end of the story when it's right :)
A: Print the alphabet without using each vowel

Cᴏɴᴏʀ O'BʀɪᴇɴSimplex v.0.7, 3 bytes ^lg ^l ~~ sets current byte to the alphabet [a-z] g ~~ output as string

@mınxomaτ Why are you deleting it?
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ noice
I'll wait a few hours, but I guess sometime soon the peer-pressure-downvoting will set in :)
Umm. Disregard my previous message(s).
@Geobits Dog again?
@quartata thanks :D
No, me this time. It's what happens when a 16" section of PVC tubing flies out of my hand and lands on the keyboard.
Funny thing is I actually thought for a second that was you commenting about something with the orphan challenge. So now the PVC pipe has become intelligent
PVC knows the solution :D
I should set it up with its own account.
Anyway, back to what I was doing >_>
@Geobits Your dog and your tubes need separate accounts.
My son is laughing very hard at this chat room right now. Thanks ;)
I guess I'll just run my script all night and see if anything pops out
Too bad I don't have access to any supercomputers
IBM stopped letting me use Watson after I tried to play CS:GO on it
@Geobits Your son needs an account here too.
What are you doing that involved your keyboard, a PVC pipe and your son?
@AlexA. Minibits! Yay!
He can be the up-voter to counteract Geobits's downvotes
@mınxomaτ Looking up how to build a whistle out of PVC for some father-son bonding.
@mınxomaτ Well, the PVC pipe isn't just a pipe. It's one of these.
I read "bow" and was excited than I read "bong" and now I'm disappointed of you @AlexA. :P
They're really easy to make.
@mınxomaτ No one said "bong"
Except Alex. Alex said bong.
1 min ago, by Alex A.
@mınxomaτ Looking up how to build a whistle out of PVC for some father-son bonding.
Okay walking in on this conversation was really confusing
int main(int argc, char **argv)
On the subject, here's how to build a pretty rad PVC bow:
@mınxomaτ Oh, that kind of bow. I was hoping it was the cello kind.
@Geobits Alex said whistle.
Yep. And bong.
@Doorknob return 0
@Geobits When?
Did you really mod-ify it to get rid of the word?
And even deleted the history
int main static void public(string number){return [1]}
@AlexA. printf("%s is %s", "alex", "wrong")
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ e.e
@Geobits ?
@quartata there's a much faster way to count the combinations that add up to a given sum
@Doorknob Yes. The n00bdom is real
> geoboat
> gerbil
> hamster
> geobong
He can call me Geoboat all he wants as long as I can call him Alexa.
@xnor There is?
@quartata basically, the number of ways to get N as a sum of 5 numbers, as the total numbers of ways to get N-1, N-2 ..., N-49 as a sum of 4 numbers
@Geobits Geobits it is.
I mean I guess I'm not really going for speed as much as length but it would be nice
@AlexA. Okay.
@Doorknob Edited for offensive content.
MOD ABUSE!!!1!!!11!!one!
@quartata let me try to hack it together
alex said bong lel fite da powah
@mınxomaτ fite me nerd
> the
I thought it was spelled powah.
@quartata fiteme irl m8
@Geobits oh yes sorry
@mınxomaτ m9 u srs ಠ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ಠ
Donald Duck looks ready to brawl.
ill rekt you m7
@mınxomaτ not intimid8d
Why would you do that to me?
Must be a space-lover thing.
Sometimes love makes you act crazy.
You cannot withstand my glider army m8
prepare to surrender
Oh noes! An infinite army
*theoretically infinite
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ good point
We could stand around until the end of time but eh
That does not create anything for me
This is really cool
A: Who wants to be a Kolmogorov complexity winner?

gxtaillon Haskell - 5322 points Bytes of code : 686 Original size : 6147 = 1871+415+234+108+204+145+297+211+1209+1453 Encoded size : 4636 = 1396+233+163+92+153+115+197+164+979+1144 Score : 686+ 4636 Character count compression : ~25% Code Optimizations aside, this stores values between 0 and 7f i...

@mınxomaτ Huh. I don't get it.
def ways_to_make_sum(N,k,m):
    """Number of ways to write N as a sum of k ordered positive integers in the inclusive range 1 to m"""
    for _ in range(k):
        new_l=[sum(l[:i][-m:]) for i in range(1+k*m)]
    if len(l)<=N:return 0
    return l[N]


print f(150,6,49)
@xnor oic
Lot longer but hey it'll save me a lot of misery
Plus original questions gone so I don't care about golfing it anymore
@quartata I feel like we had a golf challenge like this, but i'm not finding it
@xnor btw it was 6 numbers
whoops, fixed
Webpage is not available
Well that's great
Works for me this time.
LOL Idk anymore
Any FireFox windows 8 users?
Hopefully none
@xnor So like this: pastebin.com/HsBSZZbL
;-; hides in corner
@quartata yes, but I realized you can cache the list l of sum counts to only compute it once
Ah right since k and m don't change.
OK I'll change that
def sum_counts(k,m):
    """List of number of ways to write the index N as a sum of k ordered positive integers in the inclusive range 1 to m"""
    for _ in range(k):
        new_l=[sum(l[:i][-m:]) for i in range(1+k*m)]
    return l

print l
also, it looks like you're calling permutations, which doesn't have repeats
@xnor u r gud pythan
4reel tho i m always impress by ur pyrhan skil
yesterday, by Doorknob
> occasionally incorrect spelling
$20 that pyrhan will be a real language by next week ^^
Ugh there's a republican debate on tonight
i want to make a challenge, any pointers
@mınxomaτ: I'm already busy working on another language design
gg @Doorknob XD
@TheDoctor Awesome
why am I getting more stars I was slower O_o
@TheDoctor </sarcasm>
ಠ_ಠ I dunno. Bias, probably >_<
@Doorknob Moddest gun in the west effect
Does code golfing include making something as long as possible...? (I'm assuming not)
^^ popularity contest, sometimes
@AlienG no, is stupid
@Geobits please don't tell me we're gonna vote in elections based on number of chat stars now >.<
@TheDoctor The thing is, I have a good idea for one :P
@Doorknob I think you're good as long as a few key people aren't running ;)
@AlienG they have never worked well. it's too hard to make the longest program feasibly
@TheDoctor Then I shall be the first.
@TheDoctor All generalizations are wrong!
@AlienG You think you have a good idea, but cb's are terribly received.
hm. idea for challenge: calculate tetrations. is that a thing already
Pretty sure it is.
Q: Longest code to add two numbers

TheDoctorTask: I know we can all add two numbers the short way, using +. Your task is to create the longest code you can to add two input numbers. Rules: All of the code must be on topic (don't fill it with non-addition code to add length) The count is in characters, but do not count tabs, spaces, or ...

@Geobits @seadrus AFAIK, this is the closest, but it requires you to implement it.
oh well
@TheDoctor No, it's nothing like that.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ That's what I assumed "calculate" meant, I guess.
it won't work. see the first answer. you just can't possibly get the longest program
@Geobits It really does, though there are builtins. (E.g. Mathematica, Simplex)
@TheDoctor I'll prove you wrong :P (Just watch)
Yea, that's what I mean. Another one, just with builtins allowed, probably wouldn't be well received.
@AlienG doubt it
Don't believe me just watch! ducks
huh. anything higher than tetrations would eliminate most languages
O^O starts throwing things at Geobits
@Seadrus Well, past tetration has pretty much been done already, too ;) codegolf.stackexchange.com/q/11520/14215
you guys are effin nuts
and wtf with the stars already!!
The republicans need to stop interrupting eachother
I prefer Knuth's Arrow Notation for those kinds of operators.
The republicans need to stop talking >_>
@TheDoctor And they need to get more educated journalists
Also, @Seadrus: You'll find some even more insane stuff on Googology Wiki
Like xE^
Actually, I really don't fully understand BEAF beyond linear arrays.
Higher-level BEAF is wierd.
BEAF=Bowers' Exploding Array Function
It also sounds like Beef
BEeF? (Client autopwner?)
Believe Everything Except Fiction
@AlienG wait are you talking about beef xss?
@TheDoctor Ye.
too late
<3 kali
The header on that page makes me chuckle: BEEF PACKAGE DESCRIPTION
I just can't help it.
@quartata your check of p/s==c might give extraneous solution because of Python 2's integer division
It's not even that funny.
@Geobits The default webpage you get is of a butcher shop XD
@quartata c*s==p should work
i'm not getting any solutions in my code though
So, anyway, for hyperoperators beyond exponents, Knuth's Arrow Notation is my favorite notation.
that was supposed to be an arrow
10^^^3 is bigger
10^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^‌​^^^3 is bigger
@TheDoctor 10↑↑↑↑↑↑...(0 <<< x < infinity)...↑↑↑↑↑↑3 is larger.
... and one.
Let's not be invoking the infinite guys.
`@SuperJedi224 Fixed ^_^
what's -10↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑-10?
A useless calculation :P
Not actually officially defined
Also, {10,3,1,2} is bigger than @TheDoctor's number. It equals 10^^^...^^^10 where there are 10^^^^^^^^^^10 arrows.
I'm gonna need that in decimal form ;)
Even storing a mere googolplex in decimal form would require several orders of magnitude more space than is available in the ENTIRE UNIVERSE.
So, no. No you're not.
Yep. So you'll excuse me if I find most hyperoperator talk useless :P
@AlienG there are few languages which could operate with no punctuation/symbols. voting to close as too broad.
Eh, was worth a try.
Q: Write code that can be read as a singular word but achieves a task

Alien GIt's simple, make the longest (Actual) word possible that achieves something. The task can be anything. No spaces/periods/etc, must be one word. Also, don't use numbers as letters. To make this easier, you may have randomly capitalized letters - "ChICkeN" (No, "ChICkeN" can't actually be run)

@NewMainPosts Fabulous timing.
Well, -5 within 5 min. I think that was a successful post.
It's only getting down voted for being too difficult :P
#INCAL, 3 bytes: die
@Geobits Ouch.
Chicken, 7 bytes: chicken
Does chicken print the stack when it's done?
Debating weather or not to delete XD
Simplex, 2 bytes: no
@Geobits: The article seems to imply that it does.
@SuperJedi224 y u delete
I deleted my answer. Someone else deleted the question.
@AlienG I wouldn't bother undeleting it, personally. It's just going to end up with people browsing esolangs looking for long command words. There's no real task or challenge to it.
not deleted just closed
It was deleted, then undeleted, then closed.
@AlienG you should put this as a restriction on another challenge
And now re-deleted
aaaaand deleted again. What a roller coaster.
@TheDoctor That would be waaayyy to hard.
not really
i think it's been done before
"q"q is a quine in the current draft version of Microscript II (in the original Microscript, "fCqxah"fCqxah is the shortest known one.)
I could just post: "Calculate the time it takes to calculate the time it takes..." But not sure if that works... Though the answer is probably one frame.
Anyway, bye.
@SuperJedi224 Bye.
He's like you, but with extra internet added.
Is code-day a thing for any of you?
I'm going to CodeDay Houston
as suggested by someone else on SE, in fact
Code day is every day. Get a job, ya lazy kids :P
Oh, I might want to go but everyone I know wont do anything with their life.
@Geobits -.-
I managed to convince one of my friends to go with me
he's the only person I know who is actually good at programming (unlike several people I know who claim to be good at programming)
@Doorknob I would if I could convince anyone.

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