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@NathanMerrill Fine. Come to #gcj2 and talk about it. :-P
oh google code jam just started
@NathanMerrill Dam Son, I signed up for that. I should probably participate. .-.
I don't think it's too late
This is the qualification round IIRC
@AlexA. It's not too late. Start now. Go join #gcj2 and I'll see you there. :-)
@AlexA. Hydroelectric child. :-P
Isn't it open for like 24 hours or so?
@AlexA. 27 hours.
@ChrisJester-Young XD
@ChrisJester-Young Okay good. I desparately need to get something done that I've been procrastinating on for days.
@DrGreenEggsandHamDJ Oh, the latter is what I was thinking of when I saw yours. I knew there was a similar one. No I don't think they're duplicates but they're closely related I'd say.
Okay, that's what I thought. I found helka's challenge while I was writing that last one, and I was worried.
There is another similar one I'm pretty sure, besides mine
Oh, speaking of @HelkaHomba, he's here right now!
@ChrisJester-Young freenode?
@Winny Naturally.
Is there even other IRC?
Is there a distinction between "Duplicate in spirit" and "Duplicate in rules"?
How am I supposed to know when to print insomnia, must I solve the Halting problem??
Otherwise, you could take an old challenge, change a couple of rules, rewrite it, and call it your own.
@DrGreenEggsandHamDJ I wouldn't call it a duplicate in spirit. More like fraternal twins than identical twins. :P
Haha, thanks. But in general, is there a distinction?
@Downgoat First you play Amnesia: The Dark Descent, then you play Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs. The latter made me so tense that I felt physically ill.
@AlexA. There are many other IRC networks, including OFTC, but freenode is definitely the biggest. Kind of like there are many git networks, but GitHub is the biggest.
@DrGreenEggsandHamDJ If answers can be copied from one to the other with minimal or trivial modification, the challenges are considered duplicates.
Also, Hydroelectric Cat had better leave my stuff alone. >:-(
@AlexA. I have played neither of those nor will I ever
I don't see much entertainment in scaring yourself silly with jumpscares, to be honest.
Haha, I love it. Outlast is one of my favorite games of all time.
:28876115 Anyone think we swear too much here? I'm not personally offended but parents of new younger users might not want their kids in here after taking a glance.
@quartata I don't recall any jump scares in A Machine for Pigs.
@HelkaHomba This didn't ping me. o_O
Well you removed the message
@HelkaHomba Somewhat amusingly I think the younger users are the ones who swear the most in here. But you have a point
Maybe :P
I think we're pretty reasonable for the most part though
how to I get STDIN python?
and how do I print in Python??
version two
I don't see any problem with it as long as we remain respectful of others. Like, don't swear at people.
and print
@quartata Gross Python 2
@QPaysTaxes That's only Python 3.
@AlexA. He specifically asked for Python 2
@AlexA. There's nothing wrong with python 2.
@quartata Don't make it any less gross :P
print raw_input() isn't working in python 2
@DrGreenEggsandHamDJ I prefer Python 2 actually
@DrGreenEggsandHamDJ Python 2 is a garbage language. Python 3 is an actually usable language. :P
@Downgoat It totally works for me
@Downgoat It's working fine for me. What does your console output look like?
$ python -c "print raw_input()" <<< "test"
Are you sure you're using Python 2? :P
Because it's just input() in Python 3.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

flawrPolynomialception code-golfmath Given two polynomials of arbitrary degree over the integers, your program/function should evaluate the first polynomial in the second polynomial. Details Builtins are allowed. You can assume any reasonable formatting as input/output,but the input and output for...

@AlexA. Agree to disagree.
Okay :P
What are your main beefs w/ python 2?
@AlexA. Fluff you
@HelkaHomba haha
@HelkaHomba ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Jan 24 at 14:54, by Doorknob
censor your profanity please... h*** fuck
would this work? [a, *b] = [1, 2, 3] -> a = 1, b = [2,3]
@AlexA. oh dear I can't unthink this now
@AlexA. Doorknob is an exception to basically every assumption about children and their behaviors which is why I usually don't make assumptions about children and their behaviors
Doorknob isn't a child :P
@AlexA. no he's a doorknob
@AlexA. Doorknob is Hydroelectric Child. :-P
He powers my home
According to https://www.google.com/search?sourceid=chrome-psyapi2&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8&q=define%20child&oq=define%20child&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l5.1712j0j7:
>a young human being below the age of puberty or below the legal age of majority.
done with #1!
took me way to long to parse the output
@NathanMerrill Easy, wasn't it?
@DrGreenEggsandHamDJ Interestly, the ages of puberty and legality are quite different
how do i get raw_input in python 3?
well, I threw myself for a loop trying to think of cases except for 0
@Downgoat input()
I use:
with open(file_name+".in", "r") as f:
@NathanMerrill I use redirection and standard input/output.
Can you use any language for GCJ?
Can't stand to clutter my contest code with file handling.
@AlexA. Yes as long as there's a free implementation of the language.
Is there a way I can stop notifications on a challenge? -.-
so that other people can verify submissions.
@HelkaHomba hahaha
@ChrisJester-Young Oh okay, cool. Thanks.
@HelkaHomba That's a problem I wish I had.
@AlexA. So, for example, you can't use Matlab but you can use Octave.
@HelkaHomba I think the majority of my rep has come from that challenge
@ChrisJester-Young Okay. I was going to use Julia (of course)
oooh, I like challenge 2
Oh wait, they made a special exception for Matlab, Excel, and Visual Studio. Lol.
Those are allowed even though non-free.
@AlexA. Not Jelly?
please use Jelly
I don't know how ;-;
Note: your language statistics are reflected in go-hero.net/jam so choose your languages appropriately.
Nobody does.
@AlexA.What do you think about this as my next profile picture?
@DrGreenEggsandHamDJ +1
@ChrisJester-Young Two poor souls used SQL
Good god, someone used Shakespeare
More people used LOLCODE than Mathematica. O_O
how would I check if a string contains all digits 0-9 in python?
serious answer please
@Downgoat all(c in "0123456789" for c in s)
thank you so much
Idk if that's idomatic or anything
But it should work
oh, codejam time \o/
If I do a = b in python, a be a copy of b or a reference?
haha @Downgoat use .isdigit()
not what I said
Following the discussion earlier about encouraging less common languages, would it be useful to have a meta post where people can suggest languages which could do with encouragement, and then each week/fortnight/month the highest voted language is chosen as the language of the week/fortnight/month and the best answer in that language gets a bounty at the end of that period? Or would that be too much voting what with having to vote on which answer is best across all questions?
A: How do you check if a string contains ONLY numbers - python

mhlesterYou'll want to use the isdigit method on your str object: if len(isbn) == 10 and isbn.isdigit(): From the isdigit documentation: str.isdigit() Return true if all characters in the string are digits and there is at least one character, false otherwise. For 8-bit strings, this met...

I need to check if it contains all digits
It does that.
@Downgoat Depends on what b is.
b is a string
I figuired it out myself \o/
It'll be a copy.
all(c in s for c in "0123456789")
@El'endiaStarman yay
s = "123456" returns true
>>> "123456".isdigit()
>>> "123.456".isdigit()
>>> "-123456".isdigit()
> contains only numbers
@Dennis Why are you twitching?
Should be digits?
I didn't twitch, but I considered it
bah, the second question is harder than I thought
Code Jam?
I was taking a greedy approach
but found out it won't work
imagines @trichoplax experimentally raising an arm, shaking his head, and putting it back down
Haven't started yet. I'll have to wait until it gets more quiet here...
oooh! I know how to do it
@Dennis I haven't started yet because I've been trying to get something done all day and haven't really done it.
I get years like that
I've started it, but I'm sitting in a tiny space in an uncomfortable room with my laptop waiting for a 7:30 event, so I'm not sure how much I'll be able to get done :D
ಠ_ಠ to that message that was flagged
What's at 7:30?
3D art exhibition
I'm a genius!
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ the first one or the second one?
I watched an amazing adaptation of Monty Python's Spamalot this afternoon :D
@Downgoat the one about giles
oh, yeah
@Doorknob You do a lot of things
I don't do shit
I'm only here because of school, though. It's a 3-day event
wtf python. Why is r='1'+1 output ['1', '1']
how do I convert integer to string in python?
Not anymore.
Tanks? What tanks? :P
@Downgoat That's crazy. Wouldn't happen in Python 3 :P
yes it does
Really? I just tried it in 3.4.2...
@Downgoat Err, ye sure?
>>> r = '1' + 1
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#12>", line 1, in <module>
    r = '1' + 1
TypeError: Can't convert 'int' object to str implicitly
>>> r = `1` + 1
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
@Downgoat Doesn't work for me in Python 2, nor 3
Are you using orlp's future version of python??
orlp: The Future of Python™
maybe my python won't work for me because I'm a JS user so it's imitating JS by having dumb types
I'm using 3.5.0.
@Downgoat screenshot?
Yeah, you probably shouldn't have told it you use JS
What's special with orlp's python?
@PhiNotPi It's 3.6
Python 2.7.9 gives me errors:
>>> r = `1`+1

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#0>", line 1, in <module>
    r = `1`+1
TypeError: cannot concatenate 'str' and 'int' objects
>>> r = '1'+1

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#1>", line 1, in <module>
    r = '1'+1
TypeError: cannot concatenate 'str' and 'int' objects
@Downgoat Who did you buy your copy of python from...?
\o/ \o /my code jam solution worked
Nice :)
how do I completely clear a file in vim?
I want to delete all lines
:q<enter>rm filename.py<enter>!vi<enter>
@Downgoat ok, so delete all lines
@Downgoat which one?
the first one?
@Downgoat ggdG
gg goes to the start of the file, dG deletes to the end
python has infinite prescision correct?
@El'endiaStarman What's !vi?
Also who uses vi???
@AlexA. Does the previous vi command.
@AlexA. I do
@Downgoat I thought you used Vim
I have vi mapped to v which is mapped to nvim
Well, vi is an alias for vim on many systems, apparently...
@Downgoat ???
@El'endiaStarman it is on mac
@El'endiaStarman Okay, that's different
/me is currently observing a rather amusing game of BS
it seems to be devolving into physical violence
@ChrisJester-Young ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@MarsUltor as in do integers overflow?
@Doorknob Do you know Egyptian Ratscrew?
@AlexA. I use vi. Happy now? :-)
@Doorknob BS = bullshit?
@ChrisJester-Young No. You should drop that and use Vim.
Or even better, NeoVim.
@Downgoat Python has bignums.
@El'endiaStarman nope
@Doorknob It's fun play it
It's also called War
oh, then yes
@AlexA. War to me is an entirely different card game.
@ChrisJester-Young And implicit promotion to bignums, correct?
War doesn't even have any skill involved.
@ChrisJester-Young ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@AlexA. no the the integer boss has to do it
> It has a happy face made of chocolate chips on one side (the "happy side")
since when are pancakes happy?
Pancakes are happy makers
Does julia have complex numbers?
wait really??
Yeah. Why would you say yes if you didn't know?
how do I use one?
brb addign eompex numebrs to chedaar
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ does -5i work?
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Uh, however you want?
@Downgoat No
Python has complex numbers too.
im is the imaginary unit
@El'endiaStarman but python sucks
2 mins ago, by Alex A.
julia> 5(3)
fatal: Unable to create '/home/phase/dotfiles/.git/index.lock': Permission denied
this seems very error-prone

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