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Q: Timeline of Code Golfing Languages

NᴮᶻQuite a few programming languages have been made to specifically to facilitate code golfing, like GolfScript, Pyth, CJam, Retina, and Jelly. Other programming languages just naturally lend themselves to golfing, like the APL family of languages (J, K, etc. Well, really Jelly too.), and TI-Basic....

I guess, although no one other than me has ever attempted to use it.
Well if it's on TIO now, I guess you have more of a chance :P
Speaking of which, @Dennis Could you please add ><> to TIO? I feel like the current online interpreter has a few quirks which differ from the official one
I actually think I understand why we are getting two different responses. On the "features we want" people are much more prone to upvote thinking "yeah, that sounds cool", where an actual meta post gets people actually considering the issue at hand
(though I may be biased in my assessment because I'm against it)
ty :)
@NathanMerrill It's not perfect, but I took a stab at answering: meta.codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/8618/14215
@NathanMerrill I upvoted the first one, thinking "yes this is a difference from being a Q&A site", but on seeing the second one, the dedicated meta post, I can see why it's a bad idea and I would change my vote if the answer was edited.
you would change your vote if what answer was edited?
oh are you prevented from changing on the Q&A site?
@IGoBest I disagree with your first point, agree with your second two, and you can add me to the list
Q: Do we need [golfing-language]?

tacgolfing-language has 7 questions and 0 followers. From its wiki, it is: For questions regarding languages for golfing. This tag is for questions regarding choice of programming language for golfing. It can be used for help with creation of a new language, or for tips regarding ch...

@NathanMerrill Yes, but I imagine @AlexA. will be fine with an edit to allow vote changing. Does that sound reasonable Alex?
+1. And I'd like to change my vote on this proposal if it gets edited to allow it. — trichoplax 3 mins ago
@IGoBest Nitpick: my first post was a KOTH answer. ;) Still, +1, and I'm in the same situation as @trichoplax with respect to the earlier proposal.
I was initially in favour of this, but I have been dissuaded. I think finding 1 HelkaHomba level challenge writer is worth putting up with 100 new users with low quality first challenges. It's work for the community, but think of that work as mining for new challenge writers. — trichoplax 10 mins ago
@Zgarb Really? Your profile shows you asking two questions before the KotH answer. This one first: codegolf.stackexchange.com/q/41375/14215
I guess if it was deleted it wouldn't show, but then you wouldn't have had the rep to ask from a deleted one anyway if the requirement was there.
@trichoplax -1 for HelkaHomba, would upvote if Calvin's Hobbies
Calvin's Hobbies is dead. Long live Helka Homba!
@IGoBest Oh.
I should learn not to trust my memory on anything.
Trust leads to complacency.
Complacency leads to mistakes.
Mistakes lead to ... suffering.
All leads to suffering eventaully.
And suffered I have.
I once forgot to board my plane at an airport.
Suffering leads to pain.
Pain leads to helplessness.
Helplessness leads to... trust.
@Zgarb nice.
@trichoplax ಠ_ಠ
@EasterlyIrk Is that your irked face?
@easter is coming soon
the @easter bunny
But I am not a bunny, in case you couldn't tell. I am a cat who likes holes and scarves.
do you eat bunnies? :3
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Does every line make a actual word?
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ no, lizards.
@EasterlyIrk Nope.
Though the entire thing can be decomposed as one sentence.
@Doorknob damn that was quick
Did you actually do it or figured it out?
Yeah, I actually did it
Well, I got about 85% of the way, realized it was a message, and inferred the rest :P
@Doorknob spoilers XP
oh XD still nice job
although, how do you know it ends with a !
oh, nevermind, I misread the [!AE]
I thought it was a [^AE]
yeah, [!AE] combined with [^A-Z]
that's why I did it like that :3
If nothing else, because you said he did it right ;)
Is it? Huh, that's odd.
he changed his parent site :P
Such a troll
These name changes. :( I can't remember who is who.
I'm Geobits
You're Zgarb :P
I'm Riker.
I'm githubphagocyte
^ true story
I'm PicklishDoorknob
I'm not changing it back though
I never realised you had a first name
> phagocyte, *n*:
> a type of cell within the body capable of engulfing and absorbing bacteria and other small cells and particles.
It's my github username
(not that my github account has anything of interest in it)
One day though...
@trichoplax Then shouldn't you be "stackexchangetrichoplax"?
You can also see me referred to as Generic Holiday Name in the winners section of this post for my answer there.
@HelkaHomba Lol no - my github username is just "phagocyte". It was already taken elsewhere so I ended up as githubphagocyte due to an imagination deficiency.
Has anyone besides be really changed their name recently? (anagrams don't count)
Aww, I thought it was a phagocyte that had made its way into github to wreak havoc.
@HelkaHomba Lynn, lirtosiast, and someone else I can't remember.
I much prefer trichoplax, so I may see if I can be trichoplax on github too
And depending on how recent you mean, Downgoat :P
@Geobits Oh - I thought lirtosiast was an anagram - I think I've just ended up assuming everyone that looks new is an anagram :(
It's an anagram for "soil artist"
@trichoplax Yea. Just like that Ax Rip Cloth guy.
@Geobits This is one of the reasons I didn't like being githubphagocyte - it gave some people the impression of a creature that goes around github improving it like an immune system cell, and I couldn't claim to have done any such thing... That and I didn't want a brand name in my username.
@Sp3000 You should become S000p3
Or P0S 300
I should become Calvin's Hobbies. Think of all the potential upvotes from mistaken identity.
I think somebody already tried that :P
@Geobits Only just got that, despite looking up my own name in the past :(
I had to think to find one that I hadn't heard for you :)
For those on the PPCG minecraft server:
in PPCG Minecraft Server, 3 mins ago, by Helka Homba
So 1.9 is out! And we could switch to it if we want, but there are some caveats:
Q: From which date may each golfing language be used?

NᴮᶻUnless otherwise noted in the OP, one may only use a language to answer a challenge if that language was released before the challenge was posted. From which date may each of the various golfing languages be used?

@Sp3000 -.- Everyone just needs to remember that my user id is 26997!
(no, that's not factorial)
20198, checking in
@HelkaHomba You sure, I assumed your ID was 1.5536422588980413513007407307397064333265370528609 × 10^107910.
Noobs. 14215 here.
38770. :/
How come yours are all so low? I'm happy with my 742594, thank you very much.
@Roujo ? Yours on PPCG is 49411.
@Geobits Oh, I assumed they were SE-wide. My bad. ^_^'
oooh, I made that mistake too
That's my UserID on SO
on SO: 1769273
nearly 10 times my PPCG despite my earlier join date
I'm 752320 on SO. Under a million :)
anybody have a lower SO number than PPCG?
Not even Jon Skeet has that ;)
The first 4 ppcg users are or were se mods/employees - codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/6/nick-berardi is the first "normal" user
Unless user 1 was mysteriously erased....
> What happened to User One? The world wants to know!
What are you hiding, PPCG?
lets make a meta post and bug the admins about it /sarc
Or Super-Ping SE employees every day to ask them about it - it has worked before! /s
Probably not the best idea ;)
@Bigtoes pshh, I'm 3808 :P
I thought you were like 14?
You may be thinking of Chris's 3
(Chris is also 13 on Stack Overflow :P)
No, I'm pretty sure you're younger than that.
... oh

my head
Nothing like a good rebus in the morning.
Decode this string: 1110100f10212f1221f430f52f210f163f35f97f2af94f90f8af82f6cf5g
Solution: 5
VTC as unclear
migrated to puzzling
Solution: 60 (length of the string)
Don't migrate questions that would just be closed on the target site :/
Decoded string: WAFFLES ARE YUMMY. The encryption algorithm is f(x) = "1110100f10212f1221f430f52f210f163f35f97f2af94f90f8af82f6cf5g".
Q: Code Puzzles: What (Not) To Do?

Lopsy Here's a code. Can you crack it? fw8904730983kf89023ncweamnfiope20tmi9b6m89ny327nery895mbi9tm0ei09x2e1m3y8n2 Good luck! When a puzzle looks like this… AUGH. I believe that the main purpose of this site, apart from entertainment and sharpening our puzzle-solving skills, is learning...

It's disconcerting to see PPCG regulars answering meta Puzzling questions >_>
The problem with short codes like that is that there's too many possibilities of attack. Probably needs a fair bit more ciphertext to be an interesting code to crack.
Also, are you sure that 5g's not a typo?
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ It's even more disconcerting to realize that my only 100-voted post is on Puzzling: puzzling.stackexchange.com/a/3959/1563
@Bigtoes Exactly +100/-0. Impressive. :P
I just got the gold this morning :)
@Bigtoes o_o I've already upvoted it
This answer had me laughing all afternoon. Excellent example of why you need to carefully control for variables when creating a puzzle... And keep your respondents from the crack. — Jay Carr Nov 11 '14 at 19:33
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

CatsAreFluffySort My Youtube Playlist Help! My playlist is all unsorted! I need to sort it, but I can only move a video to the top or the bottom. I'd like to do this quickly so I need a solution with the minimum amount of moves. But I'm lazy and it seemed like a good fit, so I'm posting it here and now you h...

Just saw the oOo question/answer. Niiice =)
So... >.> I'm making the Rational type, yet it supports irrationals...
So just call it Number instead?
Yup. Renamed it to "BetterNumber" (because, you know, Abstract type java.lang.Number exists).
I'd probably stick with Number. Java itself has two List classes (java.util and java.awt), for instance, and I can't really think of a time when it caused problems.
As long as it's not in the java.lang package it should be fine.
Unless you foresee using both in the same program >_>
That would be a bit confusing.
^ better suggestion
@VoteToClose @Sp3000 @Rainbolt @AlexA. and other Minecraft players: the PPCG Minecraft Server might have a bit of a renaissance with Minecraft 1.9 coming out today. Just a heads up.
I've been thinking of rejoining at some point, but I might wait until I get a few personal projects out of the way first :) (thanks for the heads up!)
There's also the thought of regenerating the whole world, since a fresh start might be nice. but I'm not sure how people would like that
someone put a bounty on the pi(n) question.....
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Mike BufardeciSenior Prank We're graduating to a full site soon, and there's only one thing left to do before graduation: pull a senior prank! I think we should do a variation on the classic "fill a hallway with cups of water" gag. Challenge Your program will read in text and output that text, covered in up...

I'm having a bit of trouble with some CJam, can anyone with more experience than me spend a moment to tell me what I'm doing wrong?
:C0]{_[W1].+}C* is a snippet that I think ought to work when an integer is the sole thing on the stack

it takes 0 -> [0 0]
2-> [2 0] [1 1] [0 2]
etc, and you can test that this works
But it seems to fail completely if you wrap it in a code block and map it over an array; if you put a stack trace on you see that it's leaving the output on the stack like it was a fold
links aren't working right.. :s
Can you give a TIO link instead?
Is that just how CJam does maps? Repeatedly pushes elements of arrays onto the same stack and then applies the codeblock?
Okay, fair enough. I was expecting it to have an effective fresh stack for each item in the map and then make the results into an array
Thanks for the help
Yeah, it doesn't do a fresh stack because sometimes you still want to access the array elements
Having said that, 5),W%eeWf% might be a bit easier
Thanks for the golfing help!
Have to go now, cheers guys
Looks like ELL just got their new design! That's pretty cool =)
Looking forwards to ours, really, so it's cool to see that they're working through the queue ^^
@Roujo They got theirs a few days ago, but I love it
As long as it's not balls, tees, and clubs, I have faith in the designer(s).
What's ELL?
Nice logo.
Big toes is back :U
Bigtoes is always watching.
@HelkaHomba >:U*
Not all ducks are angry.
I think he's so angry he dropped some of his food.
I still want Calvin back.
Function submissions aren't allowed to take input via globals, right
I think they are, provided that the globals are in the code and counted.
Input must be actual input, not a variable that has to be manually set.
@Bigtoes Yes, but not input.
Oh, right, input. Yea, that makes more sense.
You can define a function that has a default parameter but it can't require the user to input anything more than what was specified.
3 hours ago, by trichoplax
Calvin's Hobbies is dead. Long live Helka Homba!
@trichoplax ಠ_ಠ
Oh, then I think this would actually count then.
Hoon has syntax for navigation of the context the function evaluates in. Pushing a variable on puts it at `-`
So |.(-) echos the input if you run it as =+(5 (f))
Might be considered too loopholey though :/
You can't enforce any rules about how your code has to be run except the ones that the challenge gives.
ie if it asks for a string you can't output a list with each letter in a element.
Ok, that makes sense.
Sidenote, but Hoon actually has two string types :p One of them /is/ just a list of letters
well, don't use that for output. :P
link to Hoon?
It's the language used in Urbit
It's very unique, and surprisingly easy to use for how it looks
I might try it.
@MartinBüttner Dammit >_>
I only noticed just now because they finally updated the icon in HNQ
It was still showing the old, beta-style ELL speech bubble until this morning ^^
@EasterlyIrk It wasn't made for golfing, but it uses runes instead of reserved words so it's OK at it
Runes as in ᚱᚢᚾᛟ?
Runes as in ?: or |=. two char diacritics
Aww.... While that sounds cool and all, lack of actual runes makes me :(
@Bigtoes I still like geobits best.
The byte count would be larger :p
That one makes you sound like a hobbit.
> Hi, I'm Bigtoes the Hobbit! (aka short hairy guy)
@RenderSettings Would it? I think unicode runes are two bytes, same as what you're using.
No, 3.
ᚠ == 3 bytes.
@EasterlyIrk It's not like you have much room to talk. Yours just makes you sound grumpy :P
So they average 2 bytes.
But some are 3, and some are one.
Hoon is supposed to be a general programming language, so I'm not sure I'd want it even more intimidating to use :p
@EasterlyIrk When I remove the spaces between them it's 96 chars, 288 bytes, so exactly three apiece.
Yeah, I just realized that.
So hoon would probably be longer with real runes.
Longer and better >_>
Just not for golfing.
[citation needed] for that better part ;D
I'll just cite myself. Subjective facts are easy that way ;)
I gtg.
Is that a real bai, or a Conor bai?
@EasterlyIrk ^
"I don't like Bigtoes, Geobits is a much better name" - Geobits today, 10:37am
I hate you markdown
And a real bai.
Now star that for my efforts.
It might be a conor bai...
@Bigtoes You cite me and I cite you, that way it's legal
@EasterlyIrk My school blocks XKCD
@9cHeruinr96a this good?
No. I'll look it up on my phone
Q: Can't find clit

j0hI have some lit files I want to convert from mircrosoft reader files to something my other devices can read. My friend says I should have clit, in $ which clit /usr/bin/clit but I cannot find it. I tried locate clit but the results are unrelated. So then I tried sudo apt-get install clit but ...

The question isn't spam, but it needs a new title.
Stupid school
My school blocks imgur :|
My school doesn't have a high nerd population, so xkcd stays ;)
I sort of doubt it, but are you (or anyone here) familiar with J?
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ no.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ find the secret link...
and here
On the comma?
And the period?
try it.
They are different links though.
I did.
The first one didn't work.
Blame the school? :/
oh wait
damn you
@MartinBüttner Retina should allow a pattern beginning with + to drop the leading backslash escape, if that's possible.
Hey, it was sutble.
My school blocks some stuff for Friendship
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ I am becoming you.
I say bai, and then GET SUCKED BACK>
@EasterlyIrk You have learned much.
Plus, you are rickrolling.
@mbomb007 hm, that might be possible, but I'm not sure yet if I like the idea ;)
@MartinBüttner Are you familiar with J?
Dang, can't figure out how to have <code>\</code>
two backticks
Maybe you can help me. How can I make a verb s that takes left and right arguments a and b and returns a - b - 1?
@mbomb007 wait I actually though you meant something else
that would require pre-processing of the regex and while I'd love to do that that's very far down the backlog
Can I get banned for like a day?
@EasterlyIrk A day, a week, a month...
To get some work done.
Ah, I see.
Set up a child account with limited internet access?
@MartinBüttner Something far more useful, would be a way to convert an ordinal into its ASCII character and vice versa.
@Dennis you are just the man I need! I am learning J and need help.
Could you help me?
@mbomb007 yeah I've been thinking about that for a while... that's currently a pain
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Let's hope so. Where are you stuck?
you need to combine decimal-unary conversion and transliteration mode to implement that at the moment, and it'll still need unprintable characters
@MartinBüttner If that existed, I'd think a BF interpreter in Retina would be simpler.
@Dennis It's probably just a beginner mistake. I am trying to make a verb s that's N s M = N - M + 1. I've got s =: -& (+&1), but this yields a regular subtraction.
yeah that's true, although it wouldn't be able to print without the program terminating
> Why are you Stuck?
(I'm thinking about ways to print things that aren't the entire state as well)
@MartinBüttner Like specific capture groups?
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Is that (N - M) + 1 or N - (M + 1)?
@Zgarb (N - M) + 1
@mbomb007 that's not a bad idea actually, I hadn't considered that
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ You should use @ instead of &: s =: (+&1)@-.
I want to add "forks" where you can perform different computations on the same string and then join them back together. that would allow for something like this, but I like your idea better
@Zgarb What does @ do? I know @: is composition, but I haven't learned about @ yet.
The parens are also unnecessary, so that's s =: +&1@-
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ The first problem is that J is parsed from right to left, so you're adding 1 to M before subtracting.
@Dennis Oh, right. That's always confusing.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ sorry totally overlooked that. but no I couldn't have helped.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ @ is also composition, but has the level of the right argument. So if v threads over a list, then u@v threads too.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ The golfiest way would be 1+-
You can use s =: +&1@:- if you want, it makes no difference here.
@Zgarb Oh, I see.
@Dennis Is that a hook?
@MartinBüttner not a problem ^_^
No, that's a fork.
Just for you:
I love regex golf.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

FatalizeCircular Text Write a program or function that prints an input string around the discrete circle that has the minimum possible radius. For example, for input This is an example, your program should output: a si n s i e h x T a m p le ...

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