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It's the special assignment operator.
It combines declaring a variable and assigning to it.
So instead of:
var x int
x = 12
You can do:
v := int(12)
It's hard when IP addresses are like 00:48:f4:1f:2b:c6:5f:c8:2d:f9:2b:c6:79:14:cf:db:45:a2:a4:d5:c72b:c62b:c62b:c6:c6‌​:5f:c8:2d
Or if the type can be inferred, you don't even need that:
Why would anyone want to do it the long way?
v := "something"
@HeatherBrown There are cases where you want to declare a variable but assign to it later.
"Can you give me your IP address?"
12 minutes later: Okay, let me see if I can ping that
ipv6 addresses are evil
the only way to deal with them properly is to have a DNS
which means website, which means money.
I think we should switch everyone over to IPv6, but also give out a ton of free domains.
They aren't all bad.
::1 <--- localhost
Easy enough to remember.
Like each home address gets a free yourusername.personal domain.
someone should create an IPV6 registrar
You can already set up AAA (IPv6) DNS records.
Let's submit that idea IANA. or ICANN. or whichever of them handles that.
and give away things like <hostname>.<region>.dns.me
I've done that for my website, quickmediasolutions.com
Ugh. Seriously, they need to fix the 40 GPG key limit issue
It's really annoying
everyone! pool together your money
we're gonna buy dns.me!
@RPiAwesomeness finally found it: wiki.ubuntu.com/Home?action=edit&editor=text
@Whaaaaaat For how much?
And why not dns.io ?
Sounds more tech-ish.
dns.io is taken
dns.me is going for... $1350
I don't think that that's fair.
@RPiAwesomeness Oh wait... that's the wrong URL.
@NathanOsman I found it, top-left
hmmm. dns6.io is open
Aren't those like $40 though?
Oops. Just saved my edit too early :P
I can get it for $43 CAD from namecheap.
Yeah. We should totally do dns6.io
Start a fundraiser :)
@NathanOsman Make it part of QuickMediaSolutions and then make me an employee :P
I can't afford that :P
the only issue i can see is getting that large of a record thingy.
Oh, nvm.
Or... dns6.io -- Brought to you by the AskUbuntu guys!
but who will use this, really?
I can get ipv6.tech for $6.
most anyone who self-hosts is willing to buy a domain name.
Regular $52.68/yr.
the new domain names sound kina unprofessional
If you can come up with something ending in .xyz, I can get those for just over $1.
like we couldn't get a decent root domain for something.
dns6.us is available to US residents.
for how much? i can get that
Probably could be gotten for under $10.
I can't purchase it myself, I'm not living or doing business in the US.
but really, who is going to use this service?
I don't even know what the service is :P
Do you want to describe it?
dns6.io is a free nameserver/registrar
There are lots of other places doing free subdomains.
afraid.org for one
So instead of giving your IPv6 as FE80:0000:0000:0000:0202:B3FF:FE1E:8329, you'd give it to people as homestead.us.dns6.io
oh my god
my home wifi drives my ping up to 500+ ms
rip gaming career
But you can already do that.
If I'm trying to get the code from here wouldn't I do bzr branch ubuntu:anarchism DIRECTORYTOPUT?
brb routing ethernet under the house.
Stupid computer has started starting up playing the most horrendous high-pitched sound every time I start it up & the only way to stop it is to mute an input in the pulse volume control thingy
@RPiAwesomeness here:
bzr pull lp:ubuntu/wily/anarchism
I think I need to reinstall pulse. I'm having all sorts of issues :/
But that won't work unless you've done "bzr init" in the directory.
Weird buzzing when people are talking, painful high-pitched whine on startup
Loose cable?
$ bzr pull lp:ubuntu/wily/anarchism
bzr: ERROR: Not a branch: "/home/USER/bug-fixes/anarchism-fix/.bzr/branch/": location is a repository.
@NathanOsman Huh. Interesting, I think it's my pre-amp
@RPiAwesomeness There must already be something checked out in that directory.
@NathanOsman I don't think so, just bzr init-repo-d it
Huh. Apparently it thought it was
Directory was empty, but it thought it was a repo
[ SmokeDetector ] Offensive body detected: Installed new / not-updated 15.10 by Thomas Naser on askubuntu.com
@RPiAwesomeness What does "ls -a" show?
@NathanOsman Well, it had the .git directory.
I meant *.bzr
I ran your command in a totally empty directory & it worked
didn't have enough cable
@SmokeDetector can someone please provide me a screenie of this? I love seeing offensive body questions
It wasn't much.
I've got a little bit of a problem at the moment...
I'm reporting a typo in a manpage following these instructions: kernel.org/doc/man-pages/reporting_bugs.html
However I have to CC this address: [email protected]
Which does not allow messages that are not TEXT/PLAIN...
Is there any way of making Gmail only be plain?
Or how do I send it also to this address?
It's fairly simple to do from Thunderbird.
I get my mail through the browser.
Then I don't know how to do it :P
And don't want to set up offline mail just for this...
Is it important to have it CCed to that address?
Will it be dealt with if I just have the first one?
That is if I just send it to this address: [email protected]
It's fine, I found the plain text mode! :)
I have numerous systems that keep showing kipmi0 at 100% CPU usage
If I do ipmitool <anything>, it does not respond...Even if I try to kill kipmi0 with everything (kill, pkill, etc), it does not kill it. Any suggestions?
Rebooting the host sometimes takes care of it, but not always
@Seth did you ever post that question about getting commands to show up in bold in the zsh prompt?
@Nathan: Do you have any roadmap for your sechat script? :)
@quake120 kill -9 doesn't work either?
@Nathan: Did you see the #17 bug report yet?
Q: How to control file access in Windows?

Nathan OsmanGo provides os.Chmod() for setting file and directory permissions. For example, if I want to ensure a file is accessible only to the current user, I can do the following: os.Chmod("somefile.txt", 0600) This works great on Linux but does absolutely nothing on Windows. After digging into the Go ...

@ParanoidPanda I can't remember...
@Nathan: By the way, what do you think I should do about the chocolate cake stuck in my computer fan?
Eat it?
It's many months old and is jamming the fan...
@terdon Nope, kill -9 does not. I thought maybe it was making a new process, but the PID is the same, so I don't think so
I'm not even too sure how to get to it...
Then I'd suggest cleaning it.
Does it have screws?
Well, there are screws underneath my laptop, so I assume that if I remove the battery and then open it up I may be able to remove the chocolate cake... But still not sure as I don't want to end up getting electrocuted... :D
Well, don't disassemble it while it's plugged in and the battery connected :P
@Nathan: Obviously not! :D But it's just that I have heard that some of the capacitors can keep some electricity in them and when I touch the motherboard I might get some...
On a laptop?
I've never heard that one.
I understand though that I can just touch the connections with a screwdriver so that I don't get any nasty surprises (as the screwdriver should get the electricity). So perhaps it will all be ok...
I should probably have a look first though at the technical manual for model.
Anyway, goodnight guys! :)
@ParanoidPanda Goodnight! =)
Pithos seems pretty good, yeah?
@quake120 You should probably ask a question on the main site. Make sure you also check the process' status as shown by top, for example.
Uhm... electricity doesn't quite work that way.
Electricity will flow through a conductor when there is an imbalance of charge.
@ParanoidPanda Left over energy in laptop capacitors is basically not an issue at all anymore.
Now if you want a nice shock from a capacitor, take apart an old CRT monitor. <--- DO NOT DO THIS AT HOME ANYWHERE
Or a disposable camera's flash :D
I better tack the warning onto the end of that message.
Plugged in, cheap psu. Live heatsink....
I don't want to get sued because somebody actually did that.
What does not kill me hurts like hell.
And don't say "people don't blindly follow advice posted here". Remember Terdon?
I may or may not have at one point demonstrated to students (ages 15+) how to construct an EMP device out of a disposable camera and some copper wire.
When I was about 8, I started a fire on the kitchen table with a small "Introduction to Electricity" kit.
I was not allowed to use it unsupervised for a while after that.
When I was 10, I incorrectly shoved a wire into the header of a PSU (thinking it was the jumper pin to get it running without being connected to a full on computer. Was going for a cheap solution to an external HDD) and burned a large corner of my bedroom.
@Seth But out of the 12 stars: 2 testimonials! (Did you like the cats?)
I counted at least 4.
@HeatherBrown O_o
@HeatherBrown Actually burned??? (Picture please? Pretty please???)
Oh please no.
This is going to give me nightmares.
@NathanOsman When I was 15 I burnt my brother's hair trying (and succeeding) to make gun powder! >:)
@Fabby I did not have a camera at the time. Film was still the most popular format.
@NathanOsman Really? Or jokingly?
Q: Running bash inside cronjob

SamulI have this cronjob to run everyminute */1 * * * * root sh /test.sh My /test.sh logs the result of "top" and "free" command. It works fine when I run it manually on terminal with "sh /teste.sh" and saves the output to a nice file, however when the cron job runs it only saves the result of the ...

@HeatherBrown Can I come to your classes???? (obviously reading backwards)
If you do, bring safety goggles :P
@NathanOsman Can we actually stop making jokes about that???
(obviously reading backwards)
@Fabby That's how memes start :)
A few more random mentions and we may be onto something :)
@NathanOsman the advantage of you is: you don't need any! (no joke; reality; your eyes are protected most of the time)
@Fabby are you under 21, living in California, and in need of a high-school diploma?
The glasses?
@HeatherBrown No, no and no...
@HeatherBrown no, no, yes - in that order.
@NathanOsman O_o
I graduated from high-school but I never got a diploma :P
I was homeschooled :)
@NathanOsman Those are deadly! Please remove from chat before someone does an @Nathan....
That is genuinely funny.
And if they live to tell about it, I don't mind them calling it "doing a Nathan".
@NathanOsman A capacitor is a capacitor: in a PSU or in a laptop... They're nasty if you don't know what you're doing (like @ParanoidPanda)
Hence the warning.
I will see you all after the weekend :)
I know they're nasty.
sudo shutdown -h now
@HeatherBrown Happy weekend, then.
@NathanOsman For such a kind soul, you're kinda cruel, you know...
@HeatherBrown Ciao!!!
@Fabby (Of course, I'm kidding. I hope that didn't need to be stated.)
@NathanOsman That's how the [at]Terdon started...
Everyone knows not to do that, right????
@ParanoidPanda Download the service manual of your laptop and follow it exactly!
+9 today.... :(
@NathanOsman +15!
@Whaaaaaat: o/ (didn't see you there until now...)
Anyway: time for a smoke!
@Fabby That still pings me, you know. I have sensitive ears.
@terdon :D
Why the remark that Gilles is not a biologist?
The avatar???
@terdon -----^
@Fabby No, see the transcript. As I recall, someone asked whether he was a biologist.
Oh. It was you, you ninny!
in Unix and Linux, Sep 29 at 21:27, by Fabby
@terdon Who else is a biologist? Gilles?
:D :D :D
I can't even remember I ever wrote that!
(advanced age, I suppose)
Tsk, and still shy of that half century...
Oh, and the furthest backstory was:
@terdon How do you search for that stuff?

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