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@Gigili I have absolutely no clue.
hi @JorgeCastro @Oli @StefanoPalazzo o/
Hi @karthick87
Hello @Lekensteyn :)
Is there any Winscp equivalent tool in ubuntu?
You mean like scp?
scp copies files between hosts on a network. It uses ssh(1) for data transfer, and uses the same authentication and provides the same security as ssh(1). Unlike rcp(1), scp will ask for passwords or passphrases if they are needed for authentication. File names may contain a user and host specification to indicate that the file is to be copied to/from that host. Local file names can be made explicit using absolute or relative pathnames to avoid scp treating file names containing ':' as host specifiers. Copies between two remote hosts are also permitted. The options are as follows: -1 Forces scp to use protocol 1. -2 Forces scp to use protocol 2. -3 Copies between two remote hosts are transferred through the local host. Without this option the data is copied directly between the two remote hosts. Note that this option disables the progress meter. -4 F
Ofcouse SCP might be the answer, but i need a GUI to browse files
@karthick87 the file browser should support it
If you install sshfs, you can mount the remote filesystem on the local machine
Yeah fine. But i need to know is there a tool like winscp in ubuntu. Do any one know?
so I want to learn to use basic terminal commands through ssh, anyone know any good introductory guides?
When will Asus EEE Ubuntu netbooks be for sale? http://bit.ly/mdnSx8 #ubuntunetbook
@Gigili I'm sorry, but I haven't the foggiest notion what you're trying to say.
Interestingly I don't have you on my list. I think.
I just stopped thinking about it, should hire Holmes or someone
Q: How to setup a mail server?

karthick87I have read more no of guides on setting up a mail server. But none of them seems to work completely. It would be nice if someone starts writing answer to this question, and this might help lot of people on setting up a mail server.

not enough info
you don't say what you followed
@OctavianDamiean No worries by the way, I'm nicer than nice.
@JorgeCastro i just don wanna confuse with my previous setup. I would like to setup a new server..
Wow, there's a lot of people here early on in the day.
well you don't really mention your requirements
but, the easy answer is run tasksel and pick Mail Server
@JorgeCastro fine i will elaborate the question..
@JorgeCastro: What do you think of Google + ?
@FlackBot Who is your author?
@OctavianDamiean Unfortunately, I don't seem to have any information on that topic.
That is pretty bad.
@GeorgeEdison \o
hello all
@Amithkk Hey, nice to see you!
that is the logo i told about
@Lekensteyn see my updated question..
I just clicked on a Unity icon with both mouse buttons and Unity restarted... is that supposed to happen?
@GeorgeEdison its a papercut
do you have any invites left?
I'm not sure that invites are working :(
I sent some out but I don't think the people got them.
@Amithkk There, I sent it.
it'll appear in my inbox ,right?
It should.
waits for invite
Is it possible to set a policy in ubuntu like, if i set a wallpaper in one sytem it should be applied in all the ubuntu machines..
Any guess o?
for the record: that's not me
not even remotely
but it does prove the fact i should write Stefano Pallazo of Ask Ubuntu on my blog.
@RolandTaylor \o
i have a question regarding 2buntu
o/ @Amithkk
you got that page : myths of ubuntu
@karthick87 yes it is possible, but it is going to take some scripting, and maybe a cron job.
i got content for that so shall i get permisson to edit that page
@Amithkk you can join us as an editor
and I will edit your profile
ERROR: This email is already registered, please choose another one.
@Amithkk it is?
let me check something 1 sec
i already have a wordpress account anyways
but you have to register with us
well its not accepting my email
oh you are already registered
I just have to edit your account
uh how do i login?
I made you an editor
you are using ISS for your server?
my password is?
i didnt get an email
oh I will mail you a password
give me a sec cause I'm doing something on google+ too
yes adds info
@RolandTaylor you are on 3.1?
I'm planning to upgrade to 3.2
I just need to confirm some things
what, 3.2's Dashboard is awesome
btw we should discuss any further 2buntu related stuff on our room here or on jabber/IRC
@Alvar your move
@TheEvilPhoenix really? no email
i sent it
one sec
1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 d6 3. Nc3 Bg4 4. Bb5+ c6 5. Bc4 Bxf3 6. Qxf3 Qf6 7. Bxf7+ Kxf7 8. Qd3 Nd7 9. O-O Nh6 10. Qc4+
send me the next move via email
note i am on a mobile connection so... I might not respond fast
@TheEvilPhoenix I've already responded to that move!
check your email!
1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 d6 3. Nc3 Bg4 4. Bb5 c6 5. Bc4 Bxf3 6. Qxf3 Qf6 7.
Bxf7 Kxf7 8. Qd3 Nd7 9. O-O Nh6 10. Qc4 Ke8
Anyone want in on Google+?
Remember you're here to help make it better :D
@RolandTaylor what is google+?
@Alvar you don't know what google+ is?!
@RolandTaylor no, googleing it..
@RolandTaylor I don't think invites are working ATM.
@GeorgeEdison seem to be working for me
at the last one I sent worked
ok responded to your most recent move @Alvar
@RolandTaylor How did you do it?
strange glitch shrugs
@GeorgeEdison same old post email in the share box method.
@TheEvilPhoenix faster...
@RolandTaylor Hmm... it isn't working for me.
@RolandTaylor could I get an invite?
@GeorgeEdison keep trying, cause I think they are letting people in incrementally.
@RolandTaylor: Also, this isn't working.
Also try sending them feedback.
@RolandTaylor sounds like something you want to use...
@GeorgeEdison it won't work now cause I have to change some settings :)
@Alvar what's your mail?
got it?
thanks :)
@RolandTaylor that email is even slower than @theevilphoenix s ...
@Alvar haha
@RolandTaylor plus.google.com (they are over there limit :()
@Alvar oh :/
funny... it worked just last night lol
I think it is opening up every few hours then
haha grrr...
@RolandTaylor puh...
@sadmicrowave o/
@Alvar don't worry, at least you will now have some priority
it did that to me at first, and then it just suddenly let me in
@RolandTaylor ?
@sadmicrowave it means hi
@Alvar yes
@RolandTaylor then I'll just wait like everyone else xD
Try again
@RolandTaylor how? IÍ„ve never got how that works or I've gussed that it just means that...
quick question, I'm trying to set a command alias to do 'ssh [email protected]' but bash retuns: alias: ssh [email protected]: not found...is there a way to do this?
I see why it probably didn't work (hunch); I didn't add you to a circle before...
@RolandTaylor I havent got the email...
@Alvar just go to the site again
@RolandTaylor aha ! :D
thanks I'm no a member....
@GeorgeEdison I did it! :D!
@RolandTaylor Really...?
@GeorgeEdison could you help me with Python?
@GeorgeEdison yep ^^!
Apparently the person must also be in your circle.
I've a class named "Backend". Somewhere in my code, I load the backend name from a file. Each backend is unique by that name. What is the best way to use an existing Backend instance? In PHP I would create a static method for that
Should I create another class that is created globally, and operate on that instance for getting a Backend instance?
@RolandTaylor was that "join me" message meant to trigger the invite bug, or are you just becoming a zombie?
@StefanoPalazzo lol being a zombie :D
If it's the former, you have to select only that person to receive the message (not "Public")
it has nothing to do with a bug :D
@StefanoPalazzo :D Could you look at my question above?
oh good :D
I use a different method
yawn anyways, greetings people
oh let me understand it @Lekensteyn. You want to have something like a singleton instance of your Backend class that the rest of the code uses?
Nope, the Backend class can occur multiple times. I just want to avoid multiple duplicate Backend instances
@TheEvilPhoenix greetings, skyling.
oh I see
you could use a factory pattern I guess
make a class that creates the class, and then register and free instances
Does Python have static methods or properties like PHP?
let my try typing something up for you
meanwhile, check out "properties", and the "staticmethod" and "classmethod" decorators
Thanks, it wasn't mentioned in the Python tut
yeah it's somewhat advanced :)
you should run an advanced python session @StefanoPalazzo
considering python has some advanced properties :P
yeah, it does have some really complicated stuff
(which, if you know it, makes life awesome)
@Lekensteyn how about something like this:
class BackendFactory (object):

    class Backend (object):

        def __init__(self, _id):
            self._id = _id

    current_id = 0

    def __new__(obj):
        obj.current_id += 1
        new_obj = obj.Backend(obj.current_id)
        return new_obj

b = BackendFactory()
c = BackendFactory()
instead of an incrementing id, you could create or return objects based on the arguments to __new__, and store them away in the factory to keep track of their properties
I realise now that I shouldn't call this Factory pattern. That's something a little different. But you see what I'm saying?
global objects are generally a bad idea. If you have a bunch of things, create something to hold them (not a module).
Isn't current_id becoming a global variable? And yes I got an idea what you meant.
Maybe it become more clear if I explain what I'm trying to do
current ID is a member of the Factory class (which doesn't have an instance, granted)
as long as they keep references to each other, that's fine
so, what I'm saying is, basically, global variables are :-(, but if you just make your entire thing one big class it's fine. Better yet, make the class mean something. Then you can declare a class member variable to keep track of stuff
the reason why this works is that classes are objects in their own right, just as their instances are objects
I'm creating a python wrapper for duplicity, which can have multiple backup profiles. Each profile links to a backend file which contains some backend information. Since I do not want to parse the backend file again and again, I want to store an existing instance somewhere.
oh I see!
you have a function to parse the files?
why not just make it a cached function? then you can call it as often as you like, without losing performance
What do you mean by a "cached function"? Currently, I create some Profile instances in a function (main?) and those instances do not interact with others, so they cannot know of the Backend instances that are created by the other Profile instances.
this is what it looks like:
def cache(function):
    function_cache = {}
    def cached_function(*args, **kwargs):
        key = (args, tuple(kwargs.items()))
        if key not in function_cache:
            function_cache[key] = function(*args, **kwargs)
        return function_cache[key]
    return cached_function

def parse(filename):
    return hard_work(filename)
if you call parse(bla), it'll do hard_work(bla). but if you call it a second time, it'll retrieve the result of hard_work(bla) from the cache
this function that returns a function is called a "decorator"
and "@cache" is the same as writing "parse = cache(parse)"
in python 3.2, you have the caching decorator in the standard library (finally..)
the only real restrictions to this are 1) you shouldn't use it with huge arguments, as they get stored in a dictionary, and 2) all of your arguments must be hashable (that excludes dicts and lists)
and 3) you can't have side effects :)
back in a bit
Thanks for explaining the use of @
once you've written a few decorators, you'll use them all the time. they're brilliant
I think I'll be using decorators (are @... called so?). The code will be like self.backend = Backend(filename)
Now Python classes looks a lot more useful :)
@StefanoPalazzo did you investigate those latex shared editors?
@Lekensteyn the function that returns a function is called a decorator. using @bla on a function is called "decorating it".
@lazyPower totally forgot, I meant to ask you about them
its all gravy i could not find that specific project i was thinking of, so i sent you a link to a wikibooks article on several multi-user solutions.
I must have overlooked that, I only saw your message
if i had a login, it woudl have.
oh :\
i'll signup, hang on
@lazyPower wait, there are plenty more
well I don't really see the use of it now
and then you can just, like wikibooks says, wget -O filename.tex "http://titanpad.com/ep/pad/export/xxxx/latest?format=txt" && (latex filename.tex)
Hi, I upgraded from 10.10 to 11.4 and since my upgrade my wifi does not start automatically, can anyone assist?
sry, I'm not good with WIFIs
@kuberprok Do you need to connect to a network manually or can't you even see networks on startup?
this is what I have in my etc/network/interfaces
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
@Lekensteyn I connect manually now with
hi @kuberprok welcome
sudo dhcpcd wlan0
@RolandTaylor thank you!
@kuberprok Did you previously use NetworkManager for connecting?
yes, it started up without any problems, just after my password for login I could see my Wifi-cards led's flashing and then it was up.
now I need to go to the terminal and type sudo dhcpcd wlan0 to get it started
do you know what sort of wifi chipset you have?
maybe there's a question on the site
it uses prism-chipset.
Can you post your /var/log/syslog file on paste.ubuntu.com and put the link here?
will do.
@StefanoPalazzo That still counts as a factory - It's still generating instances of another class. I'm not sure this type has a specific name. It's close to a multiton, but it's also not at the same time (a multiton stores a dict of instances so you can only have one instance (ie a singleton - where it gets its name) per key)
I'll buy a book on patterns if I ever got insomnia. It would cure it almost instantly.
hear hear
yawns and after delving into the world of the IRC, I have returned. :P
I read something, in the corner of my eye, about a Borg pattern. I don't know what it is exactly, but I bet it fits this use-case (never mind, borgs are about sharing state..., they assimilate by doing obj.__dict__ = shared_dict)
@kuberprok Can you try recreating your NetworkManager profile? Also check if its IP settings are set to Automatic
Hi back for a while
@StefanoPalazzo Wow, that got geekier than I expected. Scoring: Programming design patterns: +25, "Borg": +20, successfully working the two together with the word "assimilate": +2^1024
@Lekensteyn how do I recreate NetworkManager profile?
And yes the IP Settings is set to Automatic
@kuberprok remove the old profile and create a new one
@Oli It's kind of hard to understand all of the computer science jargon when you don't know any Scifi ;)
@Lekensteyn then I risk loosing my connection, don't I, I do not have a LAN connection nearby. I am on my desktop on the other side of the house
I asked this question before my uograde. askubuntu.com/questions/18973/…
@kuberprok then i think you're SOL
unfortunately, if you lose your connectivity you won't be here... but i doubt removing your old profile will permanently explode your networking
emphasis on permanently
but if you're concerned, you can wait until you're near a LAN :P
well I hope not, I wouln't like to clean up afterwards!
is it normal for a minimal install to take forever to install?
@TheEvilPhoenix Thanks!
@kuberprok granted i never had your issue
so better to be safe than sorry in your situation
because i use Intel wifi cards in my systems (or no wifi at all :P)
@TheEvilPhoenix Good advice
Thanks any guys, I'll try what :1276046 has said when I am close to my LAN
Anyone here accustomed to installing ubuntu from a minimal cd?
I'm install 10.04 and at the point where it says downloading release file, the progress disappears and then I see nothing...
@Explorer hi! I'm trying to set up ubuntu 10.04 to test asterisk right now :) - but it's freezing (I think)...
cause of your desktop background hi
I assure you, there are no cars driving over my applications :D!
so gentle of you
:P gentle?
pulls hair out and throws it at virtualbox!
<--- understand nothing
VBox eats all hair up :P
U.U @TheEvilPhoenix @Oli do either of you install from minimal cds?
@Explorer lol that's okay :D
@RolandTaylor I did for our media center
@Oli oh cool you might be able to help me
My install is sticking after trying to download the release file
Step one: Use the server CD. Minimal is a waste of time (you end up downloading it all anyway)
so I have to download another iso?
been a while since I used commandline installs that's why :P
Well in fairness, you've only wasted 17MB of transfer.
@Takkat not voluntary for sure
forgive my noobiness :D
o.o where did Explorer go O.o
The server CD is a lot bigger (it's a full CD) but it does have everything you need to get going so you don't have to fight network issues right off the bat
there's a mini.iso somewhere
@JorgeCastro yeah that's what @RolandTaylor has
I found the 10.04 mini freezes after starting the progress bar for the download
well here goes another two hours of downloading :P
Well while that's doing that, what are you trying to build, @RolandTaylor?
@Oli so the server CD will allow me to choose what I want to install like the alternate CD does correct?
@Oli I'm trying to test asterisk-gui (so I can tell Explorer how to do it in "so easy a cave man could do it" - terms.
@RolandTaylor pretty much. It installs ubuntu-standard and then runs tasksel to allow you to install more (you can skip this or install more metapackages).
ubuntu-standard being a fairly rich command line environment, nothing more.
How does the Community account end up with 3 rep?
@RolandTaylor no desktop, no gui on the server CD...
@Takkat kk I just meant if I could use tasksel :P (couldn't remember the name)
the last time I installed from an alternate CD was back around 8.xx something
or earlier
@JorgeCastro It accepted a question on April the 18th and got +2
O_O hah, how does that happen?
@JorgeCastro It was a migrated post that (I assume) already had an accepted answer.
oh I see
Because of the way things have to be re-built when they're migrated, Community has to do some evil behind the scenes.
I assume he gets normalized eventually
* Suspends Community for being a sockpuppet
@JorgeCastro: I'm going to hate myself for forgetting this one... but what was that app that generated a 3D visualization of revisions to a repo.?
I knew it started with a 'g', but Google was being mean today.
Can I benefit from UbuntuOne services on a non-Ubuntu Linux flavor? http://bit.ly/ksLnah #ubuntuone
@lazyPower that's pretty cool
:) I'm a fan of 8/16 bit remixes.
When I was driving to get some usb widget the other day, there were chiptunes playing on a childrens radio programme
if that's what kids want to listen to, the world is only going to get better. looking forward to the future
I've had a passion for MOD trackers, chiptunes, etc. ever since i ran across the ORION dump site for their keygen music.
@RolandTaylor never. why?
@GeorgeEdison amusing i generate a gource view once a month on our work repository so the boss can "see" that i've been busy. as if the logs i email once a week from the issue tracker isnt enough :P
@TheEvilPhoenix nvm Oli helped me :)
Back in my day we only had two bit music.
back in my day, we didn't play music on computers...
@lazyPower Lol!
I think I'll generate one for StackApplet.
Does Google+ have an API?
Hello again

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