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@Serg indeed. though, i've been in the top 3 since shortly after primary voting opened, I think?
not sure. But meh
still, may the best candidate win :)
You were 3rd , but now you squeezed in between Jacob and terdon there. I thought those guys wont have any competition whatsoever
well, terdon's been at the top since it opened so
yeah i just wonder why all of you did some kind of late minute nomination
it looks like the Stack Exchange API doesn't expose data for the elections?
@Videonauth work is evil?
@Videonauth didn't even know it was open, otherwise was busy
as happens from time to time in the IT world :)
wel i have time all day long, but as it looks now i wont make it anyways :) even if it would have given me something to do
I did late nomination because I am usually unsure and hesitant
It takes me a lot of time to make up my mind
had I known a few days earlier it was open, I probably would have put my nomination in earlier heh
And probably I won't do something unless it's for a joke or "just to see"
Like my application to SUSE internship
@Videonauth Definitely!
goes back to poking python-pymssql packages
Without "whatever, I'll do it for the lulz" I wouldn't have posted it
dont get me wrong, i wont hold grudges :)
As for nomination, well . . . I was just curious how ready I am to take up my AskUbuntu game a notch
@TheBrownOne Yes... Surprised?
thats what i said as well, and made @Seth reacti with "-.-" as i said even if i wont make it then i was in for the lulz
I guess me being #5 through out the primaries means i am doing not too bad , but there's a lot to learn i still have
lulz , making the world go round since 1999
for a two months old account still being in the top 10 i think i have doen good as well
but wela ll will see when the pool is closed
@Fabby No, happy :D
that's actually quite impressive @Videonauth
i even have more particiption basges as some people being 5 years on the site already
just earned today one more
@Videonauth My rep really started climbing when I lost my job...
close to the electorate too, and to my second seward badge which i will even get before the election is over
And it really started declining after I found one!
(lucky me, because my Ask Ubuntu Profile was on my CV)
Nowadays, I should take my AU profile off my CV.... @Shog9
@Fabby maybe you should combine both ? find a job at StackOverflow :D
well i had a long talk on monday with my doctor and it seems that i might be able to get a light betterment in my situation, but might never be able to work again
@Videonauth :O
Well, I'm working remotely...
@Videonauth not even remote work ? over internet ?
(there are those kinds of jobs: it doesn't really matter where you are)
yeah hat wold be something for me too, my problem is for apllying and so on you have to attend meetings
Conference calls...
Skype calls, WebEx Meetings...
Skype , like Fabby does ?
@Serg @fabby, the problem im only a computer hobbyist for 27 years , what they really want to see is certificates for being able to wipe your ass via command line and more
We'll talk Friday, but you should send me your CV: If you're a Network Engineer, you can get a job anywhere.
well at least im a fast leaner, might be able to adapt to many stuff
Network engineers work from home nowadays...
The time they had to plug in cables is long gone.
Storage Architect is another one
Actually, I might still have my copy: I'll send it to you.
@Videonauth Also, remember the courses Seth posted ?
yeah @fabby but we ight have to find a solution to quill more urgend fires first
i have then bookmarked @Serg
@Videonauth Yeah...
Free courses for certifications ,might be useful
yeah, im new in the linux world, but let me tell you what gave me the most valuable insigth till now
it was trying building a linux from sratch
which is till fail :p
hard part is the testing, i build it on y 128GB USB stick but i bnot found a way qet to load a VirtualBox from an USB image
would mamke testing it quite a bit easier
@Videonauth you tried LFS?
?? doesnt ring a bell so i would say no
you said building linux from scratch, so the first thing i thought was linuxfromscratch.org
yep thast what im going for
That's way more advanced that anything I've done so far
from this i gained more insight about the linux file stucture as from anything else
I dont know how often i started over, right now im again running the pass 3 of the gcc 5 compilations and test for making the toolchains
I just hope that comptia certificate will open me doors at least to some jobs. Because , essentially, i don't have any options right now. And being lab technician is still some money and some line on a resume but . . . .I'm essentially nobody still
Right, well I think I've finally completed the questionnaire to my satisfaction, just need to read it through one more time! :)
Sigh . . .. those 3 weeks in China were so peaceful. Back to existential crisis again
How in the world i even passed level 4 of hsk test ?
other way to land a job in the linux world, as @ThomasW. might be able to confirm is doing a great white hat hack, whic is really noticable
but that can backfire as well
@Videonauth hm?
linux sysadmin jobs are on the rise and in more demand
what with M$ Windows servers being pricey and pricey
@NathanOsman how about Apple sysadmins ? ^
Is there any worth in learning Apple anyway ?
@Serg you would have to offer me at least 90% of all appple shares to take that job :p
Hold on , let me take out my pen and pencil , i'll draw those shares real quick
sigh . . . 6 years in college , basically that counts as nothing . . . I've no certificates to my name, no degree, no experience ( except for restaurant, bookstore for 1.5 months, and lab tech )
@ThomasW. Thats how a friend of mine landed a job at norton, he hacked their system, put his application as a cyber security expert on top of the stack in their HR departments and declined all other applicaions.
Meanwhile, my best friend's boyfriend basically dropped out ( I think, because she doesn't really know herself what her boyfriend does ) and is now a web developer in some Denver upstart
Life is a weeeeird thing
life is that great adventure with that insanely cool HD analog graphics, but with that not so great storyline ...
adminx@L455D:~$ echo "life is that great adventure with that insanely cool HD analog graphics, but with that not so great storyline ..." >  awesome_quotes.txt
good quote, gonna copy paste into my great_quotes.docx
if we would live in the world of shadowrun, I'm most certainly would be a decker
@ParanoidPanda So let me get this clear: you've been doing bug-fixes for Gnome , right ?
You're also doing vulnerability research for Gnome and Ubuntu right ?
And also answering and asking questions on AU ?
Have you created any scripting answers here on AU by the way ?
scratch that answering ;) he has a higher asking count as i have as as answer count ;)
Questioning is also contribution to the site , it makes our brains ponder the mysterious nature of this unique Ubuntu user
well but the answer is anyway always 42
Nah, in panda's case the answer is "He's just paranoid"
how can pandas be paranoid
We'd need to ask one about that
hi all
Action plan for the evening -- fix math lab, write response to history question, then other stuff
hello onebree
i did misread it as meth lab...
dyslexia in our community is still strong ^_^b
@onebree oh, that one was yours ? YAll be famous
@Serg: Yes, I do do bug fixing for GNOME as well as vulnerability research into the both that you mentioned (in fact even before I started using Ubuntu I was finding quite severe security vulnerabilities in Microsoft software etc). I'm sure I've done some here scripts before, but not too recently apart from for myself, but I'll have a look later if you are interested. :)
@onebree: Pandas get paranoid due to debambooforestation.
@ParanoidPanda So . . . .what's stopping you for applying for Ubuntu membership ?????
"Contributions are valued and recognised whether you contribute to artwork, any of the LoCoTeams, documentation, the forums, the answers tracker, IRC support, bug triage, translation, development and packaging, marketing and advocacy or anything else."
am I right or what ?
Well, the main reason is because you need a wiki page... And for me to update my wiki page I need Ubuntu Membership... :D
wat ?
Create a new wiki page maybe ?
You can't do that either without membership, they changed the rules due to large amounts of spam.
@Serg He cant even if he has an account on the community wiki
Unless you have membership you can't actually do anything there.
@ParanoidPanda i did not ask why thery are paranoid
@ParanoidPanda um . . . maybe ask an existing member to do that for ya ?
I don't really know any existing members...
@onebree but I did
That I know of anyway.
@ParanoidPanda @NathanOsman is an ubuntu member
He could help you
fossfreedom soon too i guess, seth is one and some more
yeah, Oli probably too
How does this sound?
Clearly identify your population.
The population is 3739 closed issues with one or more labels on the Rails Github page.
population ? uh . . . .me, my cat, my dog, and parents ? so 5 ?
Finally posted my answers to the questionnaire! :)
does an ubuntu membership cost money?
why would someone want a membership
perks , like @ubuntu email , recognition of your contribution by Canonical , nice line on your resume/CV
Okay, no need fo r me
@onebree What're you up to?
@onebree ^
@TheBrownOne Working on my math lab assignment. My initial sample set was too varied in one of the variables. So I am editing my script to generate a new sample set
(stats class) -- I actually did this Monday night, but just refining it all now to submit
Ah, okay.
I don't like math, so I refuse to help :P
No help needed. My scripts are already online.
@TheBrownOne use python to solve her math problems
Python all the things!
Ruby actually
bash all the things !!! :D
( because I am not strong enough in python yet )
should i post Dual Core's "All the Things " again ?
@TheBrownOne :)
I'm still single, and I'm more than okay with that.
How does this sentence sound?
> The population is 3739 closed issues with at least one label for the Rails project.
Nothing wrong with it.
Okay cool
The pros to publishing all my scripts online for this lab are (a) I get to use some Ruby for an otherwise program-free class, and (b) 100% NOT Plagiarized.
@Serg hack all the things drink all the booze? sounds good
ok math done... Looking at my list of things... Time for ice cream then history
Well, been a long and strange day... Goodnight! ;)
@edwinksl does not really sound appealing to me ;) i'd prefer a spliff or two
@onebree Hagen-Dazs Coffee ice cream?
Wohoo! Google updated their repo so no more warnings for Google Chrome when you update! :D
@Videonauth that can be a good reward for yourself after you finish building linux from scratch?
@Terrance how did you know
@edwinksl I am on a mailing list for it. And I just got the email this afternoon. :D
@edwinksl in fact it makes me creative
@Terrance awesome. i just checked and apt has indeed stopped complaining about google chrome
a few six packs dr.pepper, a few splifs, me and a brainstorming session, this id hoe the most of my scripts where born
hi fokes
@Videonauth hoe? lol
@edwinksl Yep, that is the one. When you Star it you get all the updates while they happen in your email.
how **
@Videonauth big difference ;)
i guess i should close the laptop, the sleeping pills are kicking in
see you all tomorrow
@TheBrownOne Friendly's candy bar blast or something
Take care @Videonauth
@onebree Not good ice cream, then :P
Does @onebree play Minecraft?
no i do not
i have a key but I probably lost it
@TheBrownOne for $3.50 a tub, you cannot beat it
Alright D=
My server is lonely :P
@TheBrownOne how does one fix a lonely server?
Add more people to it.
Oh I know...it is a rpi right? build a cluster!
No, this one is a 4GB memory Lubuntu box.
Oh...well can you build a cluster with Lubuntu?
JS anyone? JS?
Java Script?
@Zacharee1 Barely. Is it complex what you want?
Then I'm probably not very helpful. You might let me try though if you want.
I have multiple strings of text that I want to prevent to client from actually seeing. They are API keys for a JQuery request.
Do you know PHP maybe?
Because the request will also work with PHP, NodeJS, Go, Python, cURL, and a few more
I need some way to get the data from the API in a way that doesn't expose the API keys
This is the query code (without the tokens/keys):
    url: "https://static.pufferpanel.com:5656/server",
    type: "GET",
    headers: {
        "X-Access-Server": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
        "X-Access-Token": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
.done(function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
    console.log("HTTP Request Succeeded: " + jqXHR.status);
.fail(function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
    console.log("HTTP Request Failed");
.always(function() {
    /* ... */
use environment variables?
I don't know PHP and I barely know JS
idk how I would integrate NodeJS with a web page
Oops, sorry for the delay. Crappy WiFi.
@ByteCommander you need one of my WAPS...
I need wasps?
only bees will be accepted and reviewed by Nick Cage personally
No wireless access points... commercial grade...
Anyway, sorry @Zach, but this is above my knowledge, especially at such a late hour of the day...
My SSD has some form of issue :/ it's remounted ro at boot (and that's the only disk with that option in /etc/fstab )
@Zacharee1 why do you need php and js?
does anyone know how I can make it so my PHP file actually opens as a web page?
This room today... O_o
I don't think it's ever been this busy before.
Oh epic win...Google photos has a timeline along the side of it now...
(and if it has been there I have never noticed it.)
@onebree API keys I want to keep private. I either need a way for a PHP file to send the output of the API data to JS or a way for PHP to replace the JS
I've made a PHP file with a script(?) but it just downloads it when I visit it
@Zacharee1 apache server ?
@Zacharee1 are you using Heroku or some similar service?
nginx home-hosted
Ah . . ., apache has some configs in /etc where you define php to be read, maybe nginx has the same thing
@Zacharee1 check this out: github.com/vlucas/phpdotenv
It was the first hit on "php dotenv"
I have no idea what that is or how to use it
Basically, dotenv is good because no API keys are checked into source code. Instead, it reads it from the environment variables on that system
So I could use NodeJS to get the API data and store it in environment variables
I mean, you can do this yourself I am sure.. export SOME_API_KEY=xyz123, then reference that env variable in your program somehow. (IDK how to in PHP)
then have PHP read those environment variables?
neither do I but I have to go for a bit
I guess. IDK node or php
I've only worked with sinatra and rails apps
# So in Ruby, you do it like:
Rails.application.config.stripe_key = ENV["STRIPE_PRIVATE_KEY"]

# Where ENV["STUFF"] locates the env variable STUFF on that system
@Zacharee1 - snappy new gravatar
Overall, you scored as follows:
1% scored higher (more nerdy),
0% scored the same, and
99% scored lower (less nerdy).
What does this mean? Your nerdiness is:
All hail the monstrous nerd. You are by far the SUPREME NERD GOD!!!
Someone is using PHP on Nginx?
@Zacharee1 ruuuuuuuuuuuuuun!
^---- best advice
history done! (for today)
I want to compile cheese from source, (I have a change I would like to apply)
but autogen.sh fails with errors. is this an AU worthy question? Im trying to compile this source on Ubuntu 15.110
@j0h does the cheese come with wine?
@j0h and yes.
Anyway, hear about chrome not loading pages
@Mateo no?
@j0h do you have autotools installed?
@Zacharee1 https://github.com/vlucas/phpdotenv
> NO editing virtual hosts in Apache or Nginx
Q: Calculating the total traffic generated by an application in a network

obiigbe91 I have network (shown above) with the same application (Appx) running on the nodes (Linux nodes). This Appx has data to send the same copy of the Appx running in each node (i.e. each Appx generates data to send to every other Appx). I will like to calculate the total traffic in the network that...

@NathanOsman I do have autotools installed.
oh I guess it didn't stop loading them entielrely...
long story short use Ubuntu 16.04 for your server ;)
Well... it depends on what you need.
16.04 is still quite fresh.
All my servers (except for the Discourse one) run 14.04 still.
And with numbers like this... who wants to upgrade?

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