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ewww, @KazWolfe
I think I'll get some rest, try to wake up early tomorrow and go surfing
good night everyone!
I want a report as to exactly how big this attack was.
Also, how much you wanna bet that Dyn engineers won't be sleeping for a few days?
here's my question. How do people get stuff done ? i mean, I'm behind in all my classes
@Serg they don't use SE
and I'm not even kidding
can't get anything done hanging around here ;)
@KazWolfe sleeping is the least of their problems right now. Dyn might decide to fire a few folks
if I have my computer open, I take twice as long to do work
@KazWolfe 34.5 Gbps.
@NathanOsman Really?!
@NathanOsman O_O
34 Gbps took down ALL OF DYN?!
I made that up.
You guys are too quick to believe what you hear :D
@Zacharee1 SE keeps me sane and happy
You're abusing your blue name
If 34.5 Gbps took down all of Dyn, they're never getting business again for sure.
@NathanOsman How can we trust this then?
Yes, I thing we all know it was larger than that.
I think your average script kiddie booter can do that.
> Dyn told CNBC the attack is “well planned and executed, coming from tens of millions IP addresses at same time.”
i think my heart just slipped
very unpleasant feeling
@Zacharee1 that's... a ddos attack.
@Serg I can imagine
@KazWolfe tens of millions?
@Zacharee1 We already saw that one.
I posted it a while back.
from what i can glean, h4xx0rz took control over a metric ton of IoT devices (cameras, toasters, etc), and set up their botnet
They're the ones using our IPv4 addresses! :p
And then triggered it at Dyn, nuking basically half the internet
I somehow doubt anonymous could coordinate such attack
it definitely was state level
no, this was something a bit more planned than Anonymous.
Maybe not state level, but I don't doubt some heavy backing.
The Internet was attacked with toasters?
That is oddly amusing.
The resources to get into tens of millions of IoT devices/whatever need a decent amount of research and effort.
that ^
> “There’s nothing really new about [this type of DDoS attack]. We’ve seen them for at least the last three years, they tend to be difficult to stop,” says Matthew Prince, the CEO of the Internet infrastructure company Cloudflare. “But Dyn would see them on a regular basis, we see them on a regular basis. The fact that this is causing Dyn so many problems is pretty good evidence that this is an extremely large attack.”
Unplugs toaster instinctively.
Either a very very motivated private group (liek PoodleCorp!) with a lot of spare resources and skill did this, or a malicious state actor decided to have some fun.
keeps toaster plugged in with proper password set
All your breads are belong to us
dunno what type of fancy toasters you guys have
Opens SSH connection to toaster...
keeps toaster on management network, which can't access outside of the subnet
@Zacharee1 -----^
@NathanOsman it looks like someone hammered a Blackberry into the side of the toaster on the other image
why did i say toaster.
bad kaz.
@Zacharee1 Yeah, I changed images when I saw that.
*swats self with newspaper*
@KazWolfe Should have said "fridge".
oh yeah, those are actually attack vectors now.
There is a fridge that can access the web
People on Imgur have been posting pictures of it (it's in Home Depot) of it being on Imgur, viewig the image showing it on Imgur
"My fridge is plotting against me, joining a botnet behind my back. Literally."
That's the fridge!
i don't think zdnet is the most reliable
@KazWolfe well it's something
@Zacharee1 That's like taking a picture of the screen with a phone, uploading it to DropBox, sync-ing the image, and then uploading that to SkyDrive so they can show their screen to someone
And then it being uploaded to 9gag
@NathanOsman well the first time it was posted, it was a picture of the fridge on Pornhub, so I think Imgurception is a little more sfw
speaking of...
@NathanOsman SkyDrive? That's so 2011
@KazWolfe well technically, that's just how JPG compresses and such
So, let's wait for the next part of Internet hell.
Oh god, Opera gives me push notifications for news?
Q: Ubuntu 16.04 - Dark patch on monitor (disappears on reboot)

el_gallo_azulThis has been happening for a while. AFAICR, it didn't happen before I upgraded from 14.04 to 16.04. I will be using my computer for a while, and then I'll notice a dark patch that stays in the same location on my screen. It lloks like a 'burnt' patch on a CRT monitor. The only way that I can g...

Everyone should move to FLIF.
@Zacharee1 - So how much you wanna bet your phone's LTE connection problems was due to that huge DNS server getting taken down?
Better compression than JPEG and PNG for nearly any filetype.
@AndroidDev I'll bet $1bil that it wasn't
@AndroidDev yeah, it definitely wasn't.
@NathanOsman Flif
@KazWolfe (I also confirmed the issue. shhhhh)
I want my billion bucks
sees mid and ru in the URL . . . ain't clicking that
was I just malwared
@Serg Seriously, though, I don't think I've ever seen a legitimate .ru
@KazWolfe That's sarcasm, right?
@AndroidDev it actually definitely wasn't
I disabled AdAway --> Fixed
@Zacharee1 Then what was the problem?
So, seems like Deepin's desktop is based on GNOME , because on my old A215 toshiba, i'm having same graphical distortions like I had with Fedora
no, it was not sarcasm
@Serg trust me. it's good.
(A real hacker took down the Russian Foreign Affairs Site and left an ultimatum up)
@KazWolfe mkay . . . starting up VM
there's literally just an "Error in request" message
they took it odwn
let me get screencap
here we are
Lol at the Kanye comment.
I am so mad at myself rn
I didn't webarchive it fast enough
I'm sorry. I failed you all.
tsk tsk
@KazWolfe FOR SHAME.
the only honorable thing to do after this failure is to use my router for target practice.
Sends spoofed ARP packets at Kaz...
(P.S. I have no idea what that means.)
2001:470:d:b4:1 -- hit me with all of your packets :(
That's the FBI, isn't it!
@NathanOsman no, that's legit my ip.
I'll connect the ethernet TCP transmitter, that should shut down the AAC pixel!
@KazWolfe holly shiz , it's J3ST3R !!!
phoenixarizonacriminallawyer.com ?
Well, they're pwned
Chrome doesn't like IPv6
@Serg yeah i am so mad i failed to archive it fast enough
My RAM internet is down, our only choice is to hack and input the backup address!
I'll transmit the 1080p BIOS array, that should bypass the MAC transistor!
The IP matrix is down, transmit the multi-byte microchip so we can parse the SMTP interface!
Where are you getting these?
Some jargon generator?
My HTTP circuit is down, our only choice is to parse and connect the mobile panel!
or for those who only have peasant IPv4, you can DDoS me at lol
I pasted the RAM Array for my IPv6 module @NathanOsman
in other words, scroll up; there's a URL
We need to shut down the unicode DDR array!
Who starred all those...
lemme take over the starboard
then I'll stop :p
You can't transmit the transistor without hacking the back-end RSS panel!
try this link @Serg --^
@KazWolfe LOL.
If we hack the circuit, we can get to the VGA mainframe through the solid state USB processor!
okay @NathanOsman, i didn't fail. you can remove my IP address now :D
I wish Chrome would ask if I want the speakers to push out 120 dB of beeping first.
@NathanOsman same
If we compress the system, we can get to the DHCP sensor through the cross-platform BIOS interface!
c'mon, two more
They're inside the processor, use the analog AI form factor to copy their address!
Well, looks like someone did it.
@KazWolfe I guess you're dead then
@Zacharee1 wins.
Yuck. Wow. Inverted theme.
yikes, that looks terrible at reduced res
@NathanOsman It's the theme I made :(
@Zacharee1 someone star this
@NathanOsman ಠ_ಠ
@Zacharee1 no
staph farming stars
42 secs ago, by edwinksl
@Zacharee1 no
hmmm , configured proxy for firefox . . . doesn't work
sees all the stars, considers pruning the star wall
summons up the power of Cthulu and Zalgo to strike the Star Wall, only to have the ritual spells fizzle out, so he decides to sacrifice an old computer to extremely heavy mathematical processing and fire instead
@ThomasWard child down with the mod magic and help me set up proxy
@Serg import proxy
/facepalm . . . I wish
that doesn't work for you? :P
for the record I just set a computer to light itself on fire in a short while trying to process SETI@Home data.
mkay,what's wrong with this picture ?
@Serg 8080 at target machine is closed
@KazWolfe Why would you ever willingly hand over your IP?
because he's insane
OK, changed to Indian IP address, port 80 . Still Google shows my university's IP
@Serg fun fact that University networks can intercept traffic
proxy or not
OK . . . how do i get around that ?
@KazWolfe I'm not clicking that :)
@AndroidDev your loss
@ThomasWard But they can't break HTTPS unless they force you to install a root cert though, right?
@AndroidDev right.
.io, and https
c'mon man
What the heck?
Q: Need 24/7 phone support now to buy ubuntu advantage

rounderCan I speak with someone before buying to confirm they can help? Need to do this ASAP. Thanks so much

points at his own site, dark-net.io, and the wildcard cert he now has on it
Considering moving dark-net.net off that domain and onto my .io I have for the next 5 years muahahahahah
@ThomasWard What's a wildcard cert?
@AndroidDev cert that covers *.domain.tld
So did everybody see that Linux can be exploited because of an Intel CPU arch flaw?
@AndroidDev actually it's relatively safe for one of my links
And as to why i willingly give out my IP, I haven't done anything differently.
I've done that many times in the past now
@AndroidDev link to info or it's a lie.
nah, whatever
@Serg ?
but yeah
turns out the Jester's attack is easy to reverse-engineer
Happy Friday everyone! (Saturday for those in tomorrowland, ie New Zealand)
@WinEunuuchs2Unix What about Guam? (No, I'm not in Guam)
@AndroidDev loved your comment "we are not developers" when your last name is "dev" :D
@KazWolfe to make you happy I did 40 CV's tonight now I"m banned for 22 hours before doing more.
why would that make me feel any differently?
@KazWolfe sorry maybe it was Zacharee1 that wanted everyone to do CV's.
yes it was Zacharee1
@ThomasWard we can always count on your great memory!
not really.
esp. when i'm sorta drinking
Yeah I'm on beer 4 too, but hey it's Friday :)
@Serg psst buddy I passed you in rep league me 5 you 6 next on hit list is ByteCommander.
Hello form CentOS VM
seems like it had momentarily network issues
@WinEunuuchs2Unix Android ≠ Ubuntu
well that was fun...
@TheXed the dos part ?
Actually nothing was...
Someone vote to close this lol
Q: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrgggghhhhhhhhh

D. RiosI Did an upgrade hoping to be helpful(groan) and now when I do things on this Thinkpad T410 such as open up documents all of the font is faded and caribou(?) is failing and mostly everything on the laptop is running slow and opening slow. Before the upgrade none of this stuff was happening, has t...

@AndroidDev yeah I knew your name refers to Google and not Conical but I still saw the irony there.
Mkay, so how in the bloody hell do i get around my University interwebs ?
@Serg use the "Dirty COW"
Dirty COW AFAIK is a kernel bug. All i need is simply to hide my ip
web-based proxies seem to work
Dirty COW can only be exploited locally I thought
hidemyass for example
@Serg offsite VPN
but i can't use direct ip address in settings
with encryption
@ThomasWard yes that is true, I was just teasing Serg... I want to use cowsay this weekend and then that bug came out.
@ThomasWard example ?
@Serg OpenVPN configured on an external server (VPS), connect your system through OpenVPN and then all your data is sent over that VPN tunnel
takes more configuraiton and an OpenVPN server/provider
but it is more 'guaranteed' than SOCKS proxies, IMO, at reducing sniffing
I could probably set up an OpenVPN tunnel for you to here, but I'm a little stingy with network access permissions today. Not to mention it's probably a slower netowrk (residential, not corproate)
@Serg I've seen VPNs to be more effective than pure HTTP/HTTPS proxies, since the HTTP/HTTPS proxy data can still be intercepted. Can't intercept what's encrypted and sent over a different tunnel altogether, regardless of HTTP or HTTPS requests.
well, i don't intend to continuously use VPN, i only need occasional IP hiding or at least get chinese websites, because they're blocked on my University's wifi
@Serg they can still intercept the DNS requests
since those won't go over the proxy
and can serve you an 'empty' IP/site
I see . . .
VPN everything's self-contained over the tunnel, and encrypted between you and the OpenVPN server. Including DNS lookups, if you configure it to use different DNS like GoogleDNS
Someone asked for a "windows-like" watch dog program today to e-mail him when files on his laptop were copied to USB thumb drive. Celtioc Warrior commented "No it can't be done, use a password like everyone else". But I think it is possible, maybe there are debug hooks in USB driver that can be modified to redirect output from syslog to file that can be e-mailed?
@Serg i hide all my traffic from University wifi by VPNing out to my apartment
since the DNS servers are at my apartment and not at campus, and the tunnel is encrypted,everything is 'hidden' from the University
good thing no one from U of Penn or whatever it is called is in this chat room :p
though my university doesn't filter traffic as much, it's nicer that way. That, and I have access to all the fun things on my home network.
@WinEunuuchs2Unix VPNs aren't illegal ;)
besides, it's needed to access my gitlab, my owncloud, etc. from campus, and they have no issues with that
@ThomasWard I was j/k... I'm sure U of Penn loves you no matter what you do.
gotta start supper... going 10-6
@WinEunuuchs2Unix supper? it is 8:45 pm!
why the hell do phones depreciate in value so fast
They don't.
They just stop receiving updates and nobody wants to use it anymore.
this phone is getting updates. and is barely worth $300 now
If everyone stopped releasing phones next year, none would be obsolete.
Wow, my arm really, really hurts.
Half an hour of playing the piano is extremely painful.
yeah but it is obsolete
stuck with an iphone instead of glorious oneplus race
hopefully the OP4 will be real and have wireless charging/SD

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