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@Zacharee1 I read the question, missed the Android part. There's /bin/shton of stuff I have to read on daily basis, so i don't catch every single bit
then don't argue that it's on topic if you don't read the question carefully O_O
@Zacharee1 GRUB is still on-topic here :p so I can argue about that
also "so I cant use linux/ubuntu to solve this."
@Serg don't you dare
@Zacharee1 actually . . . I'm still going to meta
Then GRUB on Arch should be on tipic here
Because it's still GRUB.
@Serg why
@Zacharee1 currious about something . . .
oh no
time to do merge sort in Java
@Zacharee1 merge sorts are easy. Quicksort is far more confusing
merge sorts are easy???
Le me thinks so
gimme a rundown of how it's done
because I still don't get it
> salt
gimme one second
@Zacharee1 found it. youtube.com/watch?v=EeQ8pwjQxTM That's the video that helped me understand how it works. Both lists in order to be merged must be already sorted , so you're essentially taking tops of stack and comparing them
^_^ I've spend a while on youtube back in the day
is it Java or comparable?
Q: Clarification on GRUB's on-topic-ness

SergBy definition questions that are on topic are these: Using and administering official Ubuntu flavors including: Edubuntu, Ubuntu GNOME, Kubuntu, Ubuntu Kylin, Lubuntu, Mythbuntu, Ubuntu Studio, Xubuntu, Ubuntu MATE, Ubuntu Touch, and Ubuntu "Snappy" Core. Running third-party applica...

@Zacharee1 It's . . . the idea . . .
Algorithms are about ideas,really
@Zacharee1 interesting part starts around 4:37 , where he breaks down list into pairs, which make separate lists
I'm up for a challenge, so I'll write it in C I guess
I have absolutely no idea how to do this....
@Serg still no idea what I'm doing
I'm giving up for now
@Zacharee1 I'm writing one in C . . .
If I won't burn down from the goddamn thermostat being broken in this building, i'll post one for you
@Zacharee1, I think I've a merge sort code here I did a few months ago, I'll look for it
seriously guys, I just can't do it right now
I don't know why, but I've been having a ton of trouble visualizing what's meant to happen
I think I've lost some sort of thought process I had last year
because I just have no idea how to proceed, no idea what the code I'm writing is meant to do, and I still don't understand how to adapt the concept of merge sort
so excuse me while I cry myself to sleep out of frustration
I remember it was a bit of a PITA to get merge sort at first glance, it is not as didactic as bubble sort
@Serg Was it you that uses matlab? Someone has a setup question: askubuntu.com/questions/839878/… (mmm "bubble sort" remember that from school)
@Zacharee1 Merge sort is a recursive sort algorithm, first you will divide the original list of elements in equal-sized lists. Then you will merge sort each of those lists, which will then divide them again and so on, until you have a list of 1 element, which is sorted by definition. After you have got to that point, you will start merging the lists, where you will always compare the first element of a list with the first element of another one
@Zacharee1 the gif on wikipedia helps visualizing a bit, I've the code here, but I think if you're having a hard time visualizing the algorithm pseudocode, it might not help a lot, but I can send it to you
Starring that in case my brain ever works again because it's the only explanation that's made sense
guess what webapp is coming for the ubuntu phone
Merge sorter?
Seems legit
Apple y yo rofl
Tienes una problema con la idioma de mi teléfono?
"Zesty Zapus" scary meaning... "zap us with enthusiasm"
You have a problem with the language of my phone? NOPE
no guesses?
wunderlist.com works nice on ubuntu phone
@WinEunuuchs2Unix entonces, por qué el <<rofl>>?
Stupid blue avatars
@Mateo Canonical needs to hire you :D
was funny setting up my new phone, installed like 6 webapps I use, just happened I put them in the store...
What phones do you have, @Edity?
the mx5 pro is quite nice, was more difficult to flash then I thought
It may be possible that there is already a port for your phone.
or you can always get a nexus 4
I'm eagerly waiting for the OP3 port.
@NathanOsman an samsung s3 mini
Hmm, I doubt they have an S3 port :(
you can seriously find them for around 60-70 $ ebay.com/sch/sis.html?_nkw=LG+Nexus+4+E960+16GB+Black
I'll sell you my broken Nexus 5 for $100 :D
(Actually, I'm still hoping to get it fixed.)
nexus 5 is great for multirom
@NathanOsman whats wrong with it??
@Edity It won't turn on now.
I soldered off the power button.
(It wasn't working.)
The battery and the screen still seem to work though.
So I'm hoping that I can just hot-wire the power circuitry to make it run again.
You don't have to hotwire a computer to steal it silly :p
@Zacharee1 ok, merge sorts aren't as easy as i said before :p i got stuck
dammit, I implemented it before
and I'm stuck the freakin arrays, because if i do array[8] and it's out of bounds, that's a problem
Wade a minute . . . . I think i have an idea . . . I'll have to test once i get home
Any electricians around?
I'm trying to figure this out:
Which of the connectors are electrically common?
...or some other configuration?
dang it, i goofed up somewhere
ORIGINAL ARRAY: 	170	181	176	119	110	107	167
SORTED ARRAY: 	170	181	176	119	110	107	167
command line tag
As soon as I flagged it's gone
Smoke detector deletes its own messages now?
@NathanOsman as soon as I flagged it was gone, both question AND post
We're getting better and better at it.
sigh . . . still not convinced huh ?
nevermind :)
@NathanOsman its been doing that for a while :P
didn't do for that one above your post, @Rinzwind
Still there, yet question is deleted
@Serg Probably past the time it can delete messages.
that makes sense
hmmm , i dd'ed the iso properly . . . so why it doesn't boot ?
aha, fixed it
block size had to be 4MB
@NathanOsman now that Yakety is out, can you please make the PPAs work for that too ? Got reminded of this just now by fossy's github . . . somebody opened issue that his ppa isn't working for yakety
I'll do one better - I'll not only fix it, I'll show you how to do it!
The PPAs are already set up for Yakkety.
huh ?
automatically ?
No, I set them up that way.
one step ahead, huh ? ( ^_^)b goodjob
Same with the udisks indicator.
It has a Yakkety build too.
Deepin installation failed T_T
Nathan, do you speak french ?
^_^ I accidentally selected french in installation menu . . . duck
@Serg je parles francais une petit peut :D
@Rinzwind ja , dast ist gut :D
Mkay, let's hope installation goes ok this time
heck I once picked chinese for my phone and got it back to dutch ;)
@Rinzwind why not japanese ?
cuz the person I needed to show my phone to was chinese :=D
why would she want japanese?
hehe, interesting situation
I'm learning Spanish.
hablos espagnol?
or is is hablas? :X
Un poco.
@Rinzwind No, I believe it's "hablo".
yo puedo hablar unpoco espanol , pero no se hablar mucho. Ahora mismo mi espanos es bastante mal
Hey, I understood that!
I'm getting better.
Ik spreek geen Spaans.
T_T installation failed again, dafuq ?
@Takkat Ik ook niet. :=)
@Serg The French defeated in battle once again? >:)
@Rinzwind good to know I am not the only one \o/
(Sorry, I couldn't resist.)
@Takkat lollig >:)
@NathanOsman the truth should never be not said
By the way!
it is my 2000th day visiting AU today :=)
Fair enough.
@NathanOsman nah, regardless of which language i pick , it fails
@Serg pick klingon!
But if this is a competition, I asked the first question on the site and I am user #5.
So there's that.
@NathanOsman so 4 are slackers? >:)
Well, that was back in the day when the first few users were automatically assigned to SE staff.
@Rinzwind only??? Weird where have you been all the time. It feels like you're here everyday. I am on 2200 consecutives.
I'm about to pick "hammer accross the usb" language if it doesn't install >:)
I think txwikinger was #4.
> "Member for 6 years, 2 months"
Has it really been that long?
@NathanOsman nice. I am on 5y5m <3
Ooh, and I was one of the first moderators.
Forgot about that.
I consider that not a plus >:-D
Q: How to get the "Your battery is broken" message to go away?

Nathan OsmanEvery time I turn on my computer, I see a message saying something like: Your battery may be old or broken. I am already aware that my battery is bad. How do I suppress this message?

Question #1
Yup, there it is.
We would not exist without George Edison
Aaaaand, I just earned the yearling badge.
Congrats to you too :D
(On the 2000 day thing.)
thanks! :D
@Rinzwind happy AUnniversary ^_^
@NathanOsman happy AUnniversary to you too haha
How is everyone doing?
It's past midnight here, but I'm sure some of you are watching the sun rise.
@Rinzwind I won't show your first post here.... ;)
@NathanOsman 0830 in London... it's full daylight now but no sign of the sun!
Bad weather?
@Rinzwind I, wait, should.
@Takkat I got upvotes on?
@Rinzwind weirdly yes.
There may be some self-deleted posts that are not shown... who knows.
@NathanOsman hah normal weather for the time of year, I'm not going to complain since it's been gorgeous pretty much uninterruptedly since June
always shines in above London
@NathanOsman is there a way i can clone repository at "specific commit" ? I wanna test a small script that supposed to recursively do git pull origin master, but i can't . . .because everything is updated
@Takkat hahaha such a terrible paper
@Serg You can clone and then check out a commit.
Would that work?
will it show up when i do git pull origin master ?
@Zanna don't complain of too little sun after you wished it did not exist.
The idea is to have "updater" scriipt
I'm not exactly sure.
@Takkat I never complain about sunshine, but I will complain vigorously about trashy newspapers
yeah - they are for people who can't read.
I think you have to be able to read some to get the maximum propaganda effect haha
The headlines maybe... we have a similar paper over here with very little text around photoshopped imagery... it is called "Bild" which means "picture".
@ByteCommander one of my brothers said "I don't understand this person's motivation... surely it is less fun to get random insults if you know them all already"
I got it
@Takkat That sounds like it could be great though... what I object to in The Sun is not the lack of words, but the politics
@Zanna same with the Bild not quite as bad as The Sun but very very close.
goddamnit installation failed again
It is poison for unprepared minds.
yes, good phrase...
or rather, minds very well prepared by "education" to believe such rubbish
We know we are educated when we see the lies.
log suggests hash sum mismatch for grub
le wut ?
How can i install oracle java in Ubuntu 14.04.5
Don't. Use OpenJDK
is there any way.i saw a post that ubuntu no longer supporting oracle java
Q: How do I install Java?

JayHow do I install Java, including in my browser, so websites with Java work?

Q: How can I install Sun/Oracle's proprietary Java JDK 6/7/8 or JRE?

BenjaminI want to install Oracle's JRE and to update to the latest version with the Software Updater when they released. Is there a Ubuntu package that is provided by Canonical or Oracle? Before release Java 7, I followed this way to install Java 6. But it doesn't work for Java 7. There is no package s...

AFAIK, Oracle JDK is still fully supported on Ubuntu.
But as @Serg said, there is usually no reason not to use OpenJDK.
The Android SDK used to choke on OpenJDK, but it works better now.
I have to use it to mark exams in Julys, until someone can answer my question better than I can: askubuntu.com/questions/764815/…
@Zanna I understand... But I'm too impatient to wait for them all to appear randomly some time. And I don't mistype my password that often :)
@NathanOsman and that's what i was working on . . . askubuntu.com/a/839993/295286
Script for recursively doing git pull
Blah . . .
hmm, gona make small addition to it
> Partition number (3,4, default 3):
Anybody has experience with fdisk?
@ByteCommander hehe not complaining!!
& good morning to you btw
mkay, 125th time is a charm . . .
Install , dammit
failed again
How do I output per 10 lines? And keep out putting till the end of the txt file?
@blade19899 what do you mean ? you want to fetch 10 lines, then another 10 , and so on ?
@Serg Yeah. Writing my own code, but thaught maybe you guys have better/faster soluitons?
@blade19899 In what tool? In the shell? In a programming language? Do you want it to wait until you hit a key to print the next ten lines?
@terdon Linux(cli), Shell Scripting, automatic!
Automatic? So it just waits a few seconds and then prints the next 10?
@terdon Yes.
Huh. Neat.
i'm trying to write one in python right now
perl -pe 'sleep(2) if $_ % 10 == 0' file
automatic huh ? So . . . no need for asking user "print more?" right ?
That should work. Change the sleep(2) to however long you want it to wait for.
Ah, but that prints the first 9. Hang on.
import sys
import time
index = 0
string = str()
while True:
    line = sys.stdin.readline()
    index = index + 1
    if index % 10 == 0:
perl -ne 'print;sleep(2) if $_ % 10 == 0' file
use like: python print_10_lines.py < /etc/passwd
( i could have done a one liner but meh )
@Serg Ha! Perfect perl/python comparison. Python: 10 lines Perl: 1 :P
@terdon like I said, it can be done with a oneliner , i prefer to write a file
also i am using explicit index, which could be subsituted with enumerate() function
@terdon Not really working. Displays them on by one?
Running on CentOS 7
@blade19899 What's your input file?
I tried on seq 1 100 and it worked as expected.
No, I'm an idiot. Hang opn
A txt file with no special charachters. Its just an 'fileslist.txt' file?
perl -ne 'print;sleep(2) if $. % 10 == 0' file
Here's one with user input
import sys
import time

with open(sys.argv[1]) as f:
   for index,line in enumerate(f,1):
    if index % 10 == 0:
       print('get more?[y/n]')
       string = raw_input().strip()
       print('"'+string + '"')
       if string == 'n' or string == 'N':
Sorry, $_ is the current line, not the current line number. So it worked for me since my line was the line number because I was using seq.
@terdon Works!
python print_10_lines.py /etc/passwd
@terdon Also, how can I disable the sleep?
In bedding this in a scripts, that already has a sleep, so the extra sleep here is not needed
@blade19899 That's a completely different problem. You would need something that reads 10 lines from line X to line X+10
@Serg I'd be tempted to let argparse handle the STDIN-vs-file decision there. Much More lines but better interactive usage.
Also, does it have a coffee cup holder?
Welcome to Over-engineering 101.
@Oli definitely can be done that way but that's just a quick draft of a college student at 4 AM . . .
Also . . . where do you want the coffee cup holder :)
I'll assign a team to test out various positions (oo er) and then set up some focus groups.
@blade19899 you could use something like this in your script:
while :
		lines=$(awk "NR>=$i && NR< $((i+10))" file)
		echo "$lines"
		sleep 2
@terdon I'll try that latter. Right now I set both sleep to a lower value, so that combined, they have the original sleep value.
python -c 'import sys,time;[sys.stdout.write(str(i)+" "+l) if i%10 != 0 else (sys.stdout.write(str(i)+" "+l),time.sleep(3)) for i,l in enumerate(sys.stdin,1) ]' < /etc/passwd
And that same thing as one-liner
the str(i) + " " parts can be removed
it's just for showling line numbers
I think we need to make WINE questions off topic
Because there's nothing we can do if a program doesn't work
Or we need to make a duplicate whose answer is just NO
@Serg no toUpperCase?
@Zacharee1 toUpperCase ? why ?
OK, i give up. Deepin keeps failing to install . . .
Then you don't need if input is N or n
ah . . .could do that too. . .
You could also do if input is in N,n
and that
By the way, i converted merge sort pseudocode to C from wikipedia
but I wanna make it simpler
wanna see what's there so far ?
well, here it is anyway paste.ubuntu.com/23358675
@IanC cc ^
Invalid DNS??
@Serg can't view it
huh ?
You can't view ubuntu pastebin ?
Chrome's telling me it couldn't find any DNS records
try firefox :p
or at least proxy
well then
Same story on Opera
Something's up
Even on LTE it's not working
welp , your interwebz be screwed
Yeah, unknown host
@Zacharee1 how are you getting on AskUbuntu then ?
black magic
or they were already here and it's cached
i tend to think it's black magic
@Serg it's only GitHub and Ubuntu that aren't working so far
Well Ubuntu paste
It almost seems like subdomains are the issue
@Zacharee1 blame your DNS. switch yoru DNS servers to, solves a lot of problems.
here, I don't have to worry about ISP provided DNS being fubar, I roll my own recursive resolvers :P
Gosh darn it! The edit to this post was approved just as I was finishing my own (better) edit. I lost my work because the edit box disappeared!
Q: ApacheGUI not able to run on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS

EilleenWhile there are couple of questions on this matter none of them has helped with my problem which I have had for the last 24 hours. Out of desperation I need help from more experienced users. Basically I downloaded and extracted apacheGui on my web server machine but when I run ./start.sh I get th...

@ThomasWard Is that a bug? Or a feature? --^
@ThomasWard I can't exactly change my DNS over LTE
@AndroidDev bug or feature of...?
@Zacharee1 ah. That part you're a little screwed on. I would blame the cellular service provider then
and call them up and say "IT'S BROKE" :P
@ThomasWard happens on wifi too. It may be AdAway, since that modifies my hosts file
@Zacharee1 On Wi-Fi too? O_o
21 mins ago, by Android Dev
Gosh darn it! The edit to this post was approved just as I was finishing my own (better) edit. I lost my work because the edit box disappeared!

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