AFAIK , VPN requires configuring both configuring client and server. And all queries you send to server, i.e. DNS and actual HTTP queries go via VPN. For proxy, queries to DNS still go to regular server, but requesting actual page goes via proxy server
@ThomasWard Coding a massive DDOS that will slow the SE server down so that you can exploit a time-sensitive vulnerability in the kernel so that you can become a super-mod and rule all of the SE communities? :)
@AndroidDev I'm just learning the ropes. Thinking about making an app that'll be a front-end interface for specific BusyBox commands and such to return network data.
@AndroidDev users sometimes don't reliably interpret what we're talking about, next time appending "Please include all error output when you reply" may help a tad ;)
Hello, does anyone know how I should phrase this question? I'm not sure what the problem is yet. I can't kill a process running under the zimbra user/service. I'd like to understand the technical reason why.
I believe the process in question is used by Zimbra for its AV needs, but has gone rouge. Zimbra tries to talk to it, and doesn't get the response it expects, then prefixes all Subject Lines in email with **UNCHECKED**. I've fixed this by telling Zimbra to stop talking to it, but my interest is in why I can't kill this process. What should I ask?
"Fixed" as in until Monday, when I'm on site to properly deal with it.
PS, let me know if this belongs on the Linux site.
@Zacharee1 I closed up to my 20 limit today and yesterday. The problem is bad because people are flagging questions from 2 years ago and 3 years ago to be closed. So the number of candidates is skewed with the time warp.
Microsoft codenames are the codenames given by Microsoft to products it has in development, before these products are given the names by which they appear on store shelves. Many of these products (new versions of Windows in particular) are of major significance to the IT community, and so the terms are often widely used in discussions prior to the official release. Microsoft usually does not announce a final name until shortly before the product is publicly available. It is not uncommon for Microsoft to reuse codenames a few years after a previous usage has been abandoned.
There has been so...
@WinEunuuchs2Unix They are using the no-repro/went away on its own flag. If the question doesn't have an accepted answer and it's more than two years old, OP has probably moved on and doesn't even have that version of Ubuntu anymore, thus making it pointless to try and answer. If OP posts an answer that says something like "I just reinstalled," then it needs to be closed. These flags are valid.
@terdon That was my plan. Instead of just saying "read the Help Center" (which even I'm foggy on), I can say "read this question template and follow it"
@JourneymanGeek you're being kind of vague yourself :p
@JourneymanGeek reading the first two questions on su recent, I can say those would be closed and commented as unclear if they were on AU and about Ubuntu :p
@JourneymanGeek I thought this was a banterous site duel
@JourneymanGeek That's not sad puppy eyes! That's Machiavellian, I'll-get-you-for-this-just-wait-until-you-grasp-the-fullness-of-my-nefarious-plan eyes!
@KazWolfe I made a new branch for se-dark called beta. That's where I'm gonna try to make any future developments, which will be periodically merged into master. I also updated the main readme to point people to beta for development
@Anwar You'd be far more likely to get an answer if you provide a minimal reproducible example. Show the code you tried and how it failed and make it easy for people to just copy it and play with it.
As it stands, in order for anyone to answer your question, they need to write their own program from scratch for testing.
So, give example data and a program that loads that data and produces the wrong type of table, then ask how to get the right type.
Well, yeah. It is incredibly condescending and rude. Yes, sometimes, it's a reasonable response but it also sometimes isn't. Even when it is, it is sure to cause offense and drama so why do it?
I've just asked a question on Stack Overflow which was a prime candidate for googling. I admit it was a poor question and with a little bit of research I would have found the answer. It annoyed me that someone put a let-me-google-that-for-you link in the comments. It got right up my nose.
I find...
Questions with an answer that is trivial to find on Google are not helping the SO community. They are generating superfluous reputation, lowering the bar for asking genuine questions, and generally wasting people's time. Furthermore, the answers to these questions are almost always summarized, plagiarized or synthesized from the Google search results. Posting a LGTFY link is like tough love. It points the user to the right answer and does it in such a way that they will hopefully turn to Google for simple questions and SO for their more difficult questions. — EricAug 30 '09 at 17:36
If you decide to waste everyone elses' time with your trivial question, but thought your time was too valuable to even do a simple google search, I can't say I feel bad for your bruised ego. — Brad MaceOct 5 '10 at 5:00
Hmm this is an audit as I found by clicking the link to see context before making a decision, but it doesn't look like spam to me, looks like an answer... am I missing something?