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Also, @voretaq7, I found Yelling Bird's cousin:
@cockpunch, Phoenix, AZ
Website launch coming soon
484 tweets, 625 followers, following 634 users
it's not that I don't give a fuck .. it's just.. no wait, nvm I really don't give a fuck.
1 hour later…
@ewwhite I've never had or seen any problems with SATA over SAS in the FreeBSD world. That's pretty much my exclusive recommendation, if you need to be cheap use SATA disks, but at least stick with SAS controllers. I wonder if Solaris has issues with the SATA Tunnel Protocol or something...
Didn't Solaris have trouble with the VMXNET drivers for that matter? I vaguely recall seeing a jb article about that.
@WesleyDavid Kitty you gonna get banned for posting that offensive shit :P
@voretaq7 Can you believe that guy?
<redacted> stop trying to get kitty banned! :P
Q: How can I find out when a file on my site was last accessed?

Dan James PalmerI have various web sites and over the years the file structure and number of files on the server has increased, some of which aren't being used any more. I want to clean up the files on the web server so only the files currently being used are present. Is there any software/technique that I c...

If that guy doesn't clean that up in the next say 30 minutes... BANG
I'll bet he has noatime set
no no, his issue is solved
check out the answer:
A: How can I find out when a file on my site was last accessed?

Dan James PalmerThanks guys, this helped get me in the right direction

/me sighs
Are you fucking with me?
. . . would I joke about something like this?
I mean seriously - do you think I'm creative enough to make this shit up?
Knowing your love life...
true, but (a) I'm not that bored, and (b) I'm not that creative :-P
So I was going to root Katie's phone so that I could actually install a backup utility. Looks like she just applied an OTA update that has closed the holes the kit uses.
I'm not sure I want to put that effort into it anymore.
@ScottPack I am ENTIRELY too lazy to root phones.
The Inspire was easy since some dude completely automated the process. After this update? Not so much.
your holes -- they're closed now.
Phone sits with its ankles crossed like a true lady now.
@ScottPack That's one reason I got an HTC phone, they officially support you rooting the phones (voids the warranty and they wont help you if your carrier gets mad, but I think that's an acceptable tradeoff)
Speaking of which, I don't think I've done a nandroid in a while.
@ChrisS This is an HTC Inspire. With the recent patch it requires unlocking it first via HTC Dev. Whenever I post my token I get a 404
@ScottPack Hrm, I haven't seen a 404 like that...
I wonder if their just having "temporary" problems.
@MarkHenderson WHAT HAS BEEN SEEN . . . was completely unhelpful. :'(
@ChrisS Probably. This all started because we needed to change the primary account on her phone. Which requires, as near as I can figure out, editing a sqlite file deep in the bowels of /system or issuing a factory reset.
@ScottPack light it on fire
@ChrisS So I figure since we were going to be resetting anyway this was a good time to risk a wiping so I can put Titanium or something on it.
@ScottPack Changing the Google account of the phone? Yeah... that's a PITA, I'd opt for the backup, factory reset, restore.
@ChrisS The SATA issue is the timeout handling... And the potential for bad design.
@ChrisS At this point, I figure I'll wait for the ace hack kit to catch up.
@ewwhite Hrm... The OS shouldn't really "choke" on that though... Or does it?
Since right now I have to use the official HTC unlock procedure which allegedly also requires a reset and who is currently having a non-functional website
@ScottPack 100% of the reason why I'm done with Android
@ScottPack I suppose that's an option. I haven't used a hack to root a phone yet. Just easier to flash a pre-rooted ROM and run with it.
@ChrisS All phone roots are exploits though, it's nice to just run the shell script and BE rooted
@ScottPack The unlock absolutely does a factory reset on the phone... So get any contacts or whatever off the phone first.
@JoelESalas Eh, no. The rooted ROM I run just had the root user "unlocked" and the su utility added... There's no weird hacking going on, no crashing services and buffer overruns.
@ChrisS It chokes... and chokes... and chokes...
@ChrisS I pretty much went with that path. She's actually happy enough with the AT&T Sense that I'm not going to bother trying to force a change. I've found that's generally a bad idea with any user.
@ewwhite Point taken... I'll be sure to stick with TLER drives at least. =]
Even here at work, a Linux server... 18 disks... 16 SAS and 2 x 2TB SATA.
@ChrisS How'd you drop the ROM on the phone?
the 2TB SATA killed the performance of the SAS disks.
@ScottPack I don't really care if my wife's phone is rooted except rooting makes it east for me to get into the /system partition and delete crap, or update "stock" apps, etc.
(but maybe that's a SuperMicro thing)
@ewwhite It's a bad influence on the other disks!
Soon they'll be in a violence gang and smoking cigarettes
@JoelESalas Unlock bootloader, replace recovery with ClockWorkMod, put ROM on SD, use CWM to flash ROM to phone.
@ChrisS Same here. She just wants a phone. I was mostly thinking of it as a good way to do backups.
@ScottPack How do you feel about the Android backup services in the Play Store? What are the odds that they're looking through your titty pictures?
@ScottPack Sure, I've thought about putting rsync on our phones to do stupid simple backups at night while they're charging. I've been lazy so far and just do nandroid backups with CWM now and then.
@ChrisS I seem to recall custom ROMs being a substantially huger nutroll than that. Glad it's come a long way
@ChrisS One of my friends went the rsync route. I'm seriously considering it, particularly considering that 90% of what she wants backed up would be pictures and such.
@JoelESalas Android Backup Service just allows apps to backup their own data to Google's servers. So it's app-controlled.
Most of the ROMs for my phone are just rolled up Nandroid backups... Something very akin to a Syspreped Windows image methodology. CWM makes it really easy to switch if I wanted to.
@JoelESalas I hate those violence gangs
I like the peaceful ones who sing and dance on stage etc
<whistling sound of a missile incoming>
SO is about to migrate more ... stuff?
Oh lord
I hate it when Community kicks really old unanswerable crap to the top.
I couldn't look at it any longer :(
Imma just leave that here.
@voretaq7 FFS. I'd have been perfectly happy not remembering that show had ever existed.

The Assembly

You know those boring town council meetings you never attend? ...
is whys!
@voretaq7 Thanks. I think.
Would you prefer maybe....
could be worse.
@voretaq7 Naw, never made it to Darkwing, Ducktales was about a far a I traveled.
@JourneymanGeek Oh no, had forgotten that one... It was terrible.
It was, truely ;p
@jscott awwwww
I blame disney for my love of puns, and warner brothers for my snobbiness in animation
@JourneymanGeek that one was lolsomely bad
what's another one from that era...
Tiny Toons?
(That and Batman TAS were the start of what i consider warner brother's golden era)
I have a somewhat hazy memory of a knock-off Ghostbusters cartoon which ran around the same time as the "real" ghostbusters cartoon, but my eye time was cheap then, so whatever was on got watched.
god, I still remember the theme songs for all those
(so, THIS is what being old feels like)
@JourneymanGeek yup.
Tiny Toon Adventures was way late for me....
duck tales has already been mentioned
The gargoyle one, which was trying hard to be dark and moody, but, like GI Joe, I don't think anyone ever died.
never watched that.
Was a one season wonder, wasn't it?
Wow, really was just "Gargoyles". Thanks googles.
@jscott yup
1990-fucking-4 it came out?!
I'm not posting Voltron, because... well... I'm old and cantankerous and NO.
I must have been on drugs then
Similarly I'm not posting any of the Masters of the Universe stuff because I'm old and cantankerous and NO.
ah here we go
can't top that.
Trying to reason this... get out of high school in 93.... still manage to know about random cartoon from 94...
@voretaq7 Oh no you didn't!
@jscott College. Skipping classes.
@jscott oh yes I did! I broke out the mothafukkin' THUNDERCATS, BITCH :-)
Mother f'ing Mumm Ra
ah! ah!
that might tie for first place...
It's somewhat disturbing how well developed the wikipedia page for a fictional cartoon character from 1985 can be.
Fsck. Hardly anything posted in 2 hours. GF calls and there's 43 new posts...
Also: @WesleyDavid -- This Is Your Life:
@voretaq7 Pretty much everyday at work: "Go, go sysadmin arms!"
@Adrian She doesn't have the requisite SE account and rep to join chat?
Gah. Talespin. Was that the one with the 'Baloo' character from Jungle Book and every episode centered around the turbo button on his seaplane?
@Adrian yup
@jscott Nope. She's actually a semi-luddite.
and his domineering emasculating she-boss
@Adrian Maybe for the best then :)
Her house was built in 1944 and is done up in period furniture from the 1940s and 50s.
@Adrian Hairstyle and wardrobe to match?
@jscott Not hairstyle. She has an entire closet of 1950s vintage ladies suits though
@Adrian Also -- Things The Internet Does Not Has That I Want: The "What A LOUSY Place For A Wall" quote from Talespin.
@voretaq7 Yeah. I think I was in High School when Talespin came out. Was more into ST:TNG by that point.
shit that all came out wrong
@jscott now I'm sorry I missed it.
@Adrian Something about role playing, Ward Cleaver, coming home from work, and being awfully hard on the Beaver.
Just downed a 1L can of Asahi, so I'm off a bit.
@jscott Uh, that's been a running joke for 40 years, no?
(@Voretaq7 traumatizes The Comms Room - Part ++N)
@voretaq7 Can't. Stop. Watching. Horrible/Wonderful puns and all
I think I peed myself.
Minds thoroughly destroyed?
@voretaq7 You could make serious bank on Seattle's Broadway with a shop with vintage dresses and that kind of stuff playing on TVs and store speakers.
And pumps in sizes 12-20
Woo. My rep is at a round number. I feel all tingly.
@Adrian ::DOWNVOTES::
@Adrian now see if I were gonna do that....
@Adrian Actually, I was surprised by this chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/6349782#6349782 but am trying not get caught in the shill-vote-tractor-beam.
@voretaq7 YAY! Veruca Salt!
@Adrian She kissed a squirrel (and she liked it!)
@voretaq7 That's one thing I love about my local radio station (KEXP). They play ALL the great stuff.
@Adrian your radio station plays Jackie Beat songs?
Do... do you think they could get away with some of the holiday songs?
(probably not with the profanity...)
@voretaq7 Probably not the profanity, but if it's not illegal it's probably fine.
@Adrian I cant post them until the XMas season
I'm saving them
They were the first station in the country to play Macklemore's Same Love.
but "Go to Hell..... GO TO HELL!- It's Christmas Time, and it's shitty!"
@voretaq7 H... how did you know I flip police cars on the highway...
This shit rocks:
PLEASE, PLEASE, don't ride the manatees. Thank you. pinellasbeaches.patch.com/articles/…
@Adrian meh, I prefer Pansy Division
@Dan I don't like the bottom heavy fonts, they just look wierd, and I'm used to 'normal' fonts in living in the real world. On the other hand, as a dyslexic I tend to favour sans serif mono fonts. I want readregular.com/english/contact.html this font, but I can't seem to find how to get a copy of it
@voretaq7 This is Seattle. Progressivism is almost Conformist here.
But ya, the theory behind it is mostly true
(sorry for the late reply, noticed it when someone referenced something earlier, and I spend a lot of effort actually setting stuff up to be usable for my little brain ;p)
On the other hand, Macklemore's Thrift Shop is hilarious.
@MichaelHampton: eheh. I think people are just spoilt by more bleeding edge distros
@Adrian mmhmm, you should get your radio stations to play some Pansy Division then
tho, I do find that least on centos, the default package selection is more restrictive than i've been used to
@JourneymanGeek GCC You No Can Has
@voretaq7 They do. I just searched the playlist and it came up with quite a few returns.
@voretaq7: I can compile stuff, but that sort of goes against maintainability
@JourneymanGeek OTOH, you CAN get support for it if you pony up for RHEL.
@Adrian: Well, its primarily a learning tool. I can live without stuff like ne or sendxampp that i'm using on the ubuntu systems I run.
@JourneymanGeek having a compiler does not go against maintainability. it's called discipline you damn linux bitches - don't MAKE me whip you with the cat6-o-nine-tails!
@JourneymanGeek Ah. I don't have the resources to muck about with strange stuff like nginx. My users aren't demanding but it absolutely must work all the time without any hiccups or hassle.
@voretaq7: no, it dosen't. But its between maintaining one peice of software and periodically checking it for updates, vs just throwing it in the system and letting the package manager handle it.
Its a minor annoyance, but at some point it adds up
@JourneymanGeek You're a sysadmin. Script the damn thing.
The whippings will continue until the network performance improves
@Adrian: In training ;p
(annoyingly in the wrong thing. Need to work on my skills ;p)
@voretaq7 The BDSM girlfriend had one of those. Probably draped across her monitor at the office when she was in QA.
@JourneymanGeek It scripts the actions on the server or else it gets the tape duty again!
And we'll take the tape off slowly too...
@voretaq7: my acedemic side of stuff is entirely on the forensics/management side of things.
@Adrian Working in QA will do that to a body.
@jscott make it withered and broken? Yes...
actually, how does one actually handle stuff like that? Set up a script that periodically checks the cvs/git/whatever repo for updates and tells you?
@jscott I've actually considered getting up to speed on some of the modern languages and checking out some QA positions.
QA Specialist - right after graduation
@Adrian When you say "modern languages" do you mean qa automation tool languages?
The same specialist one week after being assigned to Windows Vista QA team.
@voretaq7 True. I actually know some of those folks.
@jscott that and the language that shops are coding in nowadays.
@Adrian pity them.
@Adrian Gotcha. It's been many, many years since I did QA testing. At the time Rational Robot [long since acquired] was the weapon of choice. I'm sure there's merit [and PAY] in it all, but Christ was it numbing.
@jscott Rational Robot is the reason QA tests never uncovered bugs.
Now we use a more realistic testing method:
Q: What's the utility of SSH in a hosting?

John DoeCan anyone explain to me in layman what's SSH (Secure Shell) in a shared hosting? I know you can access the web hosting server remotely using a command line interface using an application like Putty. But does it give you have more access to the server or it's another way of creating directories ...

That needs a nuking.
@voretaq7 QA testing isn't about uncovering bugs, it's about making sure the software meets the [Ill defined and obtuse] spec/requirements. THAT IS ALL SIR.
@jscott typically the spec includes "DOESN'T CRASH WHEN YOU LOOK AT IT WRONG"
Does SO simply send anything over here that mentions the word 'server' in the question?
@Adrian yes.
@voretaq7 Undefined behavior is, well, undefined.
@MarkHenderson More DOING, less CUMENTING!
@MarkHenderson Yes, but it rocks for educating padawans so that you don't have to do that one thing anymore.
I've spent all day so far documenting the manual (i.e. non-scripted) installation procedure for our SaaS system
23 pages so far and I'm about 1/3 done
@jscott also IDK what kind of QA testing you guys do but in my world we call making sure the software meets the spec "verification" :-)
There's a reason I spent 5 days scripting the server deployment, sigh
Stupid due diligence
@MarkHenderson Sounds like my previous employer's install mechanism.
It works like this:

1. Use my script. Answer 5 questions and sit back for 5 minutes. All done>


2. Follow my manual instructions. Clear your calendar for the next 2 days.
It was nearly impossible for customer's to install. Usually required a Services team or consultants.
@voretaq7 Oh gosh, I was half being serious, it was 1.5 decades ago, and that place was/is a mess, and i gtfo.
@jscott AHA! so you DID work for Microsoft!
@voretaq7 Ya know what else those Microsofties make other than crappy software? A fsckton more money than I clear.
@voretaq7 I wish! They probably would have paid better.
@MarkHenderson Do I need a Macbook Retina to zoom in on that shit dude?
Yay! UserFriendly!
@jscott Hah trust me you don't want to read the actual instructions, they're shit-ass boring. But you get the general idea
yeah too bad it seems to have died
I haven't read that comic since I left end-user support in 2006.
G:line @voretaq7 Reason:"Spammer"
@voretaq7 couple years of re-runs?
There's nothing quite like copy and pasting a PowerShell script into a Word document
@WesleyDavid G:line @WesleyDavid Reason:"Bribed an IRCop to beat up MAD Cat"
@MarkHenderson There's a place in hell...
...reserved for the Japanese, who would paste it into an Excel spreadsheet.
As an image.
@voretaq7 So its the Japanese who initiate those ones?
I got a whole goddamn flash game sent to me in an XLS once
@MarkHenderson I don't know. All I know is every time I've had to interact with someone in Japan EVERYTHING is sent in Excel.
Apparently it's the only tool they have.
holy crap. UF really has been in re-runs for about 3 years.
@Adrian yeah
Illiad had some Real Life Problems
So has /.
and there was a hiatus
Maybe even longer
and now it's reruns
@jscott no, that just scrapes Twitter and Reddit in NBC Realtime
@voretaq7 Oh shit, I lol'd
Using "NBC Realtime" asap.
@jscott its funny 'cuz its sad!
@voretaq7 It's funny 'cuz it's true.
@jscott i was looking for the karen clip of funny 'cuz its sad
Point taken
she was the best thing about Will & Grace. Should have had her own spin-off
It's a zebra hippopotamus, a zippo for short.
lift the tail and strike a flint and it would serve the same purpose.
@jscott How's the weather doing back home?
heh ok mutants mean its bedtime
@Adrian Not terrible just yet, been pretty cool in the mornings. Have plenty of cold weather gear, so I'll be riding until the icy roads come.
@jscott Nice =)
@Adrian I dumped my bike [the moto] a week or so ago, but that's just more winter time maintenance work I get to this year.
@jscott yeah. still havent gotten to all the stuff i shouldve done last winter. I did get me old VF1100S running though, so all it needs is a clutch slave rebuild so that it doesn't lean clutch fluid.
@Adrian Score!
@jscott Poor old dear. Needs to be ridden or the carbs get messed up. Goes like a nuclear rocket sled when they're running well though.
@Adrian I'm assuming your winter isn't much like here, but is asking too much to rider her a bit every other week?
Or just seafoam the pig and be done with it
@jscott Winter here last about 4-5 days a couple times from November to April. Otherwise it's just a long Autumn that turns into Spring
I run Stabil in it 6 months out of the year just in case and keep a tarp over it.
@Adrian Much love, you're bless with that. I really should consider moving some day to benefit my riding.
California. Jobs are slightly better here than Rochester, but probably not enough to justify the expense.
@Adrian Yeah, a number of guys on a motorcycle forum I read love CA.... Not sure I can make the switch, but it sounds so tempting.
@jscott The PacNW is really nice. But it doesn't hold a candle to CA. Talk to Joel Salas. He's even hiring.
And the pics of their twisties... In awe nothing like that here.
Alright, enough sweet dreams dancing in my head, see you all around. Later...
@jscott yeah, ours are good, but not that good.
Whoah you get to turn on red in America?
i like the purple light in the middle
yes if there's no oncoming traffic, at least in most states
@Adrian Man that's gotta be the best invention ever. We can only do that at specifically signed intersections
Of which there are about 5 in the entire city
here you can even turn left on red onto a 1 way street from a 2-way street.
I assume you can only turn right though, not left?
it's not commonly done and the cops will pull you, but it's legal and you'll win if it was done safely.
@Adrian Whoah so I get to run a red lgiht and get a hand job from a cop? Win win.
I think you can only do that in 2 states though
@MarkHenderson no, you get to bend over
@Adrian Obviously "pulling" someone has a different meaning here :p
apparently =D
Whelp, another day in the can.
Only... 13 hours of work today!
@WesleyDavid God I had one of those days last week, its horrible
I did 11 hours in the office, went home, made dinner, put my son to bed, and then knocked over another 2 hours before my wife made me stop working
ick. i quit doing that. It gets done when it gets done.
@MarkHenderson I am not joking with you - that's been every day of my life, six days a week, for... years.
if my office wants me to work long hours, they can pay forr the equipment to make it productive.
@WesleyDavid Damn. That often?
@WesleyDavid those are billable hours?
stupid markdown
@MarkHenderson Yeah. It's been like that for a while. A lot of it, several years ago, because I was really scrambling to "make up for lost time." I felt like I slacked in my teens and early twenties so I hammered the books hard to get knowledge, and also to get certified.
@MarkHenderson Now, it's to try and get my business going and being profitable.
@Adrian Nope. =( A lot of it is trying to get a business plan and model down. OR tracking down people that are somewhat interested in using me. Also, now a decent amount of time is going towards a place that I'm now have a percentage of ownership in. Sweat equity. Maybe... 4 hours a day of unbillable time.
But still, that's only three months old. A lot of my time has been tracking down ideas, possibilities, people who are interested in me (but never seem to want to pay market wages)
So... I dunno. Been in something of a wuarter life crisis for a little while.
@WesleyDavid People that pay market rates are rare outside of huge business :(
@MarkHenderson Yeah. I'd be happy with... $75 an hour consistently. Even that is hard.
I need to build out some hosted services, and I've got enough money saved up now to where I can make a decent go at something. Colocation space focused on local businesses here in Phoenix seems like a great idea.
@WesleyDavid There's no more brutal slave driver than being your own boss.
I got a pretty darned amazing domain name for it.
I'll share, but delete it in a few seconds.
Actually irrelevant, I'm a mod, i can view deleted messages :p
Wow how creative ;)
@MarkHenderson Yeah, I know. =) I try and keep things simple.
I've got two places here in town that I can get good racks from, so I think I can have a decent go at it.
One place has cheap floorspace and electricty, but expensive bandwidth. The other has cheap bandwidth and slightly expensive floorspace.
So, best of both worlds. High network customers in one, lower network users in the other.
@JourneymanGeek Lurker!
I also know how neat it is to be able to read deleted messages ;p
@WesleyDavid: yeah, post lunch procrastination. 4 assignments due this week so lurking is all I can do ;p
Man, that guy has to be pissed. I linked to his -10 answer on meta and it became -13.
@JeffFerland hehe. =)
14... lol
what's the link?
A: What to do with an accepted answer which is plainly wrong?

Jeff FerlandAll I can really say is that shit happens. If it's bad, downvote it. from How can I list my open ports on Debian? if "-10 votes" isn't a signpost, there's very little else we reasonably can do. Oh, and:

Oh, that one!
Today's XKCD... also a good one
Too bad I already downvoted it. It deserves another
It seems to be endemic.
A: Why apache doesn't restart after configuring SSL?

user139425This is caused when there is other service running on this port 443. We have to check what is the service running on it and shutdown and then restart the apache. To check what service running on port 443 use below command nmap localhost

I've been ridiculously productive here on SF while the GF's been away taking care of family stuff. it's creepy.
@JeffFerland You'll notice that the OP still hasn't posted his netstat output.
I had a good but exhausting day at work. Quite productive, anyway. Had an epiphany type grokking of 3 of the major libraries in our code.
The problem is I'm still relatively new and "padawans" as you'd deem them have all latched onto me.
@JeffFerland You're too nice, that's all. That's easily fixable.
Well, I kind of shooed them away today... but everything I've learned needs to be put into something so the next person can pick it up cleanly and fast. We've got everything in a wiki which did a good job of explaining things for the first 48 hours I was there. Unfortunately, it's not quite enough. The really handy scripts are things that sometimes just appear in trunk or are sitting in somebody's home directory, or the magically sometimes working build system... which sometimes magically fails
Or my favorite, "Did you read the README file?"... No... :(
@JeffFerland You're scripts aren't in a VCS?
@Adrian /trunk... kind of a standard VCS directory ;)
@JeffFerland trunk yes. Spread around in /home? not so much.
Sounds like there's some Dev discipline issues =(
@Adrian Ah, right. I should have been asleep by 10.
@Adrian No... just somebody who wrote private scripts for themselves
You know how things are... "I hacked something up, but it'd need a lot more work for somebody else to use it."
@JeffFerland Ah. Those cultural things are a right PITA to turn around.
E.G., I coded up a script that hard links all the RPM files between code branches to make my branches take up less space and update RPMs faster. I really don't want to spend a few more hours idiot-proofing it for the next person so they don't have issues and can use it. It will probably never go in our repository.
@JeffFerland Ah. That can be dealt with by a supervisor suggesting that it really should be cleaned up for use by the team.
Thank God I have that much authority over most of the padawans.
@Adrian I tried that meeting with our QA build system. It went more along the lines of, "Let's try to identify where you're stuck" rather than, "Let's put resources at really building a shining piece of work that is full of solid tests."
As the Joel test goes, we do number 3 and yet fail hard at #2.
@JeffFerland Sadly, not surprised.
... you know what? I think I'll grab all the padawans this week and tie them to the same cart.
See if I can't teach them (and myself) the rest of the system while building up a new feature.
@JeffFerland Sounds good. Padawans get excited about that kind of thing.
At least good ones do.
@Adrian Well, they all are doing a good job of asking me questions and having drive on their own... I just haven't been able to have enough time for them while tackling my own projects.
@JeffFerland Yeah. Going through that with one of mine. It's been a tough road and I hope that the padawan can come closer to Up to Speed before the probationary period ends.
I'm on fire tonight. Might just hit rep cap.

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