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@Holocryptic She's covered by the Canadian small arms waiver of 1807.
@MikeyB THAT'S why my new server has a hole in it!
@voretaq7 no thats...for other...reasons...
@TylerShads <scadalized>
@TylerShads I love this new server we got. I really love it… unnghhh
@MikeyB Lift with your legs, son.
serverfault.com/questions/343162/… <- Am I misinterpreting what the OP wants and/or what taskset can do?
@voretaq7 You would not believe the shit we get sometimes. We've received a blade chassis with forklift holes punched right through the cardboard and denting the actual chassis.
it's 1PM and I've only had 1/2 cup of coffee
@MikeyB I once had UPS push a half-million dollar IBM pSeries box into a gap between the loading dock and their truck.
(needless to say nobody signed for that one)
((also our IBM FE was not amused))
Then there was the service call we got from a customer. "We can only slot 13 blades [13/14] into the chassis. Can we get warranty on it?"
We go onsite, turns out the reason they can only fit 13 blades into it is that it's been sheared. Upon further investigation it turns out it had been dropped by their moving company when they sent it to a different location.
@voretaq7 As in, it fell (a long ways) into the gap? Or just got the wheels stuck?
@MikeyB Does the warranty cover liquid damage?
@MikeyB no, I don't know exactly how the hell this one happened I really don't
there was a good 4 feet between the truck and the dock
and he pushed it right off the back of the truck, into the gap, and down onto the pavement
@voretaq7 please tell me they replaced it at least o.x
@voretaq7 FE?
@TylerShads UPS insurance covered it.
it was one of those suckers
@voretaq7 How the fuck do you fail that hard? 4 feet? What the hell did they do, try to get a running start? Tilt it over to make a bridge then upright it?
@Holocryptic IBM Field Engineer
@Holocryptic Field Engineer
@voretaq7 Excuse me for a few. I'll be in my bunk.
@Holocryptic He's the guy that gets ya in the front instead of F**kin you in the ass
@AdrianK Looks more like a tanning bed
@MikeyB I don't know, I was inside at the time. I heard a crash and came outside to see the CTO and my boss looking at the busted machine
@AdrianK I had the same reaction.
@voretaq7 DERP DERP DERP we thought we were close enough
that one is apparently a 570, ours was a 670, but they look pretty much the same at a distance
@voretaq7 Can I get that one in High-Res. =D
@AdrianK Fail - Jayne would never say "Excuse me"
@voretaq7 he mustve put all his body weight into it, looks like itd be at least a couple hundred lbs
@MikeyB True. But I couldn't pull off a Jayne if I wanted to. My cunning hat is blue & yellow for the Buffalo Sabres.
McAfee's ePO is an abortion of a management platform if I've ever seen one.
@MDMarra McAfee is an abortion of satan in general
www-03.ibm.com/systems/power/hardware/780/index.html is apparently the new "IBM Power Systems" generation replacement
@TylerShads they had it on a wheeled dolly apparently - IDK. That was my first, last and only experience with UPS Freight
they shipped the replacement through a company that had some experience unloading rack-sized machines from trucks without damaging them :P
@voretaq7 See, I've had the opposite, I've had nothing but good from UPS, but my 2 recent servers were through fed-ex n the guy brought the box in sideways, then put it down upside down. I didn't let him leave until I got to open the box and see the thing didnt move
@TylerShads UPS I've had no problems with. UPS FREIGHT is a different kettle of corn - I've heard mixed things.
FedEx is awful a lot of the time. Like worse than DHL awful
@voretaq7 They delivered my rack with no problems, then again, it was just bars of steel in boxes
@voretaq7 I didn't even think DHL was still in business
USPS has never been a problem for me, but I've never shipped servers USPS...
@voretaq7 You should try it, it'll cause a lot of lulz
@TylerShads Aren't they owned by Deutsche Post?
@TylerShads ayup. All of Apple's mailed-to-your-house-send-us-back-the-original-busted-part RMA is done through DHL these days
@TylerShads If I had a server under 70lbs...
seriously though I don't get people hating on the USPS.
@voretaq7 Canadian Postal, otoh.
I think it's mostly because of the costs soaring, but can you blame them? E-mail is knocking them out of business so therefore higher costs.
@TylerShads they where bought by either fedex or ups i forget which
@TylerShads $0.50 to send a letter from NY to Hawaii. Try that via FedEx or UPS with their slowest class of service and tell me what it costs :)
@Zypher Doubt that, unless they bought a controlling chunk of Deutsche Post too.
@voretaq7 and that's why the USPS is broke...
@AdrianK Canada Post is a shitfest from what they tell me.
@Zypher I thought UPS cause I was sure Dell used them for everything
@Holocryptic The USPS is NOT broke.
@voretaq7 International is where I heard all the complaints. I don't think I've mailed something ever that didn't have the postage already paid. My gf, however, has a friend in the UK and it was about $20 to send a 2lb package
The current fiscal crisis is being created by congress mandating that they pre-fund all of their pension and healthcare for the next decade
@voretaq7 My friends up in BC were howling with laughter when CP started talking about dropping next day postal service. Most of them hadn't gotten a letter in less the 3 days in years.
USPS is 3-4 days for most first class mail. That's not bad.
I have had USPS Express Mail take like 3 days, but you march your ass back to the post office and hand them your receipt and tracking number and they refund you
I've had UPS and FedEx bust delivery deadlines and it took me weeks to get a refund
@AdrianK ahh they just pulled out of the US
@Zypher DHL? Really? When?
@Zypher Interesting. Hadn't realized that. In fact I thought I'd seen one of their delivery trucks just last week outside my flat.
I did an Apple RMA earlier this year and it was DHL both ways
naw I've definitely seen them since '08 - maybe they left and came back?
that is a possibility i've definatly heard they where bought in the last year, but eh, it might have been Deutsche Post doing the same thing Deutsche telecom did with T-Mobile
@voretaq7 "However, DHL has a minor partnership with the USPS, which allows DHL to deliver small packages to the recipient through the USPS network."
maybe that was it?
@TylerShads UPS does that too - "UPS Mail Innovations"
it's a crock: They do the cheap part (freight backbone across the country, lowest of the low priority with all their other stuff) and ask the USPS to do the expensive to-the-door part.
SDOIFOSDIFJSD I've had that "everyday im shufflin" song stuck in my head all day from someone playing it this morning,
ahh yea, 75% reduction in 08 and they are comming back now
eek! RT @jlgaddis: Why you shouldn't run your fiber near steam pipes. http://i.imgur.com/3dKH8.jpg via @EricTheITGuy
I've never seen fiber do that before...
that's awesome
It is kinda pretty
@Holocryptic "I wonder if it still works" snerk
@voretaq7 heh, who said that?
@Holocryptic me :)
it's just a little melty. It's still good!
@voretaq7 Words fail me.
@voretaq7 That's one way to get funding to upgrade
amusingly, I bet the fiber still worked fine.
@PeterGrace Do tell. For edification's sake.
@PeterGrace IDK, that's a lot of heat damage. Might have wrecked the glass in the process.
Well, if it was hot enough to melt plastic I guess it was in the range to melt glass as well, so, I could be talking out of my butt
fiber is pretty resilient though, except for shock stress (fracturing) and macrobending (bending fiber attenuates the light)
@PeterGrace Can it handle being shouted at though?
@TylerShads someone needs to overdub "FUS RO DAH!" on that.
Windows 2008 R2 inside of KVM on Centos inside of VMWare Workstation on Ubuntu is surprisingly responsive
@TylerShads You're a BAD disk array! NAUGHTY!
@KyleBrandt How is it that you work at SE again?
@voretaq7 That's for the server hole you have
@PeterGrace That would be awesome
@KyleBrandt Serverception?
@KyleBrandt . . . So "You simply can't make Win2k8r2 any slower, even if you try" ?
@voretaq7 My Win 2k8 R2 was fast, then it took an arrow to the knee
@voretaq7: Hmmm... maybe. Maybe this Windows instance should run HYPER-V?
@TylerShads I wish he would have made a point to not actually physically touch the drives when doing that.
@KyleBrandt VMWare Player.
@KyleBrandt run CentOS in hyper-v and run kvm inside of that.
it'll be like those pictures of a picture of a picture of a picture of a picture
whatever that's called.
@KyleBrandt As long as you end up with a usable Win 3.11 install with Sim Tower at least 7 levels of virtualization deep you win.
@PeterGrace P I C T U R E C E P T I O N
Actually, I also left out that this Windows instance is running ontop of DRBD between two of 3 CentOS guests
Not going to install SQL server :-P
@KyleBrandt Are you fucking high?
Looking at pictures from the scans they took of me. That's an eye opener...
shit. Out of stars
@MDMarra: And the Ubuntu host is my workstation :-P
Most people get stoned and eat doritos. Kyle tries to pull at the strings of the universe.
@MDMarra He's a cat?
@voretaq7 No. Even though they (stereo)typically have poor grammar, even a cat wouldn't do the retarded shit that @KyleBrandt is in the middle of.
@MDMarra That's what I should do. I have Doritos, too. Time for another Percocet.
[kbrandt@alpine: ~] free -m
             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:         24159      21477       2681          0        139      16723
-/+ buffers/cache:       4614      19545
Swap:         1953         42       1910
Still have memory to spare :-)
@KyleBrandt Start makin your own Gentoo kernel!
@KyleBrandt If this is an effort to convince @Zypher and @PeterGrace that you should use commodity hardware instead of virtualization, I have to admit that it's kind of a fucked up way to go about it.
user image
There we go.
@MDMarra: Well, it is a proof of concept, but it is commodity hardware with virtualization, not instead of
Don't have three servers laying around
@KyleBrandt I have two
You can't have them
I'm going to put nexentastor on them and move our test VMs off of our production storage
Then I'm going to unplug them and throw them away because testing is for people that make mistakes.
@MDMarra screw that, host a minecraft server
@TylerShads Never played it. If I wanted to play something blocky and strange, I'd just hook my SNES up to my HDTV and play through FF II and III again.
No monthly fee for that shiz
@MDMarra Minecraft doesn't have a monthly fee o.x, its $25 one time
@TylerShads My super nintendo is free
my parents got it for me when I was 11
Thanks mom & dad
@MDMarra Wanna know what else isnt free?
I skip those too
I got one for my 12th birthday
thanks again mom & dad
a 12yr old hooker, or a hooker at 12 yrs old?
the second one
There's a discount because it's such a short session
@MDMarra: For attempting to make me jealous ^^
wow, Kyle's desk is really, really clean.
@KyleBrandt You work from home for an awesome company, we get it. blah blah blah
@KyleBrandt Is that Steelseries i see?
Meanwhile, I just listened to our Oracle DBA make sounds like she's shitting her pants in the hallway and then telling everyone how hungry she is
@TylerShads: Ah, good mousepad is totally worth it
@mdmarra is she hot?
@KyleBrandt I'm getting a keyboard from them atm, bout to order a mouse too, I hate mousepads ><
@PeterGrace Depends. Would you put your penis in jabba the hutt?
@PeterGrace: Tend to keep my space clean, get stressed if I don't
Flagged for imagery
@MDMarra Rule 34
@TylerShads I'm unaware of such a rule number
I wonder how one would textually describe jabba's laugh.
oh oh oh oh oh, ho ho ho ho ho
or something.
@MDMarra Look it up it is definately NSFW
haha, relevant_rule34 is one of my favorite redditors.
@PeterGrace I would describe it as the sound our oracle dba makes after she shits her pants in the hallway
ah excellent
@mdmarra ahh, yeah, I'll have to pass, then.
because... ya know, rule 34.
@voretaq7 I am aware that the site happened, but I'm not clicking on it at work. :)
@freiheit the front page is work-safe. The galleries, not so much.
Ahk, Windows Server 2008 R2 has no solitare
@KyleBrandt ...And the kernel becomes 10MB smaller!
@KyleBrandt Server Manager > Add Feature > Desktop Experience. Reboot. Add Windows Features > Games.
You're welcome.
@MDMarra And yes, I've done that before.
(I think that works)
Except it was for minesweeper.
@KyleBrandt Be a man, PLAY FREE CELL
@MDMarra: You expect a thank you when you don't share that as a GPO, Really?
@KyleBrandt WHOMP Don't be lazy! Lazy people get Minesweeper!
@voretaq7 I didn't know you were into dubstep
@KyleBrandt Give me a bit. I'll whip up a powershell script that can do this and you can add it to your unattend.xml
ugh, dubstep.
@TylerShads Whomp as in "Whomping shovel" you uncultured swine!
The last twelve months have been a filthy dubstep addiction for me. You should see my iPhone.
@MDMarra I trust you, you don't have to actually do that :-P
@voretaq7 I'm not a swine as much as a jackass
@WesleyDavid I feel dirty thinking about it

Import-Module servermanager
Add-WindowsFeature Desktop-Experience
I don't think you can enable Solitaire with a native cmdlet, you have to do some WMI magic.
(despite the URL, totally safe for work, slutty-looking gal in a rolly chair in their title banner though)
@voretaq7 If that's slutty than my standards are lower than I first suspected.
Then again, I like dubstep.
@WesleyDavid she looks pretty slutty. And all the women I know who call themselves geeks don't dress like her.
@WesleyDavid I'd have to agree
@TylerShads Perhaps I have higher standards for professional attire (Like "Your skirt damn well better come down past your knees! And that goes for you kilt-wearing freaks too!")
@voretaq7 Don't you dare insult my scottish heratige! I for one have never worn a skirt, but it give me reason not to.
@voretaq7 Ayup, my standards are whacked then. =/
@WesleyDavid well, you are a cat.
@TylerShads and you, you just go back to eating your haggis. :-P
Usually the girls I know that call themselves geeks are a cross between hipsters and skaters, ala:
Feel free to flag that if it's sketchy for where you work
@WesleyDavid Cleavage: The Other Purse.
"You're hair is chopped up and you have ink all over you. Oh, you must be in web dev."
(There's a "You can have my mana potion when you pry it from…" joke in there, but I can't think of ANY way to make that appropriate.)
doucheyaccountguy.tumblr.com <- go here. Make your head assplode.
@voretaq7 Listen, if you want to harass Ben Rockwood for wearing a Utilikilt, be my guest. Have you even seen that guy? Big as a freaking house.
And those of us blessed with body hair can get away with shorter kilts than others, because most people think we're just wearing felt leggings underneath.
@WesleyDavid What's the problem with Utilikilts?
@AdrianK Ask the kilt hater with the lizard on his head.
@WesleyDavid lizard? Aw fuck, did he follow me to work?
Their office is 2 blocks from mine. I'll be sure to give them voretaq7's contact info.
"Take your reptile to work day!"
Hey, we have Gila monsters running wild in the desert here. Wonder if I can domesticate one...
@WesleyDavid can't be any worse than my Ex.
@AdrianK Did she have infected saliva that causes your skin to boil up and then you die too?
@WesleyDavid Well, perhaps not quite THAT bad.
NOOOOOO!! One of the questions I answered was migrated to StackOverflow. I feel so dirty!
WOOT case is sitting in my room, in 1.25 hours I get to build my new machine ^^
@WesleyDavid I wore a kilt to my wedding. Qock.
@ScottPack Did your bride wear pants?
@ScottPack SCA?
@84104 That's a negative. Oh yeah.
@AdrianK Also a negative. I have since met people that are into SCA, though. They're....troublesome to have in your DnD group.
@ScottPack bowhcickawowow
@ScottPack The local SCA types are a bit wierder than usual. They also tend to be survivalists with more firepower than the local swat teams.
Hello everyone
@AdrianK I think ours are more the typical SCA membership.
@ScottPack my ex-GF explained it once. It's mostly a Western/PacNW thing with the guns and SCA cross-over.
@AdrianK Figures. You know how those people are out there.
Arkham Asylum is half off on Steam today chaps
@ScottPack Oh yeah. Applying for my 03 C&R license right now, in fact.
Is it Spanish day?
NO ONE expects the Spanish Inquisition!
Applying Internet Explorer Branding policy... for about 3 minutes now
@ChrisS Jeez, when we brand cattle it only takes a few seconds.
Speaking of IE, I'm goin through the HTML5 documentation and seeing all the things IE isn't compatible with is just sickening for that alone.
Most of the popular ones are a long way off... Same with CSS3 (which is part of HTML5 IIRC, too complicated for me to remember it all)
Opera and Chrome seem to be making the biggest efforts, but I'm pretty disappointed in all of their progress. I suppose I didn't pay anything for the browser so I shouldn't complain.
It's been a while since I donated to the Mozilla Foundation... Been sending to the FreeBSD Foundation lately.
Firefox is a bit pathetic w what they don't support, but those docs are as of FF4 so i can't say for certain. CSS3 is amazing as well but some support is better than literally nothing
@TylerShads But firefox 9 is out now.
replacing firefox 8.0.1 that came out...the day before?
no, it came out last night, get with the times man
@TylerShads version Q!
@voretaq7 Do not insult the greatest letter of all
"All queues are named Q." -- Actual comment from production code.
Anyone know how to contact Matt "Womble" Palmer? Haven't seen much of him since he got a job at Anchor - wondering how things are doing.
By the looks of his blog, having a total blast.
But still... miss him around these parts.
Womble was like TomTom only a better speller and with Australian wit.
@WesleyDavid You mean he looks like a kangaroo?
@MDMarra Smelled like one too.
I really, really hate the way puppet does scoping! It making far more the insane then I already was...
nothing beats having your phone's text tone go off 25 times because your carrier misplaced random texts from the past 24 hours
@TylerShads caniuse.com
I found Womble a bit too offensive; he had a nack for getting around to the right answer, but the sheer quantity of his response dragged the site's snark rating up a notch or three.
@ChrisS Yeah, I think he was just over the line of civility in most cases. But somehow, I appreciated his level of experience and always learned a lot from his contributions once I picked my way through the poison.
@ChrisS I prefer acidtests.org
it's a nice empirical reference
I want to see how my browser misbehaves in comparison to true standards-compliance
@voretaq7 can't be cause IE9 is getting the same as chrome
FF9 ^
@TylerShads that's fine. it can pass the test.
ANY browser can pass the test. Except, apparently, for FF9
@TylerShads heh, my Playbook passes Acid3 and fails 2.
@TylerShads I'm on 8.0 still and it passes 100/100, no errors.
@MikeyB chrome technically fails 2, the nose is misplaced by like 2 pixels
my droid browser breaks badly
95/100, acid3 is in red, yellow and blue squares are still grey
@voretaq7 Wooooowww... tracers maaaan....
@TylerShads iPhone (4s) passed - test 26 was <30fps, test 69 took 6 attempts (same as Safari on OS X, so "less than perfect")
(everyone knows you click the "A" to see your full results right?)
now i do
too many messages to write down
FF9 result "Failed 0 tests.
Test 26 passed, but took 45ms (less than 30fps)
Test 69 passed, but took 1 attempts (less than perfect).
Total elapsed time: 1.92s"
@TylerShads Same here except I took 0.96s total.
Yeah I get a bunch of "less than 30fps" on Firefox
To be a fair test you should reload the page with everything cached
it'll execute all the JS/CSS stuff but stuff like test 6 will usually take less time to finish
Failed 0 tests.
Test 26 passed, but took 46ms (less than 30fps)
Test 69 passed, but took 1 attempts (less than perfect).
Total elapsed time: 2.58s
thats a 3rd time
holy dick
Lots 'o rams!
Time to work and stop playing with my new toy.
@jscott There's 800 sticks of 8GB you can't see.
I just realized, I was telling my friends about the steam sale and I kept saying Arkham Asylum is on sale when its Arkham city on sale
(That took a few reloads. Usually test #6 is "less than perfect")
@MikeyB You going to run them all through memtest86? :)
@jscott overnight, for each stick, and swapping them from bank to bank to be sure!
@MikeyB Why you have so many rams?
You saving up to buy nice girl?
@TylerShads Wait, did @Holocryptic finally pass it?
@WesleyDavid I wish my laptop screen was big enough to see what msg you replied to
@TylerShads Click the back arrow. It'll scroll up for you.
@WesleyDavid You're funny
I was looking at my CT scans earlier. The thing is freaking huge! Not to mention the kidney stone!
@Holocryptic So what caused it, again?
@WesleyDavid don't know. they'll have to analyze the fragments after they bust it up
I'm starting to think we need to add something about when it's appropriate to ask here versus when you should call your freakin' vendor
@Holocryptic it's made of kittens.
@voretaq7 But I have zero intention of maintaining expensive support contracts when I can get advice for free on the webs.
Now if you'll just kindly tell me how I join the Windows 7 Home boxes to my domain, I'll be on my way.
@jscott How's the snow there in Purgatory?
@AdrianK Funny you mention that, we've not had any accumulation year-to-date. Go, Go, Global Warming!
@jscott J-B Weld. Works every time.
I rode my 919 on Monday, might take it to work tomorrow also.
@jscott Nice. Rode the Strom in today, but that's nothing special in Seattle. You guys have more days of snow than we have days of sun here.
And if it's raining, it's not snowing.
@jscott Certainly, first we'll have @Holocryptic's kidney stone removed and placed in your bladder. Then you piss it out. Once you're done with that you'll find your Win7 Home boxes all joined up to your domain and happy. (or maybe it's just a painkiller-induced hallucination. Either way, right?)
@AdrianK I'll ride cold or wet, but not both.
@voretaq7 Fun for everyone!
I'd be surprised if @Holocryptic had the stones to go through with something like that.
Oh, I've got the stones...
@Holocryptic stoners? Wha?
@voretaq7 You thought I only had one? I've got 5
oh damn. makes my tackle hurt just thinking about it.
Yeah. We're going to be doing the ultrasonic thing though, because the're too big to pass

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