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@Holocryptic well I'm only interested in the largest, most painful one for purposes of the Windows Home Edition domain-joining analogy
I've got a 17mm, 5mm, 2mm on the right side. And a 6mm and 4mm on the left
@Holocryptic Just think, 17mm is 67 caliber.
But I suppose if someone has multiple Win7Home boxen they should have to pass a stone for each machine they want to join....
@Holocryptic dayum
Yeah, it's not small by any stretch
Kind of like this, @Holocryptic?
drink moar water boy!
you guys are funny
@Holocryptic Looks aren't everything.
@Holocryptic Five stones?! Dude, do you eat table salt by the cup?
As long as I keep the function, I don't care about it's looks
@Holocryptic When you're the only one that has to look at it, what's it matter?
probably just the soda. I don't add a lot of salt to my food
@ScottPack truth
I'm wary of this article I just got. It begins "IMAGINE that you are French."
@84104 Right, so I'm a pacifistic asshole who likes cheese. Go on.
@ScottPack I like cheese
Article seems decent. Has nothing to do with being French other than that initial "hook", which I think they could have done without. (My mind is now stuck saying k-nig-ht for a bit.)
@MDMarra A good smoked gouda is...yowza. Oh baby.
@ScottPack I was talking about processed white cheddar squares. You know, since I'm AMERICAN.
Fucking commie.
@MDMarra Qock
I do like a good store-brand shredded taco blend though
4-Cheese Mexican Mix is so much better than Taco flavored cheese...
@ScottPack would probably just try and make a creme sauce out of it for his soufflé
@MDMarra Real American's don't use accent-marks.
@84104 :( I'm a commie
@MDMarra godless, or just regular?
@voretaq7 Probably vente.
I still have no idea how sizes work in coffee places.
@voretaq7 Whatever's worse
@84104 Like this:
I like your festiveness.
Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol - a) see it in iMAX, b) it's a hell of a rollercoaster and c) little else, quite forgettable and certainly has none of the 'heart' of previous Brad Bird films
http://notalwaysright.com/lost-in-no-translation-part-3/15531 <---???
I've called them "fuel bulbs", "primer bulbs", and "The stupid rubber things". That's a new one on me.
@Chopper3 No doubt there are explosions? It would be most arduous if there were no explosions...
lots of them and very creative but you have to see it in imax
oh hai guyz
@RobMoir ohai internets
Came home to a deceased laptop :(
not too good tom
just downloading a linux boot cd
@TomOConnor always sad when someone/thing dies just before christmas
my home pc has started random rebooting of late
this has just started locking up
so your laptop can have company on the scrap heap
and now it locks up at windows boot
gonna try and scrape as much off it tonight
then maybe buy a macbook pro tomorrow
or a chromebook
oooh macbook pro. very nice
not tempted to go for a 13" MBA?
@Chopper3 too teeeny
chromebook. Need a doorstop do you?
memory on MBAs is a problem I know
@RobMoir evidence would suggest that is what my acer has become
I used to have a Dell C840
@RobMoir Chromebooks are truly useless. Not even heavy enough to be a doorstop.
it lasted nearly 10 years.
it doesn't owe you much then tom
Acer has lasted 18 months
agreed voretaq
I like my HP EliteBoot 2730p at home, missing having a DVD drive now and then, and I need to find a 1.8" SSD for it still... But otherwise it's quite nice. =]
ah.. 18 months for an acer about average :-(
tempted by a panasonic toughbook, tbh
15" MBAs not out until late March/April either
@TomOConnor I got to watch the steel plate that covers the wireless card crumple right off thanks to a strip of velcro.
my nephew and niece want me to put together a christmas song compilation.

lets see... ramones merry christmas.. sure they'll like that
the hell\??
time for some Joni Mitchell.
spinal tap, christmas with the devil
Metaltech, Kontrol
I need to get my shoulder looked at after xmas. i just tried to open the door, and it half-dislocated again. wtf.
today is totally not my day
@RobMoir how about this;
that ought to do them @Chopper3
@RobMoir . . . Jackie Beat Christmas Collection it is!
@TomOConnor that dunt sound good.
someone did a rep recalc on me over the weekend, lost like 900 rep - boo
you're aiming for the reputation skies now eh
we'll see
@voretaq7 was slightly more surprising than painful
@RobMoir there's this too;
can't see me getting away with that....
heh no...
it's just jingle bells
@Chopper3 santa'll jingle YOUR bells....
<evil laugh goes here>
true enough but they want to do the traditional christmas thing and uncle robert can't ruin his favourate nephew and niece's wishes because they have him wrapped around their little finger. The ramones is as far as I am gonna push it.
Oh and no "east 17" no matter how many "christmas compilation" albums they appear on
@RobMoir well I'm with you on that one.
that might be fun
so not this then?
@RobMoir I include this with every "traditional" christmas mix I make:
hahah they're 11 and 16... they might get a laugh outta that
roughly same ages as my two - they'll lap up any sick shit you can throw at them
It allows me to get away with being a preachy liberal prick and pointing out how hypocritical we are as a society, and it's relatively traditional sounding :)
true enough
right, beer won't drink itself, see you later
normally I'd agree - been over there today for my nephew's birthday and me and his big sister trolled him hard... but since my mother died they've been funny about traditional family events and this is the first time we've held christmas at the "family" home since then.
Probably best not to include this.
gotta love the amateur transplants
night chopper
@RobMoir I saw em live a couple of weeks ago
@TomOConnor i played my brother and the kids the london underground song by them today and they loved that
@RobMoir cool
woo. got the rescue cd booted
good start
@Chopper3 I find that left unattended beer tends to vanish. I can only conclude it's drinking itself.
and my randomly resetting pc hasn't yet
aserfawef9u40430405545+++++_____ no carrier
Q: Imaging LVM-based Linux system to new computer: UUIDs change?

qidWe are attempting to use Acronis TrueImage to copy the hard drive from one standalone Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.5-based computer across to two others as part of a production operation. We are using a single SATA drive with no RAID and no network storage. The three computers are all specced to id...

Hello everyone
^ This is why partition-selection-by-UUID is a BAD idea. ^
hey Jacob
ohai @Jacob
@voretaq7 Now you tell me. :'(
(they don't.)
@voretaq7 They work even worse if you're saddled with a padawan that has a tendency to remove what they don't understand. Thank Ghu that one's gone. /sigh
Linux rescue CDs are the best thing ever
@AdrianK mrr?
@TomOConnor lies.
nuh uh
@voretaq7 One of my juniors used to remove all of the lines that had UUIDs from fstab because he didn't know what they were.
Not very proud of my response to that one. That was one of the few times I've ever truly snarled at a co-worker.
oh, I do that.
I replace them with proper /dev/sd* lines.
@AdrianK what is it with some people and "I don't understand what this thing on my computer means, so I'll just delete it"
yeah, I think that might be one of the tests to see if you have the sysadmin gene
@RobMoir Yeah, that one had a freshly-minted AAS from ITT and an attitude. Experience almost always trumps a piece of paper.
which is worrying that adrian has a PFY who's doing it. Bloody PFYs
@RobMoir past tense, thankfully. last I heard, he went back to school for dental hygeine.
adrian too right, I think we all have scars and war stories about idiots like that
/me rsyncs everything over to his usb disk.
i do seriously think some computer abilities are things you either have or don't have though.
@AdrianK great, so he's ripping people's teeth out now for no reason?
@RobMoir And if one doesn't, you're working a one man show. Which is FAR worse.
"I dont understand why you have an incisor here. YANK"
@voretaq7 Your mouth. It confuses me. Let me apply needles and metal.
@voretaq7 Yah. No doubt I'll be keeping an eye out for that guy when I get my teeth cleaned.
Not necessarily in that order.
ooh one of my friends is swearing on facebook about a dentist who decided that just before christmas was the perfect time to take out one of her wisdom teeth. I wonder if she's just met adrian's former trainee.
@RobMoir gotta pay for all those xmas gifts somehow.
@RobMoir thankfully I have a big mouth - my wisdom teeth fit.
yeah i hope they don't decide to yank mine out
@RobMoir unless they cause problems there's really no reason to
true enough but mine are in a position where they keep xraying them and worrying that they might cause trouble
@RobMoir Got to make money some how.
@voretaq7 using the 'proper' /dev/sd lines would be nice, but stupid linux manages to assign different device names drives from the DAS in a different order on each boot...
84104 normally I'd agree with you but you can see where they're just a hair's breadth away from impacting on my other teeth
so if they move again I will have problems
@Zoredache yes, yes it does.
fortunately the only Linux devices I have only have ONE drive in them.
@voretaq7 By which you mean RAID1?
Hardware raid that is.
@84104 by which I mean laptop. one disk. no cdrom.
@voretaq7 Right, you're the BSD guy.
@84104 yeah, call me old-fashioned but I like my operating systems to be written by operating system guys, not free-software zealots and crazies who change things for no reason
I'm especially pissed at the moment with gcc 4.6 randomly breaking shit because of argument order.
Clue: It's an argument list. An array. You parse it. the order in which things appear should not break things and cause my developers to have to fix 60 makefiles so shit that compiled under 4.1 will compile under 4.6.
(OK, I'm done. But if anyone sees Stallman punch him in the cock for me, OK?)
@voretaq7 Is 4.6 even stable?
@voretaq7 I've got SunOS, Irix and (old) Solaris boxes. Linux still counts as an improvement.
@84104 4.6.1-9ubuntu3
@84104 SunOS 4 SunOS, or SunOS 5 Solaris?
Re: stability, is gcc EVER stable?
@84104 Anything running SunOS has gotta be older than your (old) Solaris sureley ?
Fuck ya'll. CP/M or die.
@voretaq7 What is wrong with that, other then it is kinda off-topic here?
@Zoredache he wants to rent an IPv4 range and have it tunneled to him?
The former netadmin in me wants to take away his crackpipe and have it tested
@Iain They are, but this is to diff them from our more modern Solaris boxes that have 48TB zfs arraies.
@voretaq7 snark deployed.
Sure why not, if you have some spare space rent it too him and charge and arm and a leg.
@Zoredache I'd tell him "move your shit into my datacenter, here's the cost for a rack"
@84104 Try FreeBSD or DragonFlyBSD :)
Evening all
Anyone got any decent ideas as to what I can do with a netbook I no longer need?
Might stick a mailserver on it, but that's not very fun
@growse Target Practice?
@voretaq7 :(
Don't think it's quick enough to be a Hackintosh
benchmark it and see if it can run websites faster than a phone
@growse What? It's therapeutic!
It's an eee 901 - Single core Atom I think...
@growse Get you a dolled-up Honda Civic and do like Vin Diesel and manage your car's injector's by hand?
Atom N270
@AdrianK I tried that once in my VW. Doesn't work well above about 10mph.
It does have a webcam in the screen.....
I could stick it on top of a lego bulldozer, and get it to drive itself around the house....
it'd be like an odd pet. Give the cat something to think about.
@growse Build a super-AIBO?
don't let the bells end
@voretaq7 I suppose meat brains don't work so hot as real-time operating systems.
@AdrianK well certainly not if you're manually flow-regulating.
comment on the hobbit trailer on youtube
ratio adjusting sure.
@TomOConnor i posted that this morning man - you're like 6 hours behind! :P
please tell me that's a joke
@RobMoir who knows
@RobMoir It's on the internet, it must be true.
you make a good point
@TomOConnor OMG. I'd been too busy today to click that one. Some people should not be allowed to reproduce...
i have somehow gone from making a christmas song compilation from the family to watching old Jam performances on youtube
@RobMoir Ram Jam rocks.
the Jam
uk 70/80s punk
ah. I lived in the Midwest back then. There was only TWO kinds of music there....
Oh dear.. The Rsync process just went through Tom/Work/P/0/R/N/*
that'll slow it down :p
ok my crashplan backup slowed right down again. Time to reboot the virgin pos cable router when I go to bed I guess
@RobMoir Ahahahahahah Virgin points and laughs
growse - the 50mb service is great - other than the router when you're caning it to death like I am at the moment
and all the ISPs are guilty of cheap routers
@growse I have a "Virgin License" I have no idea what it's actually for. I don't remember buying a Virgin.
Well, had. I'll see if I can relocate it.

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