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@DavidPostill that's weird, because the only recent commit only changed the code style. At least according to the description.
Or did it work this time because I flagged it from the Late Answers queue (which is a pretty rare event - usually it's First Posts)
New metasmoke user 'Kevin' created
@Glorfindel I'll test again next chance I get. I haven't tried for ages because I thought it was still broken (I never saw anything to say it had been fixed).
For all users who arrived here from the post on Meta Stack Exchange, here is a 30 second introduction to this room.
@Glorfindel Finally
@SmokeDetector KevinB, or KevinG, or Kevin what?
@M.A.R. just Kevin
@M.A.R. the last time I ordered a coffee at Starbucks, they called me 'Kevin' instead of 'Gerwin'. I wouldn't have been offended, except that this was in my home country.
@Glorfindel It's OK Kevin
@ArtOfCode I wondered which Kevin, because usually Kevin's caring for some site's quality would make an MS account
@M.A.R. ya know you can look 'em up on /users? :P
>2 clicks. Too lazy
Might even involve typing
@ArtOfCode wait, what links?
@JF Ahh, so Kevin
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Phone number detected in title: call 1800-872-8162 Norton Help by user4348 on civicrm.SE
tpu- by Undo
@Glorfindel ssshhhhhh
@ArtOfCode where are those promised links at the end of the intro?
ssshh you're not meant to notice
Gah, this chat looks even more blue now.
I should get me a diamond prolly
@M.A.R. black is the new blue.
I didn't want to nominate in the next election (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
@Glorfindel Us black-names should back each other
@ArtOfCode nocrash.py is asking for Username and Password ... to StackOverflow?
@CaffeineAddiction yep
has to be an SE OpenID, Google/Facebook logins won't work
so email / password
its not liking the @
what's it doing?
wooooooooo fancy mod powers woooooo
ghost noises
in The Reading Room, 27 secs ago, by Riker
mith fits with a night theme
in The Reading Room, 31 secs ago, by Riker
for people who like living like vampires
is there a way of doing a codepad in chat?
a ... onebox
Not when I'm around ...
@CaffeineAddiction I have no idea what's happening there
@CaffeineAddiction nor me. Try putting your email in the ChatExchangeU environment variable instead
@Undo That’s because input(...) in Python 2 is the same as eval(raw_input(...))
so it should hypothetically take an email there?
in theory
it does take an email there, for me
and me
I like JF's theory ... im only using docker toolbox through MINGW64 ... there is no way my input is getting F'ed
one sec, setting a variable
dumb question ... does my email have to be in the config file to work?
@ArtOfCode thanks
naw, thats just git config
whoa, it's [meta-tag:featured]? that's awesome!
[ SmokeDetector ] SmokeDetector started at rev 4453953 (ArtOfCode: Merge pull request #535 from Glorfindel83/master) (running on location_here)
Restart: API quota is 9999.
@CaffeineAddiction hint: change location in config to something more meaningful :)
yah, did that
Dayum. Metasmoke got a ton of new users
its running ...
@JF teward/Aurora
@JF location_here
@CaffeineAddiction yeah, you need to reboot when you change config
@quartata Decent flagger conversion rate, too
does it really need my github password?
not for testing
ok, and location=location_here ... is that ok?
@CaffeineAddiction something more meaningful than location_here is good
@CaffeineAddiction How about Coffee/Jar? :)
Awh, why did we get unfeatured?
Ah, ok ... just an identifier string
@quartata ? It's still [featured] for me.
@CaffeineAddiction So we know who is running it and where.
@quartata still featured where I'm sitting
@Glorfindel not for me
@quartata Where are you looking?
woops nevermind was on m.se
Wait, why do I have review privileges?
because everyone does
Uh... since when was that?
I can't review on Meta.SE
Talking about Metasmoke
If I don't have an account on a site where Smokey wants to use autoflags, does it create it?
@quartata Nope. It fails and goes to the next user.
@quartata No, it just ignores and moves on to the next person
[ SmokeDetector ] SmokeDetector started at rev 4453953 (ArtOfCode: Merge pull request #535 from Glorfindel83/master) (running on docker/caffeine)
Restart: API quota is 9994.
what is the other chat going on in this terminal?
@quartata brews a cup of green tea for @quartata
@quartata brews a cup of chamomile tea for @quartata
@CaffeineAddiction random logs on what Smokey's scanning
oh boy
double the smokey
sorry, I will kill mine
... mission accomplished though
smokey on windows
New metasmoke user 'ColleenV' created
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Manually reported question: how do i become as attractive as neil degrasse tyson by Tayble lee on biology.SE
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in answer, bad keyword with email in answer, email in answer: Can you get modern levels of health care, with no steam engines and no electricity? by jual philipe on worldbuilding.SE
tpu- by MAR
@ArtOfCode I am somewhat concerned with allowing MS registration without an SE account
@quartata why? That's how it was done for years
almost literally
Like, you shouldn't be able to submit feedback if you don't have an SE account.
If it becomes an issue, we'll know pretty quickly
And I trust SE to prevent people from making an army of accounts more than I trust MS
It would be possible to remove that role from accounts not created through OAuth, though
but honestly, what's the likelihood of a non-SE person (a) finding metasmoke, (b) registering on a website that just contains spam, and (c) working out how to provide feedback?
@Undo That would work.
metasmoke isn't indexed, either, so it's almost nil. But yeah, would go with Undo's suggestion
But you'd need to provide a way to link an account after
We'll just make :reviewer 100% dependent on the presence of stack_exchange_account_id
@ArtOfCode It is?
At least the home page
better not be, where are you finding it?
Hello :-) I'm pretty new to ML and trying to make some programs on TF, but they always fail to work the way I'd like them to (mostly, they don't converge). I've been doing everything on my own so far and am looking for some people who could help me, any kind of friendly online community which is somewhat machine-learning oriented really. Any recommandations ? Thanks
@quartata link?
Oh, the homepage shows up if you search for metasmoke, which no spammer (or normal person, for that matter) would ever do. Standard Google protocol.
@Hippalectryon Smokey is not ML based
@Hippalectryon we don't do machine learning with what we do here, but I suspect there are some chatrooms on SO that might be able to help you - try your language's chatroom, or try looking for some ML specific rooms
Tenfold is probably the best place.

 Ten fold

CrossValidated's general room for gossip, grumbles, and idle c...
@quartata Sorry ;_; I don't usually use SE (I'm a MSE user), I just went for the most active SE chatroom
@Hippalectryon Also, I assume you've seen stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/tensorflow?
@quartata thanks
@Undo Yeah, but unfortunately I guess I'd need a real conversation, since I'm not really sure where the issue is in my code and I still have much to learn. Thanks anyway
this is the most active SE chatroom?
Probably not
Maybe most recently active
New metasmoke user 'Dartmouth' created
@CaffeineAddiction Nah of course not
Hey @Hipp
@M.A.R. Hey :-)
@Hippalectryon That's only rooms without a parent site
this might be the most active generic-parent room, if that's what you mean
Oh, I went to SE -> chat and it directed me there, didn't check
Oh you're right I SE =/= SO
But I'm ready to bet this room contains the largest number of ''penis''
@Hippalectryon There are three chat servers
Meta.SE, SO and SE
So if we say ''chat 'X' is the most active in SE'', it means on the SE server
I think the room containing the highest number of messages is ELU.
@M.A.R. ???
@DavidPostill We were perhaps looking for an achievement this room has made
The room itself, not the people
It also prolly contains the highest number of ''k''
By a wide margin
@quartata done
@M.A.R. The word you used confuses me ...
@DavidPostill The quotations (Actually double apostrophes because my shift is broken) indicate that I'm not using the word, but mentioning it
The use–mention distinction is a foundational concept of analytic philosophy, according to which it is necessary to make a distinction between using a word (or phrase) and mentioning it, and many philosophical works have been "vitiated by a failure to distinguish use and mention". The distinction is disputed by non-analytic philosophers. The distinction between use and mention can be illustrated for the word cheese: Use: cheese is derived from milk. Mention: cheese is derived from the Old English word ċēse. The first sentence is a statement about the substance called "cheese"; it uses the word...
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at end of answer: how do I convert my java files into an application? by The Dibermaster on stackoverflow.com (@dorukayhan)
fp- by 4castle
naa- by Gothdo
@Undo feel free to delete my sock from MS
New metasmoke user 'lalo' created
docker build -t smokey-dev .
docker run --rm -it -v ~/:/root/src smokey-dev
where ~/ should be replaced with the path of your local checkout
@Undo Can you link an SE account later?
@quartata Yes
@M.A.R. Never mind ...
@Undo Cool. I think that's a good compromise
Designed to prevent people from re linking their accounts later to refresh it, though - if we manually remove someone from review, we probably don't want them to get privs back on their own.
New metasmoke user 'beattyac' created
eternal september
Definitely a good thing. More autoflags!
@ArtOfCode So just to clarify, MS review privileges means I can only review on MS, correct
And through the API
New metasmoke user 'philipxy' created
Should we turn off the announcements?
I don't see a reason to, they're kinda fun to watch
But if a bunch of other folks don't like 'em, we can get rid of them
We could do it in batches. Like every hour: New metasmoke users: '...'. I don't think they'll get too out of hand though but we'll see
Huh, how does Coal do this typing indicator thing?
Who runs it?
only works for people who have it
Nathan Osman's server
Also, Coal doesn't have a dock icon on Ubuntu.
@quartata I’ll be fixing that as soon as I get this next release out — it’ll have binaries with icons.
See, this is actually something that I'm cool with using Electron for. I usually hate it but this is something it's actually designed to do -- render large amounts of HTML
Just need 1 spam to test something (if it works), then I’ll push.
it's slow and annoying, but it does make a good way for people with zero desktop experience to produce desktop apps
He means memory-wise I presume.
When it's just one page like this it's slightly less annoying.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Blacklisted website in body: can't pars website RSS on my android by Steadyyy on stackoverflow.com (@dorukayhan)
New metasmoke user 'J. Doe' created
sd f
@Undo [:35614013] That message is not a report.
... yeah
I won't touch it to let @JF test whatever he needs to
So, how do you do false positives from Coal?
@SmokeDetector testing, @Undo
@quartata chat feedback
@quartata FDSC’s installed too.
@ArtOfCode Could probably use a more obvious username there
@JF Yeah but that only works for when you flag
@Undo It’s fine — Just the 1 report is all I need.
Oh wait, missed the false positive link
Uhh, FDSC controls don't show up in the window that pops up
Oh there we go
fp- by DavidPostill
OK I have more questions now :P
Why doesn't my MS feedback show up like that?
@quartata What do you mean?
@JF I did fp- on that post, but Smokey didn't say anything in chat.
What's the difference?
Does it not do that for feedback from the API?
@quartata only for the first one on each post
@ArtOfCode But I did it before that messages showed up.
@quartata you did it through review, not the API
Oh yes, because I went to MS to authenticate FDSC >_>
this admin access to a bunch of data is pretty fun :)
@ArtOfCode oi stop stealing my credit card numbers
@ArtOfCode which data?
@quartata you gave us your CCN? that would be a bad idea ;)
@Undo just the clear feedback page
ya know, that one that said "from review" instead of "from FDSC" :)
Hey, I expected more people here chatting
Hmm, did something happen with mods from other sites while I was gone?
I was gone twice or thrice today. It seems there was a chat drama in one of the leaves
entirely possible
I'm just curious what happened
Was it about meta.SO versus meta.SE?
Any drama today was pretty much resolved by staff helpfully featuring it on mSE
No it was about posting on the site metas.
Which is pointless if we're featured :P
so we're done with all the drama. No more.
I thought the drama was about autoflags?
oh, maybe there was more drama that I missed
@Undo oh good
coal v0.6.0 is now available, featuring binaries for macOS and Linux, as well as some new features.
@JF what does this one do? Flag in chat?
Which one's for macOS?
@Undo darwin
oh right
... how is this 118MB? :P
@JF Oh I already have it haha
Hullo @Zach! Welcome to Charcoal
Since I built from source
Must be a bunch of Electron stuff
@Undo electron is 100 MB
ah, okay
@M.A.R. Lots. See the changelog.
18 MB? That's still quite a lot...
@ArtOfCode nope, 118 MB
@ArtOfCode emphasis on "ish"
(I know how to get around that, but normal people don't)
I could probably sign it if we need to
@Undo "installation of only apps"?
@Undo sign it w/ what key?
It's really simple to get around, and it's a helpful warning in practice
@CaffeineAddiction I have Apple dev credentials
@Undo it occasionally does that to me too but the error message doesn't look as good
@ArtOfCode “apps” is Apple-ese for “applications”.
@JF I know, but the grammar is fairly terrible
> A JavaScript error occurred in the main process
oops, ninja'd
This one, though, I don't know how to get around
? I don't get that.
New metasmoke user 'Patrick Evans' created
"only allow installation of apps" would be better. "installation of only apps" is... awkward.
@ArtOfCode Yeah, a little bit. I've never thought about it before, it just made sense
Now I'm going to nice that every time. Thanks :P
@Undo Fixed in repo; binaries should be available in a few minutes.
presumably, some developer did "allow installation of " + $current_setting.description
wait, what's the typo?
should it be "your settings only allow installation of apps" or something?
2 mins ago, by ArtOfCode
"only allow installation of apps" would be better. "installation of only apps" is... awkward.
@NobodyNada not typo, programmer grammar
New metasmoke user 'doppelgreener' created
Nice, we have around 20 mods in MS at least prolly now
@Undo Should we add notifications for when metasmoke CIs fail?
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Pattern-matching website in body: Wordpress get custom posts and pages showing in results from category.php by Mark on stackoverflow.com (@dorukayhan)
fp- by J F
…and AIM works again :)
@quartata Art and I already get emails for them, that's probably enough
I like the desktop notification in Coal on reports.
@JF \o/
Difference is that Smokey requires CI to pass before pulling; metasmoke requires me to run a command.
@JF dunno, I'm on mobile
@Undo Oh so Metasmoke does not auto-deploy then.
I mean that makes sense obviously
but the room topic says "dev-on-prod"
you're betraying the core principles here
It's mostly me that does that.
Question, why does "Noooooooooooooo" sound 13 times friendlier than "No"?
And is there a similar effect in variants such as "Nø" and "Nóò"?
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at end of answer: how to automatically generate comments for methods written by us in eclipse rcp? by Jonatas on stackoverflow.com (@dorukayhan)
tpu- by Gothdo
Ugh, you people are so fast.
@CaffeineAddiction Actually MS is the one that does autoflagging soooooo
@CaffeineAddiction it's metasmoke that does the nuking, which is why autodeploy is not a thing
see, that makes more sense
@JF [bug] [linux-x64] clicking the link from chat to log into SE gets me a blank page
@ArtOfCode Not for me.
@ArtOfCode Try opening the DevTools and doing window.location = 'https://stackexchange.com/users/login'.
Have we ever actually run out of API quota?
opening the dev tools... how?
@ArtOfCode ⌘⎇I / Ctrl+Shift+I
doesn't work
does literally nothing
Did you build from source or are these the binaries? I haven't tried the binaries
this is the binary
@JF It's still not working for me on 0.6.1

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