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4:00 AM
It's a hassle only for newbies, which is a bad argument
On arch there's not too many repos, and all the important ones are enabled by default, except the multilib repo if you are using x64 and want to run x86 software
And then there is the unofficial Arch User Repository. If you don't find a package from the official repos, it's most likely in the AUR
Do you know if an arch linux repo could be used on say debian
no, Arch has so different file system structure
all the files would go in wrong places
Or do pacman repos not work on apt-get?
I see
No they don't
That's were the problem
They all achieve pretty much the same thing
4:04 AM
They just do it differently
But I would really hesitate to use cross-distro repos
The distros are making sure that the software in it's own repos will work with the distro
That's impossible with cross-distros
For example, if one distro uses different kernel and you have another version, and you pull a package from the other distro's repo, it wants you to upgrade the kernel, and then it pulls the new version from the other distro's repos and that has really high propability breaking everything
I suppose that having a lot of distros based off of others helps with the issue a little though
I see
The distros are there to provide different flavours for different purposes
I would not use Arch on a server, because it's volatile as it is a rolling release. Debian has really high stability which is a good choise for a server
My main concern is that as a software developer, it would be a lot of work having to submit your package to 100 different repositories
4:09 AM
On debian it's highly unlikely that an update would break something
On Arch, you will always get the latest software, but that could break things more easily
It's not your job, and you really can't do that. The distro repos are maintained by a group of maintainers who will accept packages in
At least that's what I believe, I am not sure :P
I see
On Arch you can submit packages to AUR, but never to the official repos
Do you know if software centers are a separate thing, or if they are basically just guis for pacman or apt-get, or whatever your package manager is
4:12 AM
software centers?
and just call the appropriate commands
Oh, you mean the GUI front-end for the package managers
They are usually separate software, which just uses the real package manager in the back and hides that from you
I think on ubuntu (and possibly debian), it brings up the terminal when install with the software center
Which is kind of ugly to people who are not familiar with terminals
I've never used those horrible GUI things :P
I do for some things
I like because you can see reviews, search for software, etc.
But if I want to install a library, I use the command line
4:16 AM
Yeah I guess that's good for the more inexperienced users
From a game development perspective,
steam would pretty much eliminate the issue we just talked about
Is that the first time that somebody's mind (mine) has been changed on the internet during an argument?
changed about what?
The package manager thing
No, I've been successful several times for changin people's opinions. Or at least they have agreed with me to get rid of me :D
I guess it depends on the intelligence of the person you are arguing with
A dumb person would just say "well you're an idiot" - indicating that you won
4:21 AM
I don't think like that, as I don't think myself really more intelligent than others
I guess I should say open-mindedness
I can be a real dumbass with some things
For me it's cooking
I made cereal earlier
I'm a chef
For me it's windows
You made a typo
It's spelled "winders"
4:25 AM
I just can't figure out how it works, and I am able to get a BSOD just by staring a windows desktop for 10 minutes
I actually managed to get two BSODs with win8 when I installed it on my dad's laptop
I just handed it over hoping it would work
At least 7 is better than 8.
Which is weird because 7 < 8
7 has better user interface
the win8 and 8.1 ui is horrible
That's what I mean
All the good things that were in win7 have been removed and replaced with some nonsense
I can't push win key and type in a name of a program and hit enter any more
Someone once said that it seems like every other version sucks
4:29 AM
I don't see how they could improve when they have taken the direction like that with win8
They need to go backwards to make it happen
And that's something I don't believe will happen
I think that if you just start typing on the start screen it let's you search
But let's not just mock win8, let's mock Ubuntu. The unity desktop is even more horrible than win8
I would say that winders is shattered
I think unity isn't too bad. I mean I think it's better than windows 8
But it is not perfect
I'm looking forward for the future of steam. It looks so exciting. Linux might get a lot more users because of that, and Linux would then become mainstream.
why do so many people hate it though? (I have my reasons, just curious why you hate it)
By it I mean unity
4:32 AM
I hate it because it's always on my way when I want to do something. If I use desktop, I want clickable icons, not a search bar
If it worked like win7 start menu, it would be better, but no
Also, I don't like the asthetics
So you are saying that you like to find things with the category system?
And it's really horribly slow to load and use, I prefer XFCE or some tiling WM
I am not going to lie, winders 7 has a pretty nice design
You mean UI design
Some things in winders 7 don't make any sense at all though
4:35 AM
grey is back
for example
Hi grey
If you want to change brightness, you go to appearance and personalization
Well, tbh on my Arch changing the screen brightness is buggy :P
But that's only because the support for my laptop is a bit poor
I have to close the lid and let it go sleep mode, and then wake it up to see the changed brightness
I just mean that putting it in "personalization" makes no sense
This is a thing on twitter by the way #indiegamepickuplines
4:42 AM
I am actually good at qwop though
ugh LA Game Space is UGH. They aren't finished yet and there hasn't been a peep from them about construction.
@Lasse I'm looking for a desktop environment that looks different than windows (I want to be different), has a dock feature similar to ubuntu but maybe more compact, is very customizable and is in general just an efficient design. Does anything come to mind?
that's what I am using
I'll check it out
anyone else using dvorak?
you're using dvorak?
4:47 AM
Getting used to it
It makes sense
Whats dvorak
it's a keyboard layout different to qwerty
I think that I'm going to switch to programmer dvorak
I will show you what it looks like
4:48 AM
It would take me a while to get used to
Much faster
QWERTY 5 ever
I bet
I'm actually quite fast on QWERTY
why not 3 ever
It's not just about speed
i have rsi though, and based on the wiki that layout can reduce injury
4:49 AM
@Grey RSI 5 ever
@Lasse I am jealous of your setup
@Aidan It's practically gone for me :p
had it for 6 months
That's why I am switching (in addition to speed)
I actually wrote that before I read that you have rsi
Yes you did
I had mine in my trap area
But I've fixed my posture, and I can live with it now
4:53 AM
I am playing qwop because of you
@Grey why? it's not that special
@Lasse is it creepy that I am looking at your desktop tabs?
They're not all there, I have another browser window
I can take a shot of them if you feel like lurking
That's ok
@Lasse Your monitor is big. Two monitors
or one?
4:56 AM
two 24"
new monitor vIneH
There's my tabs from the other browser window
I thought I had a lot of tabs
@Lasse no lag
the first four are pinned
I've got i7 with 10gigs of ram
4:59 AM
I'm using 5.5 gigs now
Well I have over 9000!
My secret desire: Get another monitor and code a custom interface
Actually I have 6
control it via a voice command and a remote
with artificial intelligence
5:00 AM
I was considering making my own interface
I've been working on my own GUI lib on opengl
It's not good. It's horrible
@Lasse screeeeeeeeeeeeeens
I should rewrite it from scratch
5:01 AM
that's early version
and it hasn't changed much, I've not written any new renderers for the controls
I am working on a design
For a DE
here's a bit newer version with dockable panels
I'd buy a custom monitor just to run a monitor on it 24/7 that acted like an OS
And after I got the GUI to that point, I found out how great game tekkit is
And there went 3 weeks with no progress
I was working on a binary adder in redstone
I meant computer
5:07 AM
h8 minecraft
I wanted to make a full computer eventually
And currently I am stuck with a problem where for some reason if I use vertex attrib modifying commands on some other vbo, it makes drawing another vbo to crash
My desktop environment
(So far)
I have bad graphical design skills, but I'd like to learn to do stuff like that. It's just too much of hassle for me
I drew the background
...with a camera
5:12 AM
I drew that penguin
when I had high fever some years ago
I was knocked out of ludumdare for 2 days with the flu and I still finished
Granted that the game sucked
Pieces of the japanese flag walking around with white sticks?
It's just something I can see the orientation from
5:18 AM
It's amazing how people are able to bend like that
argh. they make my skin crawl sometimes
I actually can "run" in qwop
post the share link
So it's clickable
And so I get a preview
Damn my feet are cold, even if I got wool socks
it's -18 C outside
5:26 AM
THIS IS so cool
wtf there are code templates for everything useless in monodevelop, but not for class methods
@Lasse lol
I'm gonna make my own then
I like how I can just type in "prop" and hit tab and it fills a property for me and I just type in the type and name
"meth". Crystal clear.
@Grey Laughed at that first game
5:37 AM
lol hooters
Never been there, never will.
That was just ridiculous
I have no intention either
Especially since I am only 14
@Aidan Same. I r 14 as well. Hooters is for pervs
I know
Anyone still here?
Y'all like my color scheme?
5:54 AM
I don't like the green
but it's just my preference
I chose it because it stands out
I think it looks nice
i must be the only person in the universe who likes the standard colour set
On my screen it is too bright, a bit darker would be nice
i like bright
Would you like a tip for picking colors?
5:55 AM
@MattD do you mean white background etc?
long standing habbit.
I use black on white for Java
my eyes hurt if I have to use bright background too long
White on black for C++
see when i started programming, I was using dos edit, remember that? with the blue background? and white text?
5:56 AM
yeah I've used it too
QBasic 4ever
well thats all we had.
and a cmd line compiler
in the days before visual studio 6
I've also used some borland dos editor for c++
which i still have a copy of somewhere
5:57 AM
it was similar to the dos EDIT
a bit more features
anyway. you used to know it was time to throw the towel in because the white text had disappeared behind a swathe of unfocused blue
and then i got visual studio 6
even though that was broken as hell
but at least it had a visual debugger
Here is how I picked the colors: Go to ColorPicker.com, input a color, and click a generate color scheme button and BAM you have colors that work well with each other. Great for creating game art too.
there's some screen thing that generates slightly less artificially bright colours too
i dont remember where it is though
meh, opengl does not even give me any errors and it still crashes when I try to draw this vbo
have you debugged it
6:00 AM
it does not crash if I don't fiddle with another vbo's vertex attribute arrays
I have no idea how to debug this any further
what IDE are you using?
does it compile under windows?
6:01 AM
This computer BSODs when you watch videos on Facebook. Thanks Winders!
I think so yes, it's platform independant
well, id fire it up in visual studio
and id grab gldebugger
I have noticed what I think is a bug in OS 10.9.
I thought it was an Xcode bug with the file open dialog, but I can reproduce it in other applications.
6:03 AM
You're using a Mac?
Don't be so naive.
I use a mac at home too
Attempting to view any of the immediate subfolders of ~ results in a noticeable delay in display of the contents.
vmware fusion ftw :)
Along with a busy spinner in the bottom left.
6:03 AM
wonder what it's doing
Wasn't saying it was a bad thing, just asking.
Huh, and apparently I'm not the only one: forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=1688142
Me too. It's a v2 rMBP, so it has an SSD and everything.
hmmmm... HMMMM.... ~ is the alias for the home directory right?
6:05 AM
ill need to upgrade my MBP when i move
i wonder if it's doing some kind of crazy authentication / profile setting checking or something
I used to hate Mac. But I have changed my mind a bit
eventually you'll see things as tools, and not as things you define your reality by. and you'll end up hating a hell of a lot less things
I don't hate Macs. I hate Apple, and therefore boycott and mock Macs.
Dunno. There's definitely a disk IO spike that correlates.
It's writes, oddly enough.
6:07 AM
well that is strange
I do hate Apple though. Their products are good, but they are, well, I don't want to go to bed angry.
i dont hate apple, i dont hate microsoft. i dont hate windows, i dont hate osx. they're either companies, or tools to do things
hate, now I hate people who cut in line at the supermarket
but software? I've got a job to do, and ill use whatever I need to do to get the job done
Yeah, I feel like it's pointless to "hate" diffuse organizations. Disagree with the policies or direction of, sure, but that's different.
Speaking of which.
Google buying Nest? I'm really curious what for.
6:09 AM
ive never even heard of nest
this either makes me the most hipster hipster, or completly out of the loop
What's Nest?
I hate their policies
Apple with 171 lawsuits in last 5 years
whoever they are, google paid 3.4 billion or something
so someone's opening some champagne right now
and browsing the lamborghini website
6:10 AM
Lawsuits are an artifact of the broken patent system, I think a better place to lay that blame is the government.
Nest is a company that makes tempurature control things right?
Nest makes a thermostat control and a smoke detector. With corresponding not-so-amazing iOS apps.
I imagine when you have eleventy billion shipping containers with racks of equipment in them, having some thermostatic control applications would be pretty useful
@JoshPetrie yeah, I have begun to dislike the patent system
That really sounds something google would have got for a lot less money
Nest must have something really value
6:12 AM
Google paid just a billion or so shy of half what Microsoft paid for Nokia.
thats a good way to put it. thing is nokia were already on the decline.
That's a lot of money for a smoke alarm and a thermostat though.
I wonder how much EA would cost
but yes. i totally agree. I wonder what they were working on
Nokia's got a lot of things Microsoft could use. Like they make hardware that isn't horrid.
also patents
6:13 AM
lots of patents
Patents were a guess for Nest, actually, but I didn't bother looking at what they have.
Nokia's software has always been horrible, since the first smartphones
Maybe they want to make people hot so that they use the google search engine to solve the problem with their nest
@JoshPetrie google are on a bit of a spree at the moment.
buying a lot of robotics companies too
6:13 AM
Yeah that's not it
So I killed some non responsive Safari QTKit processes and now I can't reproduce the delay.
But I suspect this is a red herring.
And I will investigate further later, because I'd rather be sleeping.
yeah its LATE where you are man
hope the weathers not as amazingly crap as it has been
ok not that late
i thought it was like 3am or something
6:19 AM
Learning about regular expressions for Legrande.
Will Nest customer data be shared with Google?
Our privacy policy clearly limits the use of customer information to providing and improving Nest’s products and services. We’ve always taken privacy seriously and this will not change.
ok, back to work for me. got lots to do. have fun folks :)
I laughed
@MattD r progrmming?
yes, im at work
just taking a quick break
back into it now, will be a late night
6:39 AM
Hrm. Apparently Regular Expressions aren't that hard :o
I need to spend more time with them, but I understand how they work.
6:59 AM
Regular Expressions are awesome. Just remember it's just one tool, so don't use it to solve everything. :P

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