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12:01 AM
when you're out of memory on a drive qbittorrent goes crazy and enters an infinite try/write loop
which results in an infinite number of error notifs showing
12:25 AM
@AlexM. LeGrande Schematic
A story of a french student who robs a jewelry store for money but accidentally discovers the owner's secret plans to unveil revolutionary technology and AI which would change the ways of modern combat as we know it.
I wonder why gimp sucks so hard at resizing pics
this site causes less aliasing: picresize.com
12:41 AM
Hello devs.
Awesome video on A*
@hasherr a couple (or maybe just one?) profs or something enhanced the A* algo, google it
there were lots of stars about it months ago
can't remember the name
How did they enhance it?
by making it faster, obivously
Faster? It's already pretty fast, isn't it?
12:44 AM
dunno, I guess
for my needs any pathfinding algorithm is pretty fast
jump point search
I have no idea how to implement this
I am not asking you to implement it
I am asking you to be aware of it
I'm asking myself to.
12:47 AM
Google teaches you how to do something, but it won't tell you about that something before it
@hasherr Thats the vid I learned from
so while you can't really memorize a ton of algorithms and possibilities, it is a good idea to keep their names in your memory, and a bit of info about what they achieve
so when the need arises, you can google them
@ChristianCareaga Yeah. I don't know how I'm going to implement this with a grid system.
this is technically what books do and the internet doesn't: they show you how to do things you didn't know existed
@hasherr it shouldnt be too hard!
12:49 AM
I just wrote the Game of Life with pygame!
pretty trivial actually
Its pretty too!
do those pixels go to university in the game of life?
Yes they get married and have a family
12:55 AM
this reminds me of a really awesome and underrated city building and life sim, called Cultures
if getting two people to marry, then getting them to have a kid, then getting him to grow up, to turn him into a soldier and send him to battle is your thing, then you should check out the game
the game also looks beautiful, despite its age
you can find the series on gog.com
That looks pretty cool!
yes, it's the 2nd game in the series but the first looks similar
except for the GUI
Looks like it uses settlers 3 or 4 engine
gog.com/game/cultures_12 (cultures 1+2 for $9)
That looks like it's aged well.
Ooh, rated Teen. I don't know. Not sure if I'm allowed to play
12:59 AM
I played it very long ago but if I remember this right...
babies are brought by storks
and the sex is actually a heart showing above the partners' cottage
I kind of want to play FTL right now, but A* is calling my name.
@Lasse might be
A* do it
1:00 AM
you can zoom in and out in the game
@ChristianCareaga I don't know haaaooo
it looks 3d-ish
@hasherr wat are you having trouble with! the idea of it or implementing it
Getting a grid set up. Not sure what I'm even gonna do for that.
also on gog there's Rune for $3.99 gog.com/game/rune_classic
they call it the Dark Souls of the past
never played it
1:04 AM
settlers 3 had funny DRM
when you brought iron ore to the smelter, and it processed it, out became a dead pig
that pretty much made it unplayable after couple of missions
I don't believe it was ever cracked
1:25 AM
anyone know about c++?
I have a question
just ask, don't ask to ask
how do you make a class from which no other class can derive?
make it final
this is C++, not java
there's no final keyword
oh, I thought there was as it is so common
I googled that and found it in 10 seconds
you should try googling too
C++11 has the final keyword
1:31 AM
hold on, I did something idiotic and have to clean up
ok done cleaning up
1:50 AM
final class Fantasy
Or something like that
Okay, fuck this. I have no idea how to make a grid system in this LWJGL.
int grid[width * height]; //PROFIT
where's my GDSE pro LoL team? :)
2:07 AM
Byte came with a nice idea over at the gd.se game jam chat. By chance, would you like to work on a collective (multiple teams? Hackathon?) project together with people from graphics SE? Just an idea for the next jam (spring).
        width = 1024;
        height = 1024;

        int xInterval = width / 32;
        int yInterval = height / 32;

        for (int i=0; i<=32; i++)
            for (int j=0; j<=32; j++)
                if (i == 1 && j == 1)
                    Node node = new Node(0, 0, NodeType.START);
                    Node node = new Node(i + 1, j + 1, NodeType.WALL);

Fuu why won't this work
I'm probably too tired to be doing this now anyways
yeah, sleepy programming isn't productive
Why the hell isn't that working...
Define "not working?"
It only displays starting nodes
So it is continuing to loop through
if (i == 1 && j == 1)
                    Node node = new Node(0, 0, NodeType.START);
Instead of moving up to the next Node
2:14 AM
If you put a breakpoint on that line, do you actually see it hit there more than once?
No, it only does it once
So what does that tell you?
I presume the problem was elsewhere?
2:23 AM
No, what's happening is the numbers are too big and the thing is getting drawn over for some reason
@Lasse what the heck?
I don't know what it's doing.
        width = 512;
        height = 512;

        boolean startHasBeenPlaced = false;

        for (int i=0; i<=width/64; i++)
            for (int j=0; j<=height/64; j++)
                if (!startHasBeenPlaced)
                    Node node = new Node(i, j, NodeType.START);
                    startHasBeenPlaced = true;
                    Node node = new Node(i, j, NodeType.TARGET);
I have a bezier curve, but I want to make it thick like that. Is that most easily accomplished that I go thru all lines of the curve and use a line in 90 degree angle to the curve to get the outer points?
depends on how much you want to tesselate it
2:24 AM
image sizes are 64/64, width and height of the screen is 512
@JoshPetrie So that should create 8 rows and 8 columns
I want it to be as smooth as possible
you could be a cheat, and just have a point every N along each "edge" spline, then make a triangle strip out of the points
so basically your wide brush is 3 splines, the inner, the outer, and the actual brush spline. the inner and outer are kind of parallel to the brush spline but offset
im sure there's lots of literature on "filling" solids
as this is what you're actually doing
x: 0.0 y: 0.0
x: 0.0 y: 1.0
x: 0.0 y: 2.0
x: 0.0 y: 3.0
x: 0.0 y: 4.0
x: 0.0 y: 5.0
x: 0.0 y: 6.0
x: 0.0 y: 7.0
x: 0.0 y: 8.0
x: 1.0 y: 0.0
x: 1.0 y: 1.0
x: 1.0 y: 2.0
x: 1.0 y: 3.0
x: 1.0 y: 4.0
x: 1.0 y: 5.0
x: 1.0 y: 6.0
x: 1.0 y: 7.0
x: 1.0 y: 8.0
x: 2.0 y: 0.0
x: 2.0 y: 1.0
x: 2.0 y: 2.0
x: 2.0 y: 3.0
x: 2.0 y: 4.0
x: 2.0 y: 5.0
x: 2.0 y: 6.0
x: 2.0 y: 7.0
x: 2.0 y: 8.0
x: 3.0 y: 0.0
x: 3.0 y: 1.0
x: 3.0 y: 2.0
x: 3.0 y: 3.0
x: 3.0 y: 4.0
x: 3.0 y: 5.0
x: 3.0 y: 6.0
x: 3.0 y: 7.0
x: 3.0 y: 8.0
That is actually correct^
So this whole thing is working, they just aren't drawing correctly.
And I have no clue why.
That's what I meant
yes and thats exactly what i meant too
2:28 AM
We're on the same page then
you start with your guide spline, or brush. now do two more splines offset from that one (which is a fun process on its own)
then, you have an "inside" spline, and an "outside" spline
then you just tesselate using the inside and outside
im pretty sure there's lots of literature on how to fill solids. and this is essentially that case. you're just filling a curved solid
smarter people than I will have nice tricks to make it better/faster
I'm not sure yet if it needs to be fast, as I am just precalculating the points and they remain static during the game
3:11 AM
@JoshPetrie Hey, thanks for the push earlier. It's guys like you who make me want to keep going.
Also, I got my issue resolved.
@hasherr hows it going!
It's going.
So I've got everything drawn
Is it working?
3:21 AM
Lol, no. I haven't implemented the actual algorithm yet
But I understand it
And I don't think it will be hard
This is really just a test for a much much much more complicated, in-depth project that I'll be working on with a group of people most likely.
haha I made a little a* demo but it wasn't that good it was a bit buggy
the only problem was it could only go in one path, so if 2 neighbor nodes had the same heuristic it wouldn't split and go through both it would just pick the first one :/
I see
So if it picked the first one, but the second one had the better path altogether, you were boned?
I added some shading to make it look prettier.
@hasherr exactly, but otherwise it worked, too lazy to fix it
Ohhhh pretty!
That wouldn't have been hard to fix either.
yeah basically just had to call the getpath method but with a differnt starting point ahaa
3:32 AM
@hasherr Did you ever fix that background? Or did you just say "screw this" and abandon the background all together?
but it was too learn a* and i think i was pretty successful in that so its okay
@AidanMueller The background?
You were having issues with opengl
@ChristianCareaga And yeah, that counts as a success. My biggest problem is that when I actually do this I'll have 2 maps
Trying to get a background to load properly
3:35 AM
And I'll have to tie together them
Or maybe that was someone else :P
@AidanMueller Yes, Mick and Lasse helped fix it. I'm currently putting that project on hold as I had something greater come up.
@hasherr I believe in you!
That's how all projects get abandoned.
You say "I'll put this on hold". And you end up abandoning it forever
I have abandoned many projects
but what I always say "I used it as a learning tool, so I would say it was a success!"
3:37 AM
If you want a learning tool, use ludum dare.
monodevelop leaks memory, already using up 3GB
What's mono develop again? It sounds familiar
MonoDevelop is cross-platform ide for .net and mono projects
I'm using the latest build from github
@Lasse Do you you use Linux, or do you just have a thing for penguins.
both, they are so adorable
3:40 AM
I am thinking of on my way to converting to Linux
I got fed up with windows more than a year ago, and I have had no regrets
What was the first thing
@AidanMueller I've put this project on hold before, and I've come back to it. I have every intention of finishing it. But a project came up that I fortunately have the oppurtunity to work on, and this project could get me a job if I did a swell job.
So my priorities have shifted but not faded
3:41 AM
-that got you fed up
@hasherr I see
don't get me started
I made a promise to this room that I would finish this game, and I will.
Just not today.
Or tomorrow.
Was it micro$ofts policies?
I hate how the system always ends up as a mess on windows, linux package managers at least keep the system clean
3:43 AM
also, I love the linux way of installing software
What I don't understand though is why people who don't use it always attack Linux on the internet
people are too used to click the next button
So do I (I have played with linux a little)
I've been using linux servers for several years before I started using it on desktop
So I got enough experience to install Arch straight from the start
I'm off to bed
3:45 AM
I like being able to just type "sudo apt-get intstall <c++ library that is a paint to install on windows>" and it installs it for you
And I don't think I'll be able to use anything other any more, maybe only if something better comes up but Arch has the best policies and stuff
Bye hasherr
yeah debian's aptitude is good
but I like Arch linux's pacman more
pacman -S program
pacman -Syu updates whole system
3:46 AM
That is halarious
and it's rolling release
I would get it just for the name
pacman has nice easter egg, you can enable from config some ASCII art where you have C eating some pills while installing
it works as a progress bar
If you type in "apt-get" it says "this apt has super cow powers" at the bottom of the help page
3:49 AM
Then if you type "apt-get moo" it draws an ASCII cow and says "have you mooed today"
I wish that all distributions had the same package manager
they could pick the best one
I think pacman is the best one, but it would be now really hard for debian to convert
or debian derivatives
It just doesn't make sense to have hundreds and hundreds of package managers
At least share the same repository
Well that's how open source world works
if someone does not like something, feel free to create your own
3:52 AM
(I have learned how to use italics now)
Sharing repos would be not good
In this case that's a bit of a problem though
Different distros have different file systems
I guess it could have it's benefits
trying to think of one
For example debian puts http server websites in /var/www but arch puts them in /srv/http
by default
6am already, brb gonna grab coffee
3:55 AM
@Lasse But it doesn't change things like usr or home does it?
The reason I don't think that multiple repositories is good idea is because if we just had one (or at least a smaller number), using Linux would be a bit more universal.

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