
Associated with Math.SE; for both general discussion & math qu...
Feb 10, 2014 23:33
Hello, I miss you
Feb 8, 2014 22:42
What's the largest number used in a math proof so far?
Feb 7, 2014 15:11
Are there sets on which no order can be defined?
Feb 7, 2014 00:11
Is there an explanation to why mathematicians discover proofs independently and sometimes at the same time?
Feb 6, 2014 21:48
@PedroTamaroff @skullpatrol
Feb 6, 2014 21:29
@skullpatrol @PedroTamaroff
Feb 6, 2014 21:25
Guys, what's that inequality for approximating a summation by integrals?
Feb 6, 2014 21:24
So differential equations, Fourier stuff
Feb 6, 2014 21:23
@PedroTamaroff But somethings more than others. I think that everything becomes applied eventually.
Feb 6, 2014 21:22
It attracts investors :D, nice. So what parts of math are applied?
Feb 6, 2014 21:21
Feb 6, 2014 21:21
@PedroTamaroff Are you talking to me :D
Feb 6, 2014 21:21
@skullpatrol Practical sounds more appropriate
Feb 6, 2014 21:20
What does 'applied' mean in sciences?
Feb 6, 2014 13:25
Picture twisted
Feb 6, 2014 13:25
Oh, as $x$ approaches $0^+$
Feb 6, 2014 13:24
@BalarkaSen What is false?
Feb 6, 2014 13:23
@BalarkaSen He is talking about the reals
Feb 6, 2014 13:23
@BalarkaSen ?
Feb 6, 2014 13:22
Tell them $\lim_{x\to - \infty} \log x=0$
Feb 6, 2014 13:21
It's not negative logs that aren't defined, it's logs of negative numbers.
Feb 6, 2014 13:20
Favorite theorem?
Feb 6, 2014 13:20
What do you like?
Feb 6, 2014 13:19
@BalarkaSen Why?
Feb 6, 2014 13:18
Dedekind did a nice job constructing the reals using cuts
Feb 5, 2014 15:49
Q: Definitions $\limsup$ and $\liminf$

saadtaameIs the given proof of the following correct? Let $\{A_n\}$ be a sequence of sets, then: $$\liminf_{n\to\infty}=\bigcup_{i=1}^\infty\bigcap_{j=i}^\infty A_j=\{\text{elements that belong to all but finitely many } A_i's\}$$ Pf. ($\leftarrow$) Let $$B_i=\bigcap_{j=i}^\infty A_j$$ Then, $$x\i...

Feb 4, 2014 01:18
What are the axioms of set theory that we use today? @robjohn
Feb 4, 2014 01:17
Did you see my question? It's up there
Feb 4, 2014 01:15
Feb 4, 2014 01:10
What are the axioms of set theory that we use today?
Feb 3, 2014 03:43
Feb 2, 2014 15:46
Feb 2, 2014 15:43
Were $\limsup$ and $\liminf$ introduced because they always exist?

 Computer Science

General discussion for
Feb 6, 2014 21:35
What are the +'s of being a mod? @Raphael @Gilles
Feb 6, 2014 21:33
Who are the mods now?
Feb 6, 2014 21:33
CSSE, which is beta at the moment.
Feb 6, 2014 21:30
How does one become a moderator?
Feb 5, 2014 19:01
Feb 5, 2014 19:00
How does that algorithm work, just returns the answer?
Feb 5, 2014 18:59
No, just curious
Feb 5, 2014 18:58
No, I'm just asking if it's possible
Feb 5, 2014 18:57
Feb 5, 2014 18:52
Now the question is: are there sets that are countable, uncountable?
Feb 5, 2014 18:52
For other measures, we can use other sets.
Feb 5, 2014 18:49
Feb 5, 2014 18:45
Trying to play with symbols. If $T=\{T_i\}$ is the set of running times of every possible algorithm that solves a given problem $P$. Can we say that an algorithm $j$ is optimal if $T_j=\sup T$?

 Game Development

Game development and other polite discussion. Game development...
Jan 31, 2014 20:43
I'm thinking of game where the user perspective (camera) is different than others
Jan 31, 2014 20:38
@JoshPetrie What are you interested in?
Jan 31, 2014 20:37
@JohnMcDonald Yes for a game
Jan 31, 2014 20:36
Indeed, any project ideas @JoshPetrie?