Nov 18, 2020 13:07
Though I will say maybe my perspective on that is slightly skewed. I live in an area that's very progressive and accepting of my identity, which may not be the case elsewhere.
Nov 18, 2020 12:59
And slightly off-topic, I take issue with the term "white privilege". The amount of "privilege" you get from race, sex and gender is sorely, sorely outclassed by class privilege (read: money).
Nov 18, 2020 12:59
Good answer - it also feels like the asker is very assuming of "privilege". The guy could easily be LGBT or on the autism spectrum for instance, and she might not know.
Sep 22, 2020 16:04
This was also confirmed nearly two decades ago @Stacey
Sep 22, 2020 16:03
Actually, here's an SE post that while lacking sources, it seems to come to the same conclusion:…
Sep 22, 2020 16:00
On social media or good old BBS for example, you can definitely tell. I'm sure there is some difference to be discerned in the corporate world too, though I can't say that with certainty because I hardly read or write business-related letters. Though I will say that I noticed some gender-related writing differences in emails I've exchanged with various people during interview processes.
Sep 22, 2020 15:57
Frankly I have no idea why anyone would intentionally want to pursue a male/female writing style, but it's not entirely baseless.
Sep 22, 2020 15:57
@JoeStrazzere I can't really comment on gendered writing styles in the professional world, but online and in more informal settings you can definitely tell whether the person writing is a man or a woman. AI can also quite accurately determine someone's gender based on their writing.
Sep 9, 2020 19:51
It's worth noting that "AGP" is a real thing though
Sep 9, 2020 19:50
That part in parentheses is also equally important, because FtM men can still like "traditionally feminine" hobbies or clothing.
Sep 9, 2020 19:49
None of the points outlined in this answer point to dysphoria, except the last one. Showing interest in clothing that society has arbitrarily coded as "feminine" doesn't make you trans. Same goes for hobbies. Gender-nonconformity exists and it doesn't make you any more trans (or any less trans either, for that matter!).
Jun 26, 2020 16:16
Most self-declared "antifa" people, if met face-to-face with the actual soldiers that stormed the Normandy beaches, would call those very same soldiers "nazis" or "fascists" for their outdated beliefs on LGBT folks and PoC. The "antifa" label has been thoroughly sullied by violent and other bad-faith actors. I think it's time to acknowledge that calling yourself "the good guy squad" does not mean all your actions are automatically "good".
Jan 24, 2020 12:20
@Scounged I wouldn't call it a slippery slope at all, it seems more like what's already happening. We shouldn't be giving any group preferential treatment, not even when we think that they might be "falling behind". The best you can do is give equal opportunity.
Dec 19, 2019 10:50
Did this room get wiped or something?
Dec 18, 2019 16:01
I should note: taking sick leave when you're not really sick will probably be seen as worse than just refusing to participate.
Dec 18, 2019 15:54
I have never worked with a company where such participation was mandatory, nor have I ever been looked down upon for refusing. I think nobody will pay OP's refusal any mind.
Dec 18, 2019 15:53
I completely understand OP and I think it is very insensitive (in the actual sense, not the "politically correct" sense) to say that they have "deep-rooted issues" because they don't want to dance in front of a crowd.
Dec 18, 2019 15:52
As someone else said, people are people, not performer monkeys for other people's amusement.
Dec 18, 2019 15:51
I think OP should stick to their guns and refuse. Don't call in sick, there's no use in that.
Dec 9, 2019 12:27
Because job-hopping gets me an instant 30% raise and possibly a promotion. Staying maybe gets me 5%, but not in the first year because "we don't do that". Consider valuing loyalty more. Employees don't owe you anything beyond what their contract says. Give them more incentive to stay.
Nov 29, 2019 19:17
I think many people here might be misunderstanding OP. I don't think the problem is just that he can't actively work 8 hours a day. I think his mental health suffers when he's at work for that long, even if he isn't actually doing anything. Sadly this isn't exactly uncommon, but it won't be considered "normal" either. It's roughly the situation I am in.
Nov 1, 2019 14:21
tl;dr: sperm is plentiful and eggs are scarce, which is also why men and women's experiences on dating sites are so vastly different from each other.
Nov 1, 2019 14:19
@L.Dutch I don't think this is a "sexist stereotype" at all. This is just biology at work.


A place for trash messages from other chatrooms. If you're a r...
Oct 11, 2019 08:43
Oct 11, 2019 08:41
Alright, thanks. Apparently the guy is "fishing for a ban" or so he says
Oct 11, 2019 08:40
Sorry if this is offtopic for this chatroom, but how do I flag users that keep responding to me with incredibly rude comments across the network (such as "go f' yourself") and then deleting them? I have only been able to flag one of them so far. Do the flags stay even if the comment is deleted? I want this guy to stop harassing me

 The Awkward Silence

Welcome to The Awkward Silence! Here, you can find the general...
Sep 23, 2019 19:41
And yeah I'll get on it soon
Sep 23, 2019 19:41
I didn't mean it like "well you can infer that if you just click through my profile so it isn't necessary"
Sep 23, 2019 19:40
If they look for my name externally for example
Sep 23, 2019 19:40
I meant that I prefer not to say too much about my gender in answers, because anyone can just click on my profile and look at my highly upvoted answers
Sep 23, 2019 19:40
Also that's not really the way I meant it
Sep 23, 2019 19:39
Yeah I will, no worries. Although I might not be able to until tomorrow morning (GMT+1)
Sep 23, 2019 19:37
Ah well I prefer not to say too much about my gender in a public answer since that's super easy to find when you dig around, but I'll expand on the answer in a bit.
Sep 23, 2019 19:36
@Tinkeringbell it kinda slipped my mind, what was the issue again?
Sep 20, 2019 12:13
Ideally I'm hoping to move closer to a 30 hour workweek
Sep 20, 2019 12:12
Yeah, same. I'm not obligated to stay late thankfully
Sep 20, 2019 12:12
People putting in 70 hour work weeks and sacrificing their own health
Sep 20, 2019 12:11
A bit of a tangent, but I really hope the trend will shift towards fewer hours of work for all. The trend of overwork culture in some sectors is very worrying
Sep 20, 2019 12:09
Oh i had missed that, whoops.
Sep 20, 2019 12:09
Although I should mention that a gross earnings gap does not necessarily indicate that the entire gap can currently be attributed to sexism. I say "currently", because even if opportunities were perfectly equal right now (and that's a big if), the data wouldn't start reflecting that properly until a few generations from now
Sep 20, 2019 12:07
Sep 20, 2019 12:02
I have never been in France so I wouldn't know
Sep 20, 2019 12:02
Oh, right. Is the cultural difference really that big? The countries seem so close and they're both in the EU
Sep 20, 2019 11:54
Ironically, this is exactly what I meant with people telling me "Yeah, but women have it worse in X area".
Sep 20, 2019 11:53
I'm also not entirely convinced that a wage gap exists due to sexism, but I'm not up to date enough on the matter to back that up with sources.
Sep 20, 2019 11:52
I'm also not paid more, since I am under 29 and childless. Women in the same category as me earn more than I do on average. If I had to guess, it's because they get college degrees slightly more often.
Sep 20, 2019 11:51
@Ælis overall I'm much more likely to be killed in a violent crime, however.
Sep 20, 2019 10:56
As someone who presents male myself, I think it's not fair to say that we aren't oppressed under the same system. A lot of issues that men face have similar equivalents for women, and vice-versa. Two separate gender-specific issues often have one underlying cause.
Sep 20, 2019 10:55
I'm an advocate of bigger seats as a 6'5 person myself, but sadly they would rather save a few dollars and make everything as small as they can.
Sep 23, 2019 08:47
@GregoryCurrie the company would not hesitate to take advantage of your own good will. "Good Will" is not a thing in the current workplace culture, even managers you think seem "nice" will try to take advantage of you. As said before, goodwill doesn't pay the bills. Any salary raises that you don't get in writing, you will simply not get at all.