Root Access

For all you Super Users out there. You have backups, right?
Sep 20, 2012 15:49
@JourneymanGeek In Seattle now :-)
Aug 1, 2012 02:18
Aug 1, 2012 02:14
@nhinkle Yeah sure, see you. Will probably be in Portland a fair bit
Aug 1, 2012 02:11
So still lots of rain ;)
Aug 1, 2012 02:11
Aug 1, 2012 02:09
Probably the US by the end of the month
Aug 1, 2012 02:09
Still Beijing (so much rain today)
Aug 1, 2012 02:08
Well, I for one support marriage between two bots if that is what they so desire
Jul 29, 2012 14:20
Jul 29, 2012 14:16
imgur is on and off
Jul 29, 2012 14:16
IMDb is blocked which is ridiculous when I'm sat at work in my office at Amazon... can't even get on our own site (IMDb is part of Amazon)
Jul 29, 2012 14:15
I guess if there's any XXX avatars on there? or possibly Tibetan flags and the like ;) the reasons for sites being blocked aren't always fully known
Jul 29, 2012 14:14
one thing I won't be missing from China ;)
Jul 29, 2012 14:14
Jul 29, 2012 14:13
sigh, gravatar blocked again tonight so the chat room looks like this:
Jul 29, 2012 14:12
there is nothing more boring than having to pack your entire place
Jul 29, 2012 14:12
@nhinkle thanks! been seriously busy (moving from China to the US) - had a lot of time last week but picked up again this weekend
Jul 27, 2012 15:27
"What's the best way to fry an egg on my CPU?"
Jul 27, 2012 15:22
I bet you didn't even have rep back then, you just had to tally the votes by yourself!
Jul 27, 2012 15:21
Jul 27, 2012 15:05
either as it's posted, or a daily sweep
Jul 27, 2012 15:05
oh sure - what I meant is server-side stuff
Jul 27, 2012 15:03
I still wish a lot of the editing was done automatically anyway - lots of it is the same stuff over and over
Jul 27, 2012 15:03
not sure Amazon would approve of that :)
Jul 27, 2012 14:56
I don't really use the review mechanism, have a big enough backlog from dumps as it is :) usually just hop on for edit suggestions and VTCs
Jul 27, 2012 14:55
i'm not on the review queue
Jul 27, 2012 02:14
lol, remember that vending machine I broke yesterday? I just saw the engineer come and open it up, take the 5 RMB out, look at the mechanism and frown (no fix I guess then), and walk away before I had a chance to ask for my money back
Jul 26, 2012 06:59
anyway, 3pm, I must dash home now - have to bike in the rain :( Beijing is crazy enough without adding water to the mix
Jul 26, 2012 06:59
if I had more time I would - ironic really when you look at my editing stats, must look like I have plenty of time. outside of work I probably have about 45 mins-60 mins free time very day after family/personal commitments. at work I am really busy but in short bursts with free time through the day, that's when I fit in bursts of editing
Jul 26, 2012 06:53
I used to a few years ago but got pretty burned out
Jul 26, 2012 06:49
I just like editing :)
Jul 26, 2012 06:48
I'd say I'm reasonably organised but nothing overboard
Jul 26, 2012 06:40
I think I'm at 11585
Jul 26, 2012 06:39
not accurate though
Jul 26, 2012 06:39
it was surprising how much you could find just by looking in a certain date range
Jul 26, 2012 06:39
a mix of standard on-site searches, Google searches, Data.SE etc
Jul 26, 2012 06:37
on a large scale yeah, I think I fixed about 98% of broken images when I did it last summer. nowadays I just fix them when I find them, I don't actively seek them
Jul 26, 2012 06:22
well yeah, it's early days :P I've flagged enough spammers in my time to know they start off asking lots of questions like that, even answer things - then at some point they slip in a link to whatever blarb they're spamming
Jul 26, 2012 06:00
probably preparing for later spam usage
Jul 26, 2012 05:47
I always find my Blu-Rays getting infected by viruses, I'll have to pick up one of those cables
Jul 26, 2012 05:38
maybe they get made as Free libel, then after being exported someone crosses the T's ;)
Jul 26, 2012 05:29
south China. the north are a bit better in that regard ;)
Jul 26, 2012 05:28
I can vouch for the last one personally
Jul 26, 2012 05:28
well, everything except 'Free Tibet' banners and good meat pies
Jul 26, 2012 05:15
Before it shut off I just imagined it trying over and over without stopping, then the motor overheating, causing a fire and me managing to burn down the whole office... all because of a small piece of paper
Jul 26, 2012 05:09
Ha, just broke the Coke machine at work. Put in a 5 RMB note (it accepts that amount) but it didn't seem to like it. However it couldn't spit the note back out for some reason, jammed, so it just kept trying over and over again. Eventually it gave up and kept beeping and the whole thing shut off, very odd.
Jul 25, 2012 01:14
Big congrats to @slhck @DanielBeck @OliverSalzburg
Jul 24, 2012 05:23
wonder how long it takes to propagate
Jul 24, 2012 05:23
ok, changed back. kind of ;)