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Not sure what to think of this user:
kenorb, London, United Kingdom
1 4
I mean, he is spamming answers, not with a great level of quality, but ok. His website is suspicious according to WOT, which doesn't bode well
WOT can easily have wrong results, but still.
Well, apparently he'll probably go away himself
But instead I found out that people like to down-voting somebody else posts and disabling them, even they don't experience that kind of problems by them-self, blocking my own answers to my own post after 2 posts. I think people value on on that kind of thinks (they find them self useful), they don't care about the idea of answering the questions it-self. I don't have nothing against posting the right links, if somebody investigating the more complex issue, he'll read it. But thanks to the stupid people here, this post is useless. I hope this site will go down soon. — kenorb 2 hours ago
and he updated his "about me" to "i hate this site".
So I guess that's not going to be a problem
How does someone in england have such bad english? ;p
Yeah... @JourneymanGeek How are ye matey from Singapore?
@HackToHell New avatar...
Yeah, returned from your tour ?
@HackToHell You saw me in Praha's airport?!
@Boris_yo A photo of you
@HackToHell What is this?
That look cool
And makes chat hang
@HackToHell No, my chat/browser does not hang.
Bad chrome and computer :/
Dogs and spetsnaz scouring airport...
Where did ya go ?
@Gnoupi I saw all that coming yesterday when I told him to rather post everything in one answer. Dunno how to clear that up, though.
@Gnoupi ah, i saw him in AU earlier.
askubuntu.com/a/168463/25798 <-- example of very bad answer.
@JourneymanGeek oops
I didn't troll you this time! Honest! ;p
Its horrible and the question is closed
comment if you must ;p
Shadow Copy has used up 10 gigs of my HDD :/
lol, bad answer by grawity ;p
grr Gareth. Don't dominate the review queue ;p
i'm not on the review queue
bah, I see you on almost every post in the first answer queue.
I don't really use the review mechanism, have a big enough backlog from dumps as it is :) usually just hop on for edit suggestions and VTCs
You are a beast.
They should hire @Gareth for the CHAOS team.
not sure Amazon would approve of that :)
I still wish a lot of the editing was done automatically anyway - lots of it is the same stuff over and over
@Gareth There's a tool @TomWijsman resurrected a while ago. Still needs a couple of improvements, but at least fixes capitalization for common words, et cetera.
oh sure - what I meant is server-side stuff
either as it's posted, or a daily sweep
or just fix the darn people.
Oh, I see. Well, I'd rather do it manually and be thorough about it :)
which I am sure is harder than implementing tools on the server side though ;p
What to do with duplicate answers ?
if they are already covered, you could flag them for removal.
or just comment on the answer and ask them to do what is relevant.
The poster realised it's a repost but did not delete the answer
flags it
A: Flash videos and DVD format

user41220I just stumble upon this tutorial to burn Youtube Video to DVD, hope it helps:)

Ready, mods? Set, Go!
Who will deal with depositting and deleting the first? :p
well, slhck has the advantage of being here
yay more flags to me ;p
Who wasted downvotes on that, though?
is doing for the electorate badge.
Btw, did they implement finally instant recalc? If you delete a post, it changes reputation directly?
I'll get the vote back if the post is removed.
@Gnoupi yeah something like that.
Ok, they did
instant rep.
Before rep was recalculated via a mod function
and that was the only way
and superuser.com/reputation
or you could ask for a manual recalc
@Gareth There wasn't the button at the end, in my time
I'm old.
before my time ;p
I bet you didn't even have rep back then, you just had to tally the votes by yourself!
Nah, this we had
What we didn't have then was an actual FAQ with rules
t'was the Far West
I'm quite sure i was on this site shortly after beta when it was mentioned on /.
@Gnoupi yay free flags
how old was that? looks quite anarchical to me.
I am semi certain we had a FAQ then ;p
I mean we didn't have a scope, mostly
It was mostly the place to dump "computer" questions, from SO
@HackToHell: I actually can stop hunting for flags now ;p
even if not officially, it felt like this
I think that was the case till recently
@JourneymanGeek How much flags do ya have ?
@JourneymanGeek Ask Ubuntu ;p
@HackToHell 500+
@jokerdino in AU ?
in SU, jou has the marshal badge.
There's a gold badge for flagging right ?
and marshal's the name
All we had was : Super User is for computer enthusiasts and power users. If you have a question about ...
computer hardware
computer software

then you're in the right place to ask your question!
@Gnoupi A lot of old questions are still being dug up and closed
All the rules about webapps, mobile devices, shopping, etc
"What's the best way to fry an egg on my CPU?"
yes, I guess
Q: Super User attracting too many open-ended/subjective questions?

phenryThe top listed questions on the front page of superuser.com at the moment: Side Effects of Reformatting Hard Drive Must have iPhone applications “Must-Have” Firefox Addons? What is Wolfram Alpha good for? How to completely turn off UAC in Windows 7? Can I use any USB hub with an XBOX360 and Roc...

@HackToHell: ya ;p
@Gareth I could have SWORN i had seen that one before
Someone is trying to test SU
SU was a pain to manage when there weren't all the other SE sites. You had people coming with basic questions about webapps, or their smartphone, or simply gaming... And they were given the boot, without any other place to go
Lot of pointless debates in the comments
And I'll go limp with my cane somewhere else and stop blabling
it's always nice to hear about the site's history from the veteran.
what's nice is that I see that now there is a good pool of regulars. That took time to build, because during the first year, we barely had any user able to vote for close. And the most active users were not really respecting the rules, they were just giving answers, and that lead to some conflicts with the moderators:
Q: High reputation users having trouble understanding Super User?

DiagoWith about 1 million views a month at the moment, Super User is turning out to be successful, however due to the general audience the concept of a Q&A vs. a forum is still something we need to deal with every day. Part of the problem is a few of the high reputation users do not understand Sup...

And I'm done for the history part (for today)
i am looking forward to more history lessons. :D
Gonna see if I have any hard candy left and yell at neighbours' kids
@JourneymanGeek I made a few changed to your meta question... it was a little hard to read IMO... feel free to rollback if you disagree
@Gareth Use an older Athlon xD
Anyone got an LG M2762DP monitor?
looks fine to me @KronoS
@HaydnWVN: thats rather specific ;p
Q: Why computer crashed when two anivirus install on it?

user1554164I installed two antivirus in my system. After the installation my computer continuously going to crash. Why this happen?

someones got a new LG monitor/combi-TV and there's a prob with HDMI from 1 device working (DVD Recorder), but not from another device (xbox 360) when using the same HDMI cable n port (only 1 HDMI input)
not quite sure how the hell i'm ment to troubleshoot it when the xbox works fine on another older monitor via HDMI :(
I installed wine so I could run norton on my linux install, why isn't it working?
@Rob lol
@OliverSalzburg that's what i'm thinking but LG site has nothing about HDCP for this monitor
and why would HDCP apply to an xbox, i mean yeah when its playing a dvd/blueray maybe, but at dashboard?
@HaydnWVN Sorry I can't be of further help, that's just the first thing that popped into my mind :)
there's very little information about troubleshooting HDCP
surely the monitor should display something like 'HDCP not supported' if that were the case
@Gnoupi What exactly is that supposed to mean?
Your "money well spent" comment?
@HaydnWVN One would assume that, yeah. Does the Xbox work on another display?
Hey guys, I heard that Windows 8 is the worst OS wever made? Anybody using it or having the same experience?
@OliverSalzburg yup it works
hometime anyways
cya :)
@EinsteinsGrandson: i'm still not sold on the UI
Everything else seems pretty good
comparing it to Win 7?
@EinsteinsGrandson I hve been using it full time for about 1.5 weeks now. No issues
What will I gain if I move from Win 7 to Win 8?
Is it worth the change?
metro UI and IE10
not at the moment, IMO
IE10 will come to win7
@EinsteinsGrandson also much faster start up, better task manager
I didn't try the task manager :(
easier to find options, app store (it sucks now, but that may change)
IE10 is better than Firefox?
Too late now, I've already uninstalled
Yeah, some people are still on XP, waiting for a different OS to be released from Microsoft...
probably not
@Rob, its very nice
I'll install it again this weekend I think.
I'm still using XP... but will be buying a new notebook so I'm not sure if I should go with Win 7 or Win 8
The UI take a while to get used to, but once you get it, everything is very easy
I have been using Win 7 and it was pretty much OK....
on other computers... in school etc...
they still make netbooks?
laptop = notebook
too sleepy i guess, misreading stuff
although my main computer is a netbook hooked up to my TV. 1.6GHz atom CPU, 2GB ram, 320GB hard drive.
single or dual core?
single :(
I have a atom 230 running headless as a server
mini itx tho
so i can use normal ram
my other netbook has dual 1.6GHz, but only 1GB ram
which is it?
2 hours later…
So, has anyone jailbroken their iPhones?
@slhck I did on my last 4
@Luke Because I want to jailbreak my 4S, and I'm just worried if it'll break stuff or if I can just restore from backup in case I screw something up :P
Yes, you can restore from a backup. Mac or PC?
@slhck I have on my iPhone 4
@Luke Mac
It's pretty easy to restore
Press Alt as you hit Restore if you fuck up
Okay.. because the README says I have to backup the phone, then erase, then jailbreak, and then restore. Won't that remove the jailbreak?
1. Make a backup of your device iTunes by right clicking on your device name under the 'Devices' menu and click 'Back Up'.
2. Once your backup is complete return to your device and go to Settings - General - Reset - Erase All Content and Settings. This will make the jailbreak process much faster.
3. Open Absinthe and be sure your are still connected via USB cable to your computer.
4. Click 'Jailbreak' and wait... just be patient and do not disconnect your device!
5. Once jailbroken return to iTunes and restore your backup from earlier. To do so, right click on your device name under the 'De
@slhck not exacly... what you're doing is restoring a jailbroken restore
Oh actually this one might be different
but the restore in this case isn't a full system restore...
it's a restore of apps and info...
jailbreaking does kernal changes
@KronoS Okay, so for a full system restore I'd have to flash iOS onto the device?
@slhck you'd basically do the same as what you're doing for the jailbreak but in reverse...
it's been a while, so I can't remember all the steps, but it's doable
Hm. I think I'll just ask on Ask Different after reading a little more
@DanielBeck Do you know about this?
@slhck No, I'm just a user. Totally boring. I want my phone to work (and my family grabbed my two iPod touch)
iPod... touches?
@DanielBeck The WiFi policy is killing me though.
@DanielBeck iPods touch? :P
Random question: bestbuy.com/site/…
Is it good for gaming?
Even if it's not a "gaming PC"
@slhck I would be careful... I've noticed that askdifferent isn't too keen on jailbreaking and hackintoshes
@Dynamic No idea about hardware, but what are you planning to play on it?
@KronoS They allow jailbreaking questions, I checked.
@Dynamic it's decent...
won't be the best out there, but nobody wants to pay for that:P
@slhck ok good
@slhck I'm not a serious gamer, but I play a lot of Minecraft.
And some Wow
@KronoS For the price, it seemed pretty decent...
@slhck Jailbreak patches low level components that are probably unaffected by a restore.
Ask Different chat is high activity though, try your luck there.
@DanielBeck So I'd have to do just do a full reset with iOS and all, I guess
@Dynamic for minecraft it'll do just fine
I found a script to use with mplayer for a command line iheartradio tool
Why wouldn't askdifferent be okay with jailbreaking? It's perfectly legal and has been for a while.
@KronoS And what about WoW and CoD?
@Dynamic which CoD? CoD1 will do perfect :P
CoDMW series will probably do just fine. The graphics card is going to be your limiting facter here, which it appears just fine
it's also dependant on how much quality you're looking for
i.e. 3d gaming
@KronoS I'm not huge on quality, as long as it looks decent
I'm not expecting the graphics of a $2000 computer :P
I'm playing MW
@slhck I love the video from... Boing Boing? about how to prepare Sparrow for the awesomeness that is Google.
Say what?
@Dynamic this will be fine IMO
@KronoS Thanks for the help!
@Dynamic np
I'm rebuilding desktop soon. I'm getting this vid card newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814500239 or this one newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814500253 i think
I haven't looked in a while, that's what I picked a little while ago
@DanielBeck lol.. that was weird
@Rob geforce.com/hardware/desktop-gpus/geforce-gtx-480/… this is what I have... courtesy of Jeff Atwood
I am using Util IE Collection to do multi-IE compatibility tests on XP. However, it is really hard to tell what IE version I'm using.
How can I make it display the IE version in the title bar?
It already displays "Internet Explorer, optimized for Bing and MSN" Can I change that to say "Internet Explorer 6, etc..."?
Whoa that was cool! Clippy just popped up and asked if I needed help!
How do you make Clippy appear again?
Very cool anyways...
2 hours later…
hey @KronoS
and @Luke, @JourneymanGeek, @iglvzx - and @toomanyppltoping
@Gnoupi showed up?!
@HackToHell Estonia
@Boris_yo I've been to Latvia
@studiohack Hello!
Q: How do I slow down a process?

wizlog Possible Duplicate: How to limit CPU usage of a process? I'm trying to play a game that gets very, very fast, too fast for me to keep up. Is there a way I can limit system resources to the process(ex Google Chrome or Adobe Flashplayer, or both)? I've tried using Task Manager to limi...

Hmm... Waiting to hear back from @wizlog for this question. The question was really about Flash games, but turned into CPU throttling.
@iglvzx I assumed the solutions from the referenced question would be able to limit whatever process to the point where it would be slow enough to enjoy.
Do you think there is a better solution, specifically in regards to Flash?
@OliverSalzburg Yes. There's is tool... (I'm saving my answer. Can't you tell?)
Do you want me to clean up the question, so it can be reopened?
@iglvzx I'd appreciate it.
@OliverSalzburg Ok. BRB
@iglvzx Thanks :)
@studiohack When?
@OliverSalzburg Ok. Use your mod powers.
@soandos Hey
@iglvzx whats up?
@soandos Not much. Just saving a question. :P
@iglvzx ?
@iglvzx my first (and only thought to be honest) would be cheatengine or VM
@soandos SHHH
I'm working on a CheatEngine answer
@iglvzx, don't worry, not going to take it from you
The problem with that answer will be that it just pads the code
@soandos I know. lol.
so the CPU ends up doing far more work in total
@iglvzx Thanks for your work :)
Well, I've found it to more more reliable than throttling the entire CPU
Oh, well. Community wiki it is
That means screenshots
@iglvzx why CW it?
@iglvzx have to go, but for later, I wonder how cheatengine does it. Insert code dynamically?
@soandos I don't know. It might edit the timer in RAM.
Hi @studiohack
Sorry, I was out on call
@iglvzx Actually, limiting Flash frame rates was one of my specialties back then ;P
For varying definitions of "specialty"
@OliverSalzburg "A" is missing in URL
@Boris_yo What do you mean? :D
@OliverSalzburg Letter "A" is missing in address bar of my browser when navigating.
@Boris_yo Missing at what position in the URL?
@OliverSalzburg Ok. My answer is finished. I was 2nd to suggest Cheat Engine, but I'm immune to linkrot. ;)
@iglvzx Awesome! :)
Thanks for bringing the error to my attention and providing such an excellent answer :)
@OliverSalzburg No problem. I wouldn't say you made a mistake, though. The actual question was just hidden. It was one of those "I want to do X. I've tried Y. How can I do Y better?" questions where the OP really should've asked "How can I do X?"
@OliverSalzburg "animtions"
@Boris_yo Whoa. That is interesting.
@Boris_yo Oh!
Oh well...
The link works, though.
The post title has the "A"
OH, perhaps when the post was originally created (also when the URL was created), the post title had the typo
@iglvzx Most likely
@soandos This explains how CheatEngine's Speedhack works. I was close. It applies to more than just Flash games: forum.cheatengine.org/…
@OliverSalzburg You should be working on question tags, not "tagging". :P
@iglvzx Nice ;)
SE should have a "footer" or "reference" feature.
Or the ability to use <a> anchors
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