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ok, hell, I WANT ONE... ;p
and why's it that cheap o0
adds it to *the list*
Damn this room is filled men in blue
*the term men is used generically
da fuq?
Q: Some websites don't work WITH the www. prefix

the.midgetI came across a site that doesn't work when I type in the address with the "www." prefix. The following is an example: if you click on this link, it won't take you to any site, but rather display an error message. By simply doing away with the "www." prefix, as in here, the site loads up just fin...

@OliverSalzburg want to flex those new mod muscles?
@IvoFlipse techreport.com/articles.x/23291 funny a review JUST came up. Let me know what you think of them tho ;p
@JourneymanGeek he saw that before buying - we talked about it a little while ago
I was asleep when that came up
I'm intrigued '[
reads the waaaay backlog so he won't look like even more of a idiot ;p
Everning everyone
And I see @Sathya added me on Google as well... At least I hope that's who it was
@Luke yes, that was me. Evening!
Ha, just broke the Coke machine at work. Put in a 5 RMB note (it accepts that amount) but it didn't seem to like it. However it couldn't spit the note back out for some reason, jammed, so it just kept trying over and over again. Eventually it gave up and kept beeping and the whole thing shut off, very odd.
Before it shut off I just imagined it trying over and over without stopping, then the motor overheating, causing a fire and me managing to burn down the whole office... all because of a small piece of paper
@Gareth lolol
there's a made in china joke there somwhere
@JourneymanGeek Everything is made in China
@paradroid: nearly everything ;p
well, everything except 'Free Tibet' banners and good meat pies
I can vouch for the last one personally
They also eat everything in China
south China. the north are a bit better in that regard ;)
I missed the opportunity to go to Shanghai when I was an architecture student. Stupid mistake.
That would have been around 2001.
My dad used to go there quite often
@Gareth: I wouldn't be suprised if they made those banners too. ;p
maybe they get made as Free libel, then after being exported someone crosses the T's ;)
Precisely ;p
and they read it as flee riber
@JourneymanGeek I've seen a pic of a USB cable package that said something about it preventing viruses
I always find my Blu-Rays getting infected by viruses, I'll have to pick up one of those cables
Oh, that's it. Duh
@Sathya Why did you link that user?
@paradroid new questions at a fairly brisk pace at a not so good quality
probably preparing for later spam usage
Unlikely. It's just a pretty clueless user with a lot of questions
@JourneymanGeek I can finally replace my anti-virus VGA cable! :D
@Sathya Just checking :P How do you pronounce your full name?
@paradroid I disagree... he could be spamming
@KronoS Zero evidence
@paradroid now... but if he posts a ton of questions and answers, and then starts spamming he might go unnoticed... or that may be his though process
well yeah, it's early days :P I've flagged enough spammers in my time to know they start off asking lots of questions like that, even answer things - then at some point they slip in a link to whatever blarb they're spamming
but I doubt we'd miss that
@Sathya do mods have a way of tracking users over time? like favoriting questions?
@KronoS nope. We can annotate users but that's pretty rare.
@Sathya what's that?
really needs to start to get to 10k so I don't have to keep flagging everything for deletion
@KronoS write a short note about the user. Ex: "user x is involved in vote fraud, keep an eye" etc
@Sathya Ah got it...
@KronoS It builds up your flag count! :P
Though most of those would be flagged as spam, not moderator attention... meh
@Bob I'm getting close to the marshall badge, but I know that the mods are probably getting tired of my flags :P
@KronoS I'm over 10k, and I cannot just delete stuff just like that.
@paradroid no but you can vote to delete
Vote to close I think. Deletion is different
voting to delete might make you look cool.
If I can vote to delete, I haven't noticed the ability.
> cast delete and undelete votes on questions
err well. SU has more active 10k+ users I guess. opinions may differ.
@paradroid the question should be closed and 2 days old.
@paradroid you should be able to
@jokerdino 90% of my flags are old dead questions
> view deleted posts
this would be nice to have as well
@KronoS Doesn't there have to be a certain number of people voting to delete?
@Bob yeah depends on the votes and the answers
In which case, flagging would be more useful for older questions/answers :\
@Bob yes... it's the same as vote to close
It wouldn't be a vote otherwise
@KronoS i don't remember flagging a question for deletion.
@Bob with the new review system it wouldn't be
oh yea
Close votes come up there... I assume there's a similar queue for delete votes?
@Bob low quality... but I don't think there's a "delete" section yet
there is a delete list in mod tools.
I imagine that there will be... that or I can't see it
My problem is I'm too busy cleaning up the site, I don't have much time to really answer stuff :/
@Gareth are you done with your whole images editing quest?
on a large scale yeah, I think I fixed about 98% of broken images when I did it last summer. nowadays I just fix them when I find them, I don't actively seek them
@Sathya :( can't access...
@Sathya :D
@Gareth were you using data.SE?
@KronoS not quite, higher voted posts require more delete votes.
a mix of standard on-site searches, Google searches, Data.SE etc
@Sathya I'll assume that's an actual page :P
it was surprising how much you could find just by looking in a certain date range
@Bob get to 10k, you'll see them
@Sathya eventually
> Gareth: Answer edits: 4237 Question Edits: 6382 Total Edits: 10650
(@paradroid should be able to access them for now)
That's a lot...
not accurate though
I think I'm at 11585
@Sathya interesting... didin't know that
@Gareth that's crazy
Hmm lol Mr Jastro Castro has some 13k edits.. :{
regardless, doing 10k+ edits is herculean on its own merit. Gareth deserves an applause.
goes off to randomness.
@Gareth Is you house ultra-organised? I cannot understand your motivation.
I just noticed that I have 65 edits, and I thought I did quite a lot of editing. Hmmn.
I'd say I'm reasonably organised but nothing overboard
I just like editing :)
@Gareth Are you a Wikipedia editor?
I used to a few years ago but got pretty burned out
@Gareth I imagine that gets pretty mundane
actually... @Gareth you interested in blogging?
if I had more time I would - ironic really when you look at my editing stats, must look like I have plenty of time. outside of work I probably have about 45 mins-60 mins free time very day after family/personal commitments. at work I am really busy but in short bursts with free time through the day, that's when I fit in bursts of editing
anyway, 3pm, I must dash home now - have to bike in the rain :( Beijing is crazy enough without adding water to the mix
l8rs I'm headed to bed
oh crap
/me forgot to pay his school fees
50 dollar penalty, and much annoyance from the parents :/
they usually e mail a week before the deadline
eek, never mind that. King Lear is going on in the back of my mind.
falls over
this IS the last payment so, least that can't happen any more
@JourneymanGeek It was why I decided to try it
Well that one and reading several other topics that were reasonably satisfied
Only thing that has me worried is some guys from DISQUS had ordered several of them and had 30% failure rate after 3 months
we'll see :)
funny thing is that dosen't scare me as much
What does?
Getting a 50 dollar penalty for defaulting on school fees perhaps. :p
If its the usual failure modes, i'm not averse to cracking it open and fixing it
@jokerdino: scare, no, make me feel like a complete and total idiot, hell yes.
@JourneymanGeek Well the taxes could be a disappointment, we'll see
In my case 7%
still not too bad
@JourneymanGeek aww
ugh, should i take afternoon classes for databases or night?
Night @Luke
@JourneymanGeek what's the difference to you?
@IvoFlipse Meant that to @JourneymanGeek :p
Well played
@IvoFlipse: known or unknown classmates vs, ending early or late ;p
unknown, so you'll actually concentrate rather than chit-chat
though, classmates arn't that useful, and i may get shunted to evening anyway
I don't chit chat much anyway
unless someone needs help
OTOH, most of my classmates probably cleared this term 1
afternoon it is
with the management classes its a no brainer, i'd rather not do such things at 7-10 ;p
2-5 seems better
With what organization would he be shipping that
I've got a tracking number, but no where to check its status :P
The follow package link of ebay itself does nothing
> Thank you for an easy, pleasant transaction. Excellent buyer. A++++++.
This guy is hilarious
Not with FedEx, unless I live in Salt Lake
Good call @JourneymanGeek
that link they have on the forums wants me to install
Yeah right
just hit cancel ;p
How's your Korean?
non existant
why did i not try to learn more languages??!
random fact: hakkuna matata is Swahilese .
@Gnoupi, no way
please merge me that with deposit before i go cray over my lack of powers: superuser.com/questions/453745/…
@IvoFlipse epic reply ;p
@DanielBeck you around?
How about you collect your first scalp? :P
sorry beat ya :p
@IvoFlipse Depositing the battery guy?
@Sathya O noes :(
Yeah, but Sathya beat us to it
well @Sathya did you notice I ordered a Catleap?
Don't worry, there will be more ;p
even if i intend to ease of on flagging ;p
one mess of a tag
@DanielBeck I'll pass the next few to you.
@IvoFlipse :o let us know how it went
You haven't lived if you haven't taken such a risk :P
@IvoFlipse sure, gimme 400 bucks I'll take that risk too :P
@Sathya I'm sure there's no shortage of spammers on the site.
We need a large enough sample actually, to verify the risk, hehe
@DanielBeck if you don't want to make a mistake, just take away the ones i flag :]
@IvoFlipse: If i don't screw up school, i am SO getting one ;p
@Gnoupi I noticed, pretty impressive flagging.
@DanielBeck Pretty impressive everything
We still miss Gnoupi
Though with the latest batch, I think we're covered :)
@IvoFlipse : damn site is addicting, especially with the new "review tasks". I guess I'll just flag by from time to time and run away whenever I see tom
or random, for that matter
@IvoFlipse: hm, I'm wondering if Jeff Atwood's rig can actually power three of those ;p
@Gnoupi: yeah ;p
@JourneymanGeek He'll probably have bought a new GPU or have the biggest he can buy
I've found it easy to avoid almost anyone
except kino, his flags come back to haunt me
@IvoFlipse: more importantly, he blogs about such things ;p
well, not planning on staying on chat, though, unless there's a Bat-signal unanswered for more time than necessary
for a sec, i thought kino was a typo on dino.. Whoo
@Gnoupi cya
I'm an idiot.
Two weeks ago, I found out my monitor had speakers... after using it for a year.
Today, I found out it takes HDMI input.
I clearly need to actually read the specs properly
@Bob I am twitching to star that. :]
Mine does, i don't use em tho ;p
@Bob Don't be ridiculous. How about you start by looking at the available connectors?
@DanielBeck D:
It's actually rather inconvenient to look at them, so I set it up by touch :P
got this in my spam mail box today i.imgur.com/HkOrv.png
people fall for this? ;p
it looks pretty legit to me.
Person described above?
Nope, the image is fully loaded.
...I just checked my spammed-to-death account...
Apparently the "FBI DIRECTOR" wants to send me a text file :P
A 6kB file. Which returns a page Virus found, courtesy of Google. Just how does a plain text file contain malware? Unless it's an EICAR file or something...
And here it is: pastebin.com/FLzwmXH1
@Bob Hahahaha. And people fall for this?
hilarious. they sent them to non US residents?
@jokerdino I live in Australia ;)
@slhck sup diamond?
never even visited the USA
@Bob even better ;p
@jokerdino Sup! Start flagging already :P
@slhck oh. chilling out in Ask Ubuntu review queue for now. Will try to get to deputy in SU sooner. :-)
wait, they call themselves FBI and ask people to send money to Nigeria? LOL
@DanielBeck I'm a little worried about my impending 'arrest' 'carried out in the next 48hours', considering that email has been sitting in my spam inbox for a couple of weeks ;)
@Bob Clearly, they took you, drugged you, and you're only hallucinating this chat.
@DanielBeck But... that means you're one of them! NOOOOOOOOO!
No that means DB is a figment of your imagination.
@jokerdino I actually wonder, why Nigeria? You'd think they would have chosen a new country by now..
@jokerdino I choose to believe all of you guys are real, even if you're out for my blood. Better than the alternative!
@Bob I am guessing they rightly figured out half the people using the Internet are too smart to think about that.
@Bob =)
Wait, I just realised... they're addressing the recipient as a Beneficiary... O.O
And the request for money is buried so deep, it hurts my brain just skimming this mess
On another topic, I appear to have lost my collection of recovery CDs... D:
@nhinkle Sorry, I was sleeping
@OliverSalzburg Oh hi Oliver Salzburg ♦!
@Bob Hi :)
hey diamond!
Suspicious user! Any of our new mods want to check it?
Cross site, too: his attempts at 'answering' SO questions are rather bad :P
@Bob Not his only account either...
I'm up for burnination.
I removed his answers for the time being and flagged his stuff on Stack Overflow.
@slhck the big "delete user" button is tempting at first, but it's more useful for later if you merge it with Deposit, generally.
i don't know what this deposit button is but I generally agree with @Gnoupi.
If you had 10k reputation, you'd be able to witness the horror :)
he is not suspended in AU yet?!
It's not a "he". It's a "it". It's a thing. A monster.
Made of the corpses of all the spammers
lol i see ;p
@Gnoupi True… but I guess that Deposit merging thing is rather SU-specific is it?
yeah i never heard of depositing all the spammers elsewher.e
@slhck There never was anything official about it
Q: What is the purpose of the Deposit account?

DragonLordI've noticed that several answers that I've flagged as spam whose accounts have been deleted have been assigned to the Deposit account. What is the purpose of this account, and why is it needed? Note that this is not a duplicate of "I can see answers from Deposit?", which is about the visibilit...

You have seen the tools, so you can see the point of agglomerating the spammers in one account
SU is targeting a wide range of public, so it's a particularly good place for "try this software" kind of spam.
Absolutely. The spam we get comes in all flavors.
> This user has been suspended 121 times. 503 user accounts have been merged into this user.
And in some cases you have something more original and sophisticated (meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/46074/…), and this kind of "deposit" is helpful to detect links, imho
superuser.com/users/148124/kun-yan I thought this one got deleted
Expect him to be on most "partition related" questions
@Gnoupi Which user?
thought so
i see your excitement in spam hunting.
Yeah, it was kind of my hobby
lol ;D
It starts getting funny once you know all their tricks.. like when they use four or five users and set up bait questions to harvest spam answers a few days later.
A: How do I stop the digital interference from my wireless Microsoft mouse in my plugged in headphones?

Journeyman GeekIt basically means that your headphone cable is improperly shielded or the laser mouse is electrically noisy. Some people claim that ferrite beads might help with such interference, but it depends on the frequency. They're dirt cheap so its probably worth trying. I'd note that this dosen't happ...

I was searching for "mouse ferrite beads" and I ran into a dog @JourneymanGeek
@slhck True. Then you learn to read the "first answers" review page (you kids have it easy)
and see the suspicious patterns by reflex
btw, nice to see you in here @Gnoupi
@Gnoupi Yeah, that first answers queue was/is my home. Hope they'll convert it to the new system soon.
In my most active time i had rss on the new questions
was killing spammers in the minute they posted
which of course lead to me burning out after 2 months
about burn out, diago gave up again?
… "again"?
that's a shame
diago was the first moderator
he single-handled the site for the first 6 months
the other moderators with him were not active, so it was all on him
he was out for few months, came back.. ran into a problem
only after you had more moderators appointed
Ivo, quack, random
quack burned out too :/
Q: What happened to "quack quixote" ?

Mehper C. Palavuzlarquack quixote is a moderator of SuperUser, and I realize that he's not been around quite a while. I checked his profile, and he was last seen on July 13th 2010 at 17:17. Does anyone (esp. the moderators) know what happened to him? Has he left Stack Exchange community? Will he be back someday?

Ivo learned to be distached
Yeah.. I've never gotten to catch up on the site's history before the time I joined.
random is not human
and since then, moderator elections, so I guess it goes better
(yeah, and i was in the appointed ones for a while also, before burning out)
anyhoo, off to lunch
@Gnoupi bon appetite
@Sathya random. The name is enough.
Huh? Random is not human?
@paradroid Why would you think he is?
@Sathya I'm tempted to make a (de)motivational poster out of that :P
@slhck Why would I think he isn't?
@paradroid Because of his … well, randomness! Ever read his edit summaries, meta comments, or suspension messages?
Random's profile says he's 31
So what is random?
Lunchtime, bbl!
user image
@Sathya Dog ears man, can't go wrong with dog ears. Other than it being a pain to find headphones
@Sathya Dog ears man, can't go wrong with dog ears. Other than it being a pain to find headphones
something seriously glitched
Q: Do multi-core CPUs still suffer from diminishing returns in today's world?

rishimaharajIt has been shown in other questions that due to the state of computer applications, multi-core processors suffer from diminishing returns. Is this still the case in today's world? Do most new applications embrace multi-threading, and thus take advantage of having multiple cores? If not, do the ...

@JourneymanGeek lolol
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