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In the back row.
I feel like i have an itch I can't scratch.
Perhaps you should touch a couple of object three times. Or wash your hands three times.
(That is exactly how people describe OCD.)
Playing Bach is like some kind of self-induced schizophrenia: you really have to pay attention to all those voices in your head.
By the way, I am the proud owner of 2 bitcoins.
Congratulations. Are they twins?
More like clones. Them were only one just yesterday.
Do they multiply by themselves?
No, that wouldn't work, because 1×1≠2.
it works for large values of 1
Large values of 1 get you 2.141421356239.
This just doesn't sound good...
A: What's the female equivalent of "suitor"?

T.J.Would "supplicant" be even remotely synonymous with "female suitor"?

@Robusto That's the idea, yes.
@RegDwighт And yet they did multiply, only with disappointing results.
@RegDwighт I'm OK with larger values.
despite all the difficulties with that non-answer... it just shows that pretty much everything is a made-up word.
I'm already looking at a 20 % profit, I think.
I bought them around $ 100.
I didn't mean it that way but there it is.
did you pay cash?
Anyway, he has 2 bitcoins, so left to themselves, 2x2=4. The only question is whether they have to use lube or not.
stack friction
I thought Bitcoins recently lost like 1000% in value.
@Mitch No, through my bank. But the site in between took 10 % or so.
the whole thing sounds like science fiction.
@Robusto What if they turn out to be gay? There goes my multiplication!
also ripe for exploitation that would backfire and ruin everybody
I must say I have no fucking idea what a bitcoin even is. I'm not even talking about putting down 100 bucks for it.
I'd put down a dollar for it.
@RegDwighт Yeah, but they regained 500 % of that. And I jumped in afterwards.
I wouldn't put down a cat for it. THat's just wrong.
@Mitch but you could get a full dollar for that dollar!
They were over $ 200.
@Cerberus read: you were too late.
@Mitch No so much exploitation as random speculation, to the same effect.
@RegDwighт No, that's not a good deal. Im waiting til it goes up to a dollar.
@RegDwighт Well, yes, but then I would have had to sell in time as well.
@Cerberus right. it's all a psychological game.
@Mitch you're one clever little clerk.
@Cerberus They could always adopt.
@RegDwighт But it's shiny! In a digital way.
I still have no idea what a bitcoin is.
@Robusto If they adopt dollars, everyone can tell those aren't their bio kids.
By the way, I really want a google app that will tell me the path that the fugitive led from bombing to the boat he was found in.
@RegDwighт It's like a voucher.
@Mitch why'd you need an app for that? It's called a PNG.
You pay money for it, and you get exchange it back for money with various parties.
@Cerberus a voucher for what? It vouches to lose all your money for you?
Or buy stuff on some sites.
@RegDwighт That, too. No, it vouches to enable you to buy stuff on certain sites.
@Cerberus I am sorry, but I can simply exchange money with various parties. With more parties, in fact.
@Cerberus I can use money on all sites.
But you would need some party to make the transfer for you, unless you pay cash. Not so with bitcoins.
In short, color me unimpressed. I'd rather stay invested in ENRON.
@RegDwighт I am! I will get my bosses trust until they give me the keys to the vault. then working late one weekend I'll walk off with thousands of bitcoins. on a thumbdrive. Which I will then get thousands of donuts. and give to the little. and then invest in diabetes control medication. and wait for the big bucks.
Still feels like a Ponzi scheme to me. Or a bubble like the, ahem, tulip bubble that happened a few hundred years ago in, ahem, your country?
I give you a very long number, and I have paid you.
@RegDwighт link please
@RegDwighт I thought you were invested in Elrond Hubbard.
@RegDwighт Not all sites. You often need a credit card, or Paypal blocks them, or whatever.
Portable Network Graphics (PNG ) is a raster graphics file format that supports lossless data compression. PNG was created as an improved, non-patented replacement for Graphics Interchange Format (GIF), and is the most used lossless image compression format on the World Wide Web. --> PNG supports palette-based images (with palettes of 24-bit RGB or 32-bit RGBA colors), grayscale images (with or without alpha channel), and full-color non-palette-based RGB[A] images (with or without alpha channel). PNG was designed for transferring images on the Internet, not for professional-quality p...
However, if all banks in the world go down, and Paypal too, you can still pay in bitcoins.
@Robusto I just bought some tulip bulbs. I want to see bubbles when they grow.
@Cerberus well guess what's more likely, Bitcoin going down or all banks in the world.
Bitcoin can't really go "down".
@Cerberus it just did.
Except that the price can crash or inflate.
Seriously, are you on drugs?
@RegDwighт the link for the png of the path that the fugitive took.
Jasper, let Cerberus out of the basement again.
@Mitch where would I have that one from?
Sure, it can crash, like any other currency, except that it is far more volatile, because the market of real goods behind it is very small.
By "down" I meant their servers shut down.
@RegDwighт Probably the same place that you bought your bitcoins from.
yeah what if the power goes out?
Yes, it is a bit of a Ponzi scheme, like any kind of speculation.
@Robusto 690 up, 685 down. QED.
Like stocks.
Even Apple had to come down in value. Haha, you should enjoy that, @Cerb.
Has Apple crashed?
Yes. Not far from the tree.
Interestingly, Apple has fallen after the Newton died.
I must visit the showermobile, then the grocerymobile. I hope I can remember the order.
The newt died?
That's sad.
Oh, you're all mobile now?
How very 80s of you.
17 hours ago, by RegDwighт
user image
17 hours ago, by RegDwighт
Every time someone mentions Newt I can't resist.
Who's that?
Every times are coming thick and fast now.
@Cerberus you have three guesses.
I'm out.
spends three guesses
Should have bought three more bitcoins instead.
BTW today is Adolf's birthday.
Thanks for coming back to tell us that.
yesterday, by RegDwighт
user image
Most interesting thing I learned this second.
Reductio ad Reynolds Wrap.
Only I couldn't draw the Hitler mustache on the box.
Anyway, I gotta go run errands as well. Lateurs.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think British man is a frigging idiot who doesn't understand the first thing about laws.
The gym can be as sexist as it pleases. It's not run by the government. It's a private company, and the facilities are private property. They can tell anyone to go fck himself any time they please. And if he doesn't comply, they should be suing him.
@RegDwighт What’s next, outlawing Ladies’ Night?
This is like suing magazines targeted at women because they are not targeted at men.
@tchrist or that.
Did you know that the Boy Scouts are about to start letting in boys who are gay, but they still refuse entry to girls who are gay?
Why shouldn’t gay girls be allowed to join the Boy Scouts?
Boy Scouts is serious business, not gay business.
Then again, they don’t let straight girls into the Boy Scouts, either.
Definite sexual discrimination there.
I’ve known quite a few Boy Scouts who would have welcomed girls into their ranks.
At least to assuage their embarrassment over using boys for the same purposes. :)
Well I should be showering.
I was a Boy Scout.
Good idea. Me three.
Boy Scouts do allow girls.
@KitFox Really?
Yes, really.
Not when I was one.
You were a girl?
Is this new? How did that work? I am honestly curious!
@RegDwighт Didn’t you know I spent my junior year abroad?
I never really read your wiki. It was too long.
There was a discrimination lawsuit many decades ago.
And I am not here.
I decided I preferred being a boy instead.
They argued to allow boys into Girl Scouts too, but they are only allowed as Daisies. Not many boys protesting there though.
@KitFox Wow.
I was trying to be ironic.
Reality is stranger than comedy.
Anyway, I had to be a Boy Scout to join the Explorers and I had to join the Explorers to join the search and rescue team.
Since I was a minor.
Ah, that makes some sense.
so how was the Boy Scouts? learn knots? any pot smoking?
Also porn? I went to one Boy Scout outing, and those were the three things that I remember.
So for an n of 1, it sorta sets a trend.
It isn’t nice to out Boy Scouts.
Anyway, I didn't get through the whole article. It is really annoying to hear the privileged whine about having their privilege infringed.
And he has no idea what a prick it is making him look like.
Boy Scouts were OK. More interesting than Girl Scouts, but that could be because I was on a search and rescue team, which was only tangentially related to the Scouts.
is search and rescue like orienteering but with an actual goal?
@RegDwighт sorry, it's the UK's allotted day of sun for the year. I was outside
what was I needed for?
@Mitch Yes. Also, camping and outdoor survival. Winter skills, wilderness first aid, etc.
Hiya @Matt.
Hiya @Kit :D
@MattЭллен There was an assertion that “everyone in England” pronounces student as though it where shchudent.
@tchrist that is a more Londony twang
Q: Palatalization of the initial "s" in words starting with "st-"

AllSometimes I hear native speakers pronounce the s at the beginning of a word as [ʃ]. For example, straight as [ʃtreɪt], or struggle as [ʃtrʌɡl]. It sounds like German words. Is it a certain English dialect, a specific accent, or just an idiolect?

There's also student and schudent.
oh well, maybe a bit shch-y
but only when I really relax
Peter Shor, I am English, so I am not asking you - I'm telling you: most English people say shchoodent. I am one of the readers on forvo.com, but there is a reader there who attempts to pronounce with Received Pronuncation. Please note that RP is hard to find in England. Surveys show 3% of English people use RP. Forvo is not a statistically representative sample. Do you think most working-class people on council estates are on forvo? — David 4 hours ago
Is that statement true or false?
@MattЭллен Hahaha
stays out of it, counts bitcoins again: 1, 2!
I do not myself believe that “most English people say shchoodent”, but thought to ask an Englander for confirmation.
I don't know.
I don't say it.
@Cerberus you're a rich man!
I know!!
There is the stereotypical shtoopid pronunciation, but that is something else.
"I am English, so I am not asking you - I'm telling you"
Nice fella.
Insular politesse.
@Cerberus s/bitcoins/bitcoin
@Cerberus Haha.
@Mitch bitcoins--
@Cerberus noblesse objerk
Does ty even sound different from ch at all?
In what word?
I supppose it does.
the russians do it all the time, and only a subset move on from 'ty-' to 'ch-'
In but you, it can palatalize, yes.
Yeah, it does sound different in Tudor, but, in student, sty- is just impossible, it sounds unnatural.
But who pronounces tune as though it were choon?
right..the English rule can be cross word boundaries.
me saying student judge for yourself
I think we can rule out ty in student: it's always ch. The question is, what happens to the s?
@Cerberus we make fun because we're jealous
@MattЭллен Haha nice!
I think shch is a pretty difficult consonant clustter. again I blame the Russians for trying to introduce it.
@MattЭллен Sounds normal. And no ch.
But you do talk fast!
I can't really tell. The quality is not very high, and you're saying it fast.
I mean, 'Mstislav'? stop it already
@Cerberus Um no, I think it is never ch in student.
I figured if I was talking fast I'd be less able to fix how I was talking
@MattЭллен I forgot I had loop switched on. Very funny.
You have to talk fast to get the sloppiness of palatalization.
@tchrist Umm then what is it?
@KitFox lol
@Cerberus /stju/
/stʃu/ is what I hear.
Matt didn’t say that. He said /stju/.
Or possibly /ʃtʃu/.
Nor that.
@StoneyB ha ha. music-hall Scots. They let them in? — Mitch 21 secs ago
I couldn't really tell in Matt's sample, it was too fast.
listens to posh British accent some more
I can try again. but more slowly.
I like the sound of that.
I don't know any more.
Q: Are Kinder Surprise eggs banned in the US?

JamiecI just came across this info-graphic: Is it true that Kinder Surprise eggs are currently, or previously, banned in the US?

Even in the archetypical accent I'm trying to pronounce it in now, I can't decide what I hear.
I know where I can get some.
Nice guy:
I'm not going to look at meaningless links about miscellaneous people. Thanks, anyway! — David 2 hours ago
in the US.
@Mitch Hahaha.
If you want some just email me.
@Mitch Don’t be unKind on 4/20.
@tchrist ha ha...that makes me want to visit the link. Augh! I've been trolled!
@MattЭллен No sh there at all. Sounds completely normal.
@MattЭллен Haha, poor Matt!
@tchrist I had a birthday only last year. I'm already old enough.
Still a bit hard to tell...
@RegDwighт Haaaaahaaaaaa.
That is fucking brilliant.
@tchrist excellent
Why didn't I think of that?
@RegDwighт Damned lawn gnomes!
@Cerberus yes! they've no common courtesy.
@MattЭллен OK I'm not going to visit that, I've learned my lesson.
@tchrist It's not even an answer to the question. I should delete the whole thing, but I was trying to decide where to put it as a comment.
on the OP
@MattЭллен Boy, are you glad you're not living here...we will cycle everywhere.
@Cerberus found it on this rather interesting page: Real Life Photos Mixed With 16-Bit Video Games
also, save the entire comment thread!
@Matt Did you go to one of those for-pay uniformed pre-university “schools”?
@RegDwighт Nice. The gif wins.
is that a 'public school' or a 'comprehensive'?
@Cerberus oh, cycles are everywhere in Oxford, but in University Parks it is forbidden to even push a bike, let alone ride one.
@Cerberus I know, right.
@MattЭллен what if the bike pushes you?
@tchrist no no. state schools all the way for me :)
@MattЭллен We cycle where it is forbidden, and then some.
@Cerberus how do you not all descend into chaos and start taking mice as wives I don't know.
"Officer, the sign said 'Don't step on the grass' so I rode my bike over it."
@MattЭллен Mice don't make good wives. They did a study.
@Mitch see, chaos!
Is there such a thing as a non-metric ton?
@JohanLarsson A ton is 2,000 pounds.
ok pretty close to a metric then, probably close enough for most purposes where ton is used
Well, a short ton. A long ton is 2,240 pounds.
And please don’t ask about why hundredweights don’t weigh in at a hundred pounds. :)
See that alley?
I always cycle through that alley, and fast.
That your house?
It's nearby.
such a daredevil
@MattЭллен Naw, it’s not sporting if it’s too narrow to fall down in.
There are no doors, so I can see people, if any should dare walk there.
@tchrist I suppose :D
@tchrist Well, you could fall down. It is about 1.8 bicycles wide.
I’m not sure we would call that an alley, but I have no better suggestion either.
Why not call it an alley?
Oh, well then maybe we would. I thought it was narrower.
As long as you can walk in it, it's an alley, right?
The narrower, the allier.
more like a crack in the houses (plural)
I don’t know about that. I think it has to be car-drive-through-able to be an alley.
Drive a car through an alley?
You drive cars down alleys.
Yes, of course. What do you think they are there for?
I think we have very few alleys that you could fit a car in, let alone any where it would be allowed.
You put an alley down the middle of a block so that people can get to their garages.
an alley can never be light right?
I don't think I would call a narrow street an alley if you can drive through it.
Just a narrow street.
@JohanLarsson Exactly.
Um, no. If it is a street, it gets a name.
All alleys and streets have names.
That one is I think the Enge Kapelsteeg, the Narrow Chapel Alley.
Perhaps there are things I would call alleys but without a name in the country?
Yes, I think we have those.
Although I would sooner call it ehh something else, a path? A way?
I don't know, alleys just make me think of towns.
I think you have confused alleys with paths.
@Cerberus you could call it a cream puff but that might be misleading.
Alleys don’t get names, or they wouldn’t be alleys anymore.
“The alley between 28th and 29th streets.”
A lane maybe.
@tchrist What would you call it then? A lane? A Gasse?
Alleys are often for deliveries.
So trucks can get there.
alleys where you come from
maybe it is an 'allee'?
or 'gangweg'
@tchrist See, it has a name plate.
or 'strada'
I just can't make out the name.
@Mitch Yes, gangs are often found hanging out in alleys.
I think we have a few named lanes here that are essentially alleys.
One always get mugged in alleys in fantasy novels.
In games, when you see an area marked "alley", you know you should probably stock up on health potions.

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