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@KitFox Not too much. I know that Emily wrote Wuthering Heights, and that Jane Eyre was written with the pseudonym "Currer Bell".
The other sister wrote some poetry, I think.
You might read a little on Wiki. There were four of them, one brother, and they used to make up stories together as children.
They were a very close family.
Cute kids.
Charlotte, Emily, Anne, and ... I can never remember the brother's name. There was something that happened to him though.
I can't remember.
Odd name, Branwell.
Oh, that's right. Branwell, Emily, and Anne all died of tuberculosis within a few months of each other.
Oh my.
Charlotte lived another several years.
She was pretty grief-stricken, as you might imagine.
really...Jane Eyre is ... respectable as literature?
@Mitch There's the door, friend.
cracks knuckles
Ha ha. ouch that door is hard
Classic Victorian drama at its best.
isn't it ...
raises eyebrow
Isn't it what, Mitch?
pretty much what Northanger Abbey was making fun of, 20 years before?
(er...Jane Austen, one of her lesser novels, about a teenage girl who gets...caught up in worying about some dude she likes is maybe in some gothic romance...or something.
ya know, kinda like Twilight but with out all the magic.
Kinda like Twilight except well-written.
And interesting.
And good.
that is she was thinking, the girl in the novel, that the dude was some sort of Twilight character
I can't judge cause I only saw the movie.
No. No. I can't even...Just no.
so is the attraction the soap opera plot or is it the complex social situation or is it the writing? (but the writing has to be about setting up the psychology right?)
@Mitch …no.
Jane Eyre is the one with Rochester right?
Well, it depends on how much you think Dickens has soap opera plots.
@Mitch Yes.
what are my choices? If I think yes soap opera plots for Dickens, then also for Bronte(s)?
Yes, and you also display a lack of context.
Rochester just seems like a jerk.
He's properly reserved.
And anyway, who cares? It's about Jane's shocking personality.
@KitFox I think I'm displaying quite little context no mattter what given that I'm not writing an essay.
Yeah she seems to be... anyway not making good choices.
also I'm mixing up with Wuthering heights where also, Heathcliff is a total jerk and the woman is also making bad choices.
Also, Anna Karenina and Madame Bovary, bad choices. They should have picked up a hobby like gardening or bees or ...
what's so shocking about Jane's personality?
@Mitch "I am not talking to you now through the medium of custom, conventionalities, nor even of mortal flesh: it is my spirit that addresses your spirit; just as if both had passed through the grave, and we stood at God's feet, equal — as we are!"
(To a man!)
@Mahnax I'm not convinced. You don't need to send me your essay though. just something that'll convince me that it's more than just a soap opera.
@Mitch Essay?
@Mahnax people don't talk like that.
@Mitch checks publication date
20 mins ago, by Mahnax
I chose it over Oedipus for this presentation.
1847, I'll be!
Essay ≠ presentation.
OK. you're producing something for others to be judged by your teacher for a grade.
I have to go ramble on in front of my classmates and teacher for a quarter of an hour.
interpretive dance... diorama... whatever
@Mahnax that's substantive...
@Mitch I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not, unfortunately.
@Mahnax ah... even longer after Austen than I thought.
@Mahnax I have a very superficial knowledge of the Bronte's, and my superficial opinion was how I presented it above, but I am definitely interested in having my opinion reassessed with reasonable evidence.
@Mitch Unfortunately, I don't have time to provide any such evidence at present, as I'm trying to get this done, but maybe some other time?
I should go and get to work anyways.
@Mahnax no pressure. when's the presentation going to be given?
sorry, scared him away with seriousness.
throws candy, kisses
Also, if it helps you dismiss me as a philistine, I think for the most part that poetry is a load of pretentious twaddle, if by twaddle I mean horse shit.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 ow... that hit me in the eye.
kisses eye
they caught sonofabitch #2, and doctors neither killed nor paralyzed my mother today.
sulks in corner. embarrassed to acknowledge kindness
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 yay!
forget the bastard #2...so is your mom OK?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 indeed. She had two discs removed and vertebrae fused.
@Mitch: I could beat you with a sausage if it makes you feel better?
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 wow. that sounds fun. And by fun I mean not fun.
oh...as serious as that sounds...I'm pretty sure it is routine.(if that helps with your fears retroactively)
@JourneymanGeek no. no thanks. I'm OK without that.
hopefully she'll feel better afterwards though. Was she injured, or was this a degenerative thing?
@Mitch yeah, but like, spine stuff.
if you -cooked-, added mustard, and put it on a bun, that would be OK.
She's already had two lower back surgeries. :S
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 degenerative, with arthritis.
Her hands are numb all the time, and she walked all wobbly and ran into walls and furniture. :(
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 wow, that sucks.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 yes, kind of dicey, and sounds worrisome, but it is the 21st century and they have fancy tools and stuff.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 my dad has diabetic neuropathy and his hands are numb a lot of the time. his feet too.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 and some sort of genetic narrowing-of-the-spine that I sincerely hope I do not have.
doctors can't do everything but the technology is advancing constantly.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 yag :(
Okay, I'm being lazy. People say ________ is addicting, but it sounds wrong to me. Is it ever right, or should it always be addictive?
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 and it really just started right before he retired. But at least he is controlling it with meds and diet, no need for spinal surgery.
I was going to say 'addictive' is better.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 mom likes crap food and pills.
and doing nothing with her spare time but watching tv. :(
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 I'd say addictive.
Down with people.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 psychological drug
depends on what kind of tv
hmm... maybe not.
people. Ruining everything since 13,000 BCE.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 "I love humanity. It's people I can't stand."
ok, it's time for vidya games. Thanks for being here. :)
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 what are you going to play
hm, I think I have that
I have 723 hours or so
looks at floor
I've never played it
is that accumulated or what's left to go?
if only they made video games that translate to ... say fighting actual bad people.
except all those drone pilots have psych problems.
@Mitch I read a book where they did that
ender's game.
they hooked up a MMORPG to a real-life monitoring station, and made it so that certain events in real-life triggered actions in the game. This would essentially crowd-source the monitoring of the station by rewarding in-game players with in-game rewards
but I think I am going to play some video games too. Maybe bioshock 2
oh wow that's Neal Stephenson? I'm still half way through Quicksilver..so much work!
@Mitch yeah. Well, Reamde is SO EXCITING that my library e-book copy expired and I wasn't done reading it and I haven't bothered to check it out again.
hm... reading a book... good memories....I have to get back in to that.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 so you didn't read it all in one sitting?
I could maybe read snow crash in one sitting.
but not his other stuff. he's too wordy.
they're so ...long. not unnecessarily, but it is a task.
you learn a lot.
I used to really like him but more and more I am just annoyed with his writing.
about history
yeah. there is lots to learn.
Well, in the Baroque Cycle anyway.
I did enjoy reading that series even though it goes nowhere and keeps going there. And it's so over-the-top.
And it's also Forrest Gump in the 1600s.
Cryptonomicon is very entertaining all the way through a 1000 pages. hard to put down, so very much an interruption for too long (like a week of reading late into the night)
Cryptonomicon was a fun ride but where was the friggin' ending? It has no plot.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 ha ha. yeah. too coincidentally touching on absolutely every important historical event.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 plot? its all plot. that intertiwines and then ends up at a big explosion. after you learn how to send codes with a pack of cards!
I was very pleased that Anathem at least had a sort of plot and sort of ending.
that's on my want to read list.
which is getting longer on one side, but nothing is getting taken off of it.
I still have books from xmas that I really want to read that I've barely opened.
Anyway I enjoyed Cryptonomicon but it had major issues.
one's even a comic book history...how lame is that, that I cant just glance at it for 1/2 an hour and be done!
At least it was overall more fun than Diamond Age, which had the same kinds of issues.
re Crypt... if you followed the thread above, you can maybe tell I don't need depth to be entertained. I very much liked it.
I used to read TONS. then I bought a car and stopped taking the subway and my reading plummeted. Now I work from home.
@Mitch It isn't that it lacks depth. It lacks a cohesive plot. Typically a novel has a story arc. This one doesn't exactly. I wanted a big conflict at the end. Instead there was a Chinese military guy who turned out to have been behind it all along, and some guy from Randy's past shows up in a swamp in asia with a bow and arrow and tries to kill him. WTF?
haha! I have no memory of that...
but I'm not going to read it again!
And the Baroque books take essentially the same characters and set them in the 1600s
I just remember Turing riding his bike and then the gold in the Philippines at the end either in the mountain or in the ocean and a big explosion and then basically the idea of bitcoin but not called that and somebody dies or something.
Yeah... I think Stephenson must read a lot and then immediately regurgitates it with his own characters.
Holy crap! just like Asimov!
anyway enjoy quicksilver. it's a fun read. I found the 2nd and 3rd books a little tedious.
argh...that's what I'm working towards..ok maybe replaced by anathem and readme (or reamde)
There's only so much time in the world.
considers writing sci fi novel about a time creation process, where it backfires and just makes people die earlier
I couldn't manage quicksilver and that series
the rest were awesome
@Mitch: not quite bitcoin, basically a gold backed currency
I'm going to log off. see you all later.
later and bye myself (@JourneymanGeek: oh...I don't understand bitcoin either or the gold backed currency!)
@Mitch Wednesday the 24th.
6 hours later…
O'Sullivan on Eurosport
3 hours later…
The Persian Twat is at it again. Nutjob.
Q: Reporting a serial downvoting!

Persian CatThere are clear serial downvotes against all my questions and answers. I have find out it times and times but I tried to ignore it and consider it as a right of reader to decide upvote or downvote a question or answer but now it is a different situation: You see after being about 3 months here, ...

Somebody gave her two downvotes, and she cries foul. What a whiner! And no, it wasn’t even me doing it.
that thread might also attract downvotes
Because it causes people to look at her postings, and find them lacking.
This is not some conspiracy.
She always thinks there is some man-based conspiracy against her.
Classic paranoia.
And God’s teeth can she babble on!
man as in not female or human?
She has a perpetual feminist chip on her shoulder. It is kinda weird.
@tchrist And about people! Surely there are people who like my questions and answers if you let them see them open and do not close them or delete them or suspend me for nothing to not send any question or answer which only YOU do not like! If people didn't like them I didn't had 253 votes after one two months suspension and many closed and deleted posts! So please talk for yourself not for people. — Persian Cat 57 secs ago
So she is now complaining that she has “a suspension and many closed and deleted posts”.
Whose fault is that, eh?
When faced with an angry feminist I think I default to maximizing the distance between me and her.
Good instinct.
Q: What does " Rape someone's mind" mean?

Persian CatCan we use of it to express violence by words and talks against another one or trying to impress him/her by advertisement against his/her own willing? Is it formal or informal? For example: Mona hates spiders and her ex boy friend sends her e mails of spiders' photos everyday. Or when som...

Q: Is it acceptable to use "womyn" or "womin" instead of "women"?

Persian CatI have often seen/heard these two terms in many articles and speeches about Feminism or women's rights issues. I couldn't find them in any online dictionary except for the Oxford Dictionary which describes it as non-standard spelling of ‘women’ adopted by some feminists in order to avoid the ...

Those are the two questions she bitched at getting a downvote each to in short order.
I see nothing improper here.
I’m sorely tempted. :)
@tchrist Maybe this answers the question in a way? (dunno if NSFW)
That’ll sure piss ’er off. :)
prolly a bad idea
She used to be called Sunflower.
She had several other accounts she kept creating and deleting too, if I recall correctly.
Not in any kind of sock puppet way, just being weird.
Kind of random flailing.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 certainly you mean since 3,000 BC? There were no people before Adam.
Should be BA: Before Adam.
They are expecting more than 80,000 people to show up for the big pot party in Denver today. Gosh, that’s a lot.
"@tchrist Your behavior and kind of talking and sentences are off topic. I am not going to reply you as I am talking about a different matter which is far from of your wrong assumptions and judgements about me. "
Far be it from me to point out that she is lying: she does a good job at that all by herself.
Well, or demented.
Your call.
Is this fellow on drugs?
A: Palatalization of the initial "s" in words starting with "st-"

DavidAlso, the s in student is pronounced like sh by most English people (shchoodent, /ʃtʃʉːdənʔ/).

Perhaps he means most drunk English people?
So what now, sh or shch?
Yeah I understand better now. He really means sh for just the s, and then ch for the t.
Which I do not know that I have ever heard.
Well. Neither have I, but that is sort of the question, where is it from.
So he does supply a data point, my beef is with the exaggeration.
There may be some right-to-left assimilation going on, I suppose.
I guess if everyone says didja that maybe the tu palatalizes to an unvoiced one. I just don’t understand why he says everyone in England says that, which is why I think he means something else.
I agree that changing a leading "liquid" s to an sh before a t sounds like a parody of a German speaking English.
Where's that fooneh @mattэллен chap when you need'em.
Shtoopid sounds Yiddish.
It sounds like bad imitations of Sean Connery
Chewsday is well attested in the UK: tyoo->chew
but st->sht is not. it might be local, like local to the Germans.
Since trait is often [tʃɹʷeɪt], straight is often [stʃɹʷeɪt] but I think seldom if ever [ʃtʃɹʷeɪt]. There is probably some blending in the [stʃ] set that I don’t know how to rightly represent in IPA.
@Mitch Chewsday? Instichution?
But you didn’t say that > Butchoo didn’t say that
I may never get used to Portuguese stress rules that demand writing Júlio Santos for Julio Santos. :(
It’s so they can write Maria instead of María.
Catalan uses the same exotic rules for representing stress in writing. It is so much more complicated that Castilian.
@Mitch yes. Thank you. I wondered when someone would finally say that.
I desperately need some adults to talk to. Are there any here?
I only just learned that ALOA is the Associated Locksmiths of America.
Left some messages in our lounge.
Is it about the cat?
I've changed the litterbox enough, I think.
@KitFox I don't know what dult is, so I can't tell if I'm adult.
Yes, that's it.
I think the cat needs to be put outside again
You mean inside. The bag.
In the lake.
I missed a trash collection day and now my whole lower bathroom stinks.
And no, I am not changing the subject.
Why'd you collect trash in a bathroom?
I think you might be doing it wrong.
Where do you put yours?
My what? Trash? Or catbox?
The trash goes in the trash.
The catbox stays at the store because I have never purchased it.
fumbles with coffeemaker God, I'm spoiled by the Keurig at work.
Keurig. What kind of twisted pun is that.
I dunno, but I could probably understand if you explained it to me.
@RegDwighт An incorrigible one.
Well feurig is German for fiery.
K is any number of things.
Kew even more so.
A fiery queue.
I thought I was furry, not fiery. gains new perspective
I also thought Keurig was a surname.
It sure doesn't sound like a forename.
Except if you're a viking.
Imagine naming a lad Courage.
Merkins have a lot of curridge.
Naw, more curridge takeaways in Britain.
Looks like there's a huge market for litterbox comix.
You produce them left and right like there's nothing to it.
George R.R. Martin looks so cute.
Unlike that girl from the show, which is the main reason I still haven't started watching it.
@RegDwighт Oh, you’ve seen that one, too, eh?
This one. Via Reddit.
God that's an awfully long comic.
Oatmeal should get an editor.
It’s like 7 or 8 panels. No many people have attention spans that long anymore.
Martin looks like an escaped garden gnome.
I can read a novel. I don't see the point of turning a comic with a one-word moral into a novel.
If you have a point, get to it. If you don't, shut it.
That's my idea of a perfect world, anyway.
Cat vs. Internet is even longer. A few of them are really funny. But it is . . . so . . . . . . . . long.
@tchrist you seen Les Fabuleux Destins D'Amelie Poulenc?
Well you should.
Then we can talk about garden gnomes in a grander context.
ponders the collective noun for gnomes
8.5 holy crap.
That is a lot for a European movie.
@tchrist swirls.
Yes, that's a swirls of gnomes.
Why swirls?
Why not.
Like collective nouns ever make sense.
Harrumph. Just like a commie to use "collective" nouns.
This one should make gnomic sense.
@Robusto No, tchrist used them. I am merely recycling.
Gnomon is an island, except in Jamaica.
Gnomic sense = No make sense.
They seem to be spreading.
@Robusto dahzahrahtimahkichen wahtahmahgahnahdoo, dahzahrahtimahkichen wahtahmahgahnahdoo?
I think the collective noun for gnomes should be horde.
Or haggle.
Or waggle.
I liked Amelie a lot.
@RegDwighт Ja, I will mon.
Amélie was nice.
I like French cinéma.
I fell asleep watching Amélie. Where were the zombie hordes?

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