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Also, I suppose, what Shog said.
@Shog9 only if it was wild, but point taken :)
@Axelrod ah, yes i like that too
@Axelrod wait did you just reverse someone else's cynicism? what world am I living in?
Whenever someone tells me they've read "the greatest book ever written" I'm more likely not to read.
@Skooba I feel like you haven't been paying attention to the ongoing case of Axelrod v Himarm and the Board of Downvoting.
Give me a reason. Don't justify it to yourself.
@Axelrod I only pay attention when I need to downvote something
@Skooba We upvoters shall overcome, someday.
@rkalajian Well, he didn't just say that. He actually went into some more details, and explained why he had that opinion.
@rkalajian greatest book ever written. plot description, kittens and lazerbeams in space
@Himarm What about laser kittens?
Get your space kittens in SFF.
@Axelrod I'm only at 5%
@rkalajian I will take my space kittens where I like, thank-you-very-much....
@skooba I take mine with sugar and cream
@rkalajian I've got no sugar tonight in my coffe, no sugar tonight in my tea.
@skooba Unfortunately, neither do I :( Stupid keto
LOTS of cream, though
But we're getting off the topic of kittens and lasers is serious-adulting-literature
89 messages deleted
hey we're free
oh snap
@rkalajian he had a serious point
I can see how this chat is going to end up.
Ok. Sorry for the terse and slightly insulting timeout message, all. Was in a conversation with the other CMs regarding this site and ID questions and general philosophy of such, and didn't want the distraction.
@Shog9 just out of curiousity, what's the benefit of deletion vs moving to a private room?
@Shog9 ah, thanks for explaining that
@Shog9 that's ok i still love you
Seriously? I come back and you've gotten the room in trouble? I'm disappointed, guys.
And yeah, that was a terrible way to start over @rkalajian. If you're trying to torpedo this, keep it up.
@Mithrandir Huh? What you mean "you all"?
@Mithrandir TL;DR: way too many memes happened, shog got tired of our shit and we got a 30 min timeout
I called y'all jerks because you were going out of your way to ignore each other. I could've found a more nuanced way of saying that if I'd had the time, but I didn't AND YOU ALL NEED TO STOP GOING OUT OF YOUR WAY TO ANNOY EACH OTHER.
and it wasn't me or steelersquirrels fault
I'm extremely serious about this.
We've got folks from quite a number of different sites here, including folks who have... not always gotten along in the past.
well then let's make a new start
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ I know, right? We just need to start putting halos over our heads ;)
This is a great chance to demonstrate how, when brought together by a shared interest, you can collaborate and treat each other with respect.
Don't blow it.
Now... Meme pics are like salt. You can season up a bland conversation with 'em, or you can desiccate a juicy conversation by adding more and more.
Try & avoid the latter, eh?
how come I get 1 star and shog gets a total of 15
Shog brings his own fan club.
Ah, author tag edit suggestion? No thanks, until that meta is due I go by personal preference.
it's already been made
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Because Shog is a closeted Steeler fan. Duh ;)
@Shog9 just out of curiousity, are all your analogies food-related
What I hate about meme pics, is that they're a total perversion of the original idea of what memes are.
@NapoleonWilson i rejected a few edits for that reason too
@NapoleonWilson meta has already said as much I think
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ no, but... I'm hungry. It's lunch time and I'm here.
@steelersquirrel 6 stars come automatic
@NapoleonWilson I approved a couple because I think those particular ones worked pretty well in the context of the questions.
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ I think there's no conclusion on it yet, though. So I go by what I think is right.
oh shit the microwave is actually beeping imma eat now thanks shog
@Shog9 My old canned reply is still there. You don't have to be here, you can go... do whatever a Papa Smurf does.
@HDE226868 Sure, my question doesn't, though.
@NapoleonWilson Oh, I agree with that.
I was acting on a case-by-case basis.
I'm here from some other chats (mainly RPG.SE) and I'm just keen on learning about the vast literature landcape & socialising with people interested in it.
cool. That sounds like a good plan.
@doppelgreener Who is your favorite author?
Taxonomy only works if we do it one way or the other, not on a question-by-question basis
@steelersquirrel Presently Dan Simmons. I fell in love with his Hyperion cantos.
Actually it was a question about those books that got me interested in the area 51 proposal!
Anyone here read the Belgariad?
@doppelgreener Hmmmm...I'm not familiar. I'm more of a Hemingway/Shakespeare person. Yes, I'm boring ;)
@steelersquirrel would say that makes you a Stranger in a Strange Land?
@Skooba Totally!!! :P
@Mithrandir I haven't, but I have heard of the swears from it (swearing by various body parts of Torak, like his beard or nails) and that makes me laff.
@steelersquirrel Wait, is liking Hemingway a synonym for being a boring person?
@JNat Depressing if so, since he's the Mark Twain of last generation.
yeah and Shakespeare has all the best insults
@JNat No. Not at all. It's just that he is a pretty popular author and doesn't really write about exciting topics. He just makes the topics exciting ;)
You pigeon livered whatever!
anyone here into jim butcher, Patrick rothfess, or terry pratchett?
@steelersquirrel That sounds like an amazing feat, though (and a great way to put it).
@DForck42 Not really, very much yes, and very much yes
I've read one Pratchett book
Isn't everyone into Terry Pratchett?
Not knowing Hemingway means you are cool person ?
except mith apparently
@steelersquirrel That's like a comic book fan liking Marvel's X-Men the most though. That's OK, they're popular for a reason.
@AnkitSharma TIL i'm cool
(Marvel vs DC war aside)
I managed to get a degree in English without reading any Hemmingway
me too, hi5
@AnkitSharma i would say the opposite
Isn't Pratchett that writing god you have to like when you're into books?
@AnkitSharma high fives
@Ash lol
@Skooba uhuunnn
@NapoleonWilson maybe
Hemingway was the like definition of cool, well at least in the US
@NapoleonWilson: Not really, that would be Neil Gaiman.
Look at the number of Pratchett - Gaiman collaborations.
@Chenmunka Oh, yeah, that too. Didn't they actually make a book together? That would be mass hysteria, as someone I know would say.
Uff It's too late to craft my first literature question
@Skooba Well... I think Hemingway is super cool!
@Chenmunka Gaiman is one of those authors I just don't understand the appeal of
@NapoleonWilson Have you not read anything by Hemingway?
Their joint book was "Good Omens", about the M25 being the work of the devil.
@steelersquirrel No. Does that surprise you? ;-)
so the majority of authors we like here, are, fantasy authors, good thing we didnt already have a site for that :P
@steelersquirrel if i can be this cool as he was when he that age I did life right
@Ash If you ever go for a PhD, be sure to keep that up. They'll ostracize you if you aren't indirect and overly wordy.
I've read a bunch of his work, and none of it has gelled with me. Although I'm the same with Brandon Sanderson, a lot of people like his stuff but other than Mistborn it's never gelled with me
@Skooba Midwestern here, our heminway is mark twain
@Himarm Actually, to be honest, most of what I read isn't SFF, I read a lot of romances and non-fiction (and some SFF)
@Skooba Yeah. He was an avid hunter/fisherman!
Anyone familiar with any of Teel McClanahan III's stuff?
Some of Gaiman's work can be a little patchy true. I've just finished "American Gods", not one of his best, but he credits Pratchett as helping with the plot.
@Chenmunka i read American gods not long ago as well, not my favorite by him
McClanahan writes some pretty crazy, though-provoking fiction
"The Ocean at the End of the Lane" is much better.
thought provoking yuk
i want to be spoon fed vampire smut
There's certainly some of that, too :) His novels are ... interesting.
I loved all of them. Some required several reads.
Each one is a better love story than Twilight
Proposal Any Twilight books should be considered off topic on this site ;)
@steelersquirrel Agreed
take it to meta
but make sure normal vampire smut is on topic
@steelersquirrel Counterpoint: movie fans and creative students deliberately study objectively bad and/or popularly reviled works in order to better understand what's going on in them and what they did well or poorly.
@steelersquirrel i think this falls into the literary snobbery meta we had yesterday ;-)
@DForck42 Nope. Good taste and literary snobbery are 2 separate issues :P
@steelersquirrel ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )
There's nothing wrong with romance novels. A lot of them are really well done and smart and junk, people just see Fabio on the cover etc. and dismiss them out of hand
and bonus, you know the ending will always be happy
@Ash "happy endings"
@DForck42 eyeroll
g2g, meeting
@Ash lol
@DForck42 oh dear.
@DForck42 those are always great after dinner
(If you want a good well-researched look at it, Maya Rodale did an excellent book on the topic, called Dangerous Books for Girls)
ive used all my stars for the day
Awwwww. Sorry, man :'(
Q: Should interactive-fiction games be considered on-topic?

rkalajianFor those who aren't familiar, titles like Steve Jackson and Ian Livingstone's Fighting Fantasy series of interactive fiction or video games like VA-11 Hall-A. There's plenty of similar interactive-fiction out there, some really though provoking and extremely well written. Of course there's a l...

@rkalajian TL;DR, yes
@Skooba I knew I liked you for a reason.
@rkalajian the only thing i disagree with is that you have those I dont think would be on topic
Well there's plenty of interactive-fiction video games
but other than that, all literature wants you have an interaction with it. just because a work is taking a bit more into physical/personal relam shouldn't be bearing on its topic
I'd say as long as the talk stayed on the literary aspect of it, and not hints/walkthroughs, etc... they should be on-topic
@rkalajian i see what you are saying now.
its only a video game in the sense that you play it on a computer
I guess it's a fine line. You wouldn't want someone asking about symbolism in Tomb Raider or something like that, but games that are specifically and interactive story should be cool.
Even some old-school text adventures were written really well.
@rkalajian yeah there could be a fine line. Sometimes on SFF how something was marketed to determine if it fits scope
so if something was advertised in way that makes it stand out from a normal video game
VA-11 Hall-A is a good example.
i was about to say "our traditional literature medium doesn't ask us to click through it", but we turn pages. then i was about to say "it doesn't give us branching choices", but choose-your-own-adventure books are a thing.
The game is packed with excellent storytelling, yet has you mixing drinks for customers. You can alter the story you get from patrons depending on drinks you make them (though still making them withing the asked parameters)
Questions would just have to well-defined that you are asking about the literary ascpects
Q: Should interactive-fiction games be considered on-topic?

rkalajianFor those who aren't familiar, titles like Steve Jackson and Ian Livingstone's Fighting Fantasy series of interactive fiction or video games like VA-11 Hall-A. There's plenty of similar interactive-fiction out there, some really though provoking and extremely well written. Of course there's a l...

Can I get some feedback on a proposed answer to this question? It asks for connections between Poe's works, focusing on ones that take place in the same universe. I came across a standalone poem by Poe, which he later inserted into a short story of his. Do folks think that's a valid answer to write?
@DForck42 if you liked it at all, I think Anansi Boys improved on it. Worth a read.
@HDE226868 sure sounds like it
unless you need to see intent
@steelersquirrel I can agree with that. I recall reading A Moveable Feast a couple years ago, and that got me semi-hooked.
@HDE226868 It certainly sounds interesting indeed. Just give it a try and see if you're downvoted to hell or NaA flagged. ;-)
I liked his style, and moved on to his fiction. I admire his meld of autobiographical excerpts and original stories.
like that he did it on purpose to connect the works, or just that it was because he liked the poem enough to stuff into the new work.
@HDE226868 Have you seen Midnight in Paris? If you liked A Moveable Feast, that movie is really good!
thats the owen wilson movie?
@steelersquirrel I've heard of that!
@HDE226868 Oh, you should see it! It's a great movie with a nod to great authors and figures from the 20's in Paris! I highly recommend it!
Tragedy vs Comedy in old timey plays.... and go
@Skooba Like Much Ado About Nothing?
@steelersquirrel like what defines them
And...Yeah. I agree that Romeo and Juliet is not a romance. It's about teenage lust and obsession, not romance.
@Skooba Oh, gheez. That's getting too deep for me. <calls sister> ;)
hey I found a poem I have on my desk right now
a question about it
and I have the book in front of me now
A: Did a specific person inspire Lord Byron's poem "She walks in beauty"?

Easterly IrkYes. The poem was written in response to seeing his cousin, Lady Wilmot Horton, at a ball. She is his cousin by marriage, through a man named John Wilmot, governor of Ceylon.. (3) These stanzas were written by Lord Byron, on returning from a ball-room, where he had seen Mrs. (now Lady) Wilm...

Meh. Took a stab at the non-fiction meta question.
it doens't have the same green cover the google books edition does tho
@Shog9 what's that?
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ It was probably Mary Shelley ;)
nope it was some weird governor's wife who was his cousin
@Catija thanks, nice answer
<insert lenny here but I don't want to get flagged>
@rkalajian care to elaborate more on meta.literature.stackexchange.com/questions/161/…? I've honestly never heard of them
@Catija And excellently at that.
@Catija actually I think fiction/non-fiction has nothing to do with what the question actually asks...
Why is "elementary, Watson" question and answer getting so many upvotes? It's an incredibly famous bit of trivia.
Anansi Boys is a novel by Neil Gaiman. In the novel, "Mr. Nancy" — an incarnation of the West African trickster god Anansi — dies, leaving two sons, who in turn discover each other. The novel follows their adventures as they explore their common heritage. Anansi Boys was published on 20 September 2005 and was released in paperback on 1 October 2006. The book debuted at number one on The New York Times Best Seller list, and won both the Locus Award and the British Fantasy Society Award in 2006. The audiobook was released in 2005, narrated by Lenny Henry. == Plot == Anansi Boys is the story...
@Helmar Have you not read the entire answer?
@Catija I did, I challenge the usefulness of the question itself ;)
@Skooba I think I was able to rationalize that. It's classic Poe: can we overcome death and our own doom?
The answer: Nope.
@Helmar well a written fiction is going to 100% ontopic
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Yeah. I just always love the story of how Mary Shelly came up with Frankenstein and how they were all hanging around Byron's place playing...ahem..."games" with eachother ;)
@DForck42 A lot less... "let's see how many characters we can cram into this story"
@Shog9 oh, might check that out
@HDE226868 the two thing in life... am-i-right
@Skooba so a fictional two-liner on a leaflet is on-topic?
The fiction/non-fiction distinction has no bearing on your question
@Skooba What do you mean?
@Helmar yes. topic and quality are different subjects
A political pamphlet full of lies is also ficticious
something can be on-topic, but a poor question
@steelersquirrel I'll try to watch it, when I get a chance.
@Helmar Well, if haikus are, which I hope.
@Helmar marketing does play a factor
@Helmar I'm thinking advertising literature, aka brochures and leaflets advertising a certain place or thing, should be off-topic. but that should go in meta
@HDE226868 death and taxes
@Helmar But doesn't tell a story.
@NapoleonWilson Says who?
@Helmar Me, obviously! ;-P

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