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6:00 PM
@200_success I'm solid at #10.
And I am at 23 ..... that just sucks in a big way ....
In fact, it appears I'm the highest ranked person who is a chat regular. How did that happen?
A lot of good Python reviewers are also pretty far down the list.
Q: determining the distance between to points using java

Alex ChavezHi guys I'm in an intro to comp sci course that uses java and I was just wondering if there is some sort of function or method to calculate distance between two points, say for example: the distance from (50,10) to (100,45). I know in calculus we used the formula d=[(x2 - x1)^2 + (y2 - y1)^2]^1/...

Oh, right. Most of my answers are .
6:03 PM
I have a nuber of answers in the past few days that have not received much interest.
@Donald.McLean did you see the top 5 tags
Got me a tag badge from that.
C# then Java
@Donald.McLean - you have the high votes because I vote lots, and cannot vote on my own answers ;-)
@200_success this shows users of all time, can you make it show active users?
6:05 PM
How would you define "active"?
Posted an answer in the past 30 days?
I was using lastactivity date I think
lunch time I will be back
Me too. Gotta go.
I don't vote on languages that I don't use regularly. That leaves out much, pretty much includes only Java, Scala, JavaScript, CSS, HTML, XML.
how do I "save" a forked query?
oh, it "saves" automatically
Wow so chat really is paused :!
6:19 PM
@retailcoder No, it's the inevitable lull after a period of frantic activity. We just need a new topic. Speaking of which, time to put some music back on.
In case you've missed this one:
Q: determining the distance between to points using java

Alex ChavezHi guys I'm in an intro to comp sci course that uses java and I was just wondering if there is some sort of function or method to calculate distance between two points, say for example: the distance from (50,10) to (100,45). I know in calculus we used the formula d=[(x2 - x1)^2 + (y2 - y1)^2]^1/...

@Jamal CVA :) ...(close vote applied)
@retailcoder Me too (correct use of to/too/two)
I would have close-voted that even as a meta.
@Donald.McLean You watch Person Of Interest? Finally someone intelligent around here!!
@Malachi I've written code all day, now it's time to just relax!
@SimonAndréForsberg (flags as offensive)
6:35 PM
@SimonAndréForsberg It's my wife's favorite show.
@Donald.McLean Mine too!
If you think about what that formula means, then just learn basic Java syntax and math functions, you shouldn't have a too hard time to figure out how to do it in Java... — Simon André Forsberg 52 secs ago
I like it very much, but it isn't really SF, which means it suffers a huge penalty on the favorites list.
@retailcoder Sorry about that "intelligent" part, searched for a better word but did not find any
@Donald.McLean Yeah, it's very related to actual events. PRISM, BitCoins, national security...
@SimonAndréForsberg The Machine is arguably a True AI, which would push it over the line into SF territory, but just barely.
@Donald.McLean Yes indeed.
6:42 PM
@retailcoder the forked query becomes the current version
7:03 PM
@SimonAndréForsberg bah, you know what, I'm stupid. I worked like an idiot for 4 days refactoring indecent code (a 4K-liner button click handler), and all my boss is telling me is "so, is it working now?" and "I don't care how crippled it is, the person that wrote it would have made it work by now" - I have a different definition of "working". One that doesn't involve a memory leak, a SqlConnection, DataSet and SqlDataAdapter recycled 162 times and never disposed of, TONS of inline XML, etc, etc, etc.
@retailcoder You're not stupid, but our employers most definitely are.
And possibly the job market as a whole.
All they're going to notice is the new borders in the UI. And maybe the fact that the image rendering is now asynchronous. If I'm lucky.
@SimonAndréForsberg I am very lucky. My boss is very savvy and capable. Plus he's genuinely a nice person.
Shuffle got past #500. Very good.
@retailcoder But what you are going to notice is Ah, look how good the code is looking! It's a pleasure working with code that is designed like this!
@SimonAndréForsberg no offense to @rolfl, but my answer was like "if you want someone that will just 'make it work' and make this spaghetti shit even worse, I'm the wrong guy, you need a monkey ".
^^ not a @rolfl kind of monkey though.
7:09 PM
I actually did a bit of refactoring myself today, even though I am not supposed to do that. But no one knows I did that, yet. Only a matter of time before they will find out. I have an answer prepared though: "You wanted a more advanced feature, I made sure that the code also is more advanced which will make it easier to extend the functionality later."
@SimonAndréForsberg Nice try, but they don't see the difference between that and Copy+Paste. It's a lost battle. We're all doomed!
@retailcoder No, not the lol. I meant where you mentioned me before.
@retailcoder I think they'll just be mad because it will be so obvious that I am a better programmer than the one who wrote the shit initially.
3 hours ago, by retailcoder
@syb0rg 22 / 4.18
^^ woah blast from the past!
7:12 PM
Yeah, sorry. My availability is sporadic.
Technically, mine should be too..
I have the second highest question to upvote ratio?
@retailcoder no offense taken.
Hey, something cool happened here in chat:
15 people icons!!!!
I do believe that is as high as I have seen it since I joined.
7:16 PM
You must be using a really small monitor. I have that as a single row.
Now we're talking chatting !
Bah, stuck on 99 profile views...
I accepted an answer, got +2 and now I need to downvote 2 answers to fix my OCD. Suggestions anyone? (excluding @Malachi's answer on my xmlCmd question)
@Malachi I do read the reviews. That is why my up-voting did not get reversed.
@retailcoder lol
7:19 PM
What is the current 'ethic' about posting your answers here in Chat .... I know that I backed off doing that a few weeks ago, and as a result I don't have as many up-votes on my answers.
you can hide the aliens all you want to but they are not going away, we all know they exist
Technically they are all zombie kills (hey, unanswered questions...) , but are we still 'notifying'?
@rolfl I still look at your profile every once in a while to see your latest answers. If I like them I up-vote them.
I ask this because it pisses me off that I am #23 on the stats up there!
@rolfl call a killcam if you will, stop when you start feeling dirty.
7:20 PM
Yeah, the issue is that I am a regular answerer, so I will be calling 'kill cam' often ;-)
My answer:upvotes per answer ration would be a bit higher if the serial-upvoting wasn't reversed :/
it's just a matter of exposure - I wonder if I can make @StackExchange post your new answers here (belated as always, but still)... but that wouldn't be fair.
no more stars
@retailcoder - that is the point: ".. but that wouldn't be fair." ... it's not really fair that the things that get seen are the things that are upvoted (not necessarily, but largely true).
@retailcoder Speaking of old chat posts, I have to say that I'm happy with 79/3.89 :) (that of course does not mean that I will stop answering, or that you should stop up-voting me... it just means... ah, nevermind...)
7:24 PM
Maybe there should be a bonus for people who get things answered in Chat.
The people in Chat have, in my opinion, a deserved 'right' to get more participation bonus ;-).
@rolfl ever heard of the meta effect? Same applies to chat it seems.
Still, the frequency of answers on CR is slow enough that auto-kill-cam's won't flood here.
We have basically a 2:1 answer ratio, so we will be getting 3 times as many SE Posts to chat.
It will also help filter out edits and comments in the 'active' list.
let's see if it works. someone, post an answer :)
@retailcoder Will that also be set off if someone makes an edit?
7:27 PM
@retailcoder Just saw the feed you added, cool thing! I think this will definitely make us vote more!
@syb0rg I don't think it will, luckily.
If it would, then we would have to force @Jamal to ban himself.
^^ 5-star comment
I think it solves a few problems:
1. pimp factor - everything gets pimped, and no-one feels cheap.
2. only answers, not edits, or Jamalizing
3. more views, more votes, more happiness.
7:29 PM
crazy edits
Mass edits
retags, etc.
made by we-know-who
NOOOOOOOOO! Someone left the chatroom, only 14 remain now.
7:32 PM
That 15 set a new record eh?
I believe it did, yes
@SimonAndréForsberg: Yeah, but then I can just unban myself.
@Jamal Not if you're banned!
If you're banned, you can't login, and therefore you can't unban yourself.
I just posted an answer, let's see if @StackExchange picks it up.
BTW that "answer" isn't really one, might show up in the low-quality queue.
@SimonAndréForsberg: Well of course I wouldn't know that! :P
7:38 PM
You'd be locked out, just like my cousin was when he removed himself from the root/sudo user group when he used Linux.
^^ funny
I think can delete myself, too. That option is not grayed-out for me.
@Jamal I dare you to try it! :D
Odd. There's an RSS feed for every question, so technically a chatroom could have a feed for answers on a specific question. But it doesn't look like @StackExchange is going to post site-wide new answers here.
7:42 PM
@retailcoder If it doesn't, then let's make a MSO/MSE feature-request!
sorry to interject but....
Column 'Users.DisplayName' is invalid in the select list because it is not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause.
it is T-SQL I am pretty sure
SO-centrics are going to downvote it to oblivion...
@Malachi me too.
@retailcoder Not if we up-vote it first.
^^ saw that lapsus
@retailcoder sorry for triple-editing-ding :)
7:44 PM
StackExchange: "1010101101010100101000" (your answer sucks)
@retailcoder I used max on that field and it still gave me the same error????
and we need a better 404 page:
@Malachi MAX is an aggregate function. makes sense
@retailcoder it should say KABOOM!
@retailcoder I know but it didn't like it
@retailcoder: With zombies? CoD?
@retailcoder What you added is not a true feed. Try this one instead: codereview.stackexchange.com/feeds/user/31562
7:47 PM
@retailcoder I am doing dumb SQL stuff....give me a minute
retailcoder has stopped a feed from being posted into this room
CR has 32,000 users exactly (per front page stats) :)
retailcoder has stopped a feed from being posted into this room
8:08 PM
@retailcoder After a whole lot of searching and trial and error, try this one: stack2rss.stackexchange.com/codereview.stackexchange/…
If that won't give us a feed, nothing will! (Except for a MSO request of course)
NOW you can post an answer!
would un-deleting my test answer work?
...and I can close 12 tabs
@retailcoder I'm not sure that would work.
8:11 PM
@retailcoder Not sure. Otherwise we could add a question timeline feed and make an edit to the question to see if it would work
I just added an answer
Feels the excitement
@StackExchange Wake up!
@StackExchange Where are you when we need you the most?
@StackExchange isn't known to be the fastest bot
What if it remembers all the crap we told it...
8:13 PM
@retailcoder What's it gonna do, flag our messages?
Q: Tips for Optimizing My Current Script

Dwight Aaron PotvinThe first thing I would like to say is that I do have a fully functioning script, but the script is ugly, and I am wondering if there is a way to optimize it is all. Now, what the script does is look to see if I have at least 6 news articles in my database. If I have at least 6 news articles it b...

Q: Find end of $.each() loop and improve this code

Adrián SalgadoI obtain the txt var from the DOM (that's the only way I've got by now and can't change it) and it's a formatted JSON, here's an example of the expected JSON output: {"SE DIO AVISO A CENTRAL":true,"OTRO":false,"SE DIO AVISO A SEGURIDAD CIUDADANA":true,"SIN ACCIÓN":false,"SE DIO AVISO A AMBULANCI...

I guess that's our cue
@StackExchange Oh, come on!
Don't blame me, I'm just a bot
retailcoder has stopped a feed from being posted into this room
8:17 PM
not happening.
@retailcoder Noooo! Don't give up already!
Alright, anyway it is time for a MSO request I believe!
@SimonAndréForsberg I'll support that!
Make sure to research for duplicates first though.
I searched and only found old unanswered posts. Not looking good.
@retailcoder ^^^^
8:25 PM
yeah. stack2rss urls don't seem to work.
K, just wondering .... late to the party
the feed does work in my Outlook though. Which is pretty cool.
Q: Possibility to add a feed of all recent answers to chat rooms

Simon André ForsbergMany beta-sites suffer with a problem of voting. Code Review is one of them. We at Code Review have realized that it is hard to vote for answers that you're not aware of, therefore some of us (no monkeys named) posts a link to a recent answer every now and then in the chat. Instead of us posting...

@rolfl That is the exact URL that retailcoder added earlier :)
^^^^ RVA
@SimonAndréForsberg OK.
Anyone want to bother fixing this indentation? Tabs were used instead of spaces.
Q: Searching for news articles in database

Dwight Aaron PotvinThe first thing I would like to say is that I do have a fully functioning script, but the script is ugly, and I am wondering if there is a way to optimize it. The script looks to see if I have at least 6 news articles in my database. If I have at least 6 news articles, it branches into a neste...

8:31 PM
I don't think there'll be any down-voting on that feature-request, I used the site-graduation card :)
nicely written
first search for "php automatic indenting" :)
waits for MSO people to peek inside this room
We all have to mass greet them at the same time.
You know... to seem friendly.
No monkey business!
Thanks for fixing the indentation, monkey!
8:38 PM
@Jamal done
Now that post looks like a million rep. :-)
@SimonAndréForsberg 6 up-votes with 8 views.
And someone favorited it.
@syb0rg Nice nice!
Malachi must know that starring questions in unlimited. :P
Perhaps it was @Malachi that saw the star icon...
8:41 PM
It was me .... I like the updates in the profile:
2 new answers on "Find end of $.each() loop"
i can't star any of those messages
are you all talking about favorite stars?
A: Find end of $.each() loop

tomdemuytYou are basically mimicking the behavior of join here. Simply collecting the correct values into an array and then joining these values will be simpler. This is what I would counter-propose: try{ var o = jQuery.parseJSON( s ), keys = []; jQuery.each(o, function(key, value){ if(val...

the outlook rss feed works nicely
Slight advertising of Code Review on MSO:
A: Let others review your app / website / software product

Simon André ForsbergEven though maybe not exactly what you want, the closest thing that is already existing is Code Review. Code Review can, among other things, help you with: Reviewing working code Reducing code duplication Improving your usage of design patterns Highlight potential bugs that you are not already...

@Jamal We should really stop doing things at the same time ^^
Even though that's not exactly what he's looking for, I couldn't resist :)
If it's not, then perhaps downvotes are in your future...
...or not.
8:45 PM
@Jamal Except for feature-requests that no one likes, it's actually quite hard to get down-voted on MSO.
@Malachi: If it makes you feel a tad better: I do run out of MSO comment votes quite often.
@SimonAndréForsberg: Rants are a pretty good way for that.
@Jamal True. But I am such a peaceful person that for me, ranting is hard :)
I am working on doing that Questions / accepts and it is a PITA!
Now it feels like I have done my job for the day, so good night/afternoon/evening to you all. Gotta rest for what remains of the day.
be back in a bit
8:46 PM
bye! (x2)
It's pretty easy if you're a 1-rep user on SO who hates negative numbers. Speaking of which, proposing mandatory comments for downvotes is a great way of getting dwonvotes.
anonymous ones right?
Yeah. But then anyone can just submit gibberish.
Q: Finding an element in a list

user3049535I'm kind of new to Python. So, I wonder which method is better to use in a function to find an element in a list. First: def search_binary(xs,target): count = 0 for i in xs: if i == target: return count count = count +1 else: count = c...

9:07 PM
Fresh from the oven - thank you RSS:
A: Finding an element in a list

JaimeIf your list is sorted you can use binary search (your second code), and it will be faster for large lists, but if it's undorted you'll have to keep to linear search. The Python library provides fast implementation of both methods, so you really don't need to roll your own: >>> a = range(10) >>>...

Q: Brainfuck-to-C compiler written in C++

200_successThis compiler, implemented in C++, takes brainfuck code and produces a valid (but still obfuscated) C program, which in turn can be compiled to a native binary. Expected usage is as follows: Build the compiler $ c++ -o bfc bfc.cpp Compile a brainfuck program (example) to C $ ./bfc ascii.bf ...

retailcoder has made a change to the feeds posted into this room
7 upvotes on @SimonAndréForsberg's MSO question; 18 views
No duplicate suggestons.... so far so good.
I know the answer: 6-8 weeks.
And then there's @200_success .... I wrote a compiler... please review!
9:21 PM
Jealous monkey?
Q: Bitonic Sort ported from C to Python not working

Janus TroelsenThe following code is ported from here: https://github.com/Theodosis/parallel-programming/blob/master/pthreads/bitonic/pbitonic.c#L376 from itertools import takewhile, count def sort(pairs_to_compare, data): data = copy(data) for i in pairs_to_compare: if (data[i[0]] < data[i[1]...

Always butthurt
@Jamal non-working code.. obviously. A clear case of RTFM.
(sorry for the triple-ding!)
@rolfl: That's actually the first time I've seen compiler code. gulps
@retailcoder: He has good rep on SO, too.
the butthurt guy?
The one I've posted.
9:24 PM
(I'm quoting his profile, I don't know him that much)
Q: Bitonic Sort ported from C to Python not working

Janus TroelsenThe following code is ported from here: https://github.com/Theodosis/parallel-programming/blob/master/pthreads/bitonic/pbitonic.c#L376 from itertools import takewhile, count def sort(pairs_to_compare, data): data = copy(data) for i in pairs_to_compare: if (data[i[0]] < data[i[1]...

Sometimes it seems like no one reads the CR FAQ at all... I wonder if it would be possible to have some kind of tacky "don't post non-working code" on the question posting page.
They're not going to read it
@Corbin theoretical star
9:33 PM
@Corbin: That's it exactly: no one reads. I think there was something about this on Coding Horror...
Greatest WTF today:
            while (nodes.MoveNext())
                btnShow.IsEnabled = true;
                cboItem = new ComboBoxItem();
                cboItem.Content = nodes.Current.GetAttribute("elementName", string.Empty);
                cboItem.Name = nodes.Current.GetAttribute("id", string.Empty);
                if (Counter == 1)
                    cboItem.IsSelected = true;

                Counter = Counter + 1;
^^ and it's WPF. That's coding horror if you ask me.
2 new answers
A: Processing array of objects into two strings

Cary SwovelandIf you had several attributes (particular, amount, ...), you might consider doing it this way: class Items attr_accessor :attributes def initialize(*attributes) @attributes = attributes end end items = [Items.new('food', 1000), Items.new('drink', 2000)] attributes_strings = items.map(&...

A: How to refactor the following method?

theronI personaly try to stay away from using the var keyword, as sometimes it tends to make code unreadable for example var result = ReturnResult(); when reading this I don't really know what the type is at a glance. And try to initialize ur variables outside of the foreach loop. I would normally decl...

The strangest to me is when people who have a few thousand rep on SO post complete and utter garbage on CR. You think they would have a feel of the SE network, but meh....
9:49 PM
^^ TS
(out of stars!)
Even on SO, that question would get downvoted to oblivion. High-rep users aren't expected to post questions consisting of "it doesn't work, and I don't know why."
Yeah, that's what I mean. Not only is it completely off topic here, it's a shit question in general.
@Corbin: Have you seen this yet?
Q: Brainfuck-to-C compiler written in C++

200_successThis compiler, implemented in C++, takes brainfuck code and produces a valid (but still obfuscated) C program, which in turn can be compiled to a native binary. Expected usage is as follows: Build the compiler $ c++ -o bfc bfc.cpp Compile a brainfuck program (example) to C $ ./bfc ascii.bf ...

I'm looking forward to the reviews on that.
that looks quite interesting
9:53 PM
Is that really what a compiler looks like on the inside?
Eh kind of
the short answer is not really
the long answer is: depends what compiler
@Jamal There are several ways to implement compilers. I'm only familiar with the push-down-automata approach - that's what we learned in college.
modern compilers tend to completely separate parsing of input and generation of output. typically input is parsed into an AST by a parsing component and then the AST is optimized and output as whatever the target is
@Donald.McLean: I haven't gone over any of that in college so far. I've only seen a little MIPS interpreter and disassembler.
do you have a formal languages class, Jamal?
9:57 PM
I've written an interpreter for BF in TI-BASIC
As well as HQ9+2D and Deadfish~
@Corbin: I might, but I haven't looked for it yet. I don't think it's listed as a requirement.
ah, for a CS degree it should be a requirement
but anyway, if you take a formal langs class, you should in theory be able to make a crude parser after that. at least from a mathematical perspective :)
Q: Testing classes

user2759937I'm just getting into testing and wanted to see if someone can tell me if I'm writing tests correctly. I'm using C#, NUnit, & Should. This is the class I'm testing: using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Linq; using System.Reflection.E...

parsers and compilers are fairly separate beasts though
@Corbin: It may be an elective, but I'll have to check again. My current elective this semester is computer system security.

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