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Then scrape off the carcinogenic PAKs.
You know people eat frogs and those tiny things in shells, what's them called god I forget all words.
Then throw it away. Then take the picture.
@RegDwighт Snails are rubbery.
@Cerberus but that's what happened, no? I'm no anatomist.
Right, snails it is.
Like I don't know what it stands for. Maybe it's a Dutch abbreviation, considering the K.
what does it mean in your sentence?
@RegDwighт Then they should have taken more care during the tossing.
BTW I was at the doctor's today and he rammed a giant syringe full of milky white substance right into my knee and emptied it all inside me.
@Rob here's one with just people.
Just to give you an update.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Carcinogenic compounds causes by burning wood and/or other stuff.
Did it make your knee feel better?
@RegDwighт "syringe", eh? "knee", eh? suuuure.
@RegDwighт Yikes.
I dunno, it was supposed to make my knee feel dumb.
Did it hurt?
And what's the prognosis?
No, only a little as he went in. Then it was okay.
@Cerberus oh. The burned bits give it the flavour.
@RegDwighт Snails are delicious.
@KitFox good for them.
@RegDwighт forgot: "doctor", eh?
Like portabello mushrooms.
@Cerberus no idea. Just don't stress the knee too much. If it doesn't go away, come for a second syringe.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 And the cancer.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 what, no love for the milky white substance? You're a slacker, kind sir.
oh I hate portabello mushrooms. all mushrooms, actually. makes note not to eat snails
@RegDwighт Is that all? No diagnosis?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Agreed!!
@Cerberus meh. they merely increase your RISK of cancer.
You asked about prognosis, not diagnosis.
The diagnosis was capsulitis or whatever.
@Cerberus what? we're in agreement? how can that be!
Portobello's are just mushrooms but in a monstrous size.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Jumping off a building also merely increases your risk of death.
@Cerberus Mm, portobello.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Never!!
@RegDwighт I know.
Mm, mushroom.
@RegDwighт So what does that mean? Is it serious? Will it probably go away?
@Cerberus yes but there are significant differences in 1. the risks and their level of increase, and 2. the suddenness of the death involved.
Ah, gewrichtskapontsteking.
Capsulitis refers to inflammation of a capsule. Types include: * Adhesive capsulitis of shoulder * Plica syndrome, which is an inflammation of the articular capsule of the knee joint See also * Articular capsule References
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Yes, it's better to be dead in one blow.
That whole knee mechanism shit is quite inventive, let me tell you. Whoever came up with it must have been god.
Can we not discuss the relative merits of dying slowly from cancer right now?
Don't get me started on knees.
Yeah, on knees is where you end, not start.
@KitFox OK. Anything going on in particular?
Sometimes you don't even end there.
Sometimes is the worst.
There are a whole lot of these.
Can't use 'em. They have to be animated with some cute animal.
I understand, but this is what I found in the rabbit hole.
@KitFox that is easily the worst video ever. It's worse than Star Wars.
@RegDwighт Okay, so exercise and injections should make it go away eventually, and if not, an operation can remove the miscreant.
@KitFox I understand, but I need cartoon animals, okay? Christ, am I the only one who gives a shit about the rules?
@Robusto okay jackie, spill the beans, what's with your obsession with animals lately. You won't eat them, you demand videos of them.
@RegDwighт The question kind of answers itself, no?
@Cerberus oh come on. I'm spending every night watching those.
Ripped shirt, trickle of blood, like every other Kirk fight scene
I know.
The shirt is the only thing about William Shatner that's ripped.
@Robusto yes, but I was hoping to hear it from you, and in some form of litotes.
Perhaps one day your wish will be granted.
Okay. That is one form of litotes.
I'll allow it.
Wer hat dir erlaubt, mir zu erlauben?
Der tote Gott, that's wer.
Ist er tot oder krank?
I must quickly drink more.
Today I'll be rebuilding like the worst scene out of all star wars movies.
Which would be any scene from the prequels.
@Robusto exactly.
And Queen Amidala ain't even in that scene, so it's a lie to boot.
What a waste of Natalie Portman.
If they were going to put her in, they could have at least taken Jar Jar out.
@Robusto relax and watch Heat seven times in a row.
Don't forget not to watch Black Swan.
Thanks, I'll stick with Leon or Garden State.
Nothing wrong with Heat, man.
No, Heat was a good film. Great cops & robbers actioner.
Except for the parts with Amy Brenneman.
So. Like. My point. Dude.
And poor Val Kilmer could still fit a canvas.
I briefly worked with her brother way back when.
Making milk commercials?
What other commercials, then?
Pythons are sweet.
It's not like that yellow touches black shit you have in the states.
Or was it yellow touches red.
See, I don't even have to remember, around these parts.
> Red Touch Yellow, Kills a Fellow. Red Touch Black, Friend of Jack.
That's not the one I had in mind, but it'll do.
The coral snakes are a large group of elapid snakes that can be subdivided into two distinct groups, Old World coral snakes and New World coral snakes. There are 11 species of Old World coral snake in one genus (Calliophis), and over 65 recognized species of New World coral snakes in three genera (Leptomicrurus, Micruroides, and Micrurus). North American coloration patterns Coral snakes are most notable for their red, yellow/white, and black colored banding. (However, several nonvenomous species have similar coloration, including the scarlet snake, genus Cemophora, some of the kingsnakes ...
I had a friend who owned a python.
Lampropeltis triangulum, commonly known as a milk snake or milksnake, (French: Couleuvre tachetée; Spanish: Culebra-real coralillo) They are not dangerous to humans. Geographic range They are distributed from southeastern Canada through most of the continental United States to Central America, down to western Ecuador and northern Venezuela of northern South America. Description Milk snakes grow long. They have smooth and shiny scales and their typical color pattern is alternating bands of red-black-yellow or white-black-red. However, red blotches instead of bands are seen in some popul...
It ate his girlfriend's cat.
This article has like two dozen mnemonics.
I need a mnemonic to memorize the mnemonics.
@RegDwighт Yellow touches red, Fred is dead; black touches yellow, Fred is mellow.
"Stay away from snakes"
@KitFox see, in Soviet Europe, snakes stay away from you.
> The bite of a coral snake may soon be more dangerous, in part because bites are so uncommon. Production of coral snake antivenom in the United States has ceased because it is not profitable. According to Pfizer, the owner of the company that used to make Coralmyn, it would take over $5–$10 million to put toward researching a new synthetic antivenom.
Oh good.
That's quite a solution though, isn't it. You won't get money from dead people, so why bother.
The free market works.
@Robusto that's so racist.
So why are there two words for antivenom? Antivenom itself, plus its snobby cousin, antivenin.
Vladimir Ilyitch Antivenin?
@RegDwighт Once Fred's had black, he'll never go back.
Q: Name for this Verb Tense

Simon KuangThe imperfect tense describes an unclear past action. Is there a name for this tense? He had done his homework already. I don't want to say "imperfect perfect" tense.

Well. Thank you for that, OP.
I am not drunk enough for this. BRB.
I would sic Lawler on him.
Nonono, you don't understand. Check out the answer.
in the imperfect perfect tense, the perfect and imperfect cancel out, leaving just the tense.
Okay, sometimes Carlo is funny.
Why won't the comment embed?
My solution was the correct one, however.
What is this grammar?
Because it's deleted.
Who right use to and for?
I am really asombrate with your
Congrats on level 10 but really I am asombrate with your
I think that was the word order.
> congratulation for have a elite members.. but really i am asombrate with your
Oh right.
The level thing was our own invention.
That's some mad quicksearch skillz, BTW.
I miss us.
You can take us out of your country's name.
We had such fun. Did you hear that Artydent messaged someone recently, maybe it was Cerb?
I did not.
Someone messaged me, though. NurgleGod.
That utterly useless guy who was the first one to get kicked out.
Jun 4 at 8:55, by RegDwighт
> What heppened with phantom commando still active?
@RegDwighт You can't spell Russia without USA.
It literally took him less than OVER 9000 years to notice.
Oh right. No, that's what I was misremembering.
@Robusto Haha, but I can. Россия.
We liked Arty, didn't we?
@RegDwighт But Россия is not "Russia". QED
Arty was very adequate in every way imaginable.
@Robusto tell that to her.
That is just a rus.
Russell Albion "Russ" Meyer (March 21, 1922 – September 18, 2004) was a U.S. motion picture director, producer, screenwriter, cinematographer, editor, actor and photographer. Meyer is known primarily for writing and directing a series of successful low-budget sexploitation films that featured campy humor, sly satire and large-breasted women such as Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Kill!. Early years Russ Meyer was born in San Leandro, California, to William Arthur Meyer, a German-American Oakland police officer, and his wife, Lydia Lucinda Hauck (née Howe). His parents divorced shortly after ...
Sly satire, eh.
Yes, those of us who know Roger Ebert know of Russ Meyer.
No I was quoting that satire bit.
I know you know Russ because we discussed him.
Nov 14 '12 at 20:47, by RegDwighт
I think Rob has been doing that for decades. Either that or he's really into Russ Meyer.
Q: Generic word for hyphen, dash and minus sign?

user47557I look for a proper English word that could be an informal generic term for “bar-like” typographic marks such as hyphens, dashes, minus signs and so on. Is it bar? or line? or stroke? or whatever?

OHHHHH do not show that to @tchrist.
I used the term "double-byte language" the other day and I could see the smoke coming out of his ears.
@David How goes?
Hi Kit, and thanks for the email.
@Robusto well there's quite some smoke in Colorado right now. Not his fault.
I have lots of lovely painkillers.
My leg is really swollen and walking is difficult, but I have crutches.
Oh my.
And physiotherapeutic exercises to complete.
The princess is in another castle.
But as I mentioned in my email to you, @Kit, everything was a success.
This chat and legs really don't mix well.
Must be a glitch in the matrix.
@KitFox I think that was NurgleGod, wasn't it?
I am doing my best to be incomprehensible. Please understand.
@Cerberus read on. You're too late to that party.
And whatever happened to my plan to drink.
@DavidWallace Well, don't walk then.
Or something.
@KitFox Not moving my leg at all is worse.
Why are everyone's knees borked in this room?
Are Kit and I the last ones standing?
Mine were borked before it was cool.
Oh, is there somebody else with knee issues?
Rob and Reg.
3 mins ago, by RegDwighт
This chat and legs really don't mix well.
Yes, but that doesn't really tell me anything. Reg, what has happened to your legs?
Rob had some sort of treatment or operation a while ago whose results plagued him for a long time.
Just because my shit's incomprehensible, doesn't mean it's meaningless.
Yes, but incomprehensible things tell me less than hensible ones.
Jul 4 at 23:03, by RegDwighт
user image
41 mins ago, by RegDwighт
Capsulitis refers to inflammation of a capsule. Types include: * Adhesive capsulitis of shoulder * Plica syndrome, which is an inflammation of the articular capsule of the knee joint See also * Articular capsule References
Oh god, MRI. Yay!
And I'm not here! I'm opening a beer.
Ooh dear, @Reg, I hope you get better soon.
I don't have fancy pictures to share of mine, I'm afraid.
@KitFox haha! yes! "If dju can't support a medallion, dju can't support a family"
Hello. I am Fernando Martinez.
I like to see mens and womens get together.
posted on July 10, 2013 by sgdi

There once was a man who was drunk Lower and lower he sunk From his chair at the bar He did sink so far He bounced on the floor with a clunk

@DavidWallace thank you, right back at you.
@KitFox Menses and womenses?
@StackExchange This isn't even grammatical.
That's just because you're on drugs.
@MattЭллен Any way to mess with the formatting so it comes through in proper shape?
@KitFox "he sunk"?
@DavidWallace Yes?
@KitFox I don't know. I will write the next one with html instead of markdown, and see if that works
> sink [singk] verb, sank or, often sunk; sunk or sunk·en; sink·ing; noun
Often? I must hang round in the wrong sort of places.
Sinken, sank, gesunken.
Yes. NZ is certainly the wrong sort of place for hanging around.
I have only sink - sank - sunk.
Drinken, drank, gedrunken
Sometimes "sunken" as an adjective.
I don't know.

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