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Yes, Will, but for now we must stay where we stay.
For having voyages in the future there is not enough tecnology.
The problem is that the earth is certainly destined to be eat from the sun.
@Carlo_R. Yes, you are right. I subscribe to the big bounce theory. The expansion and contraction of the universe.
Yes, but the bing bounce will happen after the sun has eated the earth.
Our specie have to find
The way to go off the earth before.
Well, I think that when the time comes, we just need to end our lives painlessly when it gets too hot or cold.
I am thinking what life would be like when that time is near...
I pose to me the same question, but that is OT on ELU and I cannot ask.
However nuclear problem will resolve all the things.
Human being will destroy itself more before that time.
6'000'000'000 of people now, 10'000'000'000 of people in 2020 is no longer sustenible.
Every day each people want more energy.
But energy create geopolitical problem. And someone will push the button.
> You are wrong. I guess you speak American English which is considered the lowest form of English anyway. — catherine 3 mins ago
@RegDwighт Hahaha, wait till she hears Singlish.
@Reg The sun will eat you too.
I need people with pitchforks. Many.
However, I hope to be (of being?) understandable when I write in this chat.
Where's everybody anyway?
I'm back to LDD. Cheers.
@Carlo_R. Your sentences are understandable though they are filled with errors.
Will, thank you. I'm aware of that, but I'm happy to be understandable.
@Carlo_R. I am glad to know you. Although you upset some people now and then, I think you are an interesting fellow.
If I am understandable, then I can communicate with you and I'm happy for this.
When writing technical documentation, a button can be 'pressed' and 'unpressed?'
aiming at a not tech savvy reader
@JohanLarsson Maybe use "checked" and "unchecked"?
@WillHunting yeah, that is good but suits a checkbox/radiobutton better imo. But i expect to be wrong most of the time in this chat :)
@JohanLarsson How can one unpress that button? Isn't it just pressed?
Maybe bad pic, that one is up/down
@WillHunting I think unpressed feels wrong too, but I don't know English
@JohanLarsson How about just ussing on/off? If it is a switch.
That is maybe the best. It was when writing documentation for using a GUI the question was raised. I could not think of a complement to pressed that felt ok. Pressed felt natural. Do you agree on pressed by the way?
if not using on/off
@JohanLarsson I guess one could say "pressed" or "not pressed".
or I phrase it like this, in a vacuum, which one is best pressed/on
@WillHunting Yeah, i actually like that, clean and simple
Buttons cannot be checked. What nonsense, @Will.
Buttons can be pressed. And unpressed, too. But beware of depressed buttons!
Q: Why is the term "depressed" often used to describe a button which is pressed?

Andrej M.In several books that mention GUI, keyboard, or mouse buttons (e.g. the book Programming Windows by Charles Petzold), the authors refer to the state of a pressed button as depressed. Why is this term used instead of the word pressed, which has a simple and intuitive meaning? Some alternative te...

@RegDwighт Check your pants to make sure it is zipped.
@RegDwighт nice, ty
@WillHunting Oh I see. We are talking about buttons that look like my pants. Still, in that case people don't check them. They check them out.
Sometimes I breathe you in, and I know...you know
@KitFox So sexy.
2 hours ago, by KitFox
@RegDwighт I have a question for you. Does "Эй кореш, русский, ты в порядке?" convey a sense of a NNS Russian speaker asking a friend if he is uninjured?
@WillHunting Yes, she is rather.
@JohanLarsson be extra careful with anything that starts in un- and ends in -ed.
@Trinidad: it's actually even more complicated than that: there are two different un- s in English. The one that applies to adjectives usually means "not" — unusual, uncertain, unattractive, unhelpful. The other un- applies to verbs and generally means "do the opposite thing" — undo, undress, uncover. Hence the confusion about the meaning of uninstallED, which could be a verb or an adjective. But there is no confusion whatsoever about the meaning of to uninstall, which is clearly a verb. You cannot uninstall something that's not there. There is no ambiguity. — RegDwighт Mar 4 '11 at 15:36
@KitFox Just like you. =)))
Uninstall, unpress, etc. are all unambiguous. But uninstallED, unpressED, etc. can mean two different things.
@WillHunting Not really. I don't have red hair and I'm not from NC and I can't play keys.
@KitFox But you are blond and from NE and can program!
@RegDwighт clearly. I mean whom else but the Americans could tolerate such an acoustic monstrosity?
@KitFox right. Saw that, wanted to ask wife, wife was asleep, forgot all about it.
@RegDwighт I used to think your wife is a man from your username.
@RegDwighт You are such a nice fluffy owl. Do you want a vole? I have a nice juicy vole right here.
You could select and deselect a button.
@KitFox But that is more a radiobutton/checkbox?
The button can be pressed and stay pressed until you click it again and then it is unpressed?
Like a Recording button?
or the play button on old cassette players
Okay so here goes. The phrase is grammatical, as I suspected. However, it does sound like something an ananas would ask, or at least an alien, though not because of the кореш — which my money was on simply because that's a word that I don't even know and it sure sounds alien —, but because of the русский. You wouldn't address a compatriot by his citizenship, whether in Russian or English.
@KitFox yep, but then we have @RegDwighт's ambiguity. Can you elaborate on that
@RegDwighт Yeah, Vit said much the same thing. I thought I might change it to "Hey Russkie, koresh, ty v poryadke?"
By the way @johan welcome to this chat. Johan and I go way back in the other room, lol.
By dropping the Cyrillic, I thought it would make the accent sound more English.
It's really a funny situation. Unpressed can mean "previously pressed, but not anymore", and it can mean "was never pressed in the first place", but the real kicker is that normally you'd resolve the ambiguity by using de- instead of un- (deselected vs. unselected) but in the case of pressed you can't do that, because depressed means... pressed.
Also, note that Johan and I share the same initials, which makes him special. =)
@WillHunting ty, ty I will probably not be a reg here, maybe reg lurker
I think we would say "Russkie" in English anyway, like we'd say "Brit" or "Yank."
I think Rob has been doing that for decades. Either that or he's really into Russ Meyer.
And this character always addresses the man as The Russian, so I don't want to come up with a nickname.
Well, a real nickname.
Mar 4 '11 at 16:57, by Robusto
Well, you Russkis do love your bread.
I think I'd rather leave him anonymous.
Feb 25 '11 at 11:26, by Robusto
You dropped the article, Russki.
Apr 6 '11 at 13:58, by Robusto
Because not enough Russkies on staff?
@RegDwighт But in this specific case there is really no difference if the button was pressed and then the opposite or never pressed in the first place
@JohanLarsson then go with unpressed, what should I say.
I'm lacking context anyway.
But in this case, she's not a native Russian speaker, but she's discovered her friend in a bad place and wants to convey concern.
I can show a pic of one of my dogs for a brief time so we get to know each other a little
So I'm not sure if ты в порядке? does that.
Works for me.
make it full size and check the tongue
@JohanLarsson Yeah. Press/Unpress is fine.
@JohanLarsson Dalmatian? I don't know much about dog races.
I can tell Cerberus from, well, not Cerberus. For all intents and purposes that's enough.
@RegDwighт Pointer (English but I think that is implied)
I see.
Well I'm back to LDD once again.
@RegDwighт What's LDD?
maybe Lego Digital Designer?
Ah yes. That would make sense.
How is your novel coming along?
I'm slowing to a crawl
300 words yesterday
not many today
how is yours going?
I was productive this morning but don't tell my boss. I think I can meet the pace today, but I am not gaining any ground. I am two days behind.
I also have bunches of scenes in my head sort of duking it out. I should just write them as they come, but I'm afraid I will lose the thread if I do that.
Are you on track?
I remember being impressed by your word count.
not quite. if I'd managed 1000 yesterday I'd be on track. I probably won't do any tomorrow as I'm going to give the local JavaScript users group meeting a go
So I might have to find 6K on Friday
Need more shower scenes I guess.
:D I'm still there at the mo!
@Matt may I ask what "novel" you are talking about.
@MattЭллен Maybe I could act it out with the new girl and get back to you?
@KitFox lol. a haunted shower scene... interesting!
@Carlo_R. I'm working on a nanowrimo project
"Excuse me, New Girl, I was wondering if you could assist me with some research."
Ah, wonderful. Once I wrote a novel and I called it "Air Disaster"
@Carlo_R. Sounds terrific!
@KitFox yessssssssss
Maybe you should try that.
there was a crash between three airplane at the same time. @Matt
@MattЭллен You seem like you could use some sexual relations for research purposes.
@KitFox aye, but you know, I, uh, don't have time because I'm writing a book.
or some excuse
What, you don't like sex?
there was an air crash between three airplane at the same time.
@KitFox oh, that's not it
> The countryside was silent save for the empty sound of a light breeze.
@Carlo_R. sounds action packed
Look at this crap I am producing.
@KitFox > Oh! Yeah, that happens when it gets hot in the showers, the hor water pipes all run behind the lockers. Must be a large crowd in there.
I just need words!
more of them
Gus sat next to her with a curious look on his face. “Shit, Jenny. What is all this stuff?”
Jenny sighed inwardly. “It’s my emergency kit.” She pulled out a small titanium case. It contained three vials and several syringes. She considered for a moment, then drew up one syringe from each vial, marking them with colored tape as she went. She recapped them, then looked up at Gus. “Never recap needles. It’s dangerous,” she said firmly.
His eyes got big. “I don’t touch the hard stuff anyway.” He reached over and took a bag of chips from the shelf.
someone might have died. I'm not sure yet
Jenny is on a rampage.
And I'm stuck describing the silence of the countryside.
my story is stalled because I'm worried I'm running out of things to say
Yes, @Matt. I choiced that story because no one wrote one with a crash between three airplanes. Max 2.
@Carlo_R. I see. Did you publish it anywhere?
@MattЭллен Just kill someone. It'll make you feel better.
Want me to read it and make suggestions?
@KitFox but she's just an innocent by stander
Oh, oh please!?
@MattЭллен Nobody's innocent.
let me find somewhere to put it
You've got my email.
rubs hands giddily
the whole thing, or just a bit of it?
All of it!!!
OK, I'll accidentally the whole thing...
Or maybe.
Depending on the verb you omitted.
Crap. I have to commute. Later.
it's in your inbox
@Matt no, I cannot finish the story because I was very busy.
Ah, yes. I've had that problem before. That's what nanowrimo is intended to fix
I'm going to take a look there @Matt. Later.
good, good :)
goodnight y'all
@MattЭллен Go on.
See, Matt's problem is that he lives in Oxford, famous for its segregation and racism.
Bob Dylan wrote a song about it. For shame, @MattЭллен, for shame.
Everyone refresh to see my new blue.
its like the pink of blues
Was it much work creating it?
@Matt You wrote:
> The two of them walked down to the local, The Kings Head. Monica got them a table and Susan got the round in. They both took long draws and slumped back in their seats.
Women don't buy drinks in rounds. That's a man habit.
@KitFox Is that true 2012?
Pretty sure.
@JohanLarsson No, it is called "lightblue" in GIMP.
@WillHunting In Sweden we call it pinkblue :)
@JohanLarsson Really? Hmm, I see the similarity. Maybe I should change it to pink the next time...
I really hate it when people downvote the question and upvote the answer severely.
@WillHunting I find it strange when five persons answer the same thing within one minute and ten minutes later there is no up vote
See a lot of that at SO
@JohanLarsson Here not so many at a time but it does happen.
I posted the same answer one second later so I deleted it.
Q: What does “x is 35 times less than y” mean (in general)?

Anderson GreenI found the following quote in this news article. I’m not sure of whether this is grammatically correct, although I've encountered the same figure of speech many times before: most Google searches produce 35 times less carbon than the report suggested. Does “35 times less” have a precise me...

@WillHunting that is the most classy thing to do delete and upvote the other
I am voting to reopen this question. I think it is a good question.
The expression is not a good one and that is what makes the question a good one.
everything expressed as a percentage is inherently ambiguous I think
Robusto has answered it, I would give an answer too if he has not.
Crappy typography. People should learn to write ¹⁄₃₅ᵗʰ where it is clearly the right thing to do.
@WillHunting It reads rather better now, in more ways than one.

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