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They don’t seem to be using IPA then.
yeah. I wonder what it is
Are you looking at the so-called Americanist spelling-pronunciations?
They use queer symbols
they just use the symbols differently to the IPA
Which is also queer.
And I don’t mean that in a good way.
are you saying that those symbols are gay?
@MattЭллен That’s evil.
yeah. they didn't have go and make up a whole bunch of stuff where the IPA should fit
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 No, I’m saying that gay symbols are /geɪ/.
@tchrist cuz you get flagged for calling things gay in this room. just ask cerb.
Not /gɛj/.
@tchrist I've updated my answer.
I saw.
@MattЭллен I think there is some vowel movement, or at least slippage, in the pin–pen–pan triple.
how do you mean?
Oh I see
Are the sounds represented by /æ/ /ɛ/ /ɪ/ always the same? Because Australians use /ɪnɪ/ not /ɛnɪ/.
I mean that there are speakers where beg–bag merge, and where pin–pen merge.
@AndrewLeach OH! I bet that’s the actual underlying question from the OP.
Now that you mention it.
Good catch!
However, it doesn't change the question: he's pronouncing "any" without using the same sound as others. In fact he's likely to be saying /ɛnɪ/ instead of /ɪnɪ/.
It changes our understanding of the question.
ah. that could well be it
If you are right, and I think you are, he’s actually asking if it is ok to use /ˈɛnɪ/ like you and I do, rather than /ˈɪnɪ/ the way his countrymen do.
Actually, I bet I say /ˈɛni/ and you say /ˈɛnɪ/. Americans don’t clip their final vowel in -y words as much as some — perhaps many — in Britain do. Not sure about Ireland.
Any is not the opposite of outie. We are not umbilici.
@tchrist That's likely to be less of a problem than someone in England saying /ænɪ/.
@AndrewLeach They don’t really ever do that, do they?
As though it were fanny without the f-?
@tchrist No, but we need to certain of what our Antipodean correspondent is actually asking.
@MattЭллен "lunk to" :-)
Hey wait, I know what’s doing on.
Any is a determiner.
@Jez :D glad you like it
We don’t actually stress determiners.
At least, not in connected speech.
That means both its syllables are subject to reduction.
We don't actually stress any determiners.
That’s special.
I like being special.
Nurse, when’s the short bus coming?
@Matt His question is certainly becoming more interesting.
indeed :D
We probably should be using [phonetic brackets] now not /phonemic slashes/.
Oz any may well be [ɨnɪ] or even [ɨnɨ], no stress markers.
> Crony as a word is like the verb to table.
What does this even, I don't even.
While for me, it is [ɛni] in careful speech, with a possible Brrit-sounding [ɛnɪ] in rapid speech.
@RegDwighт Which part?
Every part.
Are they saying there is a to crony verb that works like to table does?
Never heard of such a verb.
I threw in some use–mention to try and fix it, but you will be happy to learn that didn't help all that much.
In either sense of to table.
Is there a verb table?
I mean, rather, do you have a table of verbs in that document?
Ah that. Well even with that knowledge, there are still ways to be more clear.
“Let’s just crony this discussion, shall we?”
@tchrist to table is get off the table in the US, and get on the table in the UK. Or vice versa.
Not a table in a document.
Your first guess was right.
Yes, remove from the table and cease discussion in the US, place upon the table and begin discussion in the UK.
We have a question for that.
If there is a crony verb, there should be inflections in Google.
No he's talking about the noun alright.
Cronies could be a noun.
Oh, darn.
Now I am really confused.
A: Does using the word "crony" necessitate a negative connotation?

user43528The issue on the word "crony" depends on your nationality. The word is negative in the USA, positive in the UK. In America, a crony is a sleazy, almost illegal sort of person. In England, I recall that a wonderful Prince of Wales, in the 1800s, said to a salesman of hats in a store, "Freddy, st...

> Best, Will Brownell, PhD
> And one more thing. I keep referring to this as a "zoo", for lack of a better word and because that's likely the search term people will be using when on the lookout for animals to extend their collections with.
@RegDwighт It should have “—insofar as its pondian confusability goes” added.
Is an accepted word.
Or words to that effect.
A bestiary is a book, isn't it?
Can be.
@tchrist I liked the part where he identified "to table" as a verb, and "crony" as... a word. For lack of a better term, I suppose.
better than a worstiary
bestiary [ˈbɛstɪərɪ].
Etymology: ad. L. bestiārius ‘a fighter with beasts in the public spectacles,’ and med.L. bestiārium a menagerie, also ‘liber de bestiis compositus,’ etc., f. bestia beast: see -ary.
1 A beast-fighter in the Roman amphitheatre. (L. bestiarius.) Obs.
2 A treatise on beasts: applied to the moralizing treatises written during the Middle Ages.
crony is most certaily negative in the UK
Is it?
It sure is here.
“And where are your cronies now, mate?”
@MattЭллен tell that to the wonderful Prince of Wales, in the 1800s, then.
“And where are your cronies now, buddy?”
I think those convey the same sentiment.
well, I've never heard it used in the way user43528 quotes, so that meaning seems to have become outdated
@RegDwighт That's self-deprecating humour, common among the upper classes.
@AndrewLeach fair enough, but then what is he saying, that by positive he actually means negative?
And elsewhere.
@AndrewLeach Dunno why. It’s not like the rest of us aren’t already deprecating them enough.
These confusion just won't stop!
You are deprecating the Prince of Wales?
I am deprecating Java.
As fast as I can.
Exaudi deprecationem meam.
@Cerberus Only the Prince of Wales from the 1800s
@RegDwighт Amen.
he's already deadprecated
Didn't he fight at Waterloo?
No, at Waterloo, that was ABBA.
Them was from Sweden.
now you've gone too far
I can't see what you're getting at
Hey Europeans, do you have places named after Waterloo too, like Waterloo street and such? I know London has a train station. We have a square here.
@MattЭллен Now you've misspelled "long ago".
@RegDwighт No, he's misunderstood that the word is universally pejorative, simply because the prince used it of his friends.
@RegDwighт and far far away
@AndrewLeach So it is, and he has misunderstood this, thinking that it is not?
@MattЭллен not as far far away as you'd've liked me to.
@tchrist Yes.
passes out yonders
@AndrewLeach okay it's starting to make sense, then. Someone comment or something.
@Cerberus I'd imagine there are water loos all over Europe by now.
@RegDwighт Lost waters.
Waters once loosed are lost.
But not lessened.
are they fewerened?
@RegDwighт I'm just looking up a reference or two...
@MattЭллен They are Feweried in the Slaughterhouse.
Apr 2 at 19:43, by RegDwighт
Fury in the Slaughterhouse was a rock band from Hannover Germany, founded in 1987 and broke up in 2008. Their hits include: "Time To Wonder", "Every Generation Got Its Own Disease", "Won't Forget These Days", "Radio Orchid", "Dancing in the Sunshine of the Dark", "Milk & Honey", and "Trapped Today, Trapped Tomorrow". History In 1993, the band had its first international success with the hits Radio Orchid and Every Generation got its own Disease from the album Mono and successfully toured several European countries and the USA. Since then Fury has released new albums approximately ev...
Apr 2 at 19:43, by RegDwighт
Fast and Furious in the Slaughterhouse.
Gah did I fix that stupid first sentence after all?
Did you see that “fewer radius” question? So odd.
Oh yeah I did. Yay me.
It’s like having a fewer football field or a fewer height.
@tchrist I did not.
Q: A water circle of few radius is around the park

user43286Look at the below image. Do you see the water in few feet radius around a land? How do you describe this? Let's assume that the land is a park and there is no fountain. Can I express it as "A water circle of few radius is around the park"? I'm not sure if that sentence is grammatically and logic...

@tchrist suits me fine, actually. When everyone is done hypercorrecting absolutely everything to fewer, less will finally have its renaissance.
Little radius.
Small radius.
Tiny radius.
And people will start hypercorrecting in the right direction, for once.
Pandora is at work again, loosing her last evil, hope.
I'm looking at the big picture.
I'm looking at the pictures with few area
It’s like how foo and I has become indeclinable.
I was wondering how one gets to a bed on an island.
but bar and I can still be declined
i decline it every day
Give that to Johnny and I. Give Johnny and I a break. It’s Johnny and I’s supper.
@tchrist Only until people start taking foom and Im to the cinema.
Those are the people who take he and I to the cinema.
And think they are correcter than thou.
Or than thee.
Yes, they will take absolutely everyone to the cinema. I can't wait for I's turn.
I only becomes frozen following and.
thy turn will comethen
But in that slot, it’s like so many deer in the headlights.
Scared to move.
Comethens are now asterhens.
I swear that very nearly all posts with ellipses in them can and should be rewritten not to use them at all. Look how I fixes this one, for example:
Q: Choosing between “to experiment with” and “with which to experiment”

user43529I am using the phrase to experiment with in the following sentence: That this curriculum also places importance on physical design and prototyping, and offers access to the resources of a research center equipped with a multitude of physical systems to experiment with, is a tremendous advanta...

@JSB Was it creepy enough?
There is no reason to surround quoted excerpts with ellipses the way people keep doing. It’s not “. . . to give someone a . . .” but simply “to give someone a”.
Nummy sammy.
om nom nom
heh, my boss scheduled a 1-to-1 meeting for 12:00 today, then rescheduled it for 16:00, and surprise surprise he's not here
what a considerate fellow
@Jez Maybe he has a dial clock.
the best meetings are the ones that gets canceled
My sideways + 1 boss gave us the juicy political gossip at our meeting today.
The best meetings are those that get concealed.
not sure, in a way maybe
@KitFox Romney is going to stage a coup?
The new dean's wife is hired. A new faculty member's husband is being hired. And she is going to be merged in such a way that her husband will be her boss.
poor both
@KitFox to be honest i'm just getting a chance to listen to it now
so the dean will be incharge of his wife?
it's a little disturbing how much you sound like some of those ASMR artists
And yes.
that won't end well
i don't think i can handle this
@JohanLarsson All three.
@JSBձոգչ I kind of muffed it in a few places.
It's a crazy amount of nepotism and everyone pretends like it isn't a big deal.
@JSBձոգչ link?
In my center, there are three married couples who are employees.
@JohanLarsson It's JSB's script! I just read it.
i'm losing it
you even got some nice paper rustling sounds in there
@KitFox no, losing it in a good way
I figured out how to get my mouth sounds in later in the recording.
I think I could do better a second time.
yeah, you should rerecord and try to put this on the youtubes
I thought of a good one, but I haven't written it yet.
maybe talk a little more slowly?
Talking more slowly would be easier with video.
you actually do really good with that calm, breathy voice that the asmr folks tend to use
I plan to do an informed consent one. I think it would be a great and potentially really funny roleplay.
i'm cracking up already
@JSBձոգչ Thanks. I studied hard.
It's a bit higher-pitched than I usually speak, to make it sound more girly.
i can totally believe that you're outside my window watching me sleep at night
@KitFox @JSBձոգչ really nice both!
I think I might start that new script over lunch.
I just need to find some old consent forms...
I wish I were sophisticated enough to add sound effects.
what kind of effects are you looking for?
pulling off nitrile gloves, hand washing
making a website from scratch takes a lot of time
Yeah. Yeah, it does.
If you want to make a website from scratch, you must first invent the universe.
I've spent time on this one for 2 months now
pfft Like we haven't all invented the universe.
does anyone make websites from scratch any more?
I feel like i am a dumb
just slap something together in WP or django or....
I tend to make mine from HTML, CSS and javascript
Me too!
And asp.net.
I make mine out of cookies and eggnog.
sometimes I'll throw in a pinch of nutmeg
they're not html compliant though.
I mean, it's not extremely from scratch since I am using a framework
Mmm, eggnog. So yummy and revolting at the same time.
backend is easy
@KitFox I just drink the store-bought stuff. it's probably like "eggnog" the way processed cheese slices are like cheese.
@TemporaryNickName That's just not true.
but I've been spending too much time on changing little stuffs with CSS
wait, are we talking about websites or eggnog now?
@MattЭллен Using Notepad?
that's not surprising. tweaking CSS can go on for literally ever
CSS is so annoying.
@AndrewLeach not hard enough - I use emacs
I like it's principles but its implementation is lacking. It's just too hard to do certain basic things.
Why is my chat not scrolling properly?
@MattЭллен No wonder you need all that sleep then!
@KitFox that happens to me sometimes.
looks cross
looks askance
@KitFox The cross is on the altar. Next to the cross is a small black book. Behind it is a picture of a smiling cherub on a cloud.
@MattЭллен emacs is for noobs. i use vim.
wait, are we looking at things or typing commands into a text adventure?
Hahaha. Good one.
sorry @temp but we've derailed your complaining into nonsense.
Attack monster with sword.
@JSBձոգչ I know people who use vim. It's a bad scene
Turn left.
Hey whoa there's a piano!
The monster is impervious to all stabbing and slicing weapons. He laughs at you then swats you with an armored tentacle.
Play piano. Ignore game.
throws salt at monster
soft music fills the air
monster loves salt
the monster's tentacle shrivels and falls off. Now he is enraged and lashes out with his other 19 tentacles.
@reg did you see the new x-wing model? fbtb.net/2013/05/01/…
you probably have all the parts except the canopy
oh, and the trans-pink minifig heads.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 you mean the one they announced OVER 9000 years ago? Sure I did.
No idea about the parts.
@RegDwighт yes but now people have it in hand and are comparing it to the original model from before you were born
I don't care much for Star Wars, and even less so for X Wings in particular.
I have the new one. I like it.
@KitFox not THIS new one.
it's huge. a few years ago it'd've been called "Ultimate Collector Series" but they seem to have dropped that label.
Hm Rebrickable doesn't seem to have it.
Anyway, I read a lot of criticism on Brickset, what with the giant stickers and all.
At this price they could, and should, easily do better.
So this colleague of mine started smoking again as a lifestyle choice. Seriously. I said, "Dude, you know that shit is bad for you." He held up a pack of these special cigarettes and said, "These are organic." I said, "Yeah. So is cancer."
@RegDwighт Pounding salt again?
@Robusto Kilogramming.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 they have? Everyone still calles them that. My R2-D2 is a UCS I'd say, even though it's just one number away from the Town Hall.
@Robusto seriously? "These are organic"?
@RegDwighт The packages no longer say it.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 well can you name cigarettes that are not?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 the packages I see here never did, for all I know. They also don't mention the number of parts or anything. They do have the name of the model in Hungarian, though.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I kid you not.
@RegDwighт actually most cigarettes are probably not, by the definition of "grown without certain kinds of pesticides, sold without certain kinds of additives, etc" definition.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 by that definition nothing is organic, including you, my dearest friend.
Arsenic is organic.
I don't give a rat's arsenic about that.
@Robusto arsenic is "natural".
@KitFox Backend is not easy, of course soz
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 It's 100% natural!
Note how the older box says "Ultimate Collector Series" on the top
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 never saw the first one. Ever.
@Robusto as opposed to "organic".
@RegDwighт yeah because you were in your dark ages until at least 2004, right? you said yourself you don't have any old grey in your collection.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Wevs.
I think I have been so serious about this project
I have completely shifted my layout design for more than 2 times now
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Stuff and nonsense. A friend of mine has the UCS Millennium Falcon. The package looks exactly like your average City set.
because i thought previous ones had problems
@Robusto No, I mean, there is an actual label called "organic" that is regulated to some degree and refers to certain methods of farming and food production. It's a terrible choice of label on account of how misleading it is. But it is what it is.
I'm just going to continue build it just for fun, who cares =D
I'm almost finished with the Sopwith Camel, BTW.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 It is for all practical purposes a meaningless distinction.
The strings were a major letdown, I must say.
Looked way cooler in the video.
@RegDwighт It's called "Ultimate Collector's Millennium Falcon" on the box
For me, everything moves like one millimeter in either direction. Actually on the tail it only moves one millimeter in one direction.
@Robusto Is "Organic food" not a thing where you live?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 probably. But still, the package design is different. Nowhere near what you've shown there.
@RegDwighт I get a few mm on the wings and tail, but the tail moves only down.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 haha WTF, for me it's only up.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 It is a thing. It's just not a scientifically meaningful thing.
@RegDwighт my bad, it's up for me too
Also, the two useless strings, the one running between the wings, were totally loose. I had to reattach them one stud further away from the position in the manual.
@Robusto well, it can be meaningful, in theory. In practice, probably not. Actually for cigarettes I wouldn't be surprised if organic cigs were less harmful. In the way that certain bullets are less harmful, but still.
@RegDwighт mine are not loose.
do you know what the purpose of the shock in the landing gear is?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 the worst part was how you only put the rubber bands in the very last moment, so up until then I was all WTF this is not working at all. In fact the tail was so not working, staying firmly in upright position, that I thought the string was too short, checked out the strings on the front, and one of them was like half an inch longer than the other, so I disassembled the whole front part to put it on the tail instead, only to find out that all three are of the exact same length.
also those technic pins that are full-length on one side and half-length on the other side confused me. I had never seen them before and didn't notice that they weren't half-pin-with-stud.
And boy was it a nightmare to take the front part apart again. And then to reassemble it.
@RegDwighт ah, yeah. I didn't worry about it until the end.

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